C6e Hiftrarp
of tlje
([Injt3£t0itp of Jl3ortJ) Carolina
Collection of iRort^ Caroliniana
oim No. A -368
Smithsonian Institution,
Bureau of American Ethnology,
Washington, D. C, May 29, 1929.
Sir: I have the honor to submit the accompanying manuscript,
entitled "The Swimmer Manuscript: Cherokee Sacred Formulas and
Medicinal Prescriptions," by James Mooney, revised, completed,
and edited by Frans M. Olbrechts, and to recommend its pub-
Hcation, subject to your approval, as a bulletin of this bureau.
M. W. Stirling, Chief.
Dr. C. G. Abbot,
Secretary oj the Smithsonian Institution.
Bibliography xiii
Acknowledgments xv
In memoriam — James Mooney xvii
Introduction 1
Material and method 1
The writer of the manuscript 7
General background — Informants used 7
Linguistic notes 10
Phonetic symbols and abbreviations 11
Disease, its nature and its causes : 14
Nature of disease 14
General semeiology IG
Disease causes 17
Natural causes 17
Supernaturajl causes 18
Spirits 19
The Sun 19
The Fire 21
The Moon 22
The River 22
Thunder— Red Man— Two Little Red Men 23
Purple Man, Blue Man, Black Man, etc 24
Various Little People 25
Animal Spirits 25
Ghosts 26
Human ghosts 26
Animal ghosts 26
Preternatural causes 29
Witches 29
"Man-killers" •_':':_'l'j_-Lr'_ 33
aye^*liGo"Gi diseases 33
"Mulier menstruans" 34
Dreams 35
Omens 37
Neglected taboos; disregarded injunctions 38
Causes of contagious disease 39
Disease and its treatment 39
Diagnosis and prognosis 39
List of spirits 42
Color symbolism — Sacred numbers 51
Materia medica 52
Paraphernalia used in the treatment 58
Curing methods 60
Prescriptions as to diet, taboos, etc 64
A typical curing procedure 67
Surgery --- 68
Disease and its treatments-Continued. ^ae«
Change from within— Influence from without 77
Attitude of the community toward the sick 80
Efficacy of treatment ^J
The medicine man
Different classes
Scope of knowledge
Social status
Professional ethics ^^
The medicine man's fee ^^
Mutual relations
I nitiation
Diffusion of knowledge |"^
Succession and inheritance 1^*^
Attitude toward white culture '■^'
Personalities — Individual differences 109
Birth \\l
Sexual life
Abortus — Contraceptives ^^
During pregnancy
Pregnant woman's taboos l-^"
Husband's taboos ]^}-
„ , . 122
Partus - J26
Care for child— Child life 1^°
Raising the child to become a witch— Twins 129
Death and afterlife J^J
Between death and burial |^^
After burial
The soul III
Survival of the soul ^^*
Tragical deaths J;*
The formulas
XT . _ 144
Name ^^^
Origin ^^g
Prayers . J49
For protection
For long life ^^^
For gathering medicine ^^"
Conj urations
For curing
For using tobacco
For examining with the beads
Against witches
Agricultural ^^^
For hunting and fishing 1^^
The formulas — Continued.
Kinds — Continued. Page
Incantations 153
"To change" _. 153
To kill 154
For love attraction 154
For making unattractive 155
For separating 155
How the formulas are recited or sung 155
How the formulas are considered by the laity and by the medicine
men 156
Technique of writing the formulas 157
Structure of the formulas 159
The ritual language 160
Cherokee Texts
1. (For) the big chill this is the medicine 167
2. And this is (for) when their heads are ill 170
3. This is the medicine when they are sick with sharp pains 171
4. This is to cure with, when they have them itching 173
5. If snakes have bitten them, this is the medicine 175
6. This is to cure with, to give it to them to drink when they are sick
with "eaters" 178
7. This is when they are sick with the "yellow" 180
8. This is the medicine for their navel 182
9. This (is for) when they have them drooping 184
10. When they have them drooping, this is the medicine 185
11. (For) their navel, this is the medicine 186
12. This is the medicine (if) simulators have made it resemble it (i. e., a
real sickness) 187
13. This (is for) when they have their heads aching 188
14. Their navel, this is the medicine (for) 189
15. This is the medicine for their navel 190
16. This is to treat (them) with if the raccoon causes them to be ill 192
17. And another one if the little ones have diarrhea 193
18. This is to take people to the water with 193
19. This is to treat (them) with (when) he habitually breaks them (i. e.,
rheumatism) 196
20. This (is) to treat (them) with when they have dreamed of snakes;
(what) to give them to drink, and (how) it is to be said 196
21. This (is) to cure (them) with whenever they have lost their voice 198
22. And this (is) for the purpose (of treating them) when they urinate
(like) milk 199
23. This (is) to blow their heads with; the medicinq (which is) to be used
with it is told below 200
This (is) the treatment for their breast 201
This (is) for using the snake tooth at the scratching of them 202
This is the treatment whenever they are ill with the "yellow" 204
This (is) for when they become ill suddenly 205
This is to scratch them; a brier should be used with it 205
This is the medicine (for) when their breast swells 208
This is to treat them with when they have blisters 210
(This is) for the purpose of scratching people, using the snake tooth
with it _ 212
32. This (is) to treat them with (for) worms.. 213
33. This (is) the medicine, if they have (pains) appearing about in dif-
ferent places 215
34. This (is) to make them vomit bile 217
35. (This is) the treatment when they have them drooping 219
36. This (is) for the purpose of it, whenever they have pain in different
places 219
37. This tells (about) what to treat (them) with if they urinate yellow.. 221
38. (This is) to treat (them) with, if they have their urinary passages
stopped up 222
39. This (is) the medicine (for) the black "yellow" 222
40. This (is) the medicine whenever they have them shaking 225
41. This is the medicine for the chill 226
42. This is the medicine when they attack him suddenly 229
43. This is to take those that have been left (alive) to the water with 232
44. When they have pains appearing about in different places 235
45. This is the medicine for their sides 236
46. This (is) to treat (them) with when "it affects them in such a way," as
they usually call it 239
47. This is the medicine if snakes have bitten them 240
48. This is the medicine when they have it hot 241
49. This (is) when they are ill (by) those living in the forest 243
50. This (is) to treat (them) with (when) they have inhaled bad (odors) _ . 245
51. And (this is for) when they are under restrictions (and) they dream
of all sorts (of things) 246
52. This is the medicine for worms 247
53. This is the medicine when they have blisters 250
54. This is the medicine for their breast, when the terrapin affects them
as they go about 251
55. This is to cure (them) with, if what they urinate is yellowish 253
56. This is the medicine for their throat 254
57. This (for) their head (is) the medicine 255
58. This is the medicine when they have become as though (they were
really ill) 256
59. This, whenever their feet are frost bitten, (is) the treatment 257
60. This is the medicine when their feet are frost bitten 258
61. This is the medicine when their mouths are sore 259
62. This is the medicine for the insects living in the water 260
63. This is the medicine when their teeth ache 262
64. This is «the medicine when their breast aches 263
65. This is the medicine for their navel 264
66. This is the medicine when they have pains (shifting) about 265
67. This is the medicine whey they have it along both sides 267
68. This is the medicine whenever their breast aches 269
69. To cure them with, when they have been shot 271
70. This is to make (the) little ones jump down from them, for their
(mothers) 273
71. And this (is for) when they discharge slimy (matter) from their
bowels 274
72. (This is) the medicine when they discharge blood from their bowels-. 275
73. Also a medicine when they discharge blood from their bowels 275
74. Also a medicine when they discharge pale blood (and) slimy matter
from their bowels 276
75. To cure the chill with 276
76. This is to make the small ones jump down from them for their
(mothers) 277
77. This is the medicine when their food is changed 279
78. This is to cure (them) with, when they let tliem down from their
stomach, (and) they do not recover 28 1
79. This is for the purpose of (curing) children when they constantly cry__ 283
80. This is the medicine when they have the itching 285
81. This is the medicine to give them to drink when they urinate yellowish
(urine) 287
82. This is the medicine (for) their head 288
83. This is to examine with the beads 289
84. This is the medicine (when) it breaks them 291
85. This is for the purpose of (curing) the "yellow" of their navel 294
86. This is (for) when they are sick with a swelling 297
87. To cure them when they have their feet frost bitten 298
88. This is the medicine (for) what they call "cocoons" 299
89. This is the medicine for their head 300
90. This is the medicine for a beanlike (boil) 300
91. This is (for) what they call "it causes them to be broken" 301
92. This is (for) when they have bad dreams 302
93. This is to take oneself to the water with, to help oneself 305
94. This is the medicine when they urinate white (matter) 307
95. This is the medicine when they urinate milky (substance) 307
96. This is, when a tooth comes out, to throw it away with 308
Index 311
1. James Mooney xvii
2. Facsimile page of the reconstituted text 2
3. Facsimile page of the Q;''yo°'i-'ni manuscript 2
4. a"yo°'t"'ni ("Swimmer"), the writer of the manuscript 8
5. W., main informant and interpreter 8
6. a, The root of an inverted raspberry branch, b, Bark from the
sunny side of a tree, c, He then wraps the simples in his white
cloth 54
7. a-h, Surgical instruments, i, The "lj:'ani;'Ga" scarification instru-
ment 54
8. a, Ts., the oldest of the medicine men. 6, se"'Uye''ni a medicine
woman 84
9. a, Og., two days before he died. 6, The corpse is put down on
wooden boards 84
10. a, Jud., the Cherokee Rabelais, b, The chief of the coflBn makers.
c, T., the unofficial chief medicine man 114
11. o, J., One of the lesser stars, b, Del., descendant of an old lineage
of medicine men 114
12. a, Je., a prominent midwife. 6, O., Del. 's mother; midwife 116
13. Cherokee dance mask 116
1 Plate 4 is from a photograph taken by James Mooney in 1888. Plates 1, 2, 3, and 7, i, are from the
collections of the Bureau of American Ethnology. The other illustrations are from photographs taken in
the field by the editor (1926-27).
Adair, James. The history of the American Indians. London, 1775.
Administrative Report. Thirty-seventh Ann. Rept. Bur. Amer. Ethn., pp.
1-31. Washington, 1923.
Bergen. Fanny D. Current superstititions. Mem. Amer. Folk-Lore Soc,
vol. IV. Boston and New York, 1896.
Animal and plant lore. Ibid., vol. vii, 1899.
Chamberlain, A. F. Disease and medicine (American). Hastings' Encyclo-
psedia of Religion and Ethics, vol. iv, pp. 731-741. New York and Edin-
burgh, 1914.
CuLiN, Stewart. Games of the North American Indians. Twenty-foui'th
Ann. Rept. Bur. Amer. Ethn. Washington, 1907.
DoDONAEUS, Rembertus. Cruydt-Boeck. Leyden, 1608.
Haywood, John. The natural and aboriginal history of Tennessee. Nashville,
Kleiweg de Zwaan, J. P. Die Heilkunde der Niasser. Haag, 1913.
Lemery, Nicolas. Dictionnaire ou Traits Universel des Drogues simples.
Amsterdam, 1716.
LuDEWiG, Hermann E. The literature of American aboriginal languages.
London, 1858. (Triibner's Bibliotheca Glottica. I.)
MacCauley', Clay. The Seminole Indians of Florida. Fifth Ann. Rept. Bur.
Ethn., pp. 469-531. Washington, 1887.
MacGowan, D. J. Indian secret societies. A paper read before the American
Ethnological Society, March, 1866. Historical Magazine and Notes and
Queries, vol. x, pp. 139-141. Morrisania, N. Y., 1866.
MooNEY, James. The sacred formulas of the Cherokee. * Seventh Ann. Rept.
Bur. Ethn., pp. 301-397. Washington, 1891.
Myths of the Cherokee. Nineteenth Ann. Rept. Bur. Amer. Ethn.,
pt. 1. Washington, 1900.
The Cherokee River cult. Journ. Amer. Folk-Lore, vol. xiii, pp. 1-10.
Boston and New York, 1900.
The Cherokee ball play. Amer. Anthrop., vol. iii, pp. 105-132.
Washington, 1890.
Pickering, John. A grammar of the Cherokee language. [Boston, 1830.]
(Four printed sheets only; n. p., n. d.)
Pilling, James C. Bibliography of the Iroquoian languages. Bull. 6, Bur.
Ethn. Washington, 1888.
PucKETT, Newbell Niles. Folk beliefs of the southern Negro. Chapel
Hill, N. C. 1926.
Roth, Walter E. An inquiry into the animism and folk-lore of the Guiana
Indians. Thirtieth Ann. Rept. Bur. Amer. Ethn.. pp. 103-386. Wash-
ington, 1915.
Stevens, W. B. A history of Georgia. Vol. i. New York, 1857.
Timberlake, Henry. Memoirs of Lieut. Henry Timberlake. London, 1765.
Von der Gabelentz, Hans Georg Connor. Kurze Grammatik der Tschero-
kesischen Sprache. In Zeitschrift fur die Wissenschaft der Sprache, III
(1852), 257-300.
VoN HovoRKA and Kronfeld. Verglcichende Volksmedizin, ii vol, Stuttgart,
Wood, George B., and Bache, Franklin. The Dispensatory of the United
States. Nineteenth Edition. Philadelphia, 1907.
« Usually cited as SFC.
I take this opportunity to extend my sincere thanks to those who
have in many ways assisted me in completing this task.
To Dr. Franz Boas, of Columbia University, to whom I am not
only indebted for my ethnological training and for many personal
favors, but who has been directly responsible for my being intrusted
with the editing of the present manuscript.
To the late and the present chiefs of the Bureau of American
Ethnology, Dr. J. Walter Fewkes and Mr. M. W. Stirling; to the
ethnologists of the bureau, especially to Dr. John R. Swanton; and
to the officers of the Smithsonian Institution.
To the C. R. B. Educational Foundation (Inc.), New York, to whom
I owe the great benefit of two years' study and research in the United
States. I want to thank especially Dr. P. C. Galpin, secretary, and
Mr. Millard K. Shaler, the foundation's representative in Brussels.
To Mrs. Allan Watson, of the Office of Indian Affairs, Washington,
D. C, and to Mr. J. Henderson, superintendent of the Yellowhill
Government Boarding School, as well as to the members of his staff,
especially to Mr. tlessie Lambert.
More than to any other of the white residents in the Cherokee
country I feel indebted to Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Edmunds, jr., teachers
of Big Cove Day School, Ravensford, N. C, who by their cordial
hospitality of the first two weeks and by their repeated proofs of
sympathy during the rest of our stay have greatly facilitated the
field work.
To Mr. Paul C. Standley, of the United States National Museum,
Washington, D. C, I am greatly obUged for the identification of the
botanical specimens, as well as for valuable hints and instructions.
Thanks are due also to Mr. F. W. Hodge, of the Museum of the
American Indian, Heye Foundation, and to Dr. Frank G. Speck, of
the University of Pennsylvania, who both gave me valuable informa-
tion and advice before I started on the trip.
To all of the Cherokee informants with whom I worked I feel a
great debt of gratitude. I especially want to remember W., Del., and
Og., since deceased.
To Margriet Olbrechts, my wife, who cheerfully shared all the joys
and troubles of the trip with me, much credit is due for invaluable
assistance in practical as well as in ethnological matters.
F. M. O.
James Mooney
(PL 1)
I consider it an obvious act of piety to dedicate this paper to the
memory of the scientist who devoted so much of his erudition and
enthusiasm to the ethnological study of the North American Indians,
and particularly of the Cherokee; to a man wdthout whose previous
intelUgent research and pubHcations the following pages could not
now be offered to the pubHc.
The glowing tribute paid to him in the name of his colleagues and
friends by Dr. Jolm R. Swanton in the American Anthropologist,
volume 24, No. 2, April- June, 1922, pages 209-214, has done him justice
from one quarter only. Doctor Swanton was the eloquent spokesman
of James Mooney's white friends. When I went to live with the
Cherokee of the Great Smoky Mountains to continue the work of
Mooney I found that his departure had been felt as cruelly by his
Indian friends as by his white colleagues. The mere statement that
I came to stay with them with the same purpose in view as had n9*°Do'
(Mooney's Cherokee name, meaning "moon") served as the best
introduction I could have desired. People who looked askance, and
medicine men who looked sullen when first approached, changed as if
touched by a magic wand as they heard his name and as I explained
my connection with his work.
From all that I heard I concluded that his life and his dealings with
our mutual friends, the Cherokee, were a stimulating example for
me, and I was well satisfied whenever I heard my conduct and my
person not too unfavorably compared with that of my sympathetic
The line of research which Mooney had started in the Cherokee field
was too interesting not to be followed up ; the results he had obtained
demanded still a considerable amount of further study, both in the
field and at the desk. It is sad indeed that he did not have the satis-
faction of seeing this manuscript pubhshed before he passed away
from his beloved Cherokee studies. But the fife of a scientist and a
pioneer like Mooney is not of threescore and ten only. He continues
to live for generations in his splendid and altruistic work, in monu-
ments more durable than stone.
I consider it a great honor and an enviable privilege to link my name
with his, and at the same time to be able to contribute something
more to the memory of James Alooney, by offering to the public the
results of our joint work contained in the following pages.
Frans M. Olbrechts.
Kessel-Loo, Belgium,
Christmas, 1928.
7548°— 32 2 xvii
By James Mooney
revised, completed, and edited by
Frans M. Olbrechts
Material and Method
Cherokee manuscripts and material on the Cherokee language have
a most uncanny propensity to get lost.
The "dictionary" of Christian Priber has never been heard of since
it reached Fred erica, Ga., probably in 1741.^
The bulky material of the Rev. S. A. Worcester, including a gram-
mar and a dictionary, went down on the Arkansas about 1830.^
The manuscript contributions to Cherokee linguistics by Col. W. H.
Thomas have ''unfortunately (been) mislaid."^
The manuscript of John Pickering's grammar of the Cherokee lan-
guage, the printing of which was interfered with, or was thought to
have been interfered vrith, by the invention of the Sequoya syllabary.^
has never been found.
To reach a climax: The manuscript which is edited in the following
paper has been true to the tradition, and has disappeared without
leaving a clue. The manuscript is described by Mooney, who dis-
covered it and brought it to Washington, as "a small daybook of about
240 pages, . . . about half filled with writing in the Cherokee char-
acters,"^ and elsewhere as "an unpaged blank book of 242 pages, SJj
by 12 inches, only partially filled; 137 (formulas) in all."^
Mooney started work on it in 1888; he transliterated and translated
the formulas with the assistance of native informants, a*yo"t'ni',
the writer, himself taldng a conspicuous part in the work.
' Stevens, Hist, of Georgia, vol. i, p. 165; Adair, Hist. Amer. Inds., p. 243.
2 Pilling, Bibliography of the Iroquoian Languages, p. 174.
3 Mooney, Myths of the Cherokee, p. 162, note.
* Ludewig, Literature of Amer. Aboriginal Languages, p. 38.
5 Seventh Ann. Rept. Bur. Ethn., p. 312.
^ Thirty-seventh Ann. Rept. Bur. Amer. Ethn., p. 8.
Of the 137 formulas, Moonej' edited 14 in vSFC/ Four only of
these 14 fonnulas he intended to incorporate in the final edition of the
Ay. book,* viz, Nos. 1, 3, 29, and 70 of the present collection, which
were tentatively edited in SFC, pages 359, 366, 365, and 363, respec-
tively. I have respected Mr. Mooney's intention and conserved
these four formulas in the present paper.
Of three more formulas, Nos. 43, 83, and 93 of the present paper,
a translation without the Cherokee text was published by Mooney in
The Cherokee River Cult; the phonetic texts have now been incor-
porated in this paper, as Mooney intended. The manuscript as
Mooney planned to hand it to the printer consisted of the texts and
translations, together with explanatory notes, of 96 formulas, includ-
ing, as just stated, the 4 formulas published with texts, translations,
and notes in the SFC, and the 3 formulas of wiiich a translation and
the accompanying notes w^ere published in The Cherokee River Cult.
The remaining formulas that are left unaccounted for were not included
by Jklooney in those intended for publication, possibly on aqcount of
their being incomplete, or because they were for some reason deemed
unfit for publication.' The explanation which seems most probable
is that Mooney intended to edit in this paper only the formulas that
were of a strictly medicinal character, and that he withheld all other
formulas, such as love-attraction formulas, incantations, hunting
songs, etc., for pubUcation at some future time.
Indeed, not one of the many Cherokee manuscripts that I have seen
contained such a homogeneous collection as is here presented, so much
so that this homogeneity can only be explained by its being artificial.
The true character of a Cherokee book of formulas and prescriptions
does not therefore appear from the manuscript now published to the
same extent as it will from the other manuscripts, the publication of
which is under consideration.
The 96 formulas here published had furthermore been arranged by
Mooney in a S3^stematic sequence, in a logical order, ''logical" from the
white man's point of view, classifying the various formulas as those
"against genito-urinary disorders," "against indigestion," "against
bow^el troubles," etc. This classification is qidte foreign to Cherokee
knowledge and use, and I have considered that it diminished the value
of the manuscript as an aboriginal document.
The original of the manuscript not being available for comparison,
I went through a tedious process of comparing various notes and cross
references found in Mooney's manuscript notes. By so doing I have
been able to reconstitute the original sequence of the manuscript as
faithfully as this could be done by the means available ®; it is, of
' Sacred Formulas of the Cherokees, Seventh Ann. Rept. Bur. Ethn.
* For the abbreviations of the names of medicine men as Ay., W., etc., see p. 9.
« The sequence as given by Mooney is shown in the Appendix, p. 167.
^ ■ )
tC ck^/^-'o'::^. o-^fi^n zr^rs^s ofn^z.
9- oz^cr '"}
Facsimile page of the Reconstituted Text
27 c:^^^.^ ^^^'^^^^ -^-^^^^^^^ '^Ix^^^^S' '^^^.'^^■^^ '
j i
^^ *
Ill iiianii^cript
Olbrechts] the swimmer MANUSCRIPT 3
course, not possible to say which place was taken in this sequence by
the formulas which had been discarded by Mooney.
Another fact to which attention should be called is that this manu-
script contains 13 fonnulas wldch were obtained by Ay. from another
medicine man, i;'tlanQ-'"Do, who had died when Mooney started
worldng on tlie manuscript. Ay. himself was unable to give Mr.
Mooney much information on these formulas and the data we have
on them have mainly to be gathered by analogy with what we loiow
of the other formulas. Tliis u'tlang-'^oa must have been rather
generous mth liis loiowledge, as tlds collection of formulas is also
found in the compilation of wJno'ti' (Ms. II) /° another of the reputed
medicine men of Ay.'s time.
So as to be able to complete the w^ork on the manuscript with the
best results possible the following method was adopted:
The original manuscript having been lost, Mooney's transliteration
was taken along when I went on the Cherokee field trip. After con-
tacts were made with the people, and especially with some of the
more prominent medicine men, efforts w^ere made to acquire a sound
knowledge of Cherokee phonetics, as well as pronunciative facilities.
The transliteration of Mooney was then read aloud to a medicine
man, who wrote the text in the Sequoya syllabary. This text was
then read aloud bj^ the medicine man and was taken down phoneti-
cally by me. On this latter text the work was done.
This may seem to be a very artificial way of reconstituting the
text but I can vouch for its accuracy. Until the original manuscript
comes to Ught again — which I sincerely hope it wiU— there is only
one proof to test the acciu'acy of the texts acquired in this way:
Mooney, in his SFC, gives an illustration (PL xxvi) of a page of the
Ay. manuscript (Formula 29) ; with this illustration the text obtained
by me was compared after I came back to Washington and it was
found that there were no real discrepancies. The two texts are given
on opposite pages. (Pis. 2 and 3.)
From a careful investigation of them, and after due allowance is
made for the variants residting from the difference between the
magistral, calligraphic wiiting of Ay. in the one, and the current,
ahnost stenographic scribble of my informant (W.) in the other, it
appears that there is really no discrepancy that coidd in any way
interfere with the meaning. Such differences as there seemingly
are, are merely matters of orthography, or show that one indi^ddual
is more slave to "sandhi" laws than the other. The words that
'" In the course of this paper the manuscript here edited will usually be referred
to by an abbreviation: the Ay. Ms. By Ms. II, I refer to WJno'ti's manuscript,
which will soon be ready for publication; and by Ms. Ill to a manuscript by the
latter's father, Ga'DtGwana*'sti.
differ in the two versions are listed below, followed by an explanation
of each fact:^'
Ay. W.
Line 1. vu'a-.a'i (written twice) Line 1. vu'a-.a'i (wTitten three times)
Line 2, 8. 9'-"Dalt-Gwy'Ji. Line 3, 9. y-'°Dali e-Gwo'!i (2)
Line 4. dunu''3''tam'le".i' Line 5. dynu'-j-'tantU'' (3)
Line 12. nQ-"dadu'-gta'9-''sti' Line 12. nQ-^tadu'-kta'Q-nsti' (4)
Line 14. de'-du-do-neli'se'sti' Line 14. de^'du'dg-ne-lidrse-sti' (5)
Line 14. g9-'>tsaM(o)tagfya' Line 14. gg-^tsa'tagfya' (6)
Line 16. widisti)tl(i)tadinQtaniga Line 16. widistotl(a)tadi ... (7)
Line 20. atsflo"' Line 21. atsila' (8)
(1) Whereas Ay. has written the song-word twice, W. writes it
three times; neither of them is right, since, strictly speaking, it should
be written seven times; but it is very rare that tliis is done; often we
even find these song-words written only once, since every medicine
man knows that they are to be repeated four or seven times anyhow.
(2) It is customary for the Cherokee who ^vrite a great deal in
the Sequoya syllabary to adhere to a "sandhi"-law of the spoken
language, and to drop a final vowel before a word beginning with a
vowel, linking the consonant of the first word with the vowel of the
second as in this case: (Q'na) li + e'(gwo)^-le"-
It will be noticed that Ay. conforms to this use in every one of the
three cases where the word occurs (Ay. lines 2, 8, 16), whereas W.
does it only in the last case (W. line 16). This discrepancy is to be
explained by the fact that I read out the text in slow tempo, and by
so doing no *'sandhi" phenomenon was heard by my informant.
(3) In the written as well as in the spoken language the -i, at the
end of the -\ei, -ne'i, -se'i and similar tense-suffixes is written and
pronounced when the sentence is considered as finished ; if more
words follow in the sentence, however, it is generally dropped. It
is a mere matter of euphony, to which W. has in this case not con-
formed, probably because I may have led him to believe by the
intonation of my voice that the sentence was not finished.
(4) In the Cherokee syUabaiy the system of the surd and sonant
velars and dentals is very imperfectly worked out. As a result, the
Cherokee themselves are quite inconsistent in using the symbols for
g, k and d, t. The matter is made more complicated by the actual
existence of the so-called "intermediates" in their phonetics. This
discrepancy is an illustration of this state of affairs.
(5) Ay. omitted the symbol for the -di- syllable here, mthout
which the word has no meaning. W. consequently interpolated it.
(6) Although such phonetic phenomena as breath, stops, etc., are
quite frequent in Cherokee linguistics, the syllabary very imper-
" The figures in parentheses following the words as written by W. refer to the
explanations in the following paragraphs.
oIbrechts] the swimmer MANUSCRIPT 5
fectly pro\'ides for the representation of the former; the latter are
disregarded completely. In the written docmnents they are there-
fore left to the reader to discover, as in W.'s text here; or else they
are represented by various very clever but inadequate, and especially
quite uncoordinated, de\aces, as in Ay.'s text, where the stop follow-
ing tiie t is indicated by \viiting the -d(o)- syllable for it.
(7) The -tl- phonem, which is so common in Cherokee, has no
specific symbol. It is usually represented by the complex: -(d)a-l(i)-,
as by Ay,; more rarely by: -(d)a-l(a)-, the symbols used in this in-
stance by W. (W. line 16). In lines 17 and 19, however, W. conforms
to the general usage.
(8) The word as written by Ay. is the nearest approach to the
spoken language; it is, however, commonly written as in W.'s version.
It appears from the foregoing notes that, as I said, the few and
slight differences that can be found are mainly phonetic. These are
not of a nature to invite skepticism as to the accuracy of the texts.
Moreover, since writing them, it has been possible, by further re-
search, to discover additional texts and to obtain from other medicine
men copies of separate formulas. Some of these are identical with
those in the Ay. manuscript. They must be either later copies or
earher predecessors, if not the actual originals, from which some of
the Ay. formulas were copied.
Comparing two versions wherever this was possible has again proved
that the method used in reconstituting the texts is flawless.
In order not to commit Mr. Mooney's name, and to take my own
responsibility, I have thought it advisable to make a definite state-
ment as to what part of this paper is Mooney's and how much of it
is my work.
As has already been clearly stated, the credit for the discovery of
the manuscript and for the first work on it is Mooney's. I am also
very much indebted to his former pubHcations on the Cherokee tribe
and to many items of interest found in his manuscript notes. \^Tier-
ever I have made use of this material this has been exphcitly stated.
Mooney transUterated and translated the formulas (free transla-
tions) and wrote explanatory comments, some of them quite lengthy,
to accompany them. It should be borne in mind that this work was
done by Mooney about 40 years ago, at a time when methods for
studying the native languages and the phonetic notations to record
them had not attained the same degree of perfection they now boast
of. That is the reason why it has been deemed expedient to take
down the texts anew, as has already been explained in detail.
I have, moreover, considered that the value of the texts would be
considerably enhanced by an interlinear translation, which I have con-
sequently added. The accurate analysis and the grammatical work
necessary to obtain the data for these iaterhnear translations have in
some cases considerably influenced the free translations, so that, in
the second part of this paper, viz, the texts, all responsibility for the
phonetic texts, and tlie interUnear and free translations rests with the
As for the explanatory notes and comments wliich Mooney had
written for eveiy formula, these could not possibly be improved upon.
In some cases, however, I was able to collect items of information
that cast an additional Ught on the subject; sometimes I was able to
actually catch a belief or a practice in the process of change and evolu-
tion ; or again, I got the individual point of view of different medicine
men. All tliis was carefully noted and is added to Mr. Mooney's
explanations, inclosed in brackets.
I have furthermore collected all the botanical specimens of which
mention is made in the manuscript. For the identification of these I
am obhged to Air. Paul C. Standley of the United States National
Finally I wrote an introduction which gives as extensive a survey
of Cherokee beliefs and practices with regard to disease and medicine
as is necessary to fully imderstand the formulas and prescriptions of
the Ay. manuscript. Although every formula contains a few ele-
ments that inlierently belong to it, and may not be met with in any
of the others, yet there is in all of the formulas an underljdng complex
of ideas that is basically the same. Whereas those elements that
specifically belong to a given formida are better explained in a short
note commenting on them, and affixed to that particular formula, it
has been thought advisable, in order to avoid constant repetitions,
and also in order to present a more synthetic picture of the whole, to
give a broadly sketched and general outHne of the subjects treated:
Disease, its nature and its causes; the means by which disease is
diagnosed and cured; the materia medica and the curing methods; of
the person who is constantly associated with all of this, the medicine
man. Short chapters on birth and death have been added, as well
as a general introduction to the formulas.
Lengthy as these introductory notes may seem, yet they have been
strictly limited to the subject matter contained m the Ay. manuscript.
I have modified my first intention, which was to append in copious
notes any parallels with which I am acquainted. However, the time
for a comparative work of wdde scope on primitive medicine has not
yet come, our special loiowledge being far too inadequate to justify
generalizations. I have therefore considered that it would be better
to give as exhaustive a survey as possible of Cherokee medical lore
and custom; a collection of monographs of this kind will be the mate-
rial from which once a comparative study of the medicine and of the
science of " primitive " peoples, will be compiled. The only parallels I
have drawn attention to are such as may shed light on questions of
origin and diffusion, influence from missionary activities, from the
white mountaineers, or even from the negro slaves of the region.
The Writer of the Manuscript
a'^yo^'^rni', i. e., "he is swimming (l^abitually) ", "he is a swimmer,"
(pi. 4), is the writer, or as might be more fit to state it, the compilator
of the present manuscript. (On the Cherokee method of compilating
manuscripts of this description, see pp. 157-159.)
He died m 1899, at 65 years of age. He was Mooney's main in-
formant on the history, mythology, and later especially on the medi-
cine and botany of the Cherokee. On his personality, see what
Mooney says about him in his Myths, pp. 236-237. The lucky chance
by which Mooney got scent of the existence of the manuscript, and
how he ultimately obtained it, are related by him in his SFC, pages
The son, t'a'mi (i. e., Tom), and a grandson, ocltascfski (Dancer),
of Ay. are still living on the reservation, but neither of them has
succeeded him in his medical practice.
The memory of Ay. is still treasured by the Cherokee of the pres-
ent generation. He is looked upon as one of the last old, wise men,
such as there are now none left.
General Background — Informants Used
The territory of the Cherokee that once covered the better part of
three States (see map in Mooney Myths, pp. 22-23) has been reduced
to a small reserve that can be crossed from end to end in a day's
For ample details regarding the historic past of the Cherokee, and
especially of the present reservation of the Eastern Band, the reader
is referred to the excellent liistorical sketch by James Mooney in his
Myths, pages 14-228.
Of the seven villages of the reserve, k^o'^lang^yi' (i. e. "the Raven's
place," generally called Big Cove or Swayney by the whites) was
selected for our stay. There were many reasons that all but enforced
this choice: Lying in a secluded cove, of difficult and at some times
of the year of impossible access, with a population of far more con-
servative people than that of the villages lying nearer the boarding
school and the Government offices, tribal life has conserved much of
its aboriginal flavor in Big Cove. Especially the beliefs and prac-
tices relating to medicine are still rampant in this community to such
an extent that of the 15 families that constituted the population of
the cove 10 people were avowed medical practitioners, whereas three
or four more occasionally took up the practice of medicine as a side
The people are mostly agriculturists, and very primitive tillers of
the soil, and turn to fisliing and to what Uttle hunting there is still
to be done as the seasons and the white man's law allows! They live
as a rule in 1-room log cabins, covered with hewn boards, although
five or SLX famihes hve in frame houses built by natives or half
bloods that have learned the art in the Government schools. The
cabins are scattered about the two slopes of the cove, at least 500 to
600 yards, often a mile and more, from each other. This does not
prevent the inmates from loiowing all that happens in the valley.
Even if Cherokee eyes are no longer trained on the warpath, they are
still annojdngly keen!
There is quite a remarkable spirit of tribal and social solidarity
reigning among the people (cf. pp. 80-81); against a white intruder,
whether he be a Government official or not, a glacial reserve is ob-
served, and it takes weeks and months in some cases to break down
this inhibition against the whites. These people have known abom-
inable treatment and tyrannic oppression at our hands, and they
know how to remember. Their only word by which they can refer
to a white man is identical with their expression for " (he is) a mean
It was quite difficult to coax the only man who had a spare room —
a dilapidated attic, used as a storeroom for all nondescript scraps
and heaps of filth and rubbish — into allowing us to live in it. Finally,
the almightj^ dollar scored a victory over his patriotic tribal feelings,
and we were indifferently, if not reluctantly, admitted to share his
leaky roof. This attic was the best post of observation one could
have wished for: not only did it from three sides command a view" of
the most important section of the valley, but also the "baU ground"
near the river, and the five main trails of the cove could be leisurely
observed without any one suspecting it. But the facilities these
quarters afforded us for studying the home fife of the family we fived
with w^ere an even greater advantage; the floor of rough-hewn rafters
had cracks in different places; this exposed our landlord underneath
us to a shower of boiling coffee whenever our primitive stove toppled
over, but also afforded us the immense pleasure of listening at nights
to the conversation, the songs, and the other manifestations of family
life going on round the hearth fire.
The very fact that we had come from so far, and from the east
(the direction of favor, luck, and fortune), "to learn their language,
and to Hsten to their beautiful stories," that we fived wuth one of
their own people in his house, that we cut our owti wood, carried our
owTi suppfies, etc., gradually smoothed the frown from many faces
and softened the scowling look in many eyes. Soon we had pro-
gressed so far that we knew the joy of being looked upon, if not as
one of them, at least as congenial neighbors.
a^'yii^'t'Di (■"owimmer"), the writer of the manuscript
On account of the special nature of the work it was not easy to
find the right sort of informants. As a whole only medicine men could
be used. Some of these, even if they were good practitioners were
but poor informants; others as a matter of principle refused for many
months to give information. Some of them, however, were ideal
collaborators, and for such of them as W., Del., and Og., one is at a
loss what to praise most in them — their immense fund of knowledge
or the keenness and the interest they manifested in the work.
The following is a list of the informants and medicine men cited in
these pages. Those the names of whom are preceded by two asterisks
are the medicine men who worked with Mooney and who died be-
tween his visits and inine; the names preceded by one asterisk are
those of the medicine men I worked with, but who died during or
since my stay; the medicine men whose names are not preceded by
an asterisk are those I worked with, and who are, so far as I know,
still alive at the time of wTiting. Since some of the latter are depicted
in these pages in terms that are not always complimentary, and also
because much of their activity as described in this paper might bring
upon them the wrath of people who beheve it their duty to stamp
out all vestiges of aboriginal belief and practice, it is deemed best to
cite them by their initials only. I have deposited a detailed list in
the archives of the Bureau of American Ethnology by which these
individuals can be identified by any ethnologist who may desire to
make investigations in that quarter of the world in the future.
Abbreviation used Refers to—
**Ay o'yo°"'-ni', writer of the manuscript (cf. p. 7).
**A}^o Avosta, W.'s mother (see Mooney Myths, PI. xiv) (cf.
'p. 67).
Del See this paper, pi. 11, b; cf. also pp. 115-116.
**Gad GaDiGwana'sti, the writer of manuscript III (cf. SFC,
*J Jukias (pi. 11, a), died 1928 (cf. p. 115).
*Je W.'s lialf-sister; medicine woman and midwife (see
pi. 12, a; cf. p. 116).
Jo Cf . p. 1 13 et seq.
Jud See pi. 10, a; cf. p. 114 et seq.
O _ Del.'s mother. Climbing Bear's widow, W.'s and Og.'s
sister-in-law (see pi. 12, 6; cf. p. 116).
*0g Died spring 1927; W.'s half-brother, Del.'s uncle (see
pi. 9, a; cf. p. 1 12 et seq.).
T Del.'s brother-in-law (see pi. 10, c; cf. p. 111).
*Ts J.'s father (see pi. 8, a; cf. p. 115).
**Ut Cf. p. 3.
W My main informant and interpreter (see pi. 5; cf. p. 109
et seq.).
**Wa Thewriterof manuscript II. Gad.'s son (cf. SFC, p. 312).
Linguistic Notes
The Cherokee language (Iroqiioian stock) has often been studied,
but through various vicissitudes only very few of the residts have
been published. But two attempts to publish a grammar of it have
been made — one by J. Pickering (cf. p. 1), another by Von der
Gabelentz. (See Bibliography.)
Pickering's attempt was not any better than could be expected at a
time when so little of American Indian Unguistics was known, and
Von der Gabelentz's sketch, though interesting, is based on material
gleaned from very inadequate sources. Neither of the two have
found, for example, the typical Iroquoian system of pronominal
prefixes in the Cherokee verbal series, nor the difference between the
static and active verbs.
There are still two Cherokee dialects extant — the Western (often
called "Upper") dialect, spoken by the majority of the Cherokee
in Oklahoma and by a few families in Graham County, N. C, and the
Central (often called "Middle") dialect, spoken by the Cherokee on
the Qualla Reservation, where these investigations were made. There
is historic evidence of a third dialect, wliich may be called the Eastern
(it has sometimes been referred to as the "Lower") dialect; the last
Indian, as far as we know, who spoke this dialect died in the beginning
of this century.
There is a possibility that one (or two?) more dialects existed in the
past, but there is very scant and inadequate evidence of this.
The differences existing between the two dialects that are still
spoken are small indeed, nor does the extinct dialect seem to have
diverged much from the two others. Allowing for such phonetic
sliifts as West. Dial. -tl-> Cent. D. -ts-; W. D. aGi-> C. D. €-;
C. D. -W. D. -l-> East. D. -r-, the vocabulary is practically the
same; in the morphology there do not seem to be other differences
than can be explained by these phonetic shifts; the syntaxis can not
yet be compared as our knowledge of the Eastern dialect is so scanty;
nor has the Western dialect been adequately studied.
The formulas as written in the Ay. manuscript and in the majority
of the other manuscripts that have since been collected are mostly
written in the Central dialect. Still, a lot of Western dialect forms are
to be found in them and there are also a great many archaic, ritualistic
expressions the meaning of which is rapidly disappearing. (Cf.
Ritual Language, p. 160 et seq.)
I have given in the interlinear analysis a translation as correct and
conveying the Cherokee meaning as faithfully as was found possible.
Rather than speculate on probabilities or advance conjectures that
can not be proved, I have indicated by a query mark those elements
that can not be satisfactorily analyzed. If query marks are met with
more often than either the reader or the editor Hkes, it should be
borne in mind that the language in which the formulas are couched is
a ritiuilistic idiom, often very different from the ordinary language,
both as regards vocabulary and grammar, and abounding in expres-
sions wliich even the initiated do not always understand.
As for this analysis, I have always given in the interlinear translation
the original meaning as far as this could be ascertained, giving the
semasiological evolution in footnotes to the free translation. Thus,
Ga^ni' will be rendered by "arrow" in the interlinear translation, as
this was its original meaning. In the free translation it will be
rendered by "bullet," which is its meaning in the context, a footnote
explaining the evolution in meaning: "arrow" > "bullet" > "lead."
The same applies to such words as: aDe-'lo° that has gone through the
following evolution in meaning: "seed(?)" > "bead" ^ "money"
> "dollar"; or to: kVlo'GWe-'kt'i "locust tree" > "bow" (because
locust wood was used to make bows) > "gun" (the modem successor
of the bow).
It is hoped that a paper on Cherokee linguistics, on which the pres-
ent wiiter is working, will soon be ready for publication.
Phonetic Symbols and Abbreviations
The following list ^viIl serve the double purpose of explaining the
phonetic symbols and the abbreviations used in the texts, and of
presenting a summary description of the Cherokee phonetic system
as I heard it.
Vowels — Oral :
Long or short —
Open —
a, as in Engl, far, Gm. Band.
0, as in Engl, not, nought; Gm. Gott.
V, as in Engl, spoon, you.
e, as in Engl, air; Gm. Wahlen; French scene.
i, as in Engl. seat.
Closed —
a, as in Gm. einmal; Gm. wahl.
u, as in Engl. nook.
e, as in Engl, baby, stain (this sound is very rarely heard in Cherokee, and
then always finally; where it occurs at all it seems to be a contraction
of f- (nasalized long e)+i).
o, only occurs in songs.
i, as in Engl. pin.
0, as in Engl, bird, but very short; Gm. Cotter.
u, a sound between a and o.
9, vowel of indefinite quality, as in Engl, father, believe.
Parasitical —
Phonems that are scarcely audible and occur frequently as weakly articulated
vowels are indicated by small superior characters: o"", e*', "w, 'y, etc.
Vowels — Oral — Continued.
Voiceless —
A, I, u, o—
Voiceless vowels, as they are paradoxically called, are phonems produced by
lips and tongue taking the position to pronounce a vowel (a, i, u, or o, as
the case may be) ; there may be — and there usually is — a strong emission
of breath, but as the vocal cords are not brought in action, the phonem
is voiceless.
Nasalized —
;i, £v, but more commonly with less pronounced nasalization, thus: a", a°.
9', (usually long) as in Fr. bon; as in Engl, don, but longer and nasalized,
f , (usually long) as in Fr. pain, dessin.
9', (usually long) as in Fr. un.
0", (very short) as in Engl, bird, Gm. Gotter, Fr. boeuf, but always short and
When only a slight degree of nasalization is heard, this is shown by writing
a small -° after the vowel, instead of writing a hook under it, as is done in
cases where nasalization is more pronounced.
Semiconsonants :
y, w, may be strongly aspirated, when they are written y', w*; may also be
voiceless, when they are rendered y, w. The w is often preceded by a barelj'
audible u sound; in this case the phonem is written "w.
Stops —
Dental —
d, voiced, as in Engl. dawn.
D, intermediate sound between voiced and unvoiced dental,
t, unvoiced, as in Engl. hit.
t', unvoiced and aspirated, as in Engl, tin, tan, but with aspiration more
Velar —
g, voiced, as in Engl, go, dog.
G, intermediate sound between voiced and unvoiced velar,
k, unvoiced, as in Engl. back.
]f., unvoiced, but pronounced farther back than previous sound.
k', unvoiced and aspirated, as in Engl, come, can, but with more emphatic
Nasals —
Dental —
n, voiced nasal, as in Engl, can, near.
^n, the same nasal, but preceded by a hardly audible d. The tongue
takes the dental position as if about to pronounce d (implosion), but
immediately the uvula is lowered and the breath escapes by the nose
passage, without having occasioned the explosion usually accompanying
the d phonem.
N, voiceless nasal; always followed by a strong nasal aspiration
Bilabial —
m, voiced as in Engl, mother.
Velar —
q, voiced, as in Engl, sing, rang.
Spirants —
Dental —
s, unvoiced fricative as in Engl, race, sing.
z, voiced fricative as in Engl, gaze, doze.
oIbrechts] the swimmer MANUSCRIPT 13
Consonants — Continued,
Prepalatal —
c, unvoiced, as in Engl, shut, fish.
j, voiced, as in Fr. jambe, genou.
Palatal —
X, unvoiced, as in Gm. ich, nicht.
Laterals —
1, voiced, as in Engl, lid, rill.
^1, the same voiced sound, but preceded by the dental element described
s. v. Nasals, ^n.
\, unvoiced 1.
Affricatives —
Dental —
dz, voiced, as in Engl, hands up.
ts, unvoiced, as in Engl, bits, ants.
Prepalatal —
dj, voiced, as in Engl. George.
tc, unvoiced, as in Engl. China.
Lateral —
tl, unvoiced 1, preceded by unvoiced dental stop.
Diacritical Marks
-*-, the Greek "spiritus asper" indicates breath, aspiration.
-'-, the Greek "spiritus lenis" indicates glottalization. .
Q, a hook, turned to the right, under a vowel indicates nasalization.
-1-, a combination of the "spiritus asper" with the nasalization hook indicates a
strong nasal aspiration.
-°-, a small superior n indicates slight nasalization.
-•, a dot after a vowel, above the line, indicates long quantity of the vowel.
-:, a colon after a vowel indicates very long quantity.
-''-, a breve over a vowel indicates abnormally short duration.
-., a dot after a vowel or consonant on the line indicates a very slight pause.
-', the "acute accent," following a phonem, indicates primary stress.
-*, the "grave accent," following a phonem, indicates secondary stress.
', the "acute accent" printed over a vowel indicates rising pitch.
\ the *'grave accent" printed over a vowel indicates falling pitch.
The two latter can be combined to ", i. e., "falling-rising," or to '\ i. e., "rising-
faUing" pitch.
Abbreviations Used in the Texts (Interlinear Translation)
App. — apparently. l. = liquid.
Dir. = direction. L. = limitative.
(2) = dual. L. ( = E.) = limitative, used as emphatic.
E.=emphatic. Loc. = locative.
Excl. = exclamation. On. = onomatop.
H., Hab. = habitually. 6ol. = solid.
kn.-=kneadable. T. L. = temporal-locative.
Words or parts of words between brackets [ ] in the texts were
written by the native compilator of the manuscript by mistake.
Words or parts of words between parentheses ( ) had been omitted
by him but have been interpolated by J. Mooney, by W., my inter-
preter, or by myself. In every case the interpolation is accounted
for in a footnote.
Words or sentences between brackets, in the explanatory notes
foUow-ing every one of the formulas, are by the editor. All the rest
in these explanatory notes is the work of James Mooney.
Nature of Disease
Many of the facts contained in this paper are bound to remain
unintelligible if no sound understanding is gained into the Cherokee
conceptions of disease.
These are not by any means so simple or uniform as many theorists
are wont to ascribe to peoples at this stage of ciilture.
Disease in general is commonly referred to by the v%-ord: u'3'u'Gi,
which is no doubt related with the stem V-yuG- "resentment" (cf.
Gpyu'ca — "I have resentment toward thee.")
In the ritualistic language of the formulas, however, this expression
never occurs, vlsce-'no^ always being used in its stead. The original
meaning of this word has now been lost, even by the medicine men,
who always claim it merely means ''the disease present in the body,"
and Mooney accordingly invariably translated it as "the intruder."
Although this way of translating it conveys its general meaning,
there is cause to discuss it somewhat further. It appears from various
expressions that can be compared with the one under discussion that
the meaning would be "that which is important." Although this
concept is usually rendered Galo''°kw'tt*yu' in the ordinary language,
yet such expressions as the following are still in constant use:
i;lsGe''Do'' dzt'lu^Gi', "I came on important business."
(Ga)Do*'iyi;lsG€"'Do° *Q'li;*Gi', "What on earth didst thou come in
here for?" (implied: It must be very important, else thou wouldst not
have come).
fG9-'wi;lsGe''Do° "of but trivial worth; not important."
These expressions clearly prove what the true meaning of the term
is. It would thus appear that it is one of the many "euphemistic
terms" which the Cherokee, as so many other tribes and peoples, use,
and the object of which is to allude to a dreaded concept by a (respect-
ful) circumlocution, so as not to offend it, or so as not to bring about
its appearance, its "materiaUzation," we might say, by calling it by
its common name.
The i;lsGe'Do° is the disease as it is present in the body of the suf-
ferer. Although it is invisible, intangible, and in all other respects
immaterial, it very often may manifest its presence by material means,
as swellings, protuberances, or even by worms and insects.
oIbrechts] the swimmer MANUSCRIPT 15
It does not as a rule torment a person of its own free will; it is inert
of itself, but is subdued to the will of more powerful agents, spirits,
ghosts, or even human beings, who may cause it to enter the body of
those persons whom they wish to harm.
The idioms of the formulas seem to imply that the i;lsGe*'Do° is not
so much put into the ^actim, as under him; the expression:
Dunu'^yHamle'^i' "he (the disease causer) has put it (the disease)
under him, it appears," always being used. How the disease then
finally enters the victhn under whom it has been put is not clear.
There is a consensus of opinion among the medicine men that it
enters the body somehow, but on the question as to whether this in-
troduction takes place by way of a natural orifice or whether it is
possible for a disease to enter the body anywhere, not one of the
medicine men cared to commit himself.
From the fact that an ylsGe*'Do° is present in a person's body it
by no means follows that an illness is the instantaneous result: the
disease may be present in a dormant, latent condition, and often
months, or even years after the revengeful animal-ghost or spirit has
"moculated" the person the malady may become "virulent." It is
easy to see how powerful a means this conception must be toward
consohdatmg the prestige of the medicine man, enabling him as it
does to explain many diseases, for which there is no evident cause,
by events and dreams of many months or years ago, and to explain
how it is that certain acts and infractions of taboos that, according to
the general belief ought to be followed by the contraction of a disease,
apparently remain \^dthout any immediate results.
The presence of an i;lsGe"'Do°, however, does not account for all
the cases of sickness. There are, for example, the ailments due to
"our sahva being spoiled." The Cherokee believes that the saliva
is located in the throat and that it is of capital importance in human
physiology; as a matter of fact, the physiologic role they ascribe to
the saUva would lead us to believe that they consider it as important
as the blood and the gall. When the saliva is "spoiled" the patient
becomes despondent, withers av/ay, and dies.
The most frequent causes of this state of affairs are dreams, es-
pecially the dreams caused by the ghost people (see p. 26), but also
those caused by snakes and fish. The belief is based no doubt on
the feeling of oppression and anguish that accompanies many dreams,
especially those of the "nightmare" variety.
A state of iU health very much akin to the one just mentioned,
and where no ulsGe-'no'' is believed to be present, is caused by an
enemy of ours feeling u-'ya UDa''N*to, "of a different mind" toward
us, "different" here again being a euphemistic term for "bad" or
7548°— 32 3
This is usually ascribed to the activities of a human enemy and
refers to a psychopatholo2:ical state rather than to any other disorders.
The victim is utterly despondent and dejected and seems to be the
victim of a severe case of chronic melancholy.
Another explanation that is offered in some cases, and one which
is more apt to cause surprise, as it is not common to the Indians of
the eastern United States, is that the illness is caused by the action of
a human being who has ravished the soul of the patient. The fact
that one's soul has been buried does not result in instant death : one
may live without it for six or eight months, or even for a year. But
if the party working on behalf of the victim is not successful in
ultimately remo\dng the ban, death is incAa table. The symptoms
ascribed to an illness of this order do not differ materially from those
belonging to "having one's saliva spoiled" or to the illness caused
by some one "having his mind different toward us." Tliis makes it
the easier for a medicine man who does not succeed in curing a patient
to make a new diagnosis, and to change his treatment from one,
the object of which was to dislodge the spoiled sahva, to a new one
aiming at removing the ban from the buried soul of the patient.
The way in which the medicine man finds out what is actually
the cause of a given disease will be discussed under the caption of
Diagnosis (p. 39). Sometimes, however, a diagnosis, however ac-
curate, will fail to disclose the actual cause of the ailment. A favorite
explanation in such a case is to ascribe the evil to the fact that the
patient "has dreamed of different things." It is implicitly under-
stood that this means "different, or all sorts of bad tilings." Since
in this case the causes are complex, it is considered that the treat-
ment must be the same, and a medicine is prescribed consisting of a
decoction of as many as 24 different plants.
Nobody ever becomes ill without a cause. And with very few
exceptions every individual is responsible and blamable for the dis-
eases he contracts.
A distinction is made between dangerous and less serious diseases,
but even the latter have to be adequately cared for and attended to ;
for disease senders and causers, whether human or nonhuman, have
a predilection for sending disease to a person when he is already in a
weakened condition; they know that then they stand a far better
chance to be successful and attain their ends.
General Semeiology
Although very little value is attached to what might be called a
scientific symptomatology by the Cherokee, a few remarks about the
subject are not out of place here.
As will soon appear from a glance at the titles of the formulas, the
different ailments themselves are usually called by names that refer
to one or to several of the more striking symptoms; as "when they
have a headache," "when their eyes droop," "when they have a dry
cough," "when they discharge shmy matter from their bowels," etc.
As a rule, only the main symptom — that is, the phenomenon which
the patient or the medicine man considers as the main symptom — is
considered to be of any importance, and as a result of this many ail-
ments that are of an entirely different pathological nature are classed
as one and the same disease, because headache, for example, is the
most unpressive symptom.
Yellowness of the skin, black rings round the eyes, headache,
swellings, and the nature of the feces and of the m'ine are practically
the only general signs which the medicine men consider as being of
any importance.
Some may be impressed by the rationality of this symptomatology ;
but it should be borne in mind that the deductions made from it,
and the treatment followed as a result of it, are by no means as rational
as we are led to expect.
Headache is not so much a symptom as a proof that a group of
birds have invaded the patient's head, and are there carrying on in a
way which is not conducive to the rest of the victim. A swelling or
a dilatation of the stomach in no waj' indicates a trouble of the diges-
tive tract, but is merely the outward evidence of the ulsGe-no^.
Diarrhea in children is evidenced by the nature of the feces, but is
explained by the fact that two rival teams of "Little People" are
playing a ball game in the child's stomach.
More of the symptoms that are known and that are occasionally
mentioned and taken into consideration will be discussed with the
relevant formulas.
Disease Causes
natural causes
However primitive and unsophisticated may be the views of a
tribe on disease and its causes, and however great may be the share
of mysticism and occultism in its explanation of the events of daily
life, yet there is almost everywhere a recognition of natural agency
if not for some of the ailments, at least for some accidents.
A Cherokee, wounded by falling with his hand on the cutting edge
of his ax, or breaking his leg when sliding off a foot log when crossing
the river, may, if he has a turn of mind given to the mysterious and
the occult, explain those accidents by the machinations of an enem}'',
but the chances are that he will look upon them in a very fatalistic
way, and will search for no hidden cause to explain so obvious a fact.
But one should never be too sure. If the same Cherokee slides
down a precipice through a lump of rock crumbling away beneath his
foot, or if he is wounded by a stray arrow, or by a tree branch falling
on his head, his imagination forthwith finds cause for speculation,
and he may come to the conchision that the "Little People," or the
"Mountain People" have become angry at him and have taken
vengeance by the means just stated.
If even in cases where the natural course and cause of events
seems evident and obvious, a mythologic explanation may be ad-
vanced, what are we to expect when it becomes necessary to account
for such mysterious, unexplainable, insidious changes of condition to
which disease subjects our body and mind?
The man who but two or three daj^s ago was a living image of both
Hercules and Adonis, and who came home from the mountain carry-
ing on his shoulder a tree trunk of formidable weight and dimension
as lightly as if it were but a bark canoe, to-day lies prostrate, pain
and terror stricken, with haggard looks and sallow complexion,
suffering, pantiag, and gasping. . . .
The buxom woman, from w'hom last week a chubby, healthy
baby boy "jumped down," as the Cherokee express it, is now suffer-
ing more than ever she did, and feels herself as being burned by a
scorching internal fire . . .
The sprightly baby, which ever since it moved was as alert and
busthng as a young chipmunk or a scampering squirrel, suddenly
lapses into spasmodic convulsions, or lies motionless vdtb haggard
eyes wide open, as those of a terror-stricken rabbit . . .
Why? For what reason?
When we think of how, in a civilized community, as soon as any-
thing uncanny happens, as soon as the Awful Incomprehensible
makes its presence felt, even the sophisticated lose their reasoning
faculties and grasp at ridiculous explanations and at impossible
hopes, how can we scoff at the conclusions these poor people reach?
The man who became ill so suddenly has had a quarrel a week or
so ago wdth an ill-reputed medicine man, who told him, as they
separated, that he would hear about him again. The wizard has
shot an invisible flint arrowhead into his bowels.
The woman who had known the joys of such a happy delivery had
not heeded the su})sequent taboo, prohibiting all warm food to any
one in her condition. That is why she is now being consumed by an
internal fire.
The baby is now paying the penalty of his mother having partaken
of rabbit meat during her pregnancy, six months or so ago. And that
is why it is now assuming the cramped position, so reminiscent of the
hunchback position of a squatting rabbit, or why its eyeballs are so
These are but some instances taken at random; but let us in a
systematic and methodical way make a survey of the different
disease causes and we will be the better prepared to comprehend the
Cherokee way of treating them.
As will readily be seen from the "List of spirits" on pages 44-50,
the Cherokee believe in ciuite a remarkable collection of beings whose
major occupation seems to be to pester the inhabitants of this planet
^\'ith all possible and impossible varieties of ailments.
The motives of these spirits, whether they be of an anthropomorphic
or of a zoomorphic type, are mostly very human and justifiable —
they take revenge for slights, lack of respect, abuses, etc., of which
they have been the subject at the hands of the human beings. This
holds especially for the animal spirits, the Little Deer, the White
Bear, etc., who are all the tireless and valiant defenders of their
particular animal clan and who mete out justice and take vengeance
for the conduct of neglectful and disrespectful hunters.
There are hardly any spirits that are, per se, benevolent or ne-
farious; they may be one or another, according to circumstances.
One spirit may send a disease as a punishment, and yet may on another
occasion help the same individual to overcome another spirit.
As a rule the spirit who has caused a disease is never prevailed
upon to take the disease away; the office of another, rival, spirit is
called upon to do this.
Spirits do not merely send disease of their own initiative; they
may be prevailed upon to do so by human agency, by witches (see
p. 29) or by man killers (see p. 33), for instance.
According to some informants it would seem that spirits may
exercise their nefarious power quite arbitrarily; the sun may cause a
headache without any apparent reason, or without any plausible
cause. This is, however, so exceedingly rare that it is quite possible
that this view is foreign to earher Cherokee conceptions, and that
such an allegation is now made simply because the earlier explana-
tion has been lost.
Let us now pass in review the more important of these anthro-
pomorpliic spirits. By far the most important is
The Sun. — In everyday language there is no distinct word for
"sun" or "moon." This is a common feature of all the Iroquoian
dialects and of many other North American Indian languages;
ng-^Do' conveys the meaning of "luminary"; if the distinction has
to be expressed the locutions used are:
UQ-^Do' f'ca e'!i "The luminary that is (that lives) in the day-
time," viz, the sun.
riQ-^Do' sgno''}'! e'U "The luminary that is (that Uves) in the
nighttime," viz, the moon.
In the rituaUstic language, however, the sun is always referred to
either as une'^tlano^i or Ge''yaGi;''Ga.
The first of these expressions means: "He has apportioned, allotted,
di\-ided into equal parts," doubtlessly referring to the time-dividing
role of the sim. The same stem is used to express the allotting of
the tribal territory to the individuals that are entitled to a part,
"an allotment," of it.
Since this un€'"tlano*'i has always been looked upon as their most
powerful spirit by the Cherokee, the missionaries have read into
his name the meaning of "Great Spirit," "Creator," and hence the
verb-stem y-ne*tl- is now gradually acquiring the meaning of "to
create," a concept absolutely foreign to its piimary meaning.
It is now well-nigh impossible to gain a clear conception of the part
which this spirit must have once played in Cherokee reUgion. Only
a very few of the older people can shed any Ught on his true nature.
Some who have been missionized to some extent identify this spirit
with the God of the Christians; others, even if they do not go qiute so
far, have absolutely forgotten that une-'tlano'Ji is identical with the
sun, and have even no idea of the sex of this spirit.
Although tliis spirit was not considered responsible for the origin
of things (see Mooney, Myths, pp. 239, 248), yet he must once have
had the reputation of a most eminent spirit, if not of the preeminent
deity. When such very important tribal or ritualistic events take
place as the ball game, or the search for medicine, he is always invoked
in a very humble and propitiating way. He and the Fire (they are
stUl by a few of the oldest informants felt to be one and the same
person) are the only spirits to which prayers, in the true meaning of
the term, are ever offered ; of them things are asked, while other
spirits are merely commanded to do things.
If it were not for the fortunate fact that another ritualistic name
of this important spirit has been preserved it might not now be
possible to definitely identify the sex of this spirit; the name
G€''yaGu*'G8, however, makes it clear that a femmine person is
m.eant (aGe*'ya "woman"); -gu'go can not be identified with certainty;
probablj'- it is a dialectical variant of the suffix -GO'Ga "very impor-
tant"; "primus inter pares"; "par excellence" (cf. *tDa-'"vv€'t'GO'Ga'
"thou most powerful wizard"; ayo°'Go*Ga' "but I myself indeed").
Another proof is found in the etiological myth explaining the
black spots on the "face" of the moon as a result of the love affair of
the moon with the sun, his sister. (See Mooney, Myths, pp. 256-
Only rarely do we find evidence that the sun sends disease, although
a couple of cases have come to my attention where she is alleged to
have caused headache (insolation?). No one could give the reason
why the sun causes disease. An explanation is found in a myth
where it is stated that the sun causes fever because she hates to see
her grandchildren (the human beings) screw up their faces when
they look up at her. (Mooney, Myths, p. 252.)
As une*'tlano!'i the sun is often called upon to cure disease,
however, and she is invariably addressed in the prayers that are
recited to ask pennission to gather plants and simples.
The Fire. — We find the fire so closely associated with the sun that
their identity could plausibly be surmised, even if there were no actual
and definite proof of it.
The fire but rarely sends disease, and then only because of our
disrespectful conduct; thro\\'ing the offal of anything we have chewed
into the fire results in our being visited ^dth toothache; urinating on
the ashes that have been thrown outside exposes us to a disease as
the one referred to in Formula No. 4.
It is often addressed as "our grandparent," opening his (her?)
sheltering arms in affection, and surrounded by us, his (her?) grand-
children. Epithets, as "Ancient white," "Ancient red," are often
bestowed upon it. The hunter, when returning from a successful
trip, never neglected to offer a particle of meat, usually the liver of the
animal, to it, but this custom is now well-nigh obsolete. It is unfor-
tunatei}" not now possible to ascertain whether this offer was intended
for the fire, in its capacity as emanation of une"'tlan5!i, or simply as
a recompense for the fire's divinatory offices, as the hunter usually
consults the fire prior to his departure as to where he will be able to
locate and kill game.
There is only one instance of the fire curing an ailment by its own
virtue, viz, where burns and scalds caused by flames are exposed to
the fire, "so that the fire should take the pain back," but there are a
great many instances where the curing virtue of the fire is relied
upon as an additional element in the cure. In all the cases, viz, where
the patient has "to be hit" (see p. 62), the medicine man, prior to
this operation, warms his hands near the fire. Usually a few live
coals are taken from the hearth on a shovel, in a dish, or a flat vessel,
and put near the patient; the medicine man warms his hands over these
coals before he starts "rubbing the disease away."
The fire is also generally invoked against all disease caused by
"cold-blooded" animals, as the terrapin, snakes, fish, etc. (Mooney,
Notes), and also often against complaints caused by Frost, Cold,
the Blue Man, etc.
Another case where the curing virtue of the fire is resorted to
is when an infusion, prior to being dnmk by the patient, or to being
rubbed on his body, is "strengthened" by dropping four or seven live
coals into it.
The considerable role the fire plaj's in divination ceremonies is
retained for discussion in a future paper deahng with that subject,
when also the use made of the fire in a "man-ldlHng" ceremony
will be amply described.
Ihe Moon. — The moon, although he is the brother of the sun
(see p. 20), is not very prominent in the tribal mythology, nor does he
play a part of any importance in the folklore.
It would appear, however, that this loss of popularity is of rather
recent date, since very old customs, such as the "going to water"
(see p. 150), with every new moon seem to indicate that the moon cult
must once have been of far greater importance than it is now.
The diseases held to be caused by the moon are very scarce; blind-
ness is one of them. It is furthermore believed that if, at new moon,
a person sees the luminary for the first time through the trees he ^\-ill
be ill all the following month. It may be that originally this illness
was considered to be caused by the moon, but such a belief does not
exist now; it is now merely looked upon as an omen. (See p. 37.)
The moon is never appealed to vdih. a view to dispelling disease.
This offers the more cause for surprise, as the moon must once have
been the object of great respect. It is still occasionally addressed as
"grandparent," the only spirit to share this honor with the Sun and
the Fire.
The Cherokee believe that when a person sees the new moon of the
month the first time he must look at him and s&y:
G9"yo*'lfGa' €Di;-'du e'ti skt'^nu.stc'sti'
I greet thee maternal grandfather long time this like it will be
i-yQ-nj)9 k'Ja"!i'' Dt'GmdaGo"wa.t3°.ti' 'tGe^'se'sti'
over there continually thou and I to be seeing one it will be
("How do. Grandpa! At the time when it uill be like this again
(i. e., next month) we wiU still be seeing each other." (i. e., I will still
be alive.)
Pronouncing this salutation formula is a sure means of safeguarding
against all sickness or accidents throughout the ensuing month.
The River. — The River cult of the Cherokee has formed the object
of a paper read by James Mooney before the Columbus meeting of the
American Association for the Advancement of Science, in August,
1899, and which has been reprinted.'^ This paper is practically
exhaustive, and what small additional points of information have
been obtained subsequently by Mooney or by me will be found in
their relevant places in these pages.
12 The Cherokee River Cult, in JAFL., January- March, 1900, pp. 1-10.
oIbrecIts] the swiimmer manusceipt 23
The river, usually addressed in the ritualistic language as —
yQ""wi' Ga'n9^-'Do" ''Long Human Being,"
a'sku'ya Ga'no'f'Do" ''Long Man,"
I'na'Do" Ga'na'f'Do" "Long Snake,"
continues to enjoy a great deal of credit and is still an object of sincere
respect to the more traditionalist of the Cherokee. The rite of going
to water, however, is rapidly disappearing from the tribal life, and
after another couple of generations all that will probably subsist of
the river cult will be a few survivals, unintelligible even to those who
practice them.
The river sends disease to those who insult it by such actions as
throwing rubbish into it, by urinating into it, etc. As a vengeance for
the latter act it causes a disease from a description of the symptoms of
which it appears that enuresis is meant.
The use of river water in the preparation of medicine is discussed
under Materia Medica (p. 52 et seq.).
Apart from the rites that are performed at the river's edge in such
ceremonies as "going to water," "for long Hfe," in divination and
incantation ceremonies, which are all described in the notes appended
to the relevant formulas, attention should here be called to the custom
of vomiting into the river to get rid of diseases, especially of those in
which the patient's "saliva has been spoiled." (See p. 63.)
The patient drinks the emetic at home, while still fasting, and then
hurries to the river's edge, where he vomits into the water, thereby
"throwing off the spoiled saliva," and, with it, the disease. If the
emetic itself does not have the desired result mechanical means are
resorted to (irritating the uvula with finger, grass stalk, etc.). A for-
mula is usually recited at the same time by the medicine man accom-
panying the patient, by which the water is commanded to carry the
disease down the stream, "to the settlements where (other) people
live." "In every case where a ceremony is performed at the water
side, either by a number of persons or by a single individual, it must
be at daybreak, while the participants are stiU fasting, and the spot
chosen for the performance of the rite is at a bend of the river where
the supplicants can face the east while looking upstream." (Mooney,
ThuTider — Red Man — Two Little Red Men. — The Thunder is referred
to by these three different names. The two fonner refer to the
Thunder himself; the latter to his two sons. Often in the formulas the
Thunder is spoken of as surrounded by a host of Little Red Men, all
The heavy roUing crashes of thunder are said to be the voice of
Thunder himself, whereas the hghter, metalhc peals of thunder are
ascribed to the Little Red Men.
The Cherokee pretend that the Thunder is the friend of all Indians,
and that he never kills one; not one case can be cited, they say, of a
Cherokee having been "struck by the Thunder," whereas white people
have frequently been killed on the reservation, and scores of trees are
struck every year.
The Thunder's role is that of a disease expeller rather than that of
a disease causer. He and his two sons are the enemies of the Black
Man and of anything and anybody having his abode in the "Black
Land," in the "Evening Land," in the "Dark Land," or in the West.
The only case, it seems, where the Thunder gets angry is when we
do not observe thejaimo relating to him, and which prohibits refer-
ring to him as "Red" in the everyday language. The epithet "Red"
should only be bestowed on him in the ceremonial language, whereas
in everyday speech he is to be referred to as "White."
The Two Little Red Men (the Cherokee never explicitly call
them "Thunder Boys") always rove about together; they are reputed
to be about 60 centimeters high and to wear a cap, half red, half
purple, surmounted by a peak, the w^hole looldng "like a German
military helmet," wliich some of the Cherokee have seen or have
heard described. s"we*'Gi and tsa^'ni (John), both now dead,
claim to have seen the Thunder Boys; they looked exactly as they
had always heard them described; which does not surprise us.
According to Og., the Two Little Red Men are to be identified
with the two sons of k'Q:na*'ti (cf. Mooncy, Myths, p. 242); k^ana'ti
himself being no one else than the Thunder in person.
Purple Man, Blue Man, Black Man, etc. — There is not much defi-
nite information to be gathered about these spirits, neither from the
texts themselves nor from oral information.
Possibly they owe their existence merely to the desire to oppose
to the Red Man corresponding men of the different colors, to con-
form to the color symbolism.
The Black Man, living in the West, seems in many cases to be
identical with a ghost. (See p. 26 et seq.). The diseases they cause,
the nature of their activities, their opponents and antagonists, all
this supports this impression, and many informants expUcitly and
spontaneously state that this identity exists.
The Purple Man is generally called upon to assist in nefarious
machinations, such as incantations, love conjurations, etc. That
purple is the color of witchcraft will appear from other facts listed in
these pages.
The Blue Man, living in the North, is called upon to act as an
antagonist in diseases sent by the scorching sun (insolation, blisters,
etc.). He himself causes such pains and ailments as usually follow in
the wake of severe frost.
oIbkechts] the swimmer MANUSCRIPT 25
Dawi'skulo°\ or Flint, does not play so important a part in Chero-
kee medicine as he does in the mythology. To his reputation of
being an ogrelike being he owes the appeal made to him to come and
frighten the Httle girls at birth, thus enticing them "to jump down"
from their mothers. (See texts, p. 277.)
Various Little People. — Finally there are to be mentioned the vari-
ous kinds of "Little People," y^-'^wi tsu'nsti'' fairylike beings of
either sex, very small (about 40 cm. high, informants say) with long
hair falling down to their heels.
They very seldom are mentioned as individuals, and usually act as
a group. There are colonies of Little People in the mountains, in
the rocks, in the water, and in the forests. They live in settlements
just as usual human beings, have clans, town houses, hold dances
and councils, etc., and frequently their music and dancing can be
heard at night by lonely travelers. As a rule they are in^dsible, but
there are a few cases on record where some rarely gifted individuals
(e. g., tA\'ins that are being brought up to be witches, cf. p. 129) can
see them and talk mth them. They can speak Cherokee.
They are as a rule Idndly inclined toward mankind and may help
a hunter to find his arrows, or they may care for and feed, a lost and
spent traveler. But they are also feared as disease causers and are
believed to especially choose children as their victims.
Animal Spirits
The animal spirits so frequently mentioned in the Cherokee for-
mulas are by no means to be thought of as identical with the speci-
mens of our earthly fauna. They are the prototypes of our common
animals and are far more considerable in size, power, swiftness, and
all other qualities than their earthly successors. They can not be
seen or heard, nor can 'their presence be felt by any of our senses;
yet we know what they are hke, and how they behave; we know
even of what color they are, "WTiite, Red, Blue, etc., "because the
old people have always addressed them by those epithets."
It is needless to say that these colors are mainly imaginary; there
is not only a Brown Otter, but also a Red one, a Blue one, etc. The
same applies to all other animal spirits, as Deer, Bear, Dog, Weasel,
Raven, Eagle, Frog, Leech, etc. The same remarks we made with
regard to the colors of the Purple, Blue, etc.. Men (p. 24) no doubt
also hold here; we have only the color symbolism (p. 51) to blame —
or to thank — for the existence of this multicolored spirit fauna.
The motives of these animal spirits in sending disease are mainly
dictated by considerations of self-defense, or in a spirit of vengeance
for the wrong done and the relentless warfare waged against them and
their species by the human race. This is lucidly shown by the myth
explaining the "Origin of Disease," collected by Mooney (Myths,
pp. 250-252). Mooney has also described the role of such animal
spirits as Little Deer, \\Tiite Bear, etc., so thoroughly that it is super-
fluous to duplicate those descriptions here.
For further details regarding the animal spirits the reader is refer-
red to the "List of Spirits," pages 44-50.
For a discussion of the animal ghosts, as distinct from anhnal
spirits, see pages 26-28.
To the spirits and animal spirits as discussed in the preceding
paragraphs should be added "ghosts," i. e., according to the Cherokee
views, the immaterial, spiritual, immortal part of hiunan beings and
animals that have lived the Ufe and died the death of commonplace
The motives that entice human ghosts, a'msGt''na (sgl. asor'na)
and animal ghosts '5°Ha'U (sing, and pi.) to visit mankind %\-ith disease
and death are quite different and wall be treated separately.
Human ghosts (a'msGf'na). — When people who have died go to
tsii'sGino'ci " (the place) where the (himian) ghosts (are) " (see p. 142),
the place out West where they stay, they feel lonesome and homesick
and want the company of their friends and relatives. They therefore
make them sick and suffering, so that they may die and come and
join them in the Ghost Land.
It was emphatically stated to me by informants that there is not
a shadow of malignity or jealousy about this activity of the ghosts of
the departed ; they act out of pure love, devotion, affection, and all
other commendable motives. Yet the living are not quite bent on
this mode the ghosts indulge in of showing their affection, and they
leave no means untried to escape from the ghosts' influence. I have
been able to observe real poignant cases, where filial affection forced
a person's attention again and again on the memory of a dearly
beloved parent, so much so that he would brood and pine away and
languish, but at the same time he felt that he must at all costs make
efforts to forget and to make merry, as thinldng and dreaming about
the departed ones is the very first symptom of a disease sent by the
Animal ghosts ('5'^*ta'li). — With the diminishing curve the impor-
tance of hunting has made mth the Cherokee, they are not now ascrib-
ing so much power to the animal ghosts as they once did. The
references to them have to be gleaned chiefly from the formulas, as
there is now no Cherokee medicine man living who can give any
satisfactory infonnation on the subject. Mooney had already to
cope with the same difficulty, and translated 'o^'ta'H as "after-ghost,"
or "secondary ghost," basing his conclusion on the following facts:
oIbrechts] the swimmer MANUSCRIPT 27
"Most diseases are ascribed to the influence of ghosts, usually the
revengeful ghosts of slain animals. But there are two classes of these
ghosts, the 'antsgi'na' (singular 'asgi'na') and the '""tali" (the ti°-
being an ahnost inaudible grunt), and it was only after long inquiry
that it was possible to learn the distinction between them. It is held
by the shaman that an animal killed by the hunter or otherwise is
again revived in the same form, and enters upon a new lease of Ufe,
to be again killed, or to die naturally, as the case may be. This may
recur an indefinite number of times, probably four or seven, the
shamans questioned not being able to state. At the final death, the
animal ceases to exist in the body, and its ghost goes to join its com-
rades in Usuhi'yi, the night land. One doctor (Ayu^'ini) stated that
the deer had seven fives or successive animations, each in the same
deer shape, after which came anniliilation. He was unable to say
whether other animals were reanimated in the same way, bat such
seems to be the belief from the evidence afforded by the formulas.
An example of this reincarnation occurs in the story of the 'Bear
Man'.^^ The belief differs from the ordinary doctrine of metempsy-
chosis in that the animal is reincarnated in its original form, instead
of becoming an animal of another kind.
"'Asgi'na' is the name applied to the ghost of the original animal
(or person) after the first death, while the '*^°tafi" is the ghost of the
successive reincarnations, or as the doctor explained, 'the ghost of an
animal that has been killed more than once,' the '*^°tali" being the
more dreaded of the two.
"The old religion of the Cherokees is now so beclouded and cor-
rupted by the influence of missionary ideas that it is extremely dif-
ficult to get an intelligent statement of such points, but it seems pos-
sible that the original belief assigned to every animal a definite fife
period, which could not be curtailed by violent means. When an
animal Hved out this allotted period it died and its body decayed,
while its spirit became an 'asgi'na' and went to join the other ghosts
in the night land. If killed before the expiration of the allotted time,
the death was only temporary, the body took shape again from the
blood drops (see the story of the "Bear Man") and was reanimated
by the spirit, now called '"°tali'.' This new existence continued,
unless again interrupted and again renewed, until the end of the pre-
destined period, when the body was finally dissolved and the liberated
spirit took up its journey to the night land, there to remain with its
kindred shades." (Mooney, Notes.)
Moreover, Mooney based his conclusions on a beHef of his according
to which 'o°*ta'fi was etymologically related with t'a^li' "two" (his
transcription being, respectively, ^^^tafi' and tali')-
13 See Mooney, Myths, pp. 327-329.
This is, however, not the case, as will appear from my texts, there
being two important phonetic differences:
(1) The surd dental is not aspirated in '5°'ta'li whereas it is most
decidedly so in t'a^Ii'.
(2) In '5"Ha'li the liquid is not preceded by a dental implosion as
it is in t'a^Ii'.
As for the successive incarnations of the animals, according to Og.,
the only one of my informants who had ever heard of it, this was
only the case for the bears (as is indeed confirmed by Mooney's story
of the "Bear Man" (Mooney, Myths, pp. 327-329) and by several
stories collected by me) ; neither the deer nor any other animals, Og.
states, had the benefit of a second or of any subsequent lives after
having once been killed.
I have found evidence, moreover, that the term 'o^'ta'li was also
used by the hunter, referring to the particle of meat of a killed animal
which he offered to the fire to return thanks for his luck. (See p. 21.)
Finally, by several medicine men still living, 'o°'ta'li is felt to mean
"the decayed thing," i. e., the offal of a piece of game. The dis-
respectful treatment extended to their bones and bowels, now, is
exactly what makes the animals so revengeful toward the neglectful
From all this I am inclined to beheve that 'o°'ta'li does not mean
"after-ghost" or "secondary ghost," nor that it specifically refers to
the ghost of an animal that has been killed before its "lease of life"
had been completed. Nor did I find the term asGf'na ever used mth
reference to animal ghosts.
To come to a conclusion, I think that I am entitled to adhere to
my explanation, and to my distinction between o:sGt"na "hmnan
ghost" and '5°'ta'li "animal ghost."
The diseases sent by these human and by the animal ghosts are so
multifarious as to include practically the whole of known illnesses and
Commonly, however, the human ghosts act by "spoiling the saliva"
of the victhn, whereas the activity of the animal ghosts results in
troubles that are not so much of a psychopathological order. Rheu-
matism and dysentery, swellings in the cheek, and violent headaches
may all be caused in difi'erent patients by one and the same animal
ghost, e. g., a deer's. On the other hand, several different kinds of
animal ghosts may all manifest their ill will and take vengeance on the
human race by inflicting one and the same disease, as rheumatism
which can be caused by the measuring worm, the rabbit, or the
A species of animal ghosts to which many ailments are ascribed are
the various kinds of tcsGO'^ya or insects.
Olbkechts] the swimmer MANUSCRIPT 29
"'Tsgaj'a' is a generic term for all small insects, larvae, and wornas,
excepting intestinal worms. These 'tsgaya' are veiy numerous, hav-
ing colonies in the water, in the earth, on the fohage of trees, and in
every decaying log, and as they are constantly being crushed, burned,
or otherwise destroyed by the hmnan race, they are constantly
actuated by a spirit of revenge. To accomplish their purpose the
ghosts of the slain 'tsgaya' 'fonn settlements' in the bodies of their
victims, usually just under the sldn, and thus cause malignant ulcers,
watery blisters and swellings, all of which are generally ascribed to the
'tsgaya.' The 'tsgaya' doctrine of the Indian practitioner is thus the
equivalent of the microbe theory of the white physician." (Mooney,
Not only natural and supernatural causes are active night and day
to shower disease and death on the poor humans; as many, if not more,
of the calamities of life are to be laid at the door of fellow human
beings, who through preternatural means have the powder of sending
mysterious diseases into the bodies and limbs of their neighbors.
The most dreaded of these human disease causers are the watches.
Not that their activities and the results of these are very much differ-
ent from those of the "man-killers" (see p. 33); the latter, however,
only "work against us" for very sound and obvious reasons, e. g.,
because we have insulted them, poked fun at them, quarreled with
them, or have given them offense in one way or another; at worst,
when trying to kill us, they may act as agents of some enemy of ours,
but at any rate there is usually this "comforting" consideration about
it, that we are aware and conscious of the motives of their activities,
and that usually we have only ourselves and our conduct to blame.
Being careful and courteous in our dealings with "man-killers" may
considerably diminish the risk of being harmed from their quarter.
Moreover, counteracting their evil machinations is not so hopeless a
task as to fight witchcraft.
The witches are usually referred to as tsiktli' or as so-no-'yi
a'ne-Do-''i "they walk about during the night." The meaning of
tsiktli' is Kterally "hooting owl," but since this night bird is considered
as a bird of HI omen, and because of the mysterious occult power
ascribed to it, moreover because it indulges in its activities only during
the night as the witches do, the word has been extended to mean
A witch is held to be a human being, male or female, who is a
"powerful wizard " (aDa"'"w€!i', aDa"'"w€a'yu') such as a medicine man
may become who has "got the utmost" (see p. 87), but the semantic,
and especially the emotional value given to the word, always convej^s
concepts expressing baseness, meanness, slyness, an activit}" of an
insidious, nefarious, deleterious nature.
These activities are not subject to the same "reasonable" motives
as are those of the "man-killers"; whereas the latter hann to take
(just) revenge for some (uncalled-for) offense, the witch liarms simply
because it is an inherent trait of his or her wicked nature.
Moreover, whatever the ^vitch can steal of the life, and therefore of
the vital principle, of the animus, the power, the "orenda" of Ms
victim, he adds to his own, and this is the reason why witches are
always hovering about the sick, the feeble, the moribund people;
invisible as they can make themselves, they put their mouths over
those of the victims, and steal their breath; according to some inform-
ants "because they like the taste of sick people's breath; it is so
sweet"(!); according to others, because stealing their breath comes to
the same as securing for themselves the victim's vitality, which they
add to their own. At the time the moribund expires, especiall}^, the
witch is careful not to miss his chance.
Although, as a rule, to become a witch one has to be "brought up"
for the profession (see p. 129), it is possible to become one, even if one's
parents neglected to go through the necessary ritual and prescrip-
tions. A peculiar root, that of the scarce a'o-'tliye'o°'sld "it (the root)
has it (the stalk) growing from its mouth" (Sagittaria latrfolia
Willd.?),'^ looks like a beetlelike insect, with the stem of the plant
growing from its mouth. It has to be steeped and drunk, the usual
fast being observed . If the infusion is drunk and the fasting prolonged
for four days, you will be able to metamorphose yourself into any
person or animal living on the surface of the ground; i. e., a man can
take the shape of a woman, and vice versa; they can also take the
form of a dog, a deer, an opossum, etc.
If, however, the treatment is prolonged for seven days you will have
power to take the shape of animals flying in the air or living under the
ground ; you will be able to fly in the air or to dive under a mountain ;
you can at will put on the appearance of an eagle, an owi, a raven, a
mole, an earthw^orm, etc.
The metamorphosis into a raven is one of the most common, and a
witch traveling about in this garb is referred to as k'o-'lano'^ a'j^eit'ski
"he (is) a raven imitator."
When traveling about at night a witch of this "degree" veiy fre-
quentl}^ travels through the air as a flame, a spark, or a light. Some
informants pretend to have seen that the "medicine" previously re-
ferred to, and which the witches have to drink, has at certain times of
the year — some say in spring and early summer — a purplish fire droop-
'■• This same medicine is given to a dog to make it a sure tracker of game. The
animal must drink the infusion for four consecutive mornings. It must not fast.
Ol°brechts] the swimmer MANUSCRIPT 31
ing from its stem. I have not been able to ascertain whether this
behef is a mere phantasy or whether it might have its base in the
phosphorescent qualities of certain plants. Be that as it may, a
purple flame, a reddish-bkie spark is usually associated with witch-
craft, so much so that even sporadic flames of that color in the hearth
fire are believed to forebode the visit of a witch.
The visit of a witch to a house where one of the imnates is ill is
countenanced with frantic fright. That is why a number of relatives
and friends are always watcliing through the night, "guarding (the
patient) against witchcraft." While a couple of them may be asleep
two or three more keep awake, "working" near the fire. This work
consists in smoothing a small heap of ashes, about 20-25 centimeters
in diameter, aside from the hearth, and occasionally dropping a tiny
pinch of finely crushed tso''laGa3^9*'°li ("old tobacco," Nicotiana rustica
L.) on it; the center of the hot ashes are thought of as representing the
patient's cabin; any particle of the tobacco dust catching fire, to the
right or to the left of the center, indicates the position from where
the ^\•itch is approaching. If the dust alights on the center of the
ashes it is a sign that the witch is right overhead, and should the
tobacco, as it drops on the center, take fire with a crack or a burst,
it shows that the witch has already entered the room. In this case
the burst will cause the death of the witch within four days, if she is
one of the land that has fasted for four days to attain her occult
power; within seven days if she is one of the kind that "has got the
Another method to prevent the witch from approaching is to direct
the smoke of "old tobacco" against the several points of the compass,
as will be found described on page 75.
But the most drastic means of all is to simply shoot the witch with
a gun; a certain medicine, obtained from a plant (not one of the
informants could tell me exactly from which plant), has to be mixed
with the powder, and a hair taken from the crown of the head has to
be wound round the bullet (many of the Cherokee still use muzzle-
loading guns); in this practice we find, no doubt, the behefs of the
Cherokee blended with those of the white mountaineers.
In order to shoot the witch, however, we must be able to see him
in his regular human form. This can be attained by fasting until
sunset for seven days, drinldng an infusion of the same root to which
the Nvitches owe their power: a*o''thye*5°'ski (see p. 30).
There are dozens of anecdotes on this subject circulating on the
reservation, three of which will here be inserted as illustrations.
I. A long time ago somebody was ill. The people came and sat up
with him, guarding against witchcraft. They built a fire outdoors,
and when some of them became sleepy they went outside, and stood
by the fire, while others continued to watch inside.
7548°— 32 4
Those who were standing by the fire outside all of a sudden saw a
purple fire up in the air; it went toward a house; after a few minutes
it rose up again, and came back, and dropped on the house of the
sick person; as soon as the fire fell inside, the person died. This fire
was a tsiktli'.
II. Once a man was very ill, caused by -vsatchcraft. Two friends of
his decided to fast and drink the medicine by which they could see
witches. ^^ The seventh day they hid themselves outside the house.
They heard the witch coming,^^ and he aUghted in the yard, and there
took his human shape and walked toward the house. These two men
had a gun with them, loaded for the purpose of killing a \\'itch; ^^ they
fired and hit him, but instead of blood, fire spouted forth from the
wound. The witch disappeared.
III. About 25 or 26 years ago ^* T. (pi. 10, c; see p. Ill) was ill.
His friends were summoned to guard against witchcraft, as he ^^ had
found out that he was iU by aye-'ltGo-'ci .^
yo*'no°Ga^le*'Gi^^ examined by putting tobacco on the fire, but he
found out that the witch was stronger than he, as the tobacco sparkled
like a star, but no burst was heard. The next day he tried again,
but again he found that the witch was stronger than he. So he in-
structed all the attendants as well as the patient to fast and to drink
the medicine by which you can see witches. He himself did the same.
At night he told the attendants to stay inside; he took a burning
branch from the fire and went out.
Outside, he saw a man standing near the chimney; he was intently
gazing at T. through the wall. Climbing Bear could see him be-
(iause he had drunk the medicine. He passed near by the man, and
as he passed him, touched the witch with his burning switch. When
he looked back the witch had disappeared.
Now, since the witch had been recognized, he was sure to die
within four or seven days. T. told W., from whom I have the account,
that the mtch was J. B. of a near-by settlement. And sure enough,
the third day after the event here related, J. B. died. T. recovered.
Powerful though witches are, they evidently beHeve in obtaining
the greatest results with the smallest exertions, and that is why they
make it a point to attack individuals that are feeble and decrepit,
as they know that these will far more readily fall a prey to their
activities than would the more healthy and robust individuals of
15 Vide supra.
" In the shape of some bird.
" Cf. p. 31.
>8 This was told me in the spring of 1927.
1* T. being a medicine man could discover this for himself.
20 Cf. p. 33.
21 Climbing Bear, now deceased; O.'s husband, Del.'s father, W. and Og.'s
the tribe. This also explains the exertions of witches against women
in labor and newly bom infants. (See p. 123.)
Although witches are most strenuously active when death is
imminent, they are constantly on the lookout to cast a spell, a disease,
on an unsuspecting individual, and particulariy to aggravate the
complaints of the stricken. This reputation they share with those
other human disease causers, the "man-killers."
This knack which witches and "man-killers," Dt''Da'n€^'saGt'"ski,
have to aggravate disease, explains the generic name given to com-
plaints for the origin of which these disease causers are held respon-
sible. These names can all be shown to be related with the stems
-y/-yakt*- "change," and y-ye'l- "likeness." (If a thing, a disease,
etc., is made to look like another, its original condition is changed.)
Whereas the process by which a witch manages to "change the
condition" of a victim for the worse is rather obscure, and can not be
definitely elucidated, the means by which a "man-killer" attains
this object is well known and vividly described. He may, by his
occult power, "change the food" in the victim's stomach, or "cause
the food to sprout." He may "change our mind to a different con-
dition," or make a given disease we are afflicted with "as if it were
like" a more serious ailment. But above all, he may use the most
orthodox manner of disposing of an enemy, viz, by shooting an
invisible arrowhead into his body. In a forthcoming paper, in which
Cherokee incantations and man-killing ceremonies will be described,
this subject w411 be dealt with in detail.
aye^'ltGo-'ci Diseases
Under this name is known a group of diseases that are held to be
caused by the machinations of a human agent. They are the most
dreaded of the many complaints the Cherokee knows.
The term, which is strictly ceremonial, can not be analyzed but
has -y-ye-1- "likeness" as its root. Mooney has usually translated
it as "simulators," and this translation is correct in so far as the term
refers to the action of deluding the vigilance of the patient and medi-
cine man by sending a disease which looks like another one which it
really is not. For example, the victim falls ill with indigestion; the
medicine man ascribed it, according to the current views, to the insects,
or to animal ghosts, or to some similar cause. But he is wrong. He
is led astray by the sorcerer who sent the disease, and who "made it
resemble some such ailment as found by the medicine man in his
diagnosis"; but the disease is of a totally different nature.
Even now there are often cases where two parties are waging a
battle, often lasting weeks and months, pestering each other with
various aye''liGO''Gi-diseases.
According to information collected by Mooney, these diseases
were even sent to each other by friends and relations "as a joke",
to mutually test their knowledge and aptitude to ward oS such
attacks. I did not find this view confirmed. 1
Again and again in these pages proofs will be found of the nefarious
influence ascribed to a woman during her catamenial period. This
influence she exercises involuntarily; it is inherent to her condition
at that time.
Eating the food she has prepared, touching whatever object she
has used, even walking along a trail by which she has traveled, may
cause a painful and obstinate malady. Up to two or three genera-
tions ago this belief was far more pronounced, and practices ^-ith
regard to it were obsei-ved much more strictly than is the case now.
As soon as the first signs of her condition manifested themselves,
the woman repaired to the o-'si, a small low hut set apart for people
"under restrictions," as menstruating women, women in labor, and
probably also for patients suffering from certain diseases; the o''si was
also reserved for certain acts of a ceremonial nature, as the instruc-
tion of aspirant medicine men, the recitation of certain myths, etc.
There is not one o''si left on the reservation, and not even the oldest
persons remember ever having seen one. The women, therefore,
nowadays no longer leave the common dwelling place during their
periods, but abstain from cooldng meals, or from any other duties
pertaining to the household. The meals are cooked by other female
members of the household or prepared by the men.
The Cherokee medicine men are considerably at odds as to the
actual way in which menstruating women exercise their disease-
causing influence. According to the view that commonly prevails,
the mere presence of such a person is sufficient to cause disease, and
this I consider to be the primary form of the belief. Others, Og. among
them, held that especially the look of her was nefarious; this would
indicate a belief that is intimately related with the "evil eye" super-
stition, and may possibly be of foreign (white?) origin, as the Cherokee
do not seem to attach any importance to this mode of bewitching.
The only other instance that can be cited is that of the fascinating
look of the vkt'e-'na: "if he even looked at a man, this man's family
would die." (Mooney, Myths, p. 253.)
It is of import to note that not only the presence of the woman is
held to be dangerous, but even that of her husband. I have myself
22 Tjnder this caption onh' the "disease-causing" influence of a mulier men-
struans is considered. The taboos slue has to observe herself are mentioned
(p. 120) and will be discussed at greater length in a forthcoming paper, in which
the sexual life of the Cherokee will be more adequately described.
Olbreotts] the swimmer MANUSCRIPT 35
had the experience that when I visited sick members of the tribe I
was not granted admission to the cabin until I had been subjected
from inside, by the patient himself, to a very meticulous and an
anno^angly intimate cross-examination. (See p. 66.)
Not only in the domain of siclviiess does a woman in this condition
exert tliis unfortunate influence, but even on growing plants and
crops her presence is equally pernicious, whereas if she were to wade
thi'ough a river where a fish trap is set she would spoil the catch.
Pregnant women are considered only slightly less dangerous, and
the harm and havoc they may cause is combated by the same means
asthatof themenstruantes. (Seep. 120; alsoMooney, Myths, p.442.)
For further facts relating to these subjects, the reader is referred
to Childbirth, page 116 et seq.
The importance the Cherokee ascribe to dreams as causes of disease
is cpiite remarkable.
Whereas it appears from the more archaic data available that some
dreams are the actual cause of many diseases, there is now in this
ver}^ generation an evolution to be observed from ''dream = disease-
cause"; to " dream = omen of disease." ^^ In either of those two
cases it is still possible for the dream to play an active part as symptom.
The Cherokee, especially those that have kept intact their alle-
giance to the aboriginal gastronomical ways and manners, dream fre-
quently, and theii' dreams are often of the "nightmare" variety.
Hearing them relate a dream of this sort, and their comments upon
it, makes one more than ever inclined to accept Hofler's theory ac-
cording to which the conception and the visualization of disease-
demons have their origin in nightmare dreams.
Dreams, as a rule, affect the dreamer only, but in a few cases the
person dreamed about may be the future sufferer. Certain types of
dreams may occm' more frequently at a certain time than at another;
a woman during her catamenial period often dreams of "all sorts of
things" (i. e., of unnatural intercourse, of givuig birth to animals,
etc.). Dreams may vary also according to the sphere of interest of
the individual: dza*'dzi (George), a powerful Nimrod before the
Lord, dreamed of negroes more than W. did, the latter being given to
dreams of the medicine man's type: Thunder, train, burning house,
etc. Attention should also be called to the psychological shi'ewdness
of considering "rheumatism" a result of dreams with sexual contents.
One individual had to some extent formed his own exegesis: If he
dreams during winter of a nice summer day, it is going to be
'" "Fish dreams is a sign our appetite is going to be spoiled," an informant told
me. From the older texts, however, it appears that it is the very fact of dream-
ing of fish that causes the disease.
bitterly cold, he says; if in summer he dreams of a cold winter day,
it is going to be a nice day.
As a whole there is a definite rule as to which diseases are caused by
certain dreams. It is even very probable that at a time when their
culture was stUl uncontaminated there was a very elaborate and
definite dream-exegesis.
I have found it most advisable to list the dreams under three
1. Dreams that cause definite aUments or death.
2. Dreams that cause complaints that are not specifically indicated.
3. Dreams that do not belong to the domain of medicine.
1. — Dreams Causing Definite Ailments or Death
Dreams about— Cause
"Little People" (see p. 25) "Our mind is going to be
changed" (i. e., insan-
ity) .
All kinds of birds Do.
Sun Fever.
Moon Do.
Meat ("lean meat," some say) Toothache.
Being in deep water Do.
Rattlesnake or copperhead Toothache; also swelling of
the body and cancer.
Persons of opposite sex; sexual intercourse Rheumatism.
To wrestle with fat person of opposite sex Do.
Sexual-pathological (incest, vice, etc.) Do.
Bees, wasps, yellow jackets, and similar insects Blindness.
To burn foot, hand, or finger Snake bite.
A ball game; the dreamer's team wins A member of the dream-
er's settlement will die
A train rushing to a cabin One of the inmates will die
within 6-12 months.
A train journey with a companion The companion will die
within 6-12 months.
A cabin of the settlement burns completely One of the inmates will die
A member of the family is leaving The one who leaves will
die after 2-3 years.
2. — Dreams th.-vt Cause Complaints that Are Not Specifically Indicated
Dreams about— Cause
Fish Illness.
Snakes Do.
"Impure water" (i. e., rapids bringing snow from the Do.
mountains; the river flooding the country, etc.).
"Inverted dreams" (when a man dreams about wom- Do.
en's utensils (mortar, pestle, sieve, etc.), or a woman
about men's utensils (bow, ax, etc.).
Many people gathering ,,, — Do.
oIbrIcIts] the swimmer manxjscript 37
Breams about— Cause
Many visitors at a house (not necessarily the dream- Illness,
er's house).
"Invisible people" Do,
To lose small personal belonging (coat, ax, kerchief, Do.
Drowning Do.
Eagle Do.
"tcGo-'ya" (see p. 28) Do.
To walk with a deceased person Do.
A deceased person is calling us or beckoning Do.
A cabin of the settlement is on fire (but does not burn One of the inmates will fall
completely). ill; if we dream that the
fire is extinguished by
somebody, this person is
the one who will be able
to cure the case.
"Little Men" (Thunder Boys) ay£"'ltGo-'Gi
Thunder Do.
A dog approaching from distance Witchcraft.
A mad bull rushing wildly all over the settlement An epidemic.
A windstorm rushing wildly all over the settlement.. Do.
3. — Dreams Without Relation to Medicine
Dreams Cause
About white people It is going to snow.
About Indians It is going to rain.
About negroes We will kill game.
Omens ^*
If the family dog howls all the time and acts "as if he were home-
sick" somebody of the family is going to fall ill. The dog should
be killed "so as to make an exchange." Ayo., W.'s mother, told him
many years ago that the dog should be addressed and commanded
to die itself, instead of the member of the household whose death
the dog's howling announced. (See p. 62.)
A hen that crows like a rooster should be killed forthwith; else
disease will befall the household. If the hen is killed the misfortune
is averted. (See p. 78.)
When the "thunder" strikes a tree near the cabin, there is some
trouble in store for the inmates.
If a fox (tsy'la) howls near a cabin one of the household is going to
be ill; the same result follows the hooting of the night owl. The cry
of the whippoorwill is believed to forebode not only disease but even
If we see a shooting star we are going to be ill.
" All the following "omens" are in a stage where it is not possible to class them
definitely as disease causes or as signs of future illness.
Neglected Taboos; Disuegakded Injunctions
As if the formidable force of disease causes which we have now
passed in review were not sufficient to soon rob the earth in general
and the Cherokee country particularly of eveiy li\'ing mortal, there
is yet a complex of causes arrayed against the unsuspecting creature
who has successfully run the gantlet of spirits, ghosts, witches, and
dreams: the neglected taboos and the disregarded injunctions.
In a way these work in an even more insidious and surreptitious
way than any of those that have until now come to our attention. For
in a good many instances we may avoid diseases if only we adhere
strictly to certain rules of conduct: carefully ask the bear's pardon
after having killed it, making a point of burning the entrails of a slain
deer, not spit into the fire, not urinate into the river, not oflend
"man-killers," etc. We can avoid violating these taboos; but others
there are which we may violate how^ever carefully we try to avoid
doing so, and however honest our intentions are. It makes no
difference whether we violate them purposely or inadvertently, the
results are the same.
Some of these taboos that now seem unintelligible, not only to
us but to the Cherokee themselves, are undoubtedlj^ survivals of an
earlier age, where certain phenomena were the object of a cult which
has in later days been neglected and forgotten, such as is illustrated
in "One must not point at the rainbow, or one's finger wiU swell at
the lower joint." (IVIooney, Myths, p. 257.)
"Sourwood ... is never burned, from an idea that the lye made
from its ashes will bring sickness to those who use it in preparing
food." a. c, p. 422.)
Others of these taboos are very probably (unconscious?) attempts
at laying down rules for moral and even hygienic conduct. For
example, one should never do one's needs in the yard or in a trail,
i. e., in public; this would result in diseases of the urinary system. It
may be mentioned in this place how extremely carefully and con-
siderately the Cherokee observe this taboo. Likewise, the entrails
and offal of all small game, tlie water in which it is washed and with
which some of its blood may be mixed, and the blood itself, should
never be disposed of by throwing or pouring it away in the yard or in a
trail, etc., but should be carefully taken to a secluded place and
disposed of.
The diseases that may result from the neglect of these taboos
are varied and multifarious; they may in fact be almost anything.
If toothache "results" it will be blamed on the "animal's insects";
if rheumatism, the explanation may be found in the fact that the
particular piece of game was a rabbit; if Dyle"'dzi because it was a
turkey, etc.
Olbrechts] the swimmer MANUSCRIPT 39
To close this review of disease causers, there is a last category to be
oriefly mentioned, viz, the white people, and especially the white
physicians. These cause one kind of disease only, but they are the
very diseases the Cherokee stand in most frantic fear of — epidemics.
A. F. Chamberlain, in his article on Disease and Aledicine — Ameri-
can, in Hastings's Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics, III, page 732,
draws attention to the fact that many North American Indian tribes
ascribe epidemics to the evil influence or activities of the white people,
and has illustrated his statement by an interesting citation from
Winslow's Good News from New England (1624); cf. also Dr. H. U.
WilHams, The Epidemic of the Indians of New England, 1616-1620,
with Remarks on Native American Infections, in Johns Hopldns
Hospital Bulletin (Baltmiore), XX (1909), pages 340-349.
The Cherokee medicine men are at odds when it comes to state
wliich motives drive white physicians when they let loose epidemics to
ravage the Cherokee settlements. According to some informants,
they do it simply because they hate the Indians; according to others,
in order to enrich themselves at the expense of their victims.
It is not known exactly in what ways and by what methods the
white physician attains his ends, but at least one case is known, the
Cherokee claim, where it is clearly shown what means were used.
"Toward the close of the Civil War two Cherokee (one of them was
called Isaac) were captured by Union troops and kept prisoners of
war at KnoxviUe, Term. When, after the war, they were released
they were called into a room and shown a red fish (swimming in a
bowl). After they had looked at it the fish was put away again. They
came back to where they lived, and three or four days after they got
home they became feverish, and their whole body became covered
vrith. sores; they had smallpox." (W., Og., T.)
In this case it is emphatically stated by present informants that
it was the mere looking at the fish that caused the disease and that it
was purposely shown them by the white people to bring affliction
and death on the two Cherokee and their people.
There is a generic name for contagious disease: a'"y€'lf'Do"!a'
i. e. "he (the disease causer?) drives it (the disease) about."
As for the means used to cure or prevent it, see "Prophylaxis,"
p. 73 et seq.
Diagnosis and Prognosis
We now have a pretty sound and tolerably complete idea of the
Cherokee views on disease and are equipped with the indispensable
elements to understand their practices mth regard to the treatment
of diseases.
We maj^ at first be shocked by the "unreasonable," the "preposter-
ous," etc.,in these practices. If,however,on second thought, we endeav-
or to make an honest effort to understand them, we will soon see how
remarkably logical they are, if only we bear the premises in mind. For
whatever there has been said about "the primitive mind," there is at
least this tribute to be paid to it, that it invariably gives proof of a
most rigorous congruency and a perfect harmony in its reasoning.
The first thing the medicine man endeavors to find out, when he
calls on a patient, is the seat of the pain. Since Cherokee medical art
does not aim so much at "curing a disease" or "allaying pain" as at
removing the cause of the ailment, of the agent causing the pain, the
medicine man forthwith sets out upon his quest after the cause of the
ailment. In this he is actively seconded by the patient, whose aid may
prove the more efficacious the more he is versed in the traditional lore.
If we are not dealing with one of the very few cases where a natural
cause is accepted (see p. 17) the medicine man inquires whether the
patient has by any chance infringed upon a taboo (see p. 38) or whether
the patient has had any dreams or omens (see p. 36). The patient
is, of course, but rarely sufficiently versed in this body of lore to be
able to answer in a satisfactory maimer, and the medicine man usually
has to go over with the patient the very extensive collection of
dreams and omens that may affect the particular situation. The
patient, being only too anxious to find rehef, woidd not think of with-
holding any information of a nature to help the final discovery of
"the important thing."
The dreams investigated may go back several months, or even as
much as two or three years; there is no definite rule as to this, and it
rests with the personal opinion of every individual medicine man how
deeply into the past he chooses to probe to find the dream that would
plausibly explain the "case." Similarly, the very emphasis on dreams
as diagnostic means varies more or less with individual conceptions.
It appears, for example, from Mr. Mooney's notes that Ay. held
dreams of secondary importance, and that he gave primary attention
to such symptoms as headache, Hvidness in the face, blue-black rings
round the eyes, etc. This point of view does not seem to predominate
\vith the average Cherokee medicine man, as, indeed, it hardly could,
if we bear in mind this very important axiom of Cherokee medical
practice, that whatever the ailment in question may seem to be, we
must be sure to hit upon the real disease causer, so as to be able to
"work" against him, and to force him "to let go his hold" on the
patient. The identity of the disease causer is foimd out much more
readily and far more accurately by the patient's dreams and experi-
ences than by such symptoms as described above, which the Cherokee
medicine men, as well as Mr. Mooney and I, have noticed are identi-
cally the same for a score and more of radically different diseases.
oiSIts] the swimmer manuscript 41
As soon as the medicine man, by this pseudo "psychoanalytical"
method has found out which dream has caused the ailment he is able
to prescribe the treatment and to go on his quest for herbs and roots.
There are cases, however, where by this method no result is ob-
tained, and the medicine man's exertions remain imre warded. One
individual dreams less frequently than another and the few dreams he
can recall may not contain sufficient elements to form a conclusion.
In these cases there is still the ever-useful and never-failing method of
"examining with the beads" to resort to; the procedure is virtually the
same as described (p. 132), only changing in this respect, that the
medicine man names a disease or a disease causer and asks of the bead
whether his statement is right. The brisk movements of the right-
hand bead gives an affirmative answer; its sluggish movements, or its
remaining motionless, a negative answer.
A couple of unusual facts on the score of diagnosis have come to my
attention. When in the smnmer of 1926 W. was suffering from a
severe attack of toothache, that could not be cured by any of the
"usual" means, he was soon convinced that it could not be "just a
usual toothache" he was suffering from., but that it must have been
sent to him by a witch. One evening as he was sitting by the fire and
gazing into the fantastically leaping flames, he suddenly saw, grinning
at him from the glowing embers, the face of an old woman ; the face of
a woman he knew. She was hving in another settlement, and had the
reputation of being a witch. So W. forthwith concluded that she
was the one who had "worked" against him and who had sent him
the toothache. According to the rules of the art, at which he was a
full-fledged adept, he did not lose time in launching his counterattack
as a result of which the witch died before the sun had set seven times.
As far as I could find out, W. is the only individual who ever had
experiences in this domain that emerged from the banal, the everyday,
and the common conceptions. I am quite confident that he was quite
sincere and honest about them, and I am anxious to point out that,
even if they are unknown to other members of the tribes, or of the
profession for that matter, still they absolutely conform in form and in
content to the pattern and the structure of the more common Cherokee
The Cherokee do not pay much attention to prognosis. A patient
should officially show signs of improvement after four or seven days
of treatment. If the ailment refuses to be impressed by the Cherokee
beHef in sacred numbers, and the seventh day brings no relief, an
expectant attitude may be taken by the patient, his medicine man
and his friends for two or three days, during which there are animated
discussions as to what might have been wrong with the treatment or
with the diagnosis. Maybe the diagnosis was not absolutely wrong,
but was not sufficiently right; the patient may have been suffering
from more than one disease; he may have infracted more than one
taboo; he may have offended more than one animal spirit. At the
time of the diagnosis the medicine man was satisfied when he had
found one cause, whereas there were two. Hence repetition of the
diagnosis and beginning of another treatment. There may be yet
other explanations — a complication may have set in, in that the
ailment was due to a mere breach of taboo at its outset, but has since
been aggravated by the machinations of an enemy or a witch. Or,
again, maybe the patient has not paid heed to the taboos while under
treatment. Maybe a change of medicine man would do no harm?
It is possible that the changes that are expected in the patient's
condition after a set number of days (ofTicially four or seven, accord-
ing to the Cherokee sacred number) coincide with the crisis of certain
ailments. Some such facts the Cherokee have not been slow to
observe, although their explanation of them is, of course, always in
keeping with the general trend of their beliefs. I feel sure, for in-
stance, that it is the phenomenon of the rising temperature of certain
patients toward nightfall that has contributed considerably toward
the clever explanation of the "witches wallving round at night,"
tormenting the sick and the feeble. Hence the special care with which
a patient is surrounded after dusk by his friends and relatives.
The favorite phrase used when prognosticating is that the patient
"win soon be able to walk about"; but "soon" and "walk about"
as used by the Cherokee medicine man are both very vague and
elastic expressions. Occasionally the death of a patient may be pre-
dicted, but this in no way influences the treatment. Even in the face
of a losing battle the medicine man bravely and pluckily sticks to
the job.
After aU, the most common and the most "efficacious" means of
prognosis is the one by the beads, the beads being the instruments
"par excellence" for discovering the truth, in prognosis as in diag-
nosis, as they are, indeed, in all ceremonies of a divinatory nature.
(See p. 132.)
List of Spirits
The Cherokee pantheon of disease-causing spirits is quite consider-
able and the number of spirits that are called upon to eat, pull out,
carry away, destroy, or in any other way eliminate disease is even
Since in the aboriginal belief as well as in the formulas these spirits
always appear and behave according to most rigidly circumscribed
patterns, a complete survey can best be given in an index, in which
the particular traits of each of these beings are listed analytically.
As for the method of finding out which particular spirit or what
agent has caused the disease, see Diagnosis, p. 139.
S-brecIts] the swimmer MANUSCRIPT 43
As will be noticed in the formulas, the same spirit that causes a
given disease is never appealed to to eliminate it; Cherokee medicine
men constantly put into practice a "policy of equilibrium" as did the
European diplomats of pre-war days, and according to which every
spirit has one or more antagonists that are appealed to in order to
undo the work and to combat the nefarious activities of their oppo-
nents. The application of this theory is best studied in the formulas.
A glance at the following table will also be found instructive in this
regard. If a disease is held to be caused by worms, various kinds of
birds that are known as worm eaters are called upon to wage the fight.
If the disease is thought to be of an unusually tenacious and obstinate
nature, such animals as beavers, rats, weasels, the dogged stubborn-
ness of which is proverbial, are commanded to gnaw and tug at it
until no trace of it is left. Should the most striking feature of the
*' important thing" be its cunning, its evasiveness, such a sly and
wary individual as the otter is commandeered to effect the relief.
It has been deemed expedient to use some abbreviations in the fol-
lowing table, the meanings of wliich are given below. The analysis
of the traits of each spirit has been effected under eight headings.
Under the hrst the name is given. These names have been put
into alphabetical sequence, in order to make the list the more service-
able. The Cherokee names of the spirits will be found without dif-
ficulty by looking up the formula in which they occur. This formula
is referred to in the last column, under the caption "Reference."
The second column mentions the color of the spirit. Abbreviations
used :
W White. I P Purple.
R Red.
Y Yellow.
E In the east.
N In the north.
S In the south.
Br Brown.
Bl Blue.
B Black.
The third column lists the location, the place of residence, of the
spirits. Abbreviations used:
H On high.
C In the center.
Ab Above.
W In the west.
The fourth column lists the diseases caused; the fifth, the ailments
cured by the spirit. It is obvious that a spirit who is hsted under
the fourth caption will be found wanting under the fifth, and vice
The sixth column lists eventual helpers or collaborators of the spirit
and the seventh his eventual antagonists.
Only rarely is a spirit appealed to who is not sufficiently described
in the formulas to make his identification possible; such is the case in
the formulas Nos. 26 and 39.
tBuLL. 99
•- t; -5 CQ
^ E n is- "
X t- ® t! ?■
2 a S §- ft '^
. o
; . . a ;
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.5 •
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) bi
• C
-H Oi
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^ S
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"^ 2 a
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a |g a I
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o s
<D -^
x3 5
>- o «
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(^ p>^ n
s ^
Ph O
[Bull. 99
»- o o
o —
t^ TJ' OO t^ M O —*
■•r «o -^ *o »c i^ OS
o ^ *; £
? .£ "" — ^
S 3 o pq t;
i E> . f-<
1 H (1< CQ
^ J3
&: n
.S E
*-.S «
BO . is ®
?? B=
.S c g
■2 6
& a
a 3 s g •«
« O X! M
^ .S o
s - p
a a
^ g OJ «
c! rt fe ^
£ S g o
3 S S <«
K :?:
fi; £ >h' >h" ^ ^
«■ S ^ «" m
IS ■<
H rt n n
S c a o o
Sj c! <a 03 C3
3 s ;s 2 s
;ky 1
C^ -^ CD '^_ ^
o ^ -< ^ C-J
CC CN C^ -— '
c5 CN ?J CO
o »^ >o >c o to
© n
o — ■
" E
a "
O 0
& &
5 tf
_2 a
*^ Z
o c
B 1
a c
oj d
a E
« Pi
Bl. otter Bl. fish hawk, W.
R. ottter, terrible otter, wea-
sel, Bl. leech.
<D ,
S s
rt a
When tliey attack him
Their sides
i d s
o .
S S £
^ p:
Purpose of scratching,
using the snake tooth.
Thftv havft them shakin2_
When they have drooping.
Pains (shifting about)
i i
1 s
1 o
'o '
n 1
OT ft;
di ri ^ H «■ S ^
Ph P< P5
S P5
pi pj
P3 S
^' «■ i «
, o
, o
§ S-: SS S
s ;ss
s§ ss
75-48°— 32-
V a
TtS 0" 000005 n
•o 00 CO CD CO c:
•^ CO »o
[Bull. 99
■^ O O Q Q CD
■-. 00 CO S 3 .-(
!> ^- a.
— - u c a
. p. c a
P- H M "
^ o
- S3
(2 el
« pi fe ^
P5 H
o o
o «
o o
a. ■■"
.S "5
a « « g
>.-S ft
a o -3 Tj
V C3 C7 o
5K 13 "^ 'O
03 tf
a -
taO ca
a te
o a
a rt ^
CJ ^ s>
Ui ^ 1^
- ,2
g g c
a n S
>- « PQ pq
^ ^
>-i >H ea p5 p5
O 3
c 2
O ^ Q Q P
S 3 £
Ci « ro cs
JO O lO ic
.5 c
S 5 ^
^- > -2
'^ _« o
:^ •=> "S
° w ^
S si
a a
p; O S « pi d 3 Ah'
hJ o
& a
^ .°
-^ 33
<1 w w S
B .-q erf C
o n
qO o a ooCf-i -3
5QQ fe!-^ Q
2 0-2
en ^
[BCLL. 09
"" So^^gJtr S 12
Br. dog, Bl. dog, B. dog,
two little R. dogs.
B. raven, B. buzzard, Br.
Y. goldfinch, Y. pigeon,
long human being, W.
kingfisher, R. fish hawk.
1 "^
, E
0 .H
ca '3
.Q p
0 3 '
11 I
3 M 1
i 0 1
M 1
e ;
Color Symbolism — Sacred Numbers
There is but little to be added to what Mooney (SFC, p. 342)
says about the Cherokee color symbolism, unless it be this, that the
distinction is not always made quite so definitely as would appear
from Mooney's tabulation. It is, of course, possible that 40 to 50
years ago the people's ideas were still less vague and fleeting on this
score than they are now, but the formulas' evidence does not indi-
cate that even quite a few generations back the color symbolism was
much more definite. This will readily appear upon consulting the
analytical table. Disease spirits (pp. 44-50).
A couple of facts are established beyond doubt — red and white
can not possibly be associated with the west, nor with anything un-
successful; black can only be associated with the west, and blue with
the west or the north; neither of these latter colors can under any cir-
cumstances be symbolic of success. Apart from this it is not possible
to be dogmatic: Red may be used in connection with the south as
well as with the east and the zenith, whereas white is no more the
inalienable color of the south than red is the one of the east.
Whether this phenomenon has any correlation with the defective
power of discrimination between colors of the Cherokee I hesitate to
say. However that may be, it is a fact that even the Cherokee who
have known the joys of a Government school education do not score
much better, according to our standards, when it comes to dis-
criminating between colors than did the Seminoles of AlacCauley.^^
To gain some more definite data on this I asked the informant
who was the least hopeless in tliis respect (W.) to pick out from a
color chart, showing 95 colors in all possible shades and nuances,
those "which the Cherokee know and have a name for." The follow-
ing is the result of this experiment:
Usual name of color
Cherokee name
Pea green
Myrtle green
Oxide red
Lead color...
Holland blue
Tuscan red. .
Light gray..
Dark blue
itse'i iyu"sti
WO-'oiGe- °'
u''dzat'i^ Dalo''ni
V^lo'SO^'st Gt'^GaGe' "'
Ga'yo"'tH Dalo'ntGe""'
Sa'k'o"'niGe' °'
Gi"' GaGf °'
Ga"yo"'t}i i;nf'Gii° f3'u"sti sa
De'a'lvGe- "''.
Like green.
(Like) clotted blood.
Like hematite.
Extremely yellow.
Beyond red.
Feebly yellowish.
(Dusty gray.)
Bloody (i. e., "red").
Feebly white like bluish.
=» Cf. Fifth Ann. Rept. Bur. Ethn., p. 525.
As with the majority of the North American Indians, color sym-
bohsm is intimately associated with, the rite of circumambulation, of
which further mention is made (p. 03).
Sacred numbers. — Four is the fundamental sacred number in
Cherokee ritual and seems always to have been. Although seven is
also frequently met with, it would seem that this number has no
claim to as venerable an age as has four.
Seven may have grown in importance by such outside and acci-
dental influences as the 7-day week and by the reduction to seven
of the number of Cherokee clans.
There are traces of the significance of another number, viz, 12
(and also of its multiple 24) as evidenced by —
The 12 runs in the ball game.
The 24 days' taboo of a woman after her delivery (this 24 days can
be reduced to 12 by using an appropriate medicine).
The 24 different plants used against amsGfna diseases.
The formulas and the notes appended to them simply teem with
illustrations of the importance of the sacred numbers, especially of 4
and 7. I therefore considered it superfluous to multiply the examples
here. Attention has been called on page 122 to the interesting proc-
ess of rationalization by which a sanction of the use of the number
4 is alleged to be found in a (nonexisting) North Carolina State law.
Materia AIedica
In this section I endeavor to give a summary description of Chero-
kee materia medica. I would have very much preferred to incor-
porate in this paper a detailed Cherokee "pharmacopoeia," but the
Cherokee botanical materia medica is so extensive as to command
separate treatment. It is considered best to withhold tliis material,
and to publish it, probably in the form of a paper on Cherokee
ethnobotany, in the near future.
A's a general and preliminary consideration it may be stated that
although the Cherokee believe to a limited extent in the therapeutic
value of certain matters of animal and vegetal origin, their materia
medica consist primaril}' of botanical elements. It is happily ignorant
of any human ingredients, the use of which is so conspicuous in the
primitive medicine of numerous tribes, nay, in the folk medicine of so
many civilized countries; even the belief in the curative power of
saliva (cf. our "fasting spittle") is found wanting; stercoraria are
never used, and as a whole, their materia medica is very much
cleaner than, for instance, that of the rural communities of Europe.
The generic nam.e for any particle possessing medicinal properties
is n9"Vo"t'i', the meaning of which is literally "to treat with," but the
emotional value of which had better be rendered "to cure with."
Olbrecuts] the swimmer MANUSCRIPT 53
Altlioiigh Cherokee possesses words to express such concepts as
"herbs (in general) " or that refer to certain definite famihes of plants
("famihes" to betaken here from the Cherokee point of view, as
"those that grow in the mountains," "those that are ever green,"
"those that grow near the river," etc.), these are but rarel}^ heard, and
as a rule the specific names of the plant are used.
Although some of the simples used are undeniably of officinal value,
this would seem in the majority of cases to be a mere matter of acci-
dent, rather than evidence of conscious experiment or even of fortunate
experience. The rule underlying the choice of a certain plant as an
antidote against a given ailment is of a mythological and an occult
rather than of a natural nature.
The chemical properties of the herbs, roots, barks, etc., used may in
some cases happen to be appropriate to the result to be obtained, but
that this is merely a matter of coincidence and chance is proved by
many practices, a few of which are:
The outer appearance of the plants is of tremendous value in deter-
mining their efficacy against certain given diseases, as, "a thimble-
berry shrub growing high up (in the cavity) of a hollow (tree) " is used
against "painful remembrance of the dead" (see p. 233), because the
medicine man said, "when we tear away the roots, deeply buried and
stubbornly clinging to the tree, we "v^-ill, when we drink a decoction
of the roots, also be able to pull the remembrance out of our mind that
makes us sick."
Plants that have a pungent smell are great favorites in many ail-
ments. The Cherokee have no explanation to offer. The same fact,
observed times without number elsewhere, has usually been explained,
"the pvmgent smell puts the disease demon to rout."
Trees and plants, the sap and the juice of which are of a mucilaginous
nature, as that of Da"'"wadzf'la (Ulmvsfulra Michx., "slippery elm")
are used in cases where something is to be ejected out of the body, as
in childbirth — "the inside is to be made slippery."
Plants that show certain peculiar characteristics, identical to those
shown by the disease, are used as antidote: the "mUky discharge"
common to certain maladies of the urinary system is thought to be
efficacioush^ combated by adininistering plants that contain a mUky
juice; as if, by showing to the ailment that there is plenty of the mUky,
juicy matter at hand, there is hope of convincing it of the futility of
Or the contrary may be the case: Plants and fruits that contain
great quantities of juice must by no means be used by the patient when
he is suffering from a complaint, one of the symptoms of which is the
presence of a lot of "juicy matter," as in blisters, boils, etc.
Mooney in his notes has left us a typical illustration of this mode of
reasoning; against rheumatism ' 'the plants used in the preparation are
all ferns , . . Tho doctor explained that the fronds of the young fern
arc coiled up, but unroll and straighten out as the plant grows; ergo,
a decoction of ferns will give to the rheumatic patient the power to
straighten out the contracted muscles of his limb."
Not onl}' is there great importance attached to this sj-mbolism of
the outward appearance, also due regard is to be paid to the sacred
numbers; in scores of cases the medicine is only effective if four or
seven of the plants (usually of the same "family"') are used, and thus
it often happens that the actual ofhcinal value of one plant is abso-
lutely neutralized, to sa}^ the least, by throe or five others.
Another consideration that is not of a nature to stimulate our faith
in the efficacy of Cherokee materia medica is the tremendous impor-
tance laid on the use of certain plants that are not held to have any
inherent curative properties but that arc considered to possess remark-
able power in virtue of a mysterious way of behavior — an uncommon
way of growing, a quaint inclination of their branches, grotesque
parasitical excrescences, or that show any other evidence of so-called
freaks of nature, as the roots of an "inverted raspberiy branch,"
i. e., the branch of a raspberry shrub that has come back to the soil
and taken roots again (pi. 6, a) is often used in cases where the Cher-
okee consider the roots of the "parent plant" as being destitute of
any curative properties. Or it will be specified that the roots used
must be those of a plant that has onh^^ one stalk, even if the plant
named has usually several stalks. Or again, it will be prescribed that
the bark has to be stripped from a "crippled" tree, i. e., a tree that
has been broken by some accident while it was still young, but that
has nevertheless continued its growth in its "crippled" condition.
The curious, the unusual, that which is rare and difficult to find,
have always and everywhere played a considerable role in the materia
medica of all times and of all peoples, and we here find ourselves con-
fronted with these same considerations.
The same trend of thought is no doubt also responsible for the
remarkable properties ascribed to lightning-struck wood, especially
of a tree that has continued to live after the accident, although this
belief may have to be explained partly by an additional element, the
respect for thunder and its "emissary," lightning. (Cf. Mooney,
Myths, p. 422.) Also the mj^sterious power ascribed to the root that
looks like an insect, "that has (a stalk) growing from its mouth" (see
p. 30) is no doubt to be explained by this belief in the uncanny
properties of the unusual.
Finally, such prescriptions as are made with regard to the time of
collecting a plant (during a storm), or the mode of selecting a par-
ticular part of it (the bark on the "sunny side" of trees (pi. 6, h) the
roots running out to the east, etc.), prove again to what an extent the
materia medica of the tribe is influenced by mythological conceptions.
q: X
UJ u
- X
z CQ
0 X
h IB
a-h. Surgical instruments, i. The "K'unuGa" scariOcutiou instrument
Collection. — As a rule simples are never collected and kept ready for
emergency in a dried or prepared state. Only those needed in case of
childbirth are gathered during the summer, so as to be available in
wintertime (see p . 9 1 ) . It is just as rare to find medicine men endowed
with enough foresight to lay out a garden of medicinal plants as did the
European monks in the Middle Ages. (See p. 90.)
The rules for collecting the plants are as follows: As soon as the
medicine man has made his diagnosis he tells the patient and the
latter's household that he will have to go and collect simples. He
usually does not tell him what kinds he will need, but if he is a greedy
and a " businesslike " individual, he may tell them how great a trouble
it will mean to him, how far he will have to walk through the pouring
rain or the scorching sun; to how many places he may have to go in
vain; how often he will probably have to retrace his steps and start
the search all over again, etc.; all this to induce the people to give him
a considerable fee. (See p. 95.) He invariably tells them what kind
of cloth (what color, and dimensions) he will need to gather the plants
in. This is given to him; if the people do not have the cloth available
they have to borrow it from neighbors or buy it from the trader.
Then the medicine man starts on his quest for the simples.
He usually knows where to find the specimens he needs — in the
woods, along the mountain side, near the river, on marshy ground, etc.
He also knows that some plants have a tendency to grow near certain
trees, as oaks, in apple orchards, on moist, shady rocks, etc.
To gather certain plants, such as ginseng, he must first recite a
prayer asking vne-'tlano'Ii (see p. 20) for permission to pluck them.
Or he is not allowed to pluck them without dropping a bead in the
earth where they stood.
Sometimes (in times gone by this was probably a strict and general
rule) when his bundle is complete he takes it to the river and puts it in
the water; if it floats it is a sign that all the prescriptions have been duly
followed and that the eventual taboos have not been violated ; it is a
sign, moreover, that the bundle of medicine is all right, and that its
use will be followed by the results that are expected of it.
He then wraps up the simples in the cloth (pi. 6, c) and returns to
the cabin of the patient, where he hands the bundle to one of the
household. The roots are unwrapped and the cloth is handed back to
the medicine man as his fee. The medicine is then steeped, boiled, or
prepared as the medicine man directs and in due course of time is
administered to the patient, either by a relative or by the medicine
man himself, again according to the prescription of the formula.
Preparation. — There are three major modes of preparing the medi-
cine; it is either: (a) pounded and steeped in cold or warm water,
(6) boiled, or (c) boiled down.
Pounding the roots and barks is still occasionally done with a stone,
but a hammer is now more generally used. Leaves that are to be
steeped are, prior to being put into the infusion vessel, crushed or
crumpled in the hand. The different ingredients that are to be boiled
or steeped are usually tied together in a bundle, by means of a strip of
hickory bark.
" Boiling down" is a mode of preparing the medicine which is pre-
scribed with man}'^ formulas. It consists in boiling the m.edicine and
drinking part of it the first day, boiling the same decoction over again
and drinking another part of it the second day, and so on, usually, for
four consecutive days. The fourth day the decoction is often a thick
treaclish sirup. Sometmies, however, water from the river is added
every day to the decoction.
Occasionally poultices are made of large leaves of mullein and held
by the hand against the affected part for a few minutes.
Black pine wax (a*tsa') is used, and also the use of bear grease
(yo*'nD° Go.i') and eel oil (t9'°te"'Ga Go.i') is occasionally met with.
In some cases, w^hen the decoction is so bitter as to be very disagree-
able to swallow, it is sweetened by adding honey or the pods of honey
locust to it. This procedure is especially frequent when the decoction
is to be administered to children. The custom of adding whisky to
certain decoctions has been taken over from the white mountaineers.
Mode oj administering. — This is as a rule fairly simple. Usually a
member of the patient's household gives him the medicine to drink;
in a few cases it is specified that an aboriginal gourd dipper be used for
this purpose. These dippers are not used so extensively as household
utensils now as they used to be, metal spoons and ladles having grad-
ually replaced them, but it is an often observed fact that in primitive
and folk medicine, as in ritual, objects are retained that have passed
out of existence as everyday utensils hundreds of years ago. (See
p. 58.)
In some cases, however (all this is invariably and minutely laid
down in the prescriptions appended to the formulas, p. 158), the medi-
cine has to be administered by the medicine man himself. In doing
this he observes certain ceremonies, as standing with his back toward
the east, so that the patient opposite him faces the "sun land," lifting
the dipper containing the medicine high up, and bringing it down in a
spiral or swooping movement, imitating by so doing certain birds of
prey that may have been mentioned in the formulas he has recited
prior to giving the patient his medicine to drink.
Not the slightest attention is paid to dosing the patient nor, it is
superfluous to state, to his idiosyncrasy. If any question is asked, as
to the amount of the decoction or of the infusion to be taken, the
answer is invariably "Just asmuchashe canhold." Thislfoundupon
observation is very elastic and fluctuating from one individual to
Olbrechts] the swimmer MANUSCRIPT 57
another; it may mean anything; from a minimum of 2 to a maximum
of 6 to 7 litci-s a da}^ This appalling amount of liquid by itself is
often sufRcient to account for the emetic results the Cherokee obtain
by the use of simples that are devoid of emetic properties.
A few words remain to be said about the animal and mineral
materia medica in use in Cherokee therapeutics.
Against rheumatism and stiiTness in the joints eel oil (tQ"°t€"'Ga
Go.i') is used. The oil is fried out of the animal in a frying pan.
The eel owes the honor of thus being admitted into the Cherokee
pharmacopoeia to its considerable suppleness and lithencss.
Bear grease (yo-'no" Go.i'), known to most of the North American
Indian tribes and extensively used in the Southeast, is likewise known
to the Cherokee. The rapidly progressing extinction of the bear in
the Great Smokies will, however, soon account for the untmiely end
of this popular article.
A prescription against a disease that can only be identified as
tuberculosis specifies among other ingredients the brains of an otter,
mixed with "rock treacle," i. e., the moisture oozing out of the natural
fissures of a mossy rock.
Stones, especially worked and fashioned arrowheads, may be added
to the water in which roots and stems are put to boil, but they owe
their therapeutic value chiefly to the belief that "they will cut the
disease to pieces" in the patient's body. The stones and flints are,
of course, removed before the decoction is drunk.
Water enters into practically every remedy, in so far as it is used
to boil the other ingredients in. It usually has to be dipped oat of
the river, to where, in some cases, it has to be taken back after use.
(See p. 68.) There are no specific instructions as to whether the
water has to be dipped 'S\'ith the stream" or "against the stream"
as is so frequent in primitive medicine. One instance has come to
my knowledge vv'here the water has to be taken from a cataract.
The use of snow water and of ice is coinmon in treating cases of
"Stumpwater " is but rarely referred to, and its use, together vnth
the belief in its marvelous properties, may have been borrowed
from the whites.
Disposing of used ingredients. — As a rule proper care is taken to
dispose of the materia medica after its use ; it is never carelessly thrown
away, but is usually kept on outside shelves, with at least two of
which every cabin is provided. It is quite likely that formerly there
was a proper ceremony to dispose of these decocted barks and herbs,
bat although this has been lost, enough of the custom is remembered
to prevent the used ingredients from being thrown away as refuse.
A few formulas have directions appended to them, which direct
that the medicine, after its use, has to be "stored in a dry place,"
or has to be placed in a rock fissure with an appropriate formula.
Paraphernalia Used in the Treatment
The list of paraphernalia used by the Cherokee medicine man is
not extensive; it may be conveniently classed under three headings:
(1) Objects used in divinatory ceremonies. These \nll be amply
described when the formulas relating to divination are published.
(2) The instruments used in surgical or pseudosiirgical operations;
a description of these will be found under the caption of surgery
(p. 68)._
(3) Finally there are the objects used in treating disease. These
include blowing tube, gourd dipper, terrapin shell, persimmon
stamper, beads, rattle.
The blowing tube (pi. 7, h) is a portion of the stem of a'maDi"to.'ti'
i;"'t'ano°', Eupatorium purpureiim L., joe-pye-weed, trumpet weed.
Usually it is about 20-25 centimeters long, with an outside diameter
of about 15 milUmeters and an inside diameter of 10-12 milHmeters.
It is used to blow or spray the medicine, which the medicine man
has pre\aously sipped from a dipper, over the patient's temples, the
crown of his head, his breast, or whatever part of his body is "under
Only in one case did I find a much longer blowing tube of the same
provenance used. It measures 50-60 centimeters and is the means
by which a decoction has to be sprayed on the body of a parturient
woman; the medicine man, while doing this, for propriety's sake
stands 3 or 4 yards behind the semireclined woman (see p. 125) and
blows the medicine in a jet over her head. This procedure makes it
imperative that the blowing reed be of the length described so as to
be the better able to direct the jet of medicine.
There is a faint indication that until about 40 years ago occasionally
a grass stalk was used to blow a decoction of plants into the urethra,
but nothing more definite could be learned about the procedure,
which is now completely discontinued and almost forgotten, even
by the oldest of the medicine men.
Although gourd dippers are still used to some extent in the Cherokee
household they tend to disappear and to be replaced by more modern
utensils introduced by the whites, metal spoons, ladles, etc.
For use in medicine, however, it is always implicitly understood
and often explicitly stated that the dipper used to administer the
medicine must be the good old aboriginal gourd dipper Ga'^lune''-
Gwo°; so much so that this object is gradually becoming, from a com-
mon kitchen utensil which it still was one or two generations ago, a
true component of the medicine man's paraphernalia.
This tendency of less civilized communities to cling not only to
their archaic practices but also to retain certain material objects
associated with them, is very frequent and common, and parallels of
it could be cited by the dozen. To give a couple of instances only:
In tho folk medicine of many rural communities of western Europe
it is often specified that the medicine be prepared, steeped, or boiled
in an earthen vessel; this in spite of the fact that the use of earthen
vessels for everyday purposes was dropped centuries ago.^®
Some of the Morocco Mohammedans who have known and used
for centuries metal daggers and knives that are the pride of museum
collections still use a stone knife for such a delicate, but ritual and
archaic operation as circumcision,"
A consideration of the same order as the one commented upon
under gourd dippers is no doubt partly responsible for the use of a
terrapin shell (tu'ksi u'ya'ska) to keep the medicine in. (Cf. Mooney,
SFC, p. 345.)
The persimmon-wood stamper is an object that has fallen into
complete desuetude. It was used in certain manipulations closely
related to, if not identical with, massage. Mooney, as appears from
his notes, found it mentioned during his first visit, but even then the
object was no longer in actual use; after repeated vain efforts he was
able to locate a man who was still able to nake a specimen, which
now forms part of the collections of the Di\dsion of Medicine, United
States National Museum, Washington, D. C.
If I had not found the reference to this object in Mooney's notes I
would not have suspected that it was ever in use, as only a couple
of the oldest medicine men could painstaldngly recall it — its name is
completely lost— but no one could be found who was able to carve a
specimen. Neither of the two medicine men who vaguely remem-
bered its having been in use could describe the procedure ; they could not
tell me whether it was used to rub, to stamp, or to press the sore spot.
The beads (aD€''l5°) belong, properly speaking, not so much to the
medicine man's paraphernalia as to those of the di^dnator. Since,
however, these two arts are very often pursued by one and the same
individual, and especially since the divination with the beads is so
often inextricably fused with a curing procedure, they can not very
well be left outside of this enumeration.
Finally the rattle calls for a few comments in this connection.
Nowadays there is no medicine man, as far as I know, who still uses
the rattle (i. e., the gourd rattle, Ga,ndze"ti) when singing medicine
songs; its use is entirely restricted to the accompanying of dance songs.
The terrapin -shell rattles were apparently never used in medicine.
There are some indications, however, that would lead us to believe
that the gourd rattle must once have been extensively used in medicine
and must once have been practically the emblem of the medicine
man's profession.
-' "Troost der Armen" Gent (n. d.), p. 9.
2^ Rohlfs, "Mein erster Aufenthalt in Marokko," ap. von Hovorka and Kron-
feld, vol. II, p. 492.
Curing Methods
As we have seen in our paragraph on materia medica, the Cherokee
do not only attach officinal value to the intrinsic properties of the
simples used, but they expect as much, if not more, curing power from
observing and complying with sundry regulations when selecting,
picking, preparing, and administering them.
We are again faced with conceptions of the same order, when it
comes to the actual use of the plants or of the other materia medica —
not only the object used is of importance, but the method of using it
is of great consequence. A short description of these modes and
methods \d\\ form the object of the following paragraphs.
"VMiatever be the method used, the act of treating a patient is
usually referred to as Dt'calo"'* wtsta'N^ti' "to work for him " (Dactlo'"'-
wtsta'ne'a' "I work for him ") . This expression is also frequently used
when referring to "examining with the beads" or to the nefarious
machinations of an enemy. It is also used by the people in everyday
language to render "to work for (someone)," i. e., to do manual
labor, and only when it is used in the medical jargon does it have this
restricted meaning of "treating a patient."
It will be superfluous to state that the enmneration as well as the
description of the different methods as they appear in the following
pages are the result of patient observation and of information from
man}'- different sources, both oral and as written in the sundry manu-
scripts; not one Cherokee medicine man realizes that his science can
boast of such a wealth of curing methods.
Some of the methods have no specific name in Cherokee. The
names of those that do have one ^vall be found in the relevant formulas.
Administering the medicine. — A given disease may be cured by
merely administering the decoction or the infusion of the medicine
prescribed. This procedure has been amply described on page 56 and
does not here call for any further comment.
Often the root or the bark of the simple prescribed is chewed by
the patient, instead of being dnmk by hmi in a decoction or in an
Bloiving the medicine. — In certain diseases, even if the ailment is
held to be of an internal order, the medicine is not taken internally
at all, but is sprayed over the patient, either over the whole of liis
body or only over parts of it (e. g., over his head, his breast, etc.).
This is usually done by means of the blowing tube (p. 58). The
medicine man takes a long draught of medicine, without swallowing
it, and then blows it with one continued jet over the patient.
Often, instead of blowing the medicine over the patient the medicine
man merely blows his breath. This may be done again by means of
the blowing tube, but this instrument is often dispensed with. It
could not be ascertained whether the use of the blowng tube is of
oIbkecuts] the swimmer MANUSCRIPT 61
any particular ritualistic meaning. The general feeling among the
medicine men is that the blowing tube is used so as to be better able
to direct the liquid or the aii*. If one feels that this effect is attained
without the aid of the tube the latter is not used.
As is customary when he is having medicine administered to him,
the patient shoidcl face the east when the liquid or the medicine man's
breath is being blown over hmi.
Again, instead of being blown over the patient the medicine may
be sprinkled over hun; a small pine branch is used for this purpose.
In a few cases the cure is expected from an inunction with the
liquid of the parts affected. This procedure is especially frequently
associated with the "scratching" of the patient. (See p. 68.)
Another method which can boast of all but intertribal reputation
is to spray or pour the decoction on previously heated stones and to
expose the patient to the vapors thus obtained.
A practice which is verj' much related to the one just mentioned is
the sweat bath, hardly less popular with the majority of the North
American aborigines. The difference between the sweat bath and the
vapor bath described seems to be that in the latter the curing power is
expected from the ingredients of the decoction sprinkled on the stones,
whereas in the sweat bath the object is primarily to cause the patient
to profusely perspire.
This custom is another one that has been discontinued, and it
would not be possible now to obtain such a vivid description of it as
Mooney has left us in his notes: "The operation was formerly per-
formed in the a'st or 'hothouse,' a small low hut, intended for sleeping
purposes, in which a fire was ahvays kept burning. It has but one
small door, wliich was closed during the operation, in order to confine
the steam. The patient divested himself of all clothing, and entered
the a'st, when the doctor poured the hquid over the heated stones
already placed inside, then retired and closed the door, leaving the
patient to remain inside until in a profuse perspiration from the steam
which filled the hothouse. The door was then opened and the man
came out, naked as he was, and plunged into the neighboring stream.
The sweat bath, with the accompanying cold plunge bath, was a
favorite part of Indian medical practice as far north as Alaska, so
much so that it was even adopted in cases of smallpox epidemics, when
it almost invariably resulted fatally. The East Cherokee lost 300
souls in consequence of pursuing this course of treatment for smallpox
in 1865. The sweat bath is still in use among them,-^ but as the
a'st is no longer built, the patient is steamed in his own house, and
afterwards plunges into the nearest stream, or is placed in the open
doorway and drenched with cold water over his naked body."
2^ This was written by Mooney about 40 years ago.
Massage plays a considerable part in Cherokee curing methods and
is frequently mentioned. Although they use it in some cases where
it is unquestionably of a nature to bring rehef, as in painful menstrua-
tion, spraining, etc., it is resorted to in many other cases — as a rule as
soon as there is evidence of any kind of swelling, whether of the stom-
ach or of the knee — where it lacks the least degree of efficacy. The
underlying principle is invariabl}^ that the swelling is the material
evidence of an immaterial agent (the "important thing," the disease)
and that this can be eliminated, expelled, ejected out of the affected
part of the body by pressing and rubbing.
Previous to starting the massaging, the medicine man always warms
his hands near some Hve coals taken by his assistant — who is usually
a member of the patient's household — from the hearth, and that are
put do^vn near the medicine man on a shovel, on the lid of a pot, a fiat
pan, or some other such receptacle. The medicine man warms his
hands while he recites the first part of the formula, and then rubs the
affected part, eventually under the clothes of the sufferer. The
massage is done by the whole right hand, the palm effecting most of
the pressure, and a circle of 6-7 centimeters from the center being
described. Starting from the right, he moves upward, comes down
to the left, continuing the motion for a few minutes, from 2 to 3 or
6 to 7 times, as he sees fit.
He then warms his hands again, reciting meanwhile the second part
of the formula, and the whole treatment is continued until the (usually)
four parts of the formula have been recited and followed by the rubbing.
Mooney, SFC, p. 335, has drawn attention to the rubbing for
treating snake bites. In this case the "operator is told to rub in a
direction contrary to that in which the snake coils itself, because 'this
is just the same as uncoiHng it'."
A practice that was still faintly remembered when Mooney visited
the tribe is the massage by means of a stamper made of the wood of
persimmon. (See p. 59.)
I have been surprised to find that the Cherokee all but ignore the
elsewhere so popular and common method of transferring disease to
other creatures — to fellow human beings, dead or ahve, to animals, to
trees even, and to rocks, rivers, etc.
Of the two only instances of this kind which I found — and I am
pretty sure that no other varieties exist — one has very piobably been
borrowed from the whites, if not in its actual form, at least in certain
of its aspects. I am referring to the following practice on which only
one informant (W.) could give me full particulars: A howling dog fore-
bodes illness or death; the only way to avoid its prophecy being ful-
filled is to command it to die itself, instead of the person, or the
member of the household who is the object of its evil warning. (See
p. 37.)
The claim to aboriginality of the other mstance, however, rests on a
sound and soUd basis: In some DaIo"'ni diseases (see p. 63) the sufferer
goes to the river and there vomits. The formula recited on this
occasion sends the illness, along with the vomit, floating down the
river, to "the settlements where (other) people hve," and transfers the
ailment to them (see p. 23).
This practice is so reminiscent of other Cherokee incantation cere-
monies that there is no doubt about its being indigenous.
Vomiting into the river is also very common with merely the object
in mind to get rid of the disease, without the intention being explicitly
present of transferring it to the people living in other settlements along
the river. Whether this intention ever imphcitly belonged to this
practice it is not now possible to ascertain.
A method that is again very frequently met with in various countries
and among different tribes is one based on the beUef that the ailment
can be banished, the pain diminished, by symbolic means, as by
gradually diminisliing the number of ingredients in a decoction, by
calling the disease by a series of names or objects of diminishing size,
etc. (Compare German "abzahlen.")
This practice is found in the Cherokee custom of curing certain
ailments by drinking medicine all day long the first day, until noon
the second day, until about 10 a. m. the third day, and until breakfast
the"^ fourth day.
Scratching, sucking, and burying the disease are methods that are
being discussed with reference to the "chirurgical" methods of
curing. (See p. 68.)
If none of the multifarious methods described above brings any
relief to the patient, and if it is deemed that no chances for his re-
covery exist, a last effort is made: The patient, called, let us say.
Climbing Bear, is abandoned to the disease, but a new name is
bestowed upon the sufferer; henceforth, he >\ill be called, let us say,
Cutting Ax; and, while the disease spirit may temporarily be deluded
and gloat over his success in bringing Climbing Bear to his doom, a
new series of treatments is inaugurated by the concerted action of the
medicine man and the patient's relatives to save Cutting Ax. A
man who owes his name, Alick, to such a procedure is now living on
the reservation, not far from Big Cove. (See the description of the
event by W., p. 67.)
A mode of curing is to be mentioned finally which may not effect
a cure by its sole power, yet is found associated so often with other
curing methods that it should not be passed over in silence; I mean
the circumambulation, so prominent in primitive rites in general, and
in American Indian ceremonialism particularly.
In many cases, before administering the medicine, the medicine
man circumambulates the patient. The rite is, moreover, practiced
7548°— 32 6
as a preventive measure against the machinations of witches (see
p. 13), and, with a view to faciUtating dehverj^, at the time of parturi-
tion (see p. 123).
The dextral circuit (sunwise) seems to be the most common and
original one; the sinistral circuit is, however, not unlaiown, and may
have its origin in the symbolical reversion of that which is customary.
(Compare Germ. "Riickzauber.")
To cjose this survey, which to the best of my knowledge is complete,
it may be well to state that all of tliese methods are only practiced
by tlie medicine men; all a layman may venture to do is to give a
patient his medicine to drink, or to give him an additional inunction
of his decoction, but all this only under the explicit direction of the
worthy practitioner. (See p. 56.)
Prescriptions as to Diet, Taboos, Etc.
As will be seen in the chapter dealing with the formulas (p. 144),
almost eveiy one of these is, or should be, accompanied by an often
quite extensive explanation, listing the symptoms of the ailment
against which the formula should be used, its cause, the simples to be
gathered, with their mode of preparation, and finall}^ the restrictions
to be observed. These restrictions, or taboos, are the object of the
following lines.
Roughly speaking they may be divided into two classes: Those
referring to the diet of the patient; those referring to the care of the
patient and to his behavior.
As to the former, ample illustrations will be found of them in almost
every formula or prescription, and I merely want to draw attention
to them here, at the same time contributing a few notes toward
making this custom more intelligible.
For here again, as with almost every phase in the Cherokee treat-
ment of disease, we are dealing with entities of a purely mythological
nature. Every observant reader when looking over the formulas will
be struck with the so often repeated prohibition of hot food and salt.
The reason for this, as for many of these restrictions, can not be given,
not even by the most erudite of the Cherokee medicine men.
Mr. Mooney repeatedly in Ids notes expresses the opinion that salt
and hot food are tabooed because they have been introduced by the
whites, and are therefore thought to interfere with the action of the
Indian medicine. I do not quite share this opinion. Even if the
use of mineral salt had not spread among the Cherokee to the same
extent as it did after the advent of the whites, yet they did know lye,
and lye is prohibited by the medicine men in every case where salt is
I noticed, furthermore, that now that the food introduced by the
white people, such as canned goods, coifee, sugar, etc., is easily
obtainable by the Clierokec, they never abstain from these articles
when under medical treatment.
It seems to me that the reason for these restrictions are to be
sought in another direction: The smarting; of salt in open wounds and
the scalding effect of hot food have probably given the people the
notion that these two articles of diet are of a pain-aggravating
One disease, g^'gd" a'naldzi'skwskQ'M ("when they spit blood"),
is actually caused by "eating too much salt," Del. told me.
It also struck me that these two restrictions always most rigorously
apply in cases of hemorrhage (woands, menstruation, partus, etc.)
or when there are smarting pains, even if these be internal, as in
gonorrhea, pneumonia, tuberculosis, etc.
Another significant fact that I ^\dsh to present to substantiate
the view here defended is that a prescription of Ms. Ill, the object
of which is to cure a sldn eruption, prescribes go. tN*o° a'ma' i;''tlotso'!i
nt'Ges9''na ("and also grease witli which (however) no salt has been
Roth, pages 348, 352, mentions two facts which of course could not
prove my point of view, but which are nevertheless interesting paral-
lels. "The Piache's (medicine man's) first prescription is to impose
a general fast on the patient and his kinsfolk; the majority of the
Piaches demand that no one belonging to the house should eat any-
thing hot, anything cooked, or peppers" (p. 352).
Apart from salt and hot food, which are prohibited in the greater
majority of diseases, there are some other taboos that are to be
observed when suffering from some particular ailments.
So will the patient under treatment for rheumatism have to abstain
from eating squirrel or rabbit meat, because of the hunchback position
that is so characteristic of these animals; the one suffering from
diarrhea should not eat fish or chicken, because the feces of these
animals would seem to indicate that they are chronically afflicted
with this very disease; the one ^dsited with watery blisters should
abstain from all juicy fruit and vegetables, etc.
Some of the taboos are to be observed during the course of the
treatment only (usually four days), others "for a veiy long time,"
or "as long as possible," which may mean anything from a month to a
year; others again for lifetime.
In very rare cases, not only the patient, but also the medicine man
treating him, as well as the assistant of the latter, who is usuall}^ a
member of the patient's household, have to abstain from certain
articles; e. g., when treating anj^one who has been wounded by a
bullet or an arrow, the medicine man should not chew tobacco for
four days; this same taboo has to be observed by the patient.
Moreover, "in all cases of sickness, the doctor abstains from all
food until he is done treating the patient for the day. This usually
means until about noon, but in serious cases the doctor sometimes
fasts until nearly sundo^^'n. He must not cat in the house of the
patient but ma}" eat in the yard outside." (Mooney, Notes.) There
is a marked tendency nowadays to abolish this custom stipulating
that the treating medicine man should also observe the taboos.
Fasting is a restriction that is rather frequently imposed upon the
patients, but weshould have no misgivings. The proof that no sanitary
consideration is to blame is obvious; the patient conscientiousl}" fasts
until sunset, or in some cases until noon, when he is allowed to gorge
himself with food as if he were the most robust and healthy individual
on earth.
With regard to the second group of taboos, those referring to the
care of the patient and to his behavior, the most important one is the
segregation of the patient. There is nothing to be added to the
excellent account given of this custom b^^ Mooney, SFC, pages 330-
332. It is still alive and thriving. It more than once happened to
me when I went to call on a sick member of the tribe that I was only
admitted after having sustained a rigorous cross-examination as to
the "conditio physiologica uxoris meae," etc. (See p. 35.)
In some cases (documentary evidence of all this will be found in the
formulas themselves) there are various injunctions to be observed
such as the following:
If the disease is caused by birds, all feathers are to be removed from
the cabin. (Feathers and quills are usually kept in the house to
feather the arrows.)
Nor should the children made lU by the birds be taken outside, lest
the shadow of a bird, flj'ing overhead, might fall on it and aggravate
the ailment.
In diseases associated with the buffalo no spoon or comb made of
buffalo horn, nor a hide of that animal, was to be touched. This
taboo has been gleaned from a very old prescription, the age of which
is shown by its contents; the buffalo has been extinct in the Cherokee
country so long that the present Cherokee do not even remember
what the animal looks like.
The numerous injunctions and restrictions to be observed by a
pregnant woman have been listed together. (See p. 120.)
In some diseases, especially in those of the urinary passages, sexual
intercourse is prohibited. It is possible that a long time ago the
medicine man himself had to observe injunctions of continence as long
as he had a patient of this kind under treatment, but I have not been
able to gather definite information on this score.
Attention should be drawn, finallj^, to the fact that the taboo may
depend on the number of simples used, as in Formula No. 55, or again,
on the mode of collecting them. In Ms. II a formula occurs in which
the medicine man, when he goes out to gather the plants needed,
states in an appropriate formula how long a period of restrictions he is
going to prescribe to his patient.
A Typical Curing Procedure
We have now anal3^zed the difTerent and multifarious elements and
concepts which we find entangled in Cherokee ideas on disease, its
causes, and its treatment. Needless to say, neither the native patient
nor the medicine man ever look at the problem in such a scrutinizing
and analytical way. We will therefore now present a synthetic pic-
ture of the w^hole as it is presented to the mind of the native. The
following lines contain the account of a case of illness and of the
treatment and curing of the same. The account was given me quite
spontaneously and unsolicited by one (W.) who was an interested party.
Apart from correcting the more flagrant grammatical lapses in it
I have not changed it in any way and wall give in footnotes what little
supplementary information may be necessary to make it intelligible.
" Man}^ years ago ^^ my cousin, Charlie, Je.'s ^° son, was very ill ; he was
very poorly; he was just about to die.^' My mother ^^ was very sorry
for her daughter and for her grandson, and she sent after Doctor
Mink,^^ asking him to come down to see what he could do. An
evening, soon after. Doctor Mink came to our house and said he
would spend the night.^* But my mother was anxious to know some-
thing about her grandson's illness and prepared the cloth and the
beads.^^ Mink examined with the beads, but he found that nothing
could be done. My mother cried and was sorry because of her grand-
son; she got some more white cloth and two more white beads, and
asked the medicine man to try again. He did, but again he said the
boy could not recover. And again my mother put some more cloth
and two more beads down, but still there w^as no hope. A fourth
time she got cloth and beads and the medicine man examined once
more; but again he found that the boy was very poor, and that he
would have to die.
"I then proposed to go over the mountain to where the sick boy
lived, and to go and see him anyway. We all went, and when we got
there we found the boy unconscious.
29 Thirteen years ago (information given November, 1926).
30 W.'s half-sister; cf. pp. 9, 116 and pi. 12, a.
31 He was ill with GQ'°wani'Gtstg°'.i, cf. p. 120.
32 Ayo., herself a reputed medicine woman during her lifetime. (Cf. p. 9.)
33 Alias Wil., son of cad. (cf. p. 9); two medicine men (now both deceased)
from whom James Mooney obtained the Mss. II and III.
" Cf. p. 97.
85 Cf. p. 132.
"I asked the doctor if he would come to the river with me; we
took a dipper ^° which we filled with water, and when we got back to
the house, we sprinkled some of it on the boy's face; I then went back
to the river and poured the rest of the contents of the dipper away
exactly where we dipped the water from. When I came back, I
asked Doctor Mink if he would examine with the beads again to see
if the boy could be cured : I prepared cloth and the beads ^^ and I
went ^\ith Mink to the edge of the river. He examined with the
beads, but found there was no hope. I put down some more cloth
and beads, but again the doctor found there was no help. I then
suggested to change the boy 's name. CharUe could die, but we would
give him a new name; we would call him Alick.^^ Mink then again
examined with the beads, and he found that Alick was going to get
better. They tried a fourth time, and again there was hope. I
then got Mink to examine to see if he would be able to cure him ; but
he found he couldn't. Then he examined for another medicine man,
and then for another, and another, and finally he found that Og.^^
could cure him. We then sent for Og. to cure hun. In the sick boy's
house nobody was allowed to sleep that night.'"' Doctor Mink kept
busy about the fire, working against the wdtches.
"Og. came down every morning and every night; he did the curing,
and Doctor Mink did the examining with the beads. Four days
afterwards I went down to the river once more with Doctor Mink,
and we found that in seven days Alick would be about, hunting.
And so it was."
As compared with the rest of their medical practice, surgery is
but scantily represented in Cherokee curing methods. However,
what little there is, is of sufficient interest and importance to be en-
titled to a short sjmthetic description.
As the first in importance the different methods of scarification de-
serve to be mentioned. Scarification is still practiced extensively,
and I may add intensively, not merely by the medicine men but also
by the uninitiated. The ball players are still subjected to it, as has
been minutely described by IMooney.'*^ The "scratching" of the
ball players is usually practiced by means of the k^any^'ca instru-
38 Cf. p. 58.
*^ W. here plays the role of medicine man's assistant as his mother did in the
previous ceremony (cf. p. 62).
" I. e., Alexander.
8B Cf. p. 112; pi. 9, a.
*o Cf. p. 31.
" "The Cherokee BaU Play," Amer. Anthrop., Ill (1890), pp. 105 seq.; cf.
also Culin, "Games of the North American Indians," Twenty-fourth Ann. Rept.
Bur. Amer. Ethn., 1907, pp. 575-587.
oIbrechts] the swimmer MANUSCRIPT 69
ment. This Is a comblike device and is quite a remarkable specimen
of primitive inventive spirit. (PI. 7, d, i.)
It is made of seven splinters of bone of a turkey leg, set into a
frame of a turkey quill; the quill is folded over in four parts of pretty
equal dimensions, so as to form a rectangular frame 5 centimeters by
4 centimeters; where the two extremities meet they are tied together,
and the seven bone splinters (about 5 cm. long and 3 mm. broad at
the top; sharpened to a keen point at the bottom) are then stuck
through the upper part of the quill frame, with intervals of not more
than 1 or 2 millimeters; they are then also stuck thi'ough the bottom
part of the frame, 1 or 2 milluneters of their cutting extremity piercing
the frame at the bottom. With these seven sharp points the scratches
are inflicted; and the ingenious way in which they are mounted pre-
vents them from piercing so deep into the flesh as to inflict serious
Although only the ball players are now being scratched by this
instrument there are good reasons to believe that formerly it was
also used in the treatment of certain ailments, where now such
objects as flint arrowheads, briars, and laurel leaves (see infra) are
Moreover, there seems to be a tendency nowadays for scarification
to develop from a mythico-surgical operation as Mooney still found
it 40 years ago in a rite of a purely symbolic nature. In many
instances I observed that not only no "gashes" were inflicted, but
that not even a particle of blood was drawn during the operation.
Dt'DQ-^le'ski (rheumatism; cf. p. 292) and ailments which from a
Cherokee point of view are related to this disease, are universally
treated by this "scratching" method. The scarifying is here done
by means of a flint arrowhead (oawi'skula'), preferably of the black
variety. Old medicine men assert that this is the only variety
(pi. 7, a) that should be used, but as this kind of arrowhead is getting
scarce there is a tendency to use any other kind (pi. 7, 6). A still
more curious shifting to a new position is shown in the custom which
is rapidly gaining ground and according to which scratching is simply
neglected, but an unworked piece of flint (also called Dawt'skiila', pi. 7,
c) is merely held against the sore joint, the formula for scratching
being recited at the same time.
Schematically this evolution could be represented as follows:
Black flint arrowhead to scratch with
i i
Any arrowhead to scratch Any piece of hlack jiint held
with. against aching spot
I did not find that any articles imported by the whites, such as
knives, nails, glass, etc., were in use as scratching instruments.
All kinds of briars, especially those of blackberry shrubs, nvGo'tlo"
(pi. 7, e), are also used to slightly scarifj^ the skin. By what poor
means I had at my disposal I used to treat Jud. (see p. 114; pi. 10, a)
for rheumatism in his knee. Whenever I went to see him in his
cabin he stubbornly refused to be rubbed \\'ith the embrocation I
used, before he had gone out, cut a thorny branch off some shrub,
and scratched his knee. When he came to my quarters to be rubbed I
he never forgot to bring his briars!
A few leaves of the laurel {Kalmia latifolia L.) are also used for the
same purpose. Ten or twelve leaves (originally probably seven) are
plucked, kept together between thumb and forefinger (pi, 7,f), and a i
few strokes with the bristly edges are given over the skin. I was sur- 1
prised to find, when I had this scarification practiced on me as an
experiment, that the marks were visible and the irritation of the skin
sensible for over a week.
Finally there is to be mentioned the tooth of the rattlesnake as a
scarifying instrument. When used for the preparation of the mem- j
bers of the ball-game team it was customary until 50 years or so ago .
to use two of these teeth, tied together. Why this was done, and how
the instrument was made, informants were unable to tell me. The
scratching with one tooth, as practiced in the treatment of disease,
is described by Mooney in his notes as follows: "Beginning with the I
right hand (the medicine man) draws the tooth from the end of the
first finger *^ along the back of the hand, up the arm, across the breast,
and down the left leg and foot, making one long gash. He then re-
peats the operation in the same way, beginning with the left hand i
and ending wdth the right foot. Next he begins at the end of the f
right thumb, drawing the tooth up along the arm, around the back of
the neck to the left shoulder, and down again in front along the left
leg and foot. Then he reverses the operation, beginning with the
left thumb and ending with the right foot. He then scratches the
skin at random over the affected part, or over the limbs and the body
according to the nature of the sickness. . . . These scratches are not
deep, being intended not to draw blood but to enable the liquid ap-
plication to take a better hold upon the skin. In scratching small
children, the . . . (medicine man) uses the back of the tooth." In
some cases children are scratched over the tongue.
This mode of scarification seems to have died out, however; not a
single instance of it came to my attention during my stay; nor was
there one medicine man of the many I knew having such an instrument
in his possession.
As for the scarification with such objects as flint arrowheads, briars,
laurel leaves, the scratches are usually only inflicted locallj'" — on the
*2 Also of the middle finger. — F. M. 0.
knee, the wrist, the elbow, etc. — and are not more than 5 to 6 centi-
meters long. From sLx to a dozen of them may be applied, usually
parallel, but in some cases half of them may be scratched from left
to right, the other half up and down, so that the whole presents a
After any scarification, whatever "instruments" may have been
used, an infusion of very pungent plants (see p. 53) is rubbed over
the scarified area; it is undeniable that this treatment is often effica-
cious to allay the pains caused by neuralgia, nervous headache, and
similar complaints. Similar observations have been made by W. E.
Koth*^ and by Prof. J. P. Kleiweg de Zwaan.^*
Generally spealdng, scarification is performed to cure such diseases
as are not permanently located in a definite part of the body, as
rheumatism, which may be more pronounced in the knee joints one
day and in the hip the next; or "pains moving about" (neuralgia),
for neuralgia of the teeth, for "pains appearing in different places,"
Fractures. — The knowledge and the professional skill of the medicine
men with regard to fractures is scanty indeed. The fractured mem-
ber is fitted together as nicely as can be managed and one or more
sticks are tied alongside of it; as soon as the patient reaches home two
boards are hewn, of which a casing is made, and that takes the place
of the sticks. Complete rest is prescribed and a decoction of tsfyu'
{Liriodendron tulipifera L., tulip tree, poplar, whitewood) is blown,
by means of the blowing tube (see p. 58), on the fractured limb. As
the medicine men put it themselves: "If everything has been fixed
nicely the bones will grow together again and heal; but often they
don't and then the man will not have the use of his Hmb again."
If a lower lunb has been broken or disjointed and has failed to heal
sticks and simple crutches, not different from the simpler forms known
to the rural whites, are used.
A fracture which is fairly common is that of the collar bone; the
rough way in which Cherokee ball players handle each other during
the game often results in a player being tossed clear up into the air
and falling down headforemost. To avoid falling on his head, or
breaking an ann, the head is held on one side, and the arms are held
horizontally extended. A broken collar bone is often the result.
Here again no other method of curing is attempted than blowing a
decoction of poplar bark on the shoulder and breast. The patient is
ordered to keep his arm at an angle of 45° in front of his breast, i. e.,
to take the position which in our hospitals is enforced by the suspen-
sion bandage. Most cases heal successfully.
*^ "An Inquiry into the Animism and Folk-Lore of the Guiana Indians,"
Thirtieth Ann. Rept. Bur. Amer. Ethn. (1915), p. 280.
""Die Heilkunde der Niasser," den Haag 1913, p. 135.
Dislocation. — Cases of dislocation are treated as efRcaciously as one
can expect. Three or four friends get hold of the patient and simply
pull long and frantically until they believe the rebellious joint has
resumed its original position. As to the ultimate outcome, tho same
fatalistic view is taken as with regard to fractures.
Dentistry. — The art of the stomatologist is in its very piime among
the Cherokee. If neuralgia is felt, it may be treated as —
(1) Dt'DQ-le'ski (see p. 292); in this case the jaw, the cheek, or the
temple may be scratched by arrowhead, briars, or laurel leaves.
(See p. 70.)
(2) Else the medicine man may proclahn that the pain is caused by
insects. (See p. 28.) This is especially the explanation if there is
any visible swelling or inflammation. If such is the case a treatment
is adopted the main object of which is the sucking out of the insect.
(See p. 73.)
If a tooth shows visible signs of decay the actual causes of pain are
not so much believed to be of a mythical nature. The pain is com-
bated as long as possible, by thrusting in the cavity of the aching
tooth a small quid of ordinarj^ chewing tobacoo; eventually, in a fit
of raging pain, the tooth is knocked out with a stone or a hammer.
A half-blood, whose scientific progress had attained the point
where he pulled teeth by means of a pair of tongs, did a thriving
business, people from miles around walking to his house to be "oper-
ated upon."
Wounds, boils, etc. — Wounds caused by a cutting instrument, such
as an ax, a knife, a strong splinter of wood, are always treated by the
recitation of a song (see p. 271) by the medicine man, or, if the case is
urgent, by the patient himself or by a member of his household, if
they know the formula. The infusion of tsf'yu bark (see p. 71) is
usually blown over the wound afterwards.
Nowadays the woimd is usually bandaged in a very summary way
with some stray bit of rag. It would^appear that no surgical dressing,
of botanical matter or of skins, was practiced before the introduction
of cloth.
Severe hemorrhage, especially resulting from wounds inflicted by
arrows or bullets, is stopped by a plaster of buzzard's do%vn. The use
of birds' down for this purpose is practiced by several American
Indian tribes.
Contusions and internal wounds caused by falling or by being hit
by heavy, blunt instruments, as by a club, a tree branch, etc., are
treated by the panacea: the infusion of tsf'yu bark, blown over the
aching spot; no formula is recited, however.
Use of the sucking horn. — The discussion of the following practice
under the caption of "Surgery" might be challenged with some
reason, but the practice is undeniably of a surgical nature according
Olbkechts] the swimmer MANUSCRIPT 73
to Cherokee standards. The instrument used (u'yo'*no° "horn" when
off the anmial; cf. ytluca', "horn," when still attached) used to be
made out of a buffalo horn: yansa' i»'yo''no° it is still often called in
the medicinal prescriptions. Nowadays a cow horn provides the raw
The top and the base of the horn are cut off, leaving a slightly
tapering tube about 4 centimeters long which is shaved off on the out-
side and on the inside. The top opening, which is the narrower, is
covered by the tight]}'" stretched skin of a turkey's gizzard. The
whole has the appearance of a small liqueur goblet. (PI. 7, g.)
This contrivance is used very much as the cupping glass of the white
physician is used, with this difference, that the oxygen-absorbing role
of combustion being unknown, the air is eliminated by sucking. The
horn is placed on the part of the body that is to be operated upon,
and by setting it slightly at an angle, the medicine man manages to
eliminate the air out of the cavity by sucking at the bottom of the
horn. Although the cupping glass and the sucking horn have a very
wide distribution, this is, as far as I am avrare, a unique waj'" of using
this instrument.
It often happened that at the end of the operation some small object,
a small pebble, a worm, an insect, was found in the horn. This the
medicine man claimed had been extracted from the body and was the
disease agent. The horn was used especially in ailments where a
swelling was noticeable, such as toothache, boils, etc. Nowadays it
is seldom used. As a matter of fact there was not one specimen to
be found while I stayed v/ith the Cherokee, and I had to have one
made by Del. (see j). 115; pi. 7, g), one of the few medicme men who
still remembered their use and who knew how^ to make them.
Whenever there is now any sucking to be done the horn is simply
dispensed with, the medicine man merely applying his lips to the
Neither the utter neglect of hygienic precautions nor the total
ignorance of measures to prevent and avert disease which we find
prevailing in primitive communities should cause us any surprise.
These conditions are to be explained by the proverbial lack of fore-
sight which seems to be the appanage of all less civilized groups.
The problem of the day is enough for the mind of these happy-go-
lucky people, "Let us enjoy health while we have it, and if anything
goes wTong there is the medicine man to look after it. "
It is explained also by the existence of a kind of prophylaxis which
by ethnologists is not generally considered as such; it might be called
a "mythological prophylaxis," viz, the careful observance of all in-
junctions and restrictions governing tribal life. If a Cherokee does
not expectorate into the fire, he consciously or unconsciously observes
this taboo simply that he may not be visited with toothache. If his
wife is careful not to leave any offal of dressed game about the yard
this again is done in order that none of the household may contract a
Similarly, amulets and charms are, usually worn with the definite
object of averting evil under all its multifarious forms, of which
disease is by no means the least important.
Another reason for the lack of prophylactic measures among these
peoples may be that the thought of a sporadic illness or ailment is not
of so serious a nature as to impress their minds enough to set them to
actively thinking of an expedient to avert the calamity. In this
respect it is interesting to note how thoro uglily and generally "pro-
phylaxis" is practiced against all contagious diseases and epidemics,
such as primus inter pares, smallpox, that terrible scourge of American
Indians in general and of the Cherokee in particular.
Yet, with the Cherokee, beliefs and practice ^\dth regard to proph}'^-
laxis in disease are not quite so hopeless as we find them elsewhere;
I do not mean to say that they pay such attention to rules of hygiene
as we would approve of, nor that they practice certain prophylactic
measures that we would consider efficacious, but we are confronted
with a more pronounced exertion to forestall sickness and pain than
we are wont to find; this has to be accounted for, no doubt, by the
tremendous stress which is laid in Cherokee tribal life on the ver}--
problems of disease and curing.
As we have seen, according to the Cherokee theory of disease and
its causes, disease preferably attacks — whether of its own accord or
by the activity of a powerful disease causer — those people who are
"constitutionally predisposed" as we would put it. Witches
especially, and man-killers, evil wizards, attack people that are weak
and in poor health, because these will far more easily fall a victim and
a prey to their nefarious machmations than would the stronger,
healthier, more robust individuals.
As soon, therefore, as anybody is grievously ill, one or more medi-
cine men or lay assistants (the latter often relatives of the patient)
take turns to watch in his cabin from sunset to sunrise in order to
"guard against witchcraft." The smoldering ashes of the hearth
are raked to one side and nicely trimmed into a neat little cone-shaped
heap. A tiny pinch of crushed "old" tobacco {Nicotiana rustica L.)
is dropped over the smoldering ashes. If a particle of the tobacco
dust should flare up on any of the sides of the cone of ashes this shows
that a witch is on the way to the dwelling of the sick person to aggra-
vate his condition; should the worker of evil happen to be right
overhead, or should he, though invisible, be inside the room, the
sacred tobacco would land right on the top of the heap of ashes, and
there flare up with a loud burst; this burst is believed to kill the witch.
Even though this rite be gone through while the person for whose
benefit it is performed is already ill, it is none the less a rite which,
from a Cherokee point of view, has a decided prophylactic character.
It is not expected to cure the patient but to prevent any "worker of
evil" taking advantage of his weakened condition to cast another and
more deadly illness on the sufferer.
A variant of this rite is the smoking of the same sacred tobacco
(blended, on account of its excessive scarcity, with at least 90 per cent
of ordinary smoking tobacco) out of a pipe. The medicine man lights
the pipe (preferably an old native carved soapstone pipe, although if
such a specimen is not available a usual white trader's pipe is reluc-
tantly substituted) and slowly walks round the patient's cabin,
starting on the east side; after having inhaled a powerful puff of smoke
he blows it toward the sky, then straight in front of him, then toward
the east, and finally toward the ground.
This is done because some wdtches can not only wallv on the ground
(ad libitum in their human shape, or in the shape of any quadruped
they choose) but they can also fly through the air, and can even
travel under the surface of the earth. The smoke of the sacred
tobacco prevents them from approaching in any of these ways.
Continuing his circuit, the medicine man halts at the north side,
next at the west, and finally at the south side of the house, blowing
the three puffs every time he halts, until the circumambulation is
Contagious diseases. — It is the feeling of those who have made a
special study of the problem of epidemics in pre-Columbian times that
this scourge was relatively rare on the American continent. In view
of this, we can easily follow the mode of reasoning of the natives,
when they ascribe the origin of contagious disease to the whites. They
often even go so far as to accuse the white people, and especially the
white physicians, of purposely letting an epidemic loose among the
Indians, in order to wipe them from the face of the continent by a
quick and efficacious expedient. (See p. 39.)
With the Cherokee, as soon as there were rumors of an epidemic
breaking loose — when it was known that a near-by settlement was
affected, or when there was a case of illness which was pronounced by
the old people, who had witnessed previous epidemics, to be a case
of the disease in question — one of the most reputed medicine men
announced his intention to hold a medicine dance, to safeguard the
people against the coming evil. The w^hole community turned out
at the scheduled time; the medicine dance was danced, the medicine
"against all diseases" was prepared by the medicine men and drunk
by the people. The medicine dance has not been staged for such a long
time now that the only medicine man who knew the songs and the
medicine used died during my stay with the tribe, in the spring of 1927.
Other prophylactics. — These are of an individual nature and are used
not only against contagious but against any kind of diseases. They
are charms prepared from the skunk (Dt'la') and the buzzard (su'h'),
"The odour of skunk ... is beheved to keep off contagious diseases,
and the scent bag is therefore taken out and hung over the doorway,
a small hole being pierced in it, in order that the contents niiiy ooze
out upon the timbers. At times, as in the smallpox epidemic of
1866, the entire body of the animal was thus hung up, and in some
cases as an additional safeguard the meat was cooked and eaten and
the oil rubbed over the sldn of the person." ''^
Buzzard feathers are hung over the doorway, and I have also
witnessed a case where the whole carcass was hung up in the room and
was allowed to decay there; a measure the prophylactic value of
which many of us wdll be prone to doubt.
The buzzard is used in tliis connection because of its habit of
preying on decayed carcasses and rubbish; as he is immune from any
ill effects, "caused by the bad odors," he is supposed by the Cherokee
to be immune from disease-contracting propensities, and therefore to
be able to communicate this valuable trait to those who keep his
feathers, etc., as a charm.
Another contagious disease the Cherokee are in great dread of is
whooping cough. As soon as there is known to be a case in the settle-
ment parents prepare a decoction of uwe't'i' {Eryngium yuccijolmm
Michx., rattlesnake master, button snakeroot) and administer it to
all of their children which they consider susceptible of contracting
the ailment.
Various simples are used to help children grow into fine specimens
of manhood or womanhood, without their deserving the privilege
of being listed under the caption of proph3^]axis. There is one
medicine, however, in a decoction of which babies are to be bathed
every new moon: k'ane'si' {Orontiuiii aquatlcum L., goldenclub).
Measures to prevent toothache arc numerous. When you see a
shooting star you must immediately spit, else you will lose a tooth.
If you always hoed this injunction you will keep all your teeth sound
as long as you live.
Never throw the remains of anything you have chewed (a quid of
tobacco, the skin of an apple in wliich you have bitten, etc.) into the
fire; "else the fire will chow your teeth."
Another means, not so simple but even more efficacious: Catch a
"green snake" (a snake about 50 cm. long; not poisonous) and hold it
horizontally extended by neck and tail; then run it seven times back
and forth between the two rows of teeth, after which turn it loose.
No food prepared with salt is to be eaten for the first four days follow-
"Mooney, J., Myths of the Cherokee. Nineteenth Ann. Rept. Bur. Amer.
Ethn., Washington, 1900, pp. 2G5-266.
OlTrechts] the swimmer MANUSCRIPT 77
ing this operation. It will keep your teeth sound as long as j^ou live.
The Tuscarora know exactly the same toothache-preventive practice.
In order not to be afflicted with boils this is the remarkable and
unappetizing advice given: Swallow the body of a living daddy-long-
legs (Da''kwsuli'), after first having pidled its legs ofl^.
The awe-inspiiing collection of Cherokee sacred and medicinal
formulas contain quite a few that are to be recited to avert o\dl and
disease; most of them, are prayers of the Idnd which are called in
German "Segen"; some of them are believed to insure a safe journey
if recited before setting out; others are claimed to make the recitant
invulnerable in war or strife, as one in Ms. Ill; others again are held to
keep the feet from being frost bitten (cf. Formula No. 60, p. 258), when
walking on the snow, etc.
In none of these cases is any material object used, however, and they
are therefore not further discussed here.
Change From Within — Influence From Without
In the course of this chapter attention has been called to a couple of
instances where the use of "surgical" instruments can actually be
caught in the process of an evolution. (See p. 69.)
Also, in the paragraph sketching a few of the leading Cherokee
medicine men, there wiU be occasion to point out a change in practice
resulting from a modification in conception and outlook.
There are some more instances where Cherokee conceptions and
ideas wdth regard to disease can be shown to have undergone, or to be
in the act of undergoing, some important changes.
In this respect it has been fortunate indeed that such a keen
observer as James IMooney repeatedly visited the tribe, his first visit
dating as far back as 1887. At that time it was still possible to obtain
information on a great many questions on which no light could now
be shed by any of the present medicine men. Moreover, at that time
the explanation and exegesis of the older ioiormants was free of
skepticism and sopliistication.
I^Iuch of what Mr. ^Mooney collected could now no longer be ob-
tained, and this in itself partly illustrates the process of change which
the Cherokee, as eveiy other of the American Indian tribes, is under-
going. Ha\'ing Mooncy's statements as to what conditions were like
in the eighties, and comparing them with the state of things in 1926-27,
it is possible to see in what respects ideas have changed, in how far
opinions have altered.
Forty-five years seem a short span of time for fundamental changes
to occur in the belief and the ritual of a community living so secluded a
life as do the Cherokee in their mountains, but it should be borne in
mind that they have been exposed to white influence for many gener-
ations, and that even more than a hundred years ago there existed.
besides the traditionalists or conservatives, a lot of "progressive"
Cherokee who did not look unfavorably upon the adoption of white
Such being the condition, the death of every old medicine man, of
every staunch traditionalist, means a blow to the culture of yore that
is truly irremediable : A considerable portion of the aboriginal religion,
ritual, and science dies with him; and maybe a score of myths and
stories, a song or six, and a couple of dances will never again be heard.
If one has had the sad experience to witness such a departure — as
Mooney lived to see Ay . die and as I helped to carry Og. to his grave
on a Big Cove mountain slope — only then does one realize that, if
with one man so much of the aboriginal knowledge dies, how much this
tribe must have lost and forgotten during the last few generations.
In spite of all this, however much of their ritual and however many
of their tenets of belief they may have lost, it is remarkable how un-
contaminated by white or any other influence is the bulk of Cherokee
medicinal knowledge.
The follomng are the only beliefs and practices in the domain of
medicine that can actually be traced to European influence:
A cromng hen causes a death in the family; the death can be averted
by Idlling the animal.
This is a very general common European belief;^® that it actually
crossed the Atlantic \^dth the European settlers appears from Bergen,
Fanny D., Animal and Plant Lore, nos. 1335-38 and also Notes, p. 160.
A howling dog hkewise "causes" death. (It is interesting to note
that what in European folklore is considered as an omen may become
a cause in Cherokee belief. (See p. 37 .) ^^ W. told me that his mother,
Ayo., used to scold the dog, and command the animal to either stop
howling or else to die itself. If the dog died, its evil-foreboding
howling had no further effect.
The burning of old shoe soles in a piuificatorj^ rite against contagious
disease is another practice which is undoubtedly of Eiu-opean origin;
old shoe soles were considered an efficacious means to combat the
plague in Shakespeare's time,^® and also the Negro has boiTOwed this
remarkable panacea from the white man's pharmacy. (Puckett, pp.
** Tetzncr, Dr. Fr., Deutsches Sprichworterbuch, Leipzig, (n. d.), p. 268.
Eckart, R. : Niederdeutsche Sprichworter, Braunschweig, 1893, p. 558. Le
Roux de Lincy: Le Livre des proverbes fran^ais, Paris, 1842, Part I, p. 146.
De Cock, Alfons, Spreekwoorden en Zegswijzen over de Vrouwen, de Liefde en
het Huwelijk, Gent, 1911, p. 32.
*'' Cf. Rolland, Eug., Faune populaire de la France, Paris, 1877-1909, Part IV,
pp. 66 seq. De Cock, Alfons, Spreekwoorden, Gezegden en Uitdrukkingen op
Volksgeloof berustend, Antwerpen, 1920, Part I, p. 97.
« Cf. Wilson, T. P. The Plague in Shakespeare's London, Oxford, 1907, p. 11.
To give a dog water to drink with which cartridges have been
rinsed, in order to make it a sure tracker, is another practice which
only too eAadently shows its pedigree.
There are, moreover, some beUefs and practices of which it is not
possible to saj" whether they have been borrowed from European
folklore or whether they have originated independently. Such are
to my mind:
The vomiting into the river. (See p. 63.)
The use of spider web as a styptic.
The remarkable properties ascribed to such materia medica as
stump water (see p. 57) and lightning-struck wood (see p. 54).
The saying with regard to a shooting star. (See p. 37.) It is to
be noted, however, that in European folldore it is believed that when
you see a star shooting j^ou should formulate a wish, which will
surely be fulfilled. So the two beliefs are not really identical; but
one may easily have been transformed into the other after having
passed through the oral tradition of several generations.
Not only is there this borrowing from the sources of European
folklore, there is also an unmistakable influence of white scientific
medical views, which, it is needless to saj^, are very ill digested and
pretty badly mutilated.
A medicine man who had been dead some 3^ears, "Standing
Deer," had told Del. that i;'*kayo"'Do° u'msiVaskg' (lit., "when they
cough in a dry way," the Cherokee equivalent of our tuberculosis) is
caused by swallowing dust, which becomes a big ball in our lungs.
This view is no doubt a residue of the lessons in hygiene taught at
the Government school. At one time T. gave me a similar account.
When I asked him in a fitting way his ^dews on the origin of disease
he told me he could hardly answer that question — it was too difficult
for him. He had heard that "some pretend that all disease is caused
by very fine dust, so fine you can hardlj^ see it, flying around in the
room. It gets into our body and makes disease there, they say.
Maj^be it's true; maj^be it isn't."
Some cases have come to mj notice where these scientific medical
principles are not bluntly taken over, but are happily blended with
already existing aboriginal opinions. So, e. g., diseases that used to
be ascribed to neglect of ritual in killing game (asking pardon, build-
ing a fire, etc.) are now often said to be caused by the hunter inhaling
"bad odors" of the animal while skinning and dressing it. Another
instance of this trend of ideas is the following, where it is easy to
see that such explanations of the disease as by "the food having been
changed" (see p. 33) has been active:
"Maybe disease results from wbat we eat. Whenever I went up
north, to the white people's settlements, I did not like the food; I
7548°— 32 7
ate but little and was hiingiy all the time; still 1 always felt well;
but when I came back home for a few months, I again ate aU I liked,
just my own business, and as much as I wanted; I suffered from
stomach troubles all the time. The food we eat ma}'' have some
disease in it. There may be a disease in apples, eggs, potatoes,
etc." (W.)
Attitude of the Community Tow^ard the Sick
In a community such as is here described not a thing, of however
small import, happens to a member without all the others knowing
about it and taking a keen interest in it.
Illness is too fickle a thing and is of too restless and shifting a nature
to think or to talk lightly about it, even if it is only our neighbor
who happens to be stricken just now. \'V^io can tell whether we our-
selves will not be the next to be visited?
The sick man therefore can rely on the sympathy and the commis-
eration of his feJlows. If a member of the sufferer's houshold is met,
or one of his neighbors, or any one at all who is expected to know
how he is, questions as to his condition are always eagerly asked, and
you can feel that these are urged by motives of sympathy and pity
rather than by civility or inquisitiveness.
Nor do the people give proof of their sympathy b}' mere display
of words — the actions are not found wanting. If the head of a family
is ill, and is unable to provide for his family, aU the able-bodied
members of the settlement turn out on an appointed day and work
all day felling trees and sawing and cutting the logs, so that the
family may have firewood. If the man is still ill at coni-planting
time the whole community will again rise to the occasion, plow his
fields and plant his com, etc.; even hoeing the fields of the sick and
gathering their harvests is done for them free of charge, and with the
most cheerful good will in the w'orld.
This "mutual aid society," as it might aptly be called, has a chief
chosen by the members, who holds office for a year. The election is
a very informal affair and as a rule merely consists in the nomination
of a popular individual by two or three of his friends and the oral
assent of the rest; it usually takes place about corn-planting time,
when as a rule the members have to meet anyv/ay to work for some
sick neighbor. The chief is assisted by a kind of messenger, who, at
the former's bidding, has to call out the members w^henever necessary.
This chief is at present looked upon pretty much as the chief of
the settlement; it is also his duty, in times of drought, to go, accom-
panied by sLx other men, and invite a medicine man, who is expert at
rain making, to use his art for the benefit of the people and their crops.
The same fine community spirit is displayed on the occasion of such
a calamity as a fire. If a member of the settlement loses his cabin and
all it contains by fire all the people will help him to rebuild his home,
and, what is more, to refurnish it. One will be able to spare a blan-
ket, another will donate a chair, someone else a cooking vessel, etc.,
until the family is fitted out again, sometimes better than before the
During my stay the following rather amusing thing happened; it
is a good example of the good heartedness and the generosity of these
people :
On the outskirts of k^o-'lom^'yi', in an adjacent cove was a clus-
ter of seven houses, one of which was inhabited by a half-blood, a
\cry bad character, with his wife and two children.
Once while he was serving a sentence for his "moonshine" activi-
ties, and when his wife and children had crossed the mountain to
spend the night at her parents', the neighbors by concerted and pre-
meditated efforts set fire to the house, thinking that by so doing
they would prevail upon the annoying family to move to some other
settlement. The house burned down to the ground; not a basket
was saved. But when the next day the culprits saw the despair of
the poor woman they forthwith agreed that all the able-bodied neigh-
bors (who were all directly or indirectly guilty of the arson) would
rebuild her cabin on the veiy spot where it had stood before. Within
a week the building was under construction.
Efficacy of Treatment
There are many statements in the descriptions and relations of
early travelers on the American continent of the amazing sldll of the
native doctors and on the extraordinary results obtained by them.
In many instances they are even compared to the contemporaiy
European practitioners, and not alwa^^s to the advantage of the
We should, however, bear in mind that in the seventeenth and
eighteenth centuries European medical practice, with its belief in
such drogues and remedies as scrapings of unicorn, in mummy,
human fat ("adeps hominis"), Digby's powder of sympathy, etc.,"^''
in the most revolting and disgusting ingredients,^^ was still nearer the
era of Plinius than that of Pasteur.
As regards the efficacy of Cherokee medical treatment the facts
amply speak for themselves. In a very mteresting survey Alooncy
has discussed this subject (SFC, p. 324 seq.), and comes to the
■»» Cf. Van Andel, Dr. M. A.: "Klassieke Wondermiddelen," Gorinchem, 192S.
Cf. also, Lemerj', Nicolas: " Dictionnaire ou Trait6 Universel des Drogues
simples," 3d. edit., Amsterdam, 1716.
'" Cf. PauUini, K. F.: "Heilsame Dreck-Apotheko, wie nehmlich mit Koth
und Urin die meisten Krankheiten und Schaden glucklich geheilet worden,"
II, Franckf. 1699, but still reprinted iu Stuttgart, 1847.
conclusion that only 25 per cent, or at the most 35 per cent, of the
botanical materia medica used bj^ this tribe is in accordance with the
rules and principles laid down by the United States Dispensatory
(14th ed.), 1877.
With the additional material collected by Mooney and by myself
it will be possible to publish a more complete survey in the near
future, the results of which already indicate that the tentative esti-
mate made, based on the material then available, is altogether too
Even the "white people's" medical knowledge has made consider-
a])le progress these last 50 years, and in the United States Dispensa-
tory, 14th ed., 1877, properties are ascribed to many plants which
the 19th edition, 1907, has not cared to reprint. The eliminatory
process of reducing the some 8,000 "officinal" plants which western
European official therapeutics once knew has played such havoc with
these numbers that only about 300 plants are now officially recog-
nized as officinal. ^^ Thus several of the Cherokee plants the use of
which was sanctioned by the school of half a century ago would now
be deemed indifferent.
It should also be stressed that if a simple used by the Cherokee in
the treatment of a particular disease happens to be incorporated
in a Dispensatory, or listed in a Handbook of Pharmacy, this mere
fact in no way confirms the efficacy of the Cherokee mode of using it.
The Cherokee rule of practically always using the bark of the trees
and the roots of the weeds and herbs does not always do justice to the
actual officinal parts of the simples used. Moreover, the mode of
administration of a medicine, which is of such capital importance,
is not deemed to be of any import whatsoever by the Cherokee
practitioners. Of many simples, the curative value of which are
highly extolled by the Dispensatory, if only the product be taken
internall}^, the Cherokee medicine man will make an infusion or a
decoction, and blow it on the patient sitting 3 or 4 feet distant.
Finally, as has already been stated, no attention whatever is paid to
dosing the patient, nor to his idiosyncrasy.
The same evaluation applies to such practices as the prescriptions
relating to diet, seclusion of the patient, vomiting, etc. At first
these strike us as factors that may help considerably to cause or to
maintain conditions that help the patient in many cases on the road
to recovery.
But here again appearances deceive. As far as diet is concerned,
e. g., a particular kind of food is never proscribed because it is thought
not to agree with the condition of the patient, but this taboo is simply
51 von Marilaun, A. Kerner: "Das Leben der Pflanzen." Dutch translation
by Dr. Vitus Bruinsma, Zutphen, n. d., Pt. IV, p. 361.
Ol'^bbkhts] the swimmer MANUSCRIPT 83
based on mythological reasons; as, for instance, when rabbit's meat is
prohibited because rabbits are believed to be responsible for the disease.
Nor is the injunction of fasting of a nature that could be called
hygienic; whereas the patient may stubbornly fast, and refuse to take
even a particle of food all day long, immediately after sunset he will
eat voraciously and gorge himself with quantities of food that might
very well ruin the stomach of a perfectly healthy individual.
As for the so-called seclusion of patients, this is a taboo of the same
tragico-comical nature: A visitor coming from the outside v/ill be
curtly refused admittance to the patient's bedside, or will only be
allowed to enter after a most scrutinizing interrogation as to the
condition of his wife, etc.; women when pregnant, or ''under restric-
tions" for other reasons (see p. 34) are rigorously excluded. But the
peace and the quietness around the patient that might thus be
obtained, and that might be of benefit to him, are of no moment at all;
inside the children may be carrying on as if bedlam were let loose, and
I have witnessed cases of grown-up sons who would practice on a
guitar in a most distracting and irritating manner for hours at a
stretch within three yards of their very sick father.
Nor is the Cherokee way of purging by vomiting as efficacious a
practice as we would at first be inclined to believe. Vomiting is
resorted to far too frecjuently, and in eight cases out of ten without
any plausible reasoa, and therefore without any beneficial result.
In many cases patients take no food all day, yet force themselves to
this painful procedure of vomiting several times before sunset,
quite an alarming state of exhaustion often being the result.
This should be no cause of surprise to us, since we know that
vomiting is practiced not so much to eliminate unwholesome or
indigestible foodstuffs, but merely to "throw off our spoiled saliva"
(see p. 15), or for similar reasons.
To come to a conclusion: If we marvel at it that ever a Cherokee
patient recovers, we feel that we have to give the credit to his strong
constitution, to the invigorating mountain aii', and to the simple
food he takes — lacking all spices and stimulants — much more than
to the medicine man and his simples.
Having devoted the previous chapter to a fairly comprehensive
survey of aboriginal beliefs concerning disease and its treatment, we
will now give our attention to a most commanding figure in Cherokee
hfe; a figure not only dominating the community in cases of disease
and death but exercising its influence in almost all aspects of every-
day life — the medicine man. (PI. 8, a.)
Medicine men do not have special names, nor are they grouped in
any society. Although they are sometimes referred to as aoa^'ngwi'ski,
plur. Dt*'Da'nowt'sld ("he cures anyone"; "he cures people") it is
more customary to call them by a name which is more discriminating
and descriptive of tlie specialty to which the medicine man referred
to devoted himself.
The overwhelming majority of the practitioners are men; sporadi-
cally there is yet a medicine woman to be fomid, but there are indi-
cations that lead us to beheve that formerly there were far more of
them than is now the case. An informant, wlien asked to account
for the fact that there were so few female disease curers, as compared
to males, told me that it was "because women do not take so much
interest in it (i. e., in the study of plants, of the formulas, etc.) as
men do."
Apart from midwives (see p. 122) there are now only two medicine
women worth speaking of — an old person of about 80 years old,
called aGv'ya (i.e., "it is being taken out of the liquid ") and se"'hye"'ni
(Sally-Annie?), the wife of Og. (PL 8, b.)
A couple of the regular midwives will also occasionally go in for
some cuiing of ailments that do not quite fall within their compe-
tence, but this is not usual.
If a woman practices at all she does not hmit herself to patients
of her own sex, nor to any set diseases; nor is the treatment by her
of any ailments, even in male patients, considered improper. She
exercises her profession on a par with her male congeners, enjoys tlie
same rights, and if her knowledge and her skill justifies it, she may
in time be lield in the same reputation as one of the leading members
of the faculty.
As will be seen again and again in these pages, the medicine men
arc the staunchest supporters of aboriginal faith, lore and custom,
and with the disintegration of Cherokee material culture and social
organization tlie medicine man has obtained a position of leadership
which in many instances practically amounts to that of political head
in another tribe.
Different Classes
However much the proverbial tooth of time has gnawed at Cherokee
organization and tradition, it is still possible to find in the present
body of medicine men traces of a differentiation wliich must have
existed to an even greater extent at a more remote period.
It might as well be stressed right away that throughout this paper
the term "medicine man" is used to cover a rather broad concept;
it is used without distinction as to sex, and refers not only to those
members of the tribe that treat the sick and cure diseases, but also to
those that might be called "priests," "magicians," "di\nnators," etc.
A short discussion of these several varieties follows now, together
wath the names given to these practitioners and the practices they
n, Ts., THE Oldest of the Medicine Men
6, st-'liyf'ni, a mediciue womau
(/, Og., two Days Before he Died
h. The Corpse is put Down on Wooden Boards
specialize in. I want to warn, however, against thinking of tliis divi-
sion as quite so rigid as it might appear to be at first: one individual
may, at the same time, be a disease curcr and a rain maker; or a
disease curer and a divinator; or a divinator and an incantator; etc.
Dt'^Da'ngwt'ski, he cures them (indef. ; habit.); a curer.
This name, as already stated (p. 84), is given first to any person
belonging to any of the several groups here discussed, and might
therefore be considered as an equivalent of the term "medicine
man" as used in this paper.
It is, however, only by a generalization that it has come to be be-
stowed also on such people as priests and incantators, as its meaning
clearly shows that it must originally have been used to refer to dis-
ease curers only.
These are the people, men or women, that are called upon in cases
of sickness to diagnose the nature of the disease, prescribe treatment,
the injunctions and the restrictions, collect the plants and weeds, or
whatever other kind of materia medica is to effect the cure.
Usually they proclaim to be proficient in all ailments, whatever
their nature, but in some cases an individual may acquire quite a
reputation for his skill in treating some particular disease. There
was hardl}^ any such case during my stay with the tribe but the
names of two medicine men, lately deceased, were still fresh in
everyone's memory— one, Wil., the writer of Ms. II (see p. 9)
having been held in high esteem on account of his successful treat-
ment of Du"le"'dzi (scrofula), and another, tsanu*'si (Leech), owing
his reputation chiefly to bis skill in curing unak'o'N!^ yDmyo't'eva
(swollen testicles).
There is one man now, 3^o"'nuGQ''°ski (bear coming out of the
water) (see p. 136 and pi. 10, 6), who might in a way be called a
specialist, in that he only attends to cutaneous wounds, but this, I
found, was merelj^ due to the fact that he had never been able to
acquire any further knowledge.
Apart from exercising the profession of disease curer this class of
medicine men will often also take patients to the river; they almost
invariably perform this rite for their own family, instead of paying
a regular priest to do it; they moreover generally claim some di^dna-
tory knowledge. These two ciualifications, however, usually pertain
to the domain of the "priest".
This class is usually calleid ama''yi Dt'-Dadz5°.stf'sGi, he takes
them (indef.) to, and brings them back' from, the water.
The medicine men belonging to this class usually speciaHze in the
ritual which consists in taking a client, not necessarily a sick person,
to the river or the stream, and there reciting a prayer, conjuration,
or incantation for the benefit of the client; for the latter's success in
tt).e ball game, in love, in hunting, for bis long Hfe, for his personal
protortion against disease and witchcraft, etc.; to bring about the
happ3^ delivery of a pregnant woman, etc.
The specialty which is most often combined with the one just
described is that of "di\inator" (sec infra); more rarely they also
claim to be able to command the winds and storms, to cause rain,
etc. (see p. 152).
aDD^'nt'ski', he examines and conjures (hab.).
This is the name given to the medicine men that are reputed to
foretell future events, to know where hidden things are, how an ab-
sent person is getting on, etc., by means of various divinatorj'- pro-
ceedings and paraphernalia, as, e. g., the beads, aDe-'l5°, also S9ntkt'a,
the brown stone, n5°'ya wo'"DtGe'°', several kinds of grass, the fire, etc.
The name implies not merely examining to find, or to find out the
condition of a given object or person, but rather examining how a
tiling is, and influencing it by occult power to become as we would
have it. It refers, therefore, especially to the ceremony perfonned
by a priest, by means of which he tries to find out who our enemy
or oiir rival is, and whether we are going to succeed against him;
whether our team is going to win or lose in the ball game; whether
the woman wiiose favors we crave is well or ill disposed toward us;
whether w^e will get the better of a rival in a love affair; whether a
relative who is very ill will live or die, etc.
At the same time as he "works" to get an answer he influences
the e^'il thing or person against which he is acting, and strives to
bring about an evolution into the matter, favoralile to Ms client.
The terra "evolution" is pecuharly apt, for usually the proceeding
is repeated four or seven times in succession, the pattern being that
the first couple of times the chances for the client look pretty scant,
but as the experiment is tried over again, and more cloth is put down,
the medicine man and his patron gradually get the better of their
It frequently happens that in certain diseases, where the cause is
very occult and hidden (even to the Cherokee mind), a divinator is
called upon to assist the disease curer proper with his all-revealing
art. Then the part of the work incumbent upon the former is first
to "examine," usually with the beads, to find out which particular
medicine man of the tribe is the one who will be able to cure the
patient. Afterw^ards, while the "discovered" doctor is treating the
patient, the services of the divinator are stiU required every day to
find out, again by examining with the beads, wiiether the patient is
progressing satisfactorily, and recovering, or whether no headway
is being made. The facts here succinctly sketched are well brought
out in the "Typical curing procedure," described by W. (p. 67).
About divination proper, there is yet a good deal to be said; but
it has been thought that the notes relating to it; and not specifically
Olbkechts] the swimmer MANUSCRIPT 87
dealing with medicine or disease, had better be withhold to introduce
Ms. II, which contains several divinatory formulas, whereas not one
formula of this class occurs in the Ay. Ms.
The medicine men, claiming as theirs the specialty of rainmaking,
driving off storms, etc., are on the verge of extinction. The formulas
used in their ceremonies are equally scanty. Tlie Ay. manuscript
does not contain a single specimen of them. There are some, how-
ever, in Mss. II and III, and since the matter does not pertain
directly to the subject discussed in this paper, it is deemed advisable
to go into details about it in its proper place.
Ga'^ht'aDtn9"'Da"ne!a', she makes it (i. e., the baby) jump down
for lior (the parturiens).
This is the way in which a midwife is generally referred to. Since
fonnerly there was an injunction that a parturient woman must be
assisted by four female attendants, all the women are more or less
conversant with the help to be tendered to mother and infant.
Some of them, however, perhaps a daughter of a medicine man or
a woman who has married one, become m.ore proficient in the matter,
and extend their knowledge so as to be able to attend to complications
and to prenatal and puerperal troubles; they may gradually come to
be looked upon as regular medicine woftien, in which case, as already
described (see p. 84), they will also treat ailments of different nature.
One of these women is usually preferred to a male doctor to assist
at partus and to supervise and direct the other women attendants.
O. (pi. 12, b) and Je. (pi. 12, a) were the leading midvvives at Big
Cove during our stay there, se-hyfni (pi. 8, b) and my informant, W.'s
wife, also enjoying quite an enviable reputation.
Df'Dane"'s8Gf'ski, he kills people by witchcraft (hab.).
This name, which can not be sufficiently analyzed — the stem may
have connection with -yZ-ne's- "to droop"; there is, however, no
causative element in the expression — is given to the medicine man who
has attained the summit of occult power: he can kill a person by
reciting an incantation against him, and thus "spoiling his saliva" or
"making his soul dispirited." This is also done by obtaining stealth-
ily some saliva of the victim and burning it, by shooting invisible
arrowheads, sharp sticks, or pebbles into his body, even by stealing
his soul. When they exert their powers in this way their activity is
hardl}^ different from that of witches. (See p. 129.)
As a rule they only harm people when asked and hired to do so by
the victhn's enemies. The ceremony is usually performed near the
river, which accounts for the name ama"'yi Df'Dadzo^.stf'sGi (see
p. 85) also occasionally being bestowed on these medicine men, but
everybody feels that there is a black abyss between their activity and
their formulas and those of the "priest."
When a medicine man has attained an advanced age and has a
great reputation the laity often ascribe to him the powers of a Df'na-
ne"'s9Gt''ski. To have this title conferred upon oneself is not exactly
an honor, as it ascribes to the one to whom it is given not only the
highest professional skill and occult power but also a rather jealous,
fretful, and vindictive disposition. Yet a medicine man will not pro-
test against such rumors circulating about him, nor Nvill he do any-
thing to hush them, as most of them do not mind being considered
more powerful than they really are, even if it veneers them with a
tinge of witchcraft.
It even happens that a self-sufficient medicine man appropriates
and assumes the title, so as to make his influence the stronger, and to
force his enemies, professional and others, to fear if not to respect
him. W. told me that Ay. asserted himself to be a Df'Dane*'s9Gf'ski,
but W. did not believe it. To do justice to Ay.'s memory, though, it
is only fair to state that I often had the feeling that W. never liked him
and was jealous of the high esteem in which Ay. was miiversally held.
Finally, there are several instances of a medicine man, who was an
imposing and striking personality during his lifetime, being "canon-
ized " a Dt"'Dane-'s8Gf'sld after his death. All sorts of rumors start
circulating about his marvelous powers, the wonderful cures he ef-
fected, a journey of his during his lifetime to the Ghost Land, his
prophesying his death seven days before it happened, his possessing
the i;lo'''suDo° stone, etc. Before many years elapse his memory is
recalled with the same awe and is embroidered with the same apocry-
phal and legendary details as that of a King Arthur or a Napoleon.
Such are, e. g., a woman, o'ltot-'ni, who died about 30 j^ears ago,
about 95 years old, and an old medicine man Ga^lu*'y'sti' (Ax), who
died about 15 years ago.^^
Scope of Knowledge
The brighter of the medicine men may truly be said to be walking
encyclopediae as far as their knowledge of aboriginal culture is con-
Not only do they know all about disease and curing methods but
they are also invariably very competent botanists and naturalists.
Such outstanding men among them as Og. and W., and doubtless also
Ay., Da'kwaDt'*i (Catawba killer), and Ayo'^sta (she spoils is), who
worked with Mr. Mooney, know at least 150 to 200 different plants,
with all their peculiarities, their habitat, their time and period of
blossoming, their properties and the lore pertaining to them.
They are also the curators of the myths and stories, one of them as
a rule knowing more about them than four or five other members of
the tribe put together.
^2 It has been possible to obtain the written formulas of the latter.
Ol°brechts] the swimmer MANUSCRIPT 89
Having a knowledge of myths and stories in a primitive community
implies being conversant ^\ith tribal liistory, legendary and fictional
as well as actual and real, and some of the medicine men have even
incorporated short historical notes in their daybooks containing their
As far as aboriginal religion is concerned, again we find the medicine
men — often exercising the profession of priest at the same time as
that of disease curer — remaining true to beliefs and traditions which
the community at large is gradually losing, or exchanging against a
slight and superficial veneer of Baptist or Methodist Christianity.
But not only do the medicine men excel in the higher intellectual,
idealistic pursuits, such as those above named, but also as far as
material culture is concerned they usually rate a good deal higher than
even an intelligent layman. Nobody knows so much about fish
traps and the way to build them and the wood to be used by preference ;
none knows more about the best periods for hunting different kinds of
game, or all the artifices used to decoy them; nor can anybody make
rattles, or wooden masks, or feather wands better than they can.
All this knowledge, however, is far from codified. I have often
made a point of it to try and find out in how far it was systematized,
or as we would call it, rationally ordered in their minds. This has
always brought very disappointing though interesting results.
Such a medicine man who was universally acknowledged as being
the one "who knew most," as Og. was, when asked to write down all
the different diseases he knew, and when given five days to think it
over, managed to find only 38 more or less different ones.
Another one, when asked to enimierate them offhand, could not
get past a dozen, this in spite of the fact that both of them must have
known upward of a hundred, since a compilation made by me from
oral information obtained from several individuals, and gleaned from
three manuscripts, the Ay., Ms. II, and Ms. Ill, revealed that som.e
230 different ^^ diseases were known.
The same remarks hold for their botanical knowledge, and could
even be made to apply to their knowledge of religion and mythology.
One prominent medicine man, and at the same time the most promi-
nent priest, T., was very anxious toward the end of my stay to act as
informant, but was withheld by the fear that he would not be able to
tell me anything of interest, as "he did not know much." When I
had managed to convince him that anything he told me would be
interesting, he came and stayed a week, telling me about fifty stories,
and giving me very valuable information on sundry subjects.
Continuing an experiment along the same lines with another medi-
cine man, this time \\dth reference to the religion, afterlife, the spirits
he invoked in the formulas, I could not get him by this method to tell
^ "Different" from a Cherokee point of view.
me 5 per cent of what he knew on this score; ultimately I extracted
all he knew — and a bulky lot it was — by indirect and roundabout
Even a hasty pei-usal of the disease names (cf. the texts) and of the
curinj^: methods (see p. 60) will soon sliow that their anatomical knowl-
edge is very scanty. It has been said tliat people living in primitive
communities, especially those who have to rely on hunting for their
sustenance, manage to derive pretty soimd and tolerably accurate
ideas about the structure and function of internal organs from analogy
of the anatomy of lolled and dressed animals.
This, however, does not follow. The hunter who cuts up the game
in the forest, to bring home the better morsels, is not engrossed in
anatomical speculation, and his wdfe who disembowels the rabbit or
the groimdhog is too ajixious to have the meat bar])ecuing before the
fire to be able to afford the time for scientific observation.
Even a people who practiced to such a considerable degree the
dissecting of corpses for embalmmg purposes as the Egyptians are
known to have long remained sadly ignorant of any anatomical
knowledge worthy of such a name; yet they had the advantage of
laboratory work all the time.
A medicine man who could write, and whom I asked to draw "the
inside of a man" in an outline which I had sketched, put a dot about
the throat, and said, "this is where our saliva is"^*; about the height
of the sternum, a small circle, with a lozenge on either side of it, which
he proclaimed to be the heart with the liver around it, and the kidneys ;
he put the navel approximately in the right position, and drew a line
above it which was to represent the diaphragm; having drawn another
circle under the navel, which he pronounced to be the bowels, he laid
down the pencil -with a skt'owo" nt'Ga-.o°' ("this is all there is to it")
which sounded as if he were highly satisfied ^^'ith his feat.
Arteries, sinews, and tendons are aU held to be one and the same
thing; in fact, there is onl}^ one word to refer to any of these:
tsu'waDv'no". Nothing seems to be known about the function of the
blood .
A final remark I want to make on this score is, that in spite of their
vast amount of erudition, and, in some cases, of their superior intelli-
gence, these old fellows do not seem to be any more methodical than
their lay congeners. Although a call is made on them three or four
times a week, they mil persist in walking, or rather, climbing miles
and miles in the mountains each time, hunting for the herbs and roots
which they need for their prescriptions, instead of transplanting a
specimen near their own cabin, and laying out a garden of "officinal
plants" such as Charlemagne ordered the medieval monks to do.
" See p. 15.
A poor attempt in this direction is being made by the more progres-
sive of the medicine men, whom 1 found cultivating the following
medicinal plants:
tso*'laGay9"'°li, Nicotiana rustica L., wild tobacco.
a*''skwan€-'Di)°, Veratrum viride Ait., American white hellebore;
Indian poke.
tso*'hyy"sti Gf'GaGe""' a*'dzt'l5°'ski, Lobelia cardinalis L., cardinal
Di;nu*'na, Glycine apios L.
a't'tse"i, Almis rugosa (Du Roi) Spreng., smooth alder.
Gana"'Ga tsy'nt'ono"', Scirpus validus Vahl, great bulrush.
It is equally rare to find medicine men collecting and dr3dng roots or
other parts of shnples for use in sudden emergencies. Only three
items so treated have come to my attention: Powder (snufF) of the
dried leaves of tso*'laGay9-'°li, Nicotiana rustica L., wild tobacco, and
the root of o*'Dalioa'''li, Panax trijolium L., dwarf ginseng, and finally
the roots needed for prenatal and puerperal care, and that can not be
located in wintertime.
Social Status
Even if we no longer find any traces of the individual medicine man
or of a body of them exercising any such politic influence as has been
ascribed to the a'nd'ti;ta"ni (see p. 97), there is no doubt but that the
position of the medicine man must at one time have been one of
considerable importance in the tribe.
Such hints as Adair's statement (p. 240) that Priber, forming the
Cherokee "into a nominal republican government, crowned their old
Archimagus emperor," seem to indicate that the political influence
of the medicine men, or at any rate of the chief medicine man, was
very considerable at that time.
In many of the tales relating to the war exploits of the Cherokee
against the neighboring tribes it is often explicitly stated that a
medicine man accompanies the party, and the success of the expedition
often depends more on his skill in divination and conjuring than on the
prowess and cunning of the warriors. This also must undoubtedly
have resulted in strengthening their position socially, as his orders
were of greater import than those of the actual leader of the party.
Even now, when two settlements are training for the ball game, a
contest which \\-ith the Cherokee is as much of a social as of a sportive
nature, the medicine man is exercising his influence and his per-
sonality in such a way that the whole affair takes the aspect of a
contest between the occult power of the two medicine men conjuring
for the teams rather than that of a match between two rival teams of
It is he, the medicine man, not the chief of the settlement, who
addresses the team before they leave home to meet their opponents.
It is he who for the last few days has been "worldng to spoil the
strength" and the magic power of the medicine man who is conjm-ing
for the rival team. And the victory or defeat is laid at the door of
the medicine man rather than that the players themselves are con-
gratulated or scorned for it.
To have an adequate idea of the social status of the medicine man
we should bear in mind that in his person we find cumulated such
])rofessions and pursuits which in our society would correspond to
those of the clergy, the educators, the philosophers and the historians,
the members of the medical profession in its widest sense, i. e.,
physicians, surgeons, and chemists; and finally, to a certain degree,
even to those of the politicians and of the press.
His constant journeys to and fro, curing the sick, or trj^ng to do so,
gatheiing simples, calling on former patrons; on the other hand,
his constantly being called upon by the people to assist them in their
most intimate needs — a worried man asking him to make his wife's
mind forget her former sweethearts, a spiteful woman demanding of
him that he spoil the mind of a man she hates, all this contributes
immensely toward making him the best informed person about,
and nothing happens within a few miles' radius without his being
aware of it.
Is it then to be wondered at that a man with such wide connections,
walking in and out of so many homes, stajdng often with a family for
days at a time, must be a most omniscient and influential individual?
Yet the medicine man should not be vainglorious about his status.
All the members of the profession I have iaiown always made a point
of declaring, when asked, that they did not feel proud or haughty
toward the people; they should not, because, they emphatically
declared, the}^ held their power and knowledge from i;n€*'tlano"j,
who had given it to them that they might help the people.
This conception is undoubtedly influenced by modern Christian
views, for although une'^tlano'^i is a powerful Cherokee deity (see
p. 20), nowhere in the rest of tribal lore is he referred to as ever having
granted any such gift as curing disease or the power of dispensing
medicine to the people. I feel sure, therefore, that the statement
here made by the medicine men refers to the Christianized yne'Hlano'M,
i. e., God, the Creator.
Whatever the medicine men may say with regard to this, I have
often found evidence that their statements are not always corrobo-
rated by their actions; they do get a streak of vanity and conceit now
and again, and do consider themselves as far more interesting and
clever indi^niduals than the common mortals. This, however, rarely
manifests itself outwardly; they plant their corn and ply the hoe as
everybod}^ else, and do not betray by any article of dress or ornament
either their profession or its importance. If this may be called an}'^
Olbrechts] the swimmer MANUSCRIPT 93
distinctive trait at all, I found most of them rather less slovenly
dressed than the lay members of the tribe. Occasionally, one of
them will cling to some archaic bit of garment or other, such as a pair
of moccasins, a cloth turban, etc.
As to the attitude of the people toward the medicine men, this wdll
to a considerable extent depend on the character of the latter. As a
rule they are not feared, unless they profess to be, or are reputed to
])e r)f'Dan€''s8Gt-'ski (see p. 87), these being shunned and avoided as
far as possible.
The esteem in which the others are held depends chiefly on their
professional sldll, and on their social intercourse. Such medicine
men as yo*'no° Ga^le-'ci ("the bear, he is climbing") who was Del.'s
father, and Og. and W.'s brother, and who died about a score of years
ago, actually managed to be respected and loved by his people, as in
our villages an old clergyman or a devoted physician might be. Og.
himself was held in no smaller consideration. But there are others I
know who are looked upon with very different feelings and whose
services would be called upon only in cases of utmost emergency.
Professional Ethics
Under this caption there are to be discussed mainly two aspects of
the medicine men's profession — their sincerity, and what miglit be
called "their desire to serve."
As to the former, I found them as a whole convinced of what they
profess and teach. They practice fervently what they believe and
treat themselves and the members of their own family by the same
methods and means as they do their patients.
As far as sleight of hand is concerned, there are after all only four
ceremonies where tliis is possible: When examining with the beads,
when divining mth the browTi rock, when sucldng, when scratching
^nth the snake tooth.
In the first and in the last case I hardly think that the slight
movements of the beads (see p. 132) or of the snake tooth ^^ (see p. 70)
should be explained by legerdemain. The tension under which the
medicine man is laboring, together with a considerable dose of auto-
suggestion, are doubtlessly sufficient to bring about the "manifesta-
tions of life" they pretend to feel.
As for the divination with the bro\sTi rock, matters seem to be
different. This mode of divination is usually resorted to when an
object, an animal, or even a person has been lost. A small fragment
(about the size of a thimble) of wo-ni' (i. e., "reddish-brown"),
hematite, is tied to a thread or a bit of yarn about 30 centimeters
^ The medicine man pretends that the snake tooth, prior to being scratched
with, "becomes alive," as is evinced l)y its twitching and trembling between the
fingers of the practitioner.
long. The free end of the twine is held between the thumb and
index finger of the right hand, while the left hand, with the fingers
stretched out, is placed over the right, ostensibly in a free, easy
manner, and without any particular purpose, but actually to shield the
function of the middle finger of the right hand, which is to stealthily
transmit to the dangling stone its "occult" metion. The direction in
which the stone starts swinging is the one in which the search is to be start-
ed. By this method often things are found, the whereabouts of wliich
are not so completely unknown to the medicine man as he pretends.
A procedure where prestidigitation is hkewdse often met with is
when the medicine man sucks the swollen part of a patient's body,
and after much exertion usually succeeds in spitting out "the disease,"
viz, a pebble, an insect, etc., objects, of course, which he held hidden
in his cheek before the performance began. I know of a case where
Og., as a doctor, and as a man as honest a fellow as you could care to
meet, produced a worm after having sucked the jaw of a man suffering
with toothache.
Needless to say, just as in any other communities and as in every
other professional group, there are also among the Cherokee medicine
men individual dift'erences as far as professional ethics are concerned.
One of them told me the following story which throws some light on his
methods of keeping up his reputation :
He once went to Yellowhill (c'law^o-'ni) and on the way met an
acquaintance who told him that he had built a fish trap but could
not manage to catch more than two or three fish a day. He asked the
medicine man if he did not know a formula to catch fish.
This cunning fellow said "he was sorry, he knew no such formula ;
as a matter of fact he would very much like to get one himself."^''
Anyhow the man insisted that the medicine man come to liis house,
look at the trap, and spend the night at his house.
Next morning, before breakfast, the owner of the trap went down
to the river and came back with a whole washtub full of fish. There
must have been more than a hundred of them; and he had to go back
again, and fetch a second washtub full. He didn't doubt for an instant
that the medicine man had recited a formula, and said so. The
medicine man just smiled a mysterious grin, and let liim continue in
liis belief.
(The real reason of tliis "prodigious catch" was, the branch by
which the fish usually passed had been poisoned by a sawmill near by,
letting its sawdust loose in it. This had made the fish come by another
branch of the river, the one on wliich the trap had been set.)
Frequently, after having consulted the spirits by means of the fire
or of the beads divination, the medicine man wall foretell or prophesy
^^ This in spite of the fact that he did know at least three or four fishing con-
jurations.— F. M. O.
events that are to happen four or seven days afterwards, or within
four or seven days. I am quite convinced that they honestly behevo
themselves in what they forecast in this manner, e. g., that the
patron's enemy, against whom the medicine man had been asked to
conjure, will die within seven days; or that a disease has been sent by
a plotter, etc.
But it should be borne in mind that four or seven days (or rather
four or seven "nights passed") is a ritual expression which may
just as well mean the same number of years, so that the margin of
error becomes very elastic. Adding to wliich such exegetical com-
modities at the command of the Cherokee medicine man as the
superior magic power of the opponent, the possible neglect of the
medicine man's patron to observe the necessary taboos, and all the
difhculties raised by skeptics are explained away.
"A desire to serve." Such might well be the slogan of the pro-
fession, summing up its attitude toward the sick and the disabled.
There are, of course, some less worthy members who are only too
anxious to convince the suffering party that a treatment of seven days
would be more advantageous than one of four, tliinking at the same
time of the greater profit in cloth and beads wiiich the former will
bring him.
But it deserves emphasis, on the other hand, that any medicine
man called upon is willing and ready to undertake the curing of a
patient who is utterly destitute; although he quite well knows that he
is to expect no reward for his troubles, he wall dispense to him the same
care, and will exert the same amount of skill to relieve him, as he would
do for the benefit of a well-to-do member of the tribe.
Nor does a personal enemy of a medicine man call on his aid in vain,
in his hour of need. Two medicine men told me that their mother,
from whom they had inherited a great deal of their knowledge, had
told them before she died that they should never make use of their
knowledge to harm their enemies; they should never take vengeance
of a first slight or insult, nor of a second; but if they had been abused
three times (see p. 100) by the same person, then they might react by
occult means against him. Should this enemy become ill, however,
and call for their help, they should not refuse it, but should extend to
him the benefit of their skill and knowledge with the same good will
as if he were their best friend.
The Medicine Man's Fee
There is not much left to be added to James Mooney's excellent
account of this in his SFC, pages 337-339.
The only main point left at issue, viz, the etymology of the word,
has been subjected to a further investigation, with the following
7548°— 32 8
results: uGi'stD.tr, the technical name for what we could call the
doctor's fee or honorarium, does not seem to be etymologically con-
nected with the verb \/-Gt'- "to eat something solid" ("I eat it, sol,":
tsi'Gt'a') but ^\•ith the rather similar sounding vZ-of-, "to take some-
thing" ("I take it": tsi'of.a').
The literal and original meaning of uct'sto.ti' would thus seem
to be "for him to take it with " (v- 3d sgl. objective pronominal prefix;
-Gi- (stem); -st-i- causative-instrumental (cf. aycdsti "knife"; lit.
"something to cut with," stem -vZ-yed-); -ot- instrumental sufHx.
The medicine men themselves have now lost this original meaning
of the word, and when questioned about it usually render its mean-
ing as "reward"; they all emphatically deny that the yGt'stD.ti' is
the medicine man's pay; and this is tiiie in so far that the value of
it, e. g., the quantity or the quality of the cloth, is no factor in the
cure. But they all agree that the uGt'sto.ti' is an indispensable
prerequisite to effect the cure.
By some expressions found in the formulas some more light is
thrown on the matter. A medicine man, going out to gather simples
(see p. 150), recites a formula in one of the first expressions of which
he says: "With the white cloth I have come to take away the medicine"
a'N'gwa'Gi vne'cb^ UQ-^^wo'Vi' tstGt'sto.t'a'nfGa'
cloth white medicine I have come to take it away with
A formula for "when the ghosts have changed their food," in
Ms. II, starts as follows: "Now then! Ha, qmckly thou hast come
to listen, thou red Otter, thou art staying in the Sun Land . . . Now
thou hast come to rest on the wliite cloth, and wilt pull the disease
away with it."
These two references go a long way toward proving that originally
the meaning of the expression here discussed must have been either —
(1) That which is used by him (the medicine man) to take, to
gather the medicine with (see p. 55), or else
(2) That which is used by (the curing spirit) to take it (i. e., the
disease) away with.
I am inclined to consider the last version as the more probable,
as there is still other evidence, yet to be published, which corroborates
this feeling.
It is likely that in time, since the medicine man always took the
i^Gi'sto.ti' away as his fee, the true meaning of the word got lost,
and that it acquired that of "reward." Only after this semantic
development, I think, did the use of other articles than buckskin
become possible as uGt'sto.ti^ such as (flint) knives, moccasins, etc.,
since these can be considered as reward, but could hardly be used to
be "spread out for the curing spirit to put his feet on, to pull the
disease away with."
Cloth (since buckskin is no lon^jcr available) and beads are still now
the most usual articles used as "fee." The official measure of cloth
for one treatment is 1 yard, but this measure is to be taken "cum
grano salis." i;'tsflo*'D'3" which may mean "a .yard," "a mile,"
"a gallon," literally means "it has been measured" (\/-tsfl-) and as
used in the fonnulas is a term which is as vague as a period of four
or seven days (see p. 95), or as a Dawo'Mo"' (an "overhand"), which
may mean a length from 25 centimeters to almost a meter.
The theoretical "yard of cloth" is often a gaudy handkerchief or
a bit of rag 25 centimeters square.
It has not been possible to ascertain which rule prevails as to when
cloth is used and when it is not. AVith some of the formulas this is
mentioned in the directions, and although the medicine men generally
know in which cases cloth is a necessary prerequisite, he is unable to
state any definite rule. There are some ceremonies where cloth is
invariably used : In the treatment of those ailments where the medicine
man has had to go and gather medicine; in all the kinds of Dalo*'ni
diseases; in all divination ceremonies with the beads; it also seems
an indispensable item in all love attraction and incantation cere-
Apart from cloth, the "fee" may be paid in garments, or in minor
articles of dress and adornment, as neckerchiefs and handkerchiefs, a
hat, a tie, etc. For the treatment of a menstruating woman it is
invariably the undergarment of the patient. Such articles as knives
or other utensils are but seldom given as "reward."
A custom which may be an innovation is to present the medicine
man with eatables, such as meat, lard, salt, chewing tobacco, etc.,
and in very rare cases even with a nickel or a quarter coin. Some
people to keep on good terms yrith. a medicine man may offer him a
present (any of the articles just mentioned) from time to time, a
custom which sounds amusingly reminiscent of our medical insurance.
Finally, I should mention another method of partially pajTing the
medicine man, viz, to have him staying as a guest at the house
of the patient for two to three weeks. This is especially frequent
with the more highly reputed medicine men, who are asked to go
and treat patients in distant settlements.
Mutual Relations
There is no Cherokee living who remembers anything about any
medicine men's society, and it is safe to regard the probability of there
ever ha\ang existed such an organization with due caution and
James Mooney (Myths, pp. 392-393) himself was very careful not
to be too positive, when trjang to identify the a'nikuta"ni (clan?) as
a society of this description; nothing has been collected, either by
Mooney or by myself, which coiild in any way substantiate or tlirow
any hght on the int<^rcsting but vaguo details given by Adair (p. 240),
Haywood (p. 266), MacGowan (p. 139), or Domenech (Vol. II, p. 392).
It must therefore remain an open question whether the Cherokee
medicine men were ever organized in a professional body in the past.
However that jnay have been, at present there is no such institution,
and every medicine man attends to his own pm-suits.
Occasionally two medicine men may work in collaboration, one
taking care of the treatment and the curing, the other devoting him-
self to the divination proceedings. Or again, they may call on each
other's knowledge in some cases where an individual medicine man's
professional accomplishments may fall short, but there is nothing
organized or laid down in this respect.
Only rarely are two medicine men employed simultaneously for the
actual curing, and if this shoidd be the case a second one is never
engaged without the first one knowing and approving of it.
It happens, however, that if a practitioner has worked on a case
without obtaining any residts, he is dropped altogether, and another
medicine man is called in to see what he can do in the matter. The
one thus ousted does not resent this in the least and does not consider
this act an insult to his knowledge; on the contrary, ho will often
himself take the initiative, and if he fails to restore his patient to
health in a reasonable time, ^^ill tell the sick man's relatives that evi-
dently he is not the one who is to effect the cure and will examine with
the beads, to find out which member of the profession will be successful
in the matter. (See p. 68.)
If a medicine man becomes iU himself he only calls in the aid of a
colleague if circumstances should make this course imperative, e. g.,
if he is too weak to go and gather himself the simples needed, or if the
treatment calls for certain manipulations which he could not very well
perform on his own person, such as sucking wdth the horn, blowing
medicine on the crown of the head, etc.
Whenever he is taken ill with an aye'-ltGD-'ci disease (see p. 33) he
invariably calls in the aid of a professional friend, and this stands to
reason; for since a rival medicine man or an enemy has managed
to get the better of him, this proves that the victim's power is too
weak to grapple with his opponent's, and therefore the alliance of a
powerfid colleague is necessary to come out of the contest victorious.
There are medicine men who are always willing to cooperate with
others when invited to do so; always willing to obhge with information
and advice as to diagnosis, simples to be used, and the locality where
these can be found, etc., and who even will volunteer the loan of a
particular formula that has proved particularly efiicient in the cure of
a given ailment.
oIbrechts] the swimmer MANUSCRIPT 99
But others are of a jealous and miserly nature and will pretend to
be ignorant and but ill-informed wlien thej^ are asked for advice or
counsel by a competitor. Yet I have not once heard of a case where
one of these less obliging fellows purposely led an inquirer astray, or
gave him information that might be deleterious to the patient under
treatment. Nor has any case of ''dishonest competition" come to
my knowledge.
To combat the influence of the white doctor and his medicine,
though, they ^\ill go to any pains, and use any means.
There are still faint recollections of how the medicine men were
initiated until three or four generations ago. The description given
to James Mooney by John Ax (born about 1800) of the meetings of the
"myth-keepers and priests" in the o*'si (Mooney, Myths, p. 230)
contains a very interesting account of the initiation of new adepts
more than a century ago. The o*'si is now but a dim memory of a
hazy past and telling the myths is no longer the appanage of priests
and elders; if 50 years ago the scratching and the "going to water"
was still jokingly referred to, now it is no longer rem.embered that this
rite was ever performed in this connection.
At present if a man wants to become a medicine man he goes to one
well versed in the lore and sldlled in the profession, informs him of his
intention, and asks him if he is willing to teach him what he knows.
The answer of the old man depends a good deal on the character of the
If he is known as a lazy individual he stands little chance of being
accepted as a candidate b}'- a conscientious medicine man, as he would
be sure to neglect the care of his patients.
Nor is he likely to be favorably received if he has a reputation for
being quarrelsome and jealous, as in this case he might be too prone
to abuse of his occult knowledge to harm the people.
But even if the character of the candidate is As-ithout flaw or speck
he is not sure to meet with an enthusiastic welcome at the hand of
excTj medicine man, for some of these do not believe in propagating
the sacred and medical lore too much, nor in diffusing it too widely,
since according to those among them imbued \nth an idealistic out-
look on the profession, the more of the lore is divulged, the less
powerfid everj'- one of the adepts becomes; and again, according to
others, rather more utilitarian in their views, because, the more
practitioners, the less practice.
So as not to make an inveterate enemy out of an applicant by
turning him down, the medicine man "examines with the beads," to
find out whether the candidate is hkely to make good in the profession;
"whether he has a vocation for it," as we might say. If the bead
representing the applicant moves briskly, and gives ample proofs of
vitality, the divination is pronounced to be in his favor. If, on the
contrary, it behaves in a sluggish, lazy way, or if it does not move at
aU, he is dissuaded from taldng up the profession.
But let us suppose that the professor in theology and medicine is
willing to coach the student, then the terms and the tuition fee are
discussed. He may tempt the vanity of his master by offering him
a new overcoat, or a gun, or a trunk, or even a sum of money.
If the candidate comes from a settlement a few miles distant, it
may be necessary for him to come and board with his master; or if
the latter is able and willing to spare the time he may go and stay
with the applicant. There is no rule as to the duration of this stay;
it depends solely on the extent of the subject matter to be covered,
and on how quickly the candidate masters it.
He may merely w^ant to know how to cure disease; or he may even
only intend to specialize in the cure of two or three ailments. On
the other hand, he may be so ambitious as to desire to know all about
love conjuring, hunting and fishing formulas, and even about man-
killing incantations and witchcraft.
If he wants to know all this he usually leaves after 10 days or a fort-
night and comes back for a similar period now and again, until he
knows all his tutor can teach him.
Whatever his intentions for later life and practice may be, he must
start out by mastering all the lore about disease, curing methods,
and simples. This is a preliminary course every beginner must go
through, even if he intends to later make his specialty in a totally
different field. (See p. 84.)
But it was emphatically stressed by all informants that the very
last formulas taught are those "with which to harm people," i. e.,
the incantations. The medicine men are very circimispect in hand-
ing out this knowledge, and very few candidates attain this step
during the first few years of their "studies." Irascible or hot-
tempered individuals are barred from it, as already stated. "Before
they let you have that kind (i. e., incantations) they examine you,
and if they find that you are a bad character, that you 'get mad'
easily, that you are jealous and spiteful, they do not let you have them.
A bad character will use these (incantations) even if he is insulted
but once, whereas we (considerate old fellows) always wait three
times ^^ before we would work against an enemy to kill him." (W.)
" See p. 95. It is probable that four Insults were the limit before white influ-
ence made itself felt. When I asked W. (the only one of my informants who
had had a partly white education) why it should be three times he said he thought
it was "because Christ had been in the grave three days, and Jonah was for three
da^s in the fish."
oI-brIchts] the swimmer MANUSCRIPT 101
Although the o''si has passed out of existence generations ago,
even now the instruction is only imparted during the night. The
medicine man and the candidate talk until morning, and then go
to the river and bathe ritually, sprinkling water on their face, on the
crown of their head, and on their breast, "where their soul is." This
is done many nights in succession, whether the novice be staying
with the medicine man or whether he walks in every night until he
knows all his master is able or \\'illing to tell him.
Before the instruction proper is started, however, the applicant
has to drink a decoction to enable him to remember all he learns.
With this end in view, he may take one or all of the following medi-
A small cluster of leaves, rubbish, and refuse, such as is found
occasionally floating on the surface of the water, must be fished out
and examined. If it has any small insect, usually a spider, in it, it
is cooked, insect and all, and the decoction is drunlc, fasting, for four
or seven consecutive days; immediately after having drank it, the
candidate must go to the river and vomit.
Another much-extolled and highly esteemed medicine to obtain
a never-failing memory is to drink the water found in the leaf of a
pitcher plant: yvGwi'^la {Sarracenia purpurea L., sidesaddle flower,
pitcher plant, huntsman's cup).
These leaves, as is known, have the peculiar habit of keeping
imprisoned anything that has fallen into them (the Cherokee say
"anything that flies over them"), insects, spiders, small leaves, etc.,
and it is easy to see the principle of sympathy, according to which
this plant is used in order to "keep the knowledge acquired imprisoned
in the mind."
This plant is also called tcsko'"y'k'Q:na''t'i "the successful (or
never-failing) insect hunter," or wa'e''°la, possibly a dialectical vari-
ant of yu'GWt'^la.
The different kinds of vni'stJi)°.t'sti, all the varieties of "bur
plants," are also used, separately or jointly, in a decoction and drunk
by the candidate. As the burs stick and cling to anything that comes
in contact vdth. them, they will also be of material assistance in keep-
ing the acquired knowledge sticldng in the mind.
The candidate has, moreover, to be more careful than ever not to
eat any food prepared by a menstrual woman. (See p. 34.) A
breach of this taboo is dangerous enough in everyday life and for an
average individual; but for a medicine man, and even more so for a
candidate medicine man who is in the act of acquiring his knowledge,
it would mean a real calamity; not only would he forget all he knows,
but he would be spoiled outright.
In order to avert these disasters he must, therefore, whenever he
stands in any danger of coming into contact with a woman in this
condition or whenever touching any object that she may have used,
chew either the inner bark of atsfrqi' {Betula lenta L. ; cherry birch;
sweet birch; black birch), spitting the juice at regular intervals on the
"place where his soul is," or even occasionally moistening his fingers
and putting his saliva, under his clothes, on his breast.
Also the root of Gane-'ldo° {Zisia aurea (L.) Koch; Golden Alex-
ander) is chewed as a preventive. The name of this plant means "it
is pregnant." This is no doubt the reason why it is used in this
connection; on the other hand, the plant owes its name to the peculiar
shape of its fruit.
If then the candidate has used some or all of these potent means
to make his hold on the knowledge acquired a permanent one, he ^vill
soon be ready for the last and most important communication his
master has to make him. Prior to this, however, he must repair to
a secluded place in the mountains or in the forest, and there prepare
a decoction of all the plants mentioned above, only this time they are
to be boiled simultaneously,^^ and the decoction is taken at intervals
all day long; no other food or diink whatsoever is to be taken imtil
This is continued for four or seven days, according to the fervor
and the intentions of the applicant: if he stays in the wilderness for
four consecutive days and nights he ^\^lll be a skillful medicine man
and a priest of high repute and capacity. But if he can stand the
ordeal for seven days "he will be a most powerful wizard; he ^vill be
able to fly in the air and to dive imder the ground."
During this seclusion the solicitant has no dreams or visions that
would seem to be specifically related to the ceremony, although this
was undoubtedly the object of this four or seven days' fasting and
contemplation until a few generations ago.
Before the invention of the Sequoya syllabary the instruction of the
candidate must of course have been purely oral, but the possibility of
committing to paper their sacred and medicinal literature has un-
doubtedly contributed as much to the survival of aboriginal refigion
and science as to the propagation of the tracts and books of the
American Bible Society and to the veneer of white culture.
A medicine man may sell outright some of his written formulas to
a candidate, but this is very rarely done, the usual course being that
the latter be allowed to copy them. Even then a pretty high price
is charged. Mooney records that Ay. told him that hunters would
pay as much as $5 for a hunting song (SFC, p. 311), and W, told me
that he once paid for being allowed to copy part of the formulas of
Wil. an overcoat and a trunk (total value about $25), and that he sold
*8 In olden times they also added some others, Og. told me, but he did not
know which ones.
them again, after having copied them, for a watch, a buckskin, and
an overcoat.
When taking this course of instruction particuhir stress is Laid on
the explanatory remarks which should accompany each formula (see
p. 158), and any ingredients, simples, and paraphernalia mentioned in
these are also minutely described and explained by the tutor. This
instruction is given in a trul}" Socratic manner, and as I found out
myself, information is only dispensed so far as solicited. This is
probably the reason why these medicine men are such fine informants,
and why working with them is so profitable and remunerative; they
have been trained in the technique of asking and giving information,
and take so much interest in it, and are so visibly flattered by any one
attaching so much importance to the smallest detail of their knowledge
that once their initial reserve has been overcome they enjoy the work
as much as the ethnologist himself.
When the candidate has learned from his master as much as he
wants to know — or, as is often the case, as much as the old man is
willing to tell him— he leaves him, and if his cravmg for knowledge
and instruction is not jet satisfied, he may go to a second medicine
man, and try to persuade him to impart some of his knowledge. It
often happens, how^ever, that the particular medicine man he turns to,
after having completed his apprenticeship ^^dth the first one, feels
slighted because he has not been given precedence and refuses to
have anything to do vnth him.
There is no official rite of recognition or of acceptance of a new
medicine man. It is soon known that So-and-so is intending to be-
come one; that he is being instructed by Old Man X; even while he
is acquiring the art, he may be asked to give his advice in matters of
sickness, he may be asked to go and collect some simples, and so
graduall}^ he steps into the profession and the practice. It may soon
be rumored about the settlement how successful he is in his treatment,
and gradually he acquires the reputation of a skillful medicine man;
in due course of time he may attain the honors of "pow^erful wizard."
Once the medicine man possesses the knowledge and the power it
assures him, there are a few things he has to be very careful about in
order not to lose these attainments.
First of all he must rigorously observe the taboo with regard to
catamenial women. (See p. 34.)
Nor should he ever attend a funeral, or take any active part in any,
such as making the coffin, digging the grave, etc.
Finally, he should on no account neglect, if one of his patients
should die during treatment, to observe a rite of purification. As wUl
be seen (p. 139), this purification is incumbent on every inhabitant of
the settlement, but whereas wnth them the nonobservance at worst
causes an illness, to the attendant medicine man it would mean the
irretrievable loss of all power.
There are fortunately several ways of averting this calamity :
(1) All the rubbish that is found about the yard around the cabin
is gathered into a heap and burned; sourwood, n9"'Do*Gwe*'ya (Oxy-
dendrum arboreum (L.) DC.) twigs are boiled in a pot over this fire,
and the hands arc washed in this decoction.
(2) Wil. proceeded in the same way but used ka'na'sD""la° "wild
parsnip" instead of sourwood.
(3) Spencer Bird, an old medicine man, now dead, used to rely on
the sole purifying power of water. The inforniant who told me this
vaguely hinted at the probability of the water being some "special
water," such as that scooped out of a stump ("stump water") or even
out of the stump of a lightning-struck tree.
Diffusion of Knowledge
We have just seen how an outsider may become an adept and the
methods used in imparting to him the sacred and scientific lore.
But even between the medicine men and practitioners who have
"graduated" years ago there is going on a constant exchange of
formulas and explanations, a continual barter in hints and facts relat-
ing to the profession.
Every medicine man has either a notebook or a motley collection of
miscellaneous papers of all sizes, colors, and descriptions, containing
the formulas invariabl}'' written down in the Sequoya syllabary.
Many of the medicine men refrain from writing down the "directions"
in their books or papers, and do not write anj'^ caption to the formula, in
order that, if by any chance the documents should be lost or stolen,
the unlawful proprietor should be at a loss how to use them. The
formulas will either want the prescriptions as to plants to be used,
injunctions to be followed, the foods that are tabooed, etc., or else the
title is lacking, with the result that it is well-nigh impossible to find
out exactly against which disease the formula is to be used.
If two medicine men exchange any information, one of them usually
gives the other one as many formulas to copy as the latter is willing to
impart to his colleague. Some formulas may be rated far more
important than others, however; a good love conjuration will easily
sell for as much as five or six curing prescriptions. In some cases, even
among medicine men, the formulas may be sold for money, or such
commodities as coats, watches, etc. (See p. 102.)
In this way there is such an intense interchange of formulas and
prescriptions going on that all the medicine men have a stock in trade
which is fundamentally the same, only a member of the profession who
specializes in a certain field, as in divination, love medicine, etc., has
a totally different collection from the one who makes curing his prin-.
cipal pursuit.
Olbrechts] the swimmer MANUSCRIPT 105
To some extent there is also a diffusion of the medicinal knowledge
from the members of the profession to the laity, to outsiders who have
no intention of ever becoming medicine men, but who may want a
particidar formula or song because they need it so often that they can
not be bothered to hire a medicine man to recite it for them on every
occasion. They therefore ask a medicine man to sell them such-and-
such a formula — say a hunting song or a love conjuration — which will
put an end to their being dependent on the medicine man, for this
emergency at any rate.
Even to his best friend a medicine man will never give a fornmla,,
excusing himself by saying that any information given free loses its
power. Their motives seem to be less interested, when they state tliat-
formulas should not be propagated too much anyway, since the more
they are diffused the less powerful they become. (See p. 99.)
As to the kind of formulas that are most frequently desired by lay-
men and communicated to them by the members of the profession,,
the reader is referred to the chapter on the Formulas (p. 144 et seq.)..
Succession and Inheritance
There is now no definite rule as to who becomes the successor of a.
medicine man when he dies, and it is difficult to ascertain if ever such
a rule existed.
As we have seen, a great many individuals may inherit of a medicine
man's knowledge during his lifetime. The problem of the inheritance
of his medicinal and ritual writings must of course be a very modern
one, since it could not antedate the invention of the syllabary by
Sequo3^a in 1821. But even so, there may have prevailed a rule prior
to this, regulating the inheritance of the paraphernalia and especially
of the profession, of the office. Be that as it may, there is no trace in
the present beliefs or traditions that elucidates this problem.
At the death of a medicine man now, he is succeeded by any one
of the members of his household who takes a sufficiently keen inter-
est in the profession and "who is not too lazy to be continually on
the road, visiting sick people, collecting medicine for them, etc."
From what has been stated (see p. 99), it is evident that anybody
who succeeds him must have been officially or unofficially initiated
by him, since to an outsider even the most carefully written collec-
tion of formulas would be a closed book.
His wife may succeed him, as in the case of Og.,^^ one of his chil-
dren may, or again a brother or a sister, who, through having been
educated with him, may know some of the ins and outs of the pro-
W. inherited a good deal of his knowledge from his mother, Ayo.,
and a considerable amount from his half-brother, Climbing Bear.
5" Whose practice was taken over by his wife. (PL 8, b.)
The knowledge of Og., also W.'s half-brother, came from the same
Del. is indebted for liis ''scientific information" to his father,
again the much reputed Climbing Bear, and to his mother, O.
T. is Del.'s brother-in-law, and lives with him; he has been trained
by tsi'skwa, his father.
If we bear in mind that both W.'s wife and Del.'s mother are mid-
wives, that his half-sister, Je. is a medicine woman, and another
half-brother a medicine man in another settlement; furthermore, that
Og.'s wife has taken up his succession, we are bound to be struck by
the endemic nature of the profession with certain families.
The group of individuals named above makes up roughly more
than half of the medicine men of the settlement of which a special
study was made, and the remaining number could be genealogically
connected in the same way, comprising such individuals as Gad.,
Wil., J., Ts., and a couple more.
Staunch conservatives and traditionalists to the core as the medi-
cine men are, they should not be thought of as a homogeneous body
of fellows without any individuality, with nicely agreeing and tally-
ing opinions on matters pertaining to religion and science.
Elsewhere will be found a few cases where medicine men have not
feared to introduce innovations in the explanation of the cause of
diseases, or in its treatment, that from a Cherokee point of view may
be called truly daring.
I here want to draw attention to a couple of cases of an even more
startUng nature, to what might be called symptoms of skepticism
and rationalism on the part of the members of the guild.
Gad., whose writings were secured by Mooney, and which are now
deposited in the archives of the Bureau of American Ethnology, on
two occasions gives vent to a tinge of doubt. Once he writes at the
end of a prescription following a formula to attract the affection of
a woman:
tSa'ndtSGe-"' e^ti tsa-'n6'e-'"i a'se*' Ge'li' yi)Do"tyi;-GWO''^
they said, App. long time they lived, App. it must it seems it (is) true, Llm.
e'lt'stt-Gwa''' Ge'SQ*'
possible, Lim. it is
I. e., "They said this a long time ago when the (old people) lived;
possibly it is true, so at least it seems." And another time in similar
circumstances :
ase' Gedi' yi;Do'*tyi;-Gwo"' yt'oi
it must it seems it (is) true, Lim. maybe
I. e., "Possibly this may be true."
The fine shades of meaning expressing doubt and even a tinge of
blasphemous irony, which many of these words convey when used in
this connection, are ahnost impossible to render in any but a very
free and colloquial translation, which would run somewhat like this:
"This has never been proved, but the old people, none of whom, by
the way, we have ever seen, are reputed to have believed it. Maybe
it isn't a joke, after all; anyway, what's the harm of trying it."
Also from personal contacts I have received similar impressions.
Once I asked a medicine man whether he was absolutely sure about
a particular subject I was discussing with him, and which he ex-
plained according to current orthodox and traditional views; I also
asked him if he would accept another medicine man's views if they
happened to be diametrically opposed to his own opinions and to
tradition; he answered: ''Yes, I would, if he could prove that he was
Good old Og. once confidentially told me that he had lost all con-
fidence in the diviuatory powers of the "brown stone"; as often as
he had tried it he had been disappointed. He believed in other
modes of divination and practiced them, but for "brown stone"
divination he had no use at all.
Some more facts that are related to those discussed in this para-
graph will be found on page 113.
Attitude Toward White Culture
Although as a rule the medicine man is strongly opposed to the
influence of white culture in his domain, and very hostile to the
white physician and his medicine box, this feeling is much less pro-
nounced in some localities than in others. The Indians living in the
neighborhood of the agency, who know by experience that the "white
medicine" is so much superior to theirs, are brealdng loose from their
medicine men and their doctrines, and the medicine man feels that
he is fighting a desperate and hopeless battle.
Some means he employs in this we would call hardly fair, but I
am convinced that the medicine men themselves are quite honest
about them, e. g., when they allege that white doctors willfully cause
disease (see p. 39) so as to always have clients. "You see," one of
them told me once, "your white doctors are out after money. We
will treat a sick man for weeks and weeks and cure hhn, even though
we know that he has nothing to pay us with. And if he recovers, we
are just as glad as if he had been a rich man and could have given us
yards and yards of cloth, and beads and money. But your doctors,
if they do not get money, they will not cure; and how can they get
money if the people do not become ill. So they make healthy people
ill on purpose, that they may cure them and get rich."
What is there to be answered to such sound dialectics?
And yet, there are even more arguments. White medicine and
Indian medicine are both good; but as Indian medicine is not good for
a white man, what is the use of white medicine for an Indian? "We
Indians have always used the medicine raw,^° and have gotten used
to it. But white medicine is not raw, and it does not agree with us."
Others are less dogmatic about it, and say that there are successful
white doctors, just as there are skillful Indian medicine men, and that,
if one of the latter has failed to cure a patient, there is no reason why
the white doctor should not be given a chance. But the two should
never be employed at the same time. The only exception to this
rule that has come to my knowledge is a case where a child was ill,
and the agency doctor, being summoned, prescribed a medicine to
be drunk. The Cherokee medicine man, Wil., since deceased, who
had been attending to the case, had ordered a collection of herbs to
be cooked and the decoction to be sprinkled over the child. When
he heard of the white doctor's prescription he did not oppose himself
to the white man's medicine being used simultaneously with his own,
as the former was to be used internally, whereas his was for external
use only.
One point which even the most inveterate traditionalist will always
be found readily 'willing to concede is that there are certain diseases
which an Indian medicine man could not possibly cure, viz, those
diseases that are of an infectious and contagious nature, and which
are reputed to be imported by the white people, and more specifically,
caused by the white doctors.
On the other hand, there exist aihnents which even the best white
physician could not cure, as the dreaded and uncanny ay€''ltGO''Gi
diseases (see p. 33) and in a general way all diseases that are held to
be caused by human agency and occult means.
There are quite a few stories circulating, calculated to uphold the
prestige of the native medicine men at the expense of the agency
doctors. One of them, representative of the kind, follows below,
almost textually (Informant W.):
One day my brother-in-law became suddenly ill on the ball field.
I carried him home and went after Doctor X ^^ to cure him.
Doctor X came twice, but gave him up and said there was no hope
of recovery. I then went to Og., who came; he said that if the side
man lived until midnight he would recover, but that he was very bad,
and might die before then. So I went and warned all the relatives,
and they came and stood by his bedside. About half past 10 that
night he became very bad, his breath stopped, and we all thought he
^ The point he wants to make here is, that our materia medica is prepared,
distilled, extracted, compressed into tablets, etc. There is neither smell, taste,
nor trace "of the barks and roots" left.
^* The Government Agency physician.
oLbeechts] the swimmer MANUSCRIPT 109
had died. I straightened his legs out, and his stepmother tied her
handkerchief under his chin.
But all of a sudden he breathed, and again, and again. Quickly
they took the handkerchief away; he opened his eyes, and asked:
"When did I come back?" (It sounded as if he thought he had been
away.) His father said: "You have not been away; you have been
in bed all the time."
Next day he ate, and soon he became stronger; within a week he
walked about the house; he recovered.
Personalities — Individual Differences
Although I have carefully avoided conveying the impression that
anything applying to one medicine man likewise holds for every one
of his congeners, yet I consider it necessary to specially devote a few
lines to a rough sketch of the character of a few of them, bringing out
such individual differences in views and behavior as struck and im-
pressed me most.
It goes without saying that just as anywhere else, and as in any other
profession, some of them are more proficient and skillful than others;
that some again are less overawed and fettered by tradition and pat-
tern than som^e of their colleagues; that some there are, finally, w^hose
honesty and integrity can not be doubted, whereas others are no better
than some of the vulgar and mercantile quacks that are not unlvnown
even in our communities.
There is W. (57 years old, married; see pi. 5), who acted as my
interpreter and main informant during the major part of my stay.
He has a very striking personality. His mother, ayo"sta (Mooney,
SFC, p. 313; Myths, pi. xiv) was a medicine woman of high repute
and a staunch traditionahst. From her W. got a lot of mythological
and botanical lore when he was quite young, but after he went to the
Government school at Hampton, Ya., he lost, as he says himself, all
faith in what the old people believed and taught. He was recon-
verted, however, by an experience, a detailed account of which will
be given elsewhere, and during which, by some Cherokee talisman,
which his half brother. Climbing Bear, had procured for him, he
managed to win the affection of a white girl.
In spite of this success, the white people's settlements made him feel
hopelessly homesick. He returned to his people, and it did not take
him more than a few days to drop into the old life again, and to work
out a quaint philosophy and outlook on life of his own, and which he
occasionally teaches and advocates, with the result that these views
are uttered rather frequently by other medicine men, with more or less
conviction as the case may be. According to this system, "white
medicine might be good, and Indian medicine might be good. There
are some diseases (e. g., aye'ltGO'ci diseases) which a white doctor can
not cure, and there are some against which an Indian doctor is helpless.
But as a rule, a white man's medicine can not help an Indian, just as
Indian medicine is of no use to a white man. He (W.) personally
experienced this."
Although he expresses himself in such a mUd way with regard to
white doctors and their medicine, I know that he secretly holds the
aboriginal medicine men with their paraphernalia and simples as far
more successful and skilled masters, and whenever any sickness pre-
vails in his cabin, W. will only call on the Government physician after
weeks of treatment by his own and other medicine men's arts have
brought no results.
Again, although he is fully convinced of the fact that a medicine
man should never impose on the laymen or brag about his superior
knowledge, I know that W. is very conceited, and since the death of
his half brother, Climbing Bear, he considers himself second to none.
He is feared by many, despised by a few, loved by none. Yet,
because of his accomplishments and his keen intelligence, he has been
elected a member of the Cherokee Council so often that he has been in
office for upward of a score of years. Few, if any, on the whole
reserve have had a better "white education"; hardly one of his people
has lived in white communities as long as W. has; 3^et he is the most
ardent and most conscious of traditionalists.
He is fully aware of his own worth and accomplishments, and there-
fore extremely sensitive to mockery and slight. Unflinciiingly believ-
ing in every bit of Cherokee traditional and ritual lore as he does, I am
sure that many times he has by occult means tried to remove from his
path and from this world, those that were his avowed or secret enemies.
In his practice he never consciously departs from ritual or tradition,
and most literally and punctiliously follows and observes injunctions
and prescriptions appended to the formulas.
As to his professional honesty, I found several proofs of this being
scant indeed; yet I do not think that his motives were whoUy or even
mostly selfish. At times one would be inclined to look upon him as
one who believes hunself the prophet of a losing cause, and firmly con-
vinced that all means are allowable to keep the people at large in the
respect and in the awe of the beliefs and the institutions of the past.
His pronounced erotic nature, which is to be discussed later in con-
nection with the experience mentioned above, is undoubtedly responsi-
ble for many traits in his behavior; his natural disposition for conceit,
e. g., is considerably enhanced by it.
An activity and a providence, which the more surprise us as they are
totally unknown to his shiftless and happy-go-lucky fellows, he owes,
I feel quite sure, to his training as an adolescent in the Government
boarding school, and to his subsequent stay with white families as a
servant and coachman.
Altogether. W, was by far the most impressive and most important
personality in the settlement at the time of my stay. If only so much
antipathy had not been rampant against him he would without any
doubt have been considered, implicitly if not outspokenly, the leader
of the community.
This r6]e, however, it has been given to T. (63 years old, bachelor,
pi. 10, c) to fulfill. Vastly inferior to W., both in intelligence and
knowledge, his disposition and temperament have secured for him a
universal love and a public esteem, to which by the mere accomplish-
ments of his mind he could never have attained.
His social intercourse is replete with a distinction and a nobility
that would create a sensation in an aristocratic drawing-room.
Children that run and scramble away into hiding when W. comes
briskly stepping along the trail, approach with glee and hail with joy
the person of T. as he leisurely and serenely comes strolling along.
There is in the whole of his appearance, in his intercourse, in his deal-
ings with young and old alike, a kindly amiability tempered with a
dignified reserve that immediately betrays the wisdom of life.
Hmnbly realizmg his importance, he never hurries, speaks but little
and then slowly, as if he deliberately chose and weighed the value of
his words; he is stoic and calm in illness and adversity as in victory
and success. He not only professes to be humble, but actually con-
siders his professional knowledge as a loan extended to him for the
benefit of his people.
Although he has passed through the various grades of the profession,
it speaks for his personality that he now only retains such specialties
as divination, praying for long life, love attraction, etc. But anyone
appealing to his medical knowledge is never disappointed — at least
not by T.'s willingness.
The general consideration in which he is held has brought him the
honor of preparing the Big Cove team for the ball game whenever they
have been challenged by a rival team of another settlement. The
meaning of this appointment has been explained (p. 91).
It will be noticed that after all, the professional aspect of T.'s
character is scarcely touched upon here, and this portrays conditions
exactly as I found them. To a question, which of the two, W. or
T., is the better medicine man, a Cherokee answers that T. is so
VDa'N!tt*yu', such a nice fellow.
The contrast between these two men, whose characters I have
sketched as objectively as can be done by such a method as here used,
is clearly brought out, and goes to prove that with the Cherokee
superior knowledge in a medicine man may have to give the right of
way to a more human disposition.
If all the remarkable and noteworthy persons here discussed had
been born and educated in a white environment I like to think of T.
7548°— 32 9
as an honorary president of a powerful amalgamation of scientific
societies. W. might have built and directed a splendidly equipped
and well-paying hospital; but Og. (pi. 9, a), whom we are going to
present now, would have been the altruistic and devoted scientist,
constantly busy in the laboratory, peering over tables and instru-
ments, testing, measuring, and titrating, doggedly in search after
methods and devices to improve the health and lengthen the life of
this sorely tried and cruelly stricken humanity.
Og. was 64 years old when he died in 1927, while I was working with
him. His knowledge was truly encyclopedic, and whenever the
rich fund of W.'s information tarried, and no one else could supply
the necessaiy elucidation, Og. was the last and usually happy resort.
When there was a diagnosis to be made that baffled everybody his
knowledge and experience was never called upon in vain; when
plants or roots were needed, the very names of which other medicine
men but faintly recollected, he was always able to describe them, to
find them, and to identify them.
When hoary origins of institutions and of practices were to be dug
up out of the voluminous mythological lore he was the man to do it,
when everybody else had failed.
If only he had had 10 per cent as much ambition as he had knowl-
edge of tribal, ritual, and medicinal affairs he would have been as
celebrated one day as that other "Oconostota" of Fort Loudon fame.
But his inherent shyness, which went so far as to actually shun the
company even of liis friends, his passion for his profession, his truly
philosophic turn of mind, made of this man a personality that in a
civilized community and in an educated environment might have
become an Edison or an Einstein.
Doting college juniors could not discuss the branch of their predi-
lection wdth so much zeal and enthusiasm as Og. could. Hours at a
stretch he could not only give information — or rather lecture on
Cherokee obstetrics or semeiology, as I would much rather put it —
but he could investigate a problem, ask surprisingly keen questions,
that often really stimulated thought and provoked solutions.
He was practically the only medicine man of the many I have
known who could be said to have a certain perspective in his loiowledge
and who was not hopelessly unable to connect two bits of information
that came from different branches of his "erudition." If his opinion
was asked regarding an obscure text in the formulas, he would of
his own accord consult his fund of mythological lore, to see what he
could find there that might be of any use to shed some light on the
His professional devotion was edifying, and his honesty was beyond
questioning. I have elsewhere drawn attention to the baffling fact
that even such a character as Og. used methods which can hardly
be called by any other name than that of prestidigitation. Yet I
remain firmly convinced that he was in unquestionably good faith in
this regard.
One of the more sinister persons in the profession is Jo. (70 years
old, widower). He is looked upon by all the others not only as an
outsider but as an impostor. This opinion I am rather inclined to
believe as doing justice to the facts, the more so as I have never been
able to induce him to work with me, in spite of his reputed greedy
love of money. He is a member of the Cherokee Council and a
preacher for one of the two Churches that makeefl'orts to evangelize the
people. It is quite a proposition to try to analyze Jo.'s personality,
as it is very intricate. Since he is a preacher, which to him is para-
mount to being a full-fledged member of the intelligentsia of the white
people, he considers it just as necessary to belong to the leading
personalities of his own people ; for this reason he becomes a medicine
man, or rather pretends to be one. Since, now, being a preacher
gives him the right and the authority to expound and explain the
hidden and secret meanings of Holy Writ to his congregation, he
thinks he also has the privilege of altering Cherokee traditional and
medical lore to suit his opinion; that is where he comes in open conflict
with the conservatives in general, and most of all with the ensign
bearers of conservatism, the medicine men.
To give an instance : Whereas tradition teaches that the future can
only be divulged by definitely specified means (beads, "brown
stone," etc.), and by an elaborate ritual, Jo. pretends that he can
prophecy without any such paraphernalia; that he simply sees the
future happenings and events; that he has a revelation, as we would
Such a statement, to the mind of those of the medicine men that are
sincere, is nothing short of blasphemy, and to those that are not quite
so honest, it is even more odious, because when you take away from
such a ceremony as dfvination all the mysterious uncanny, awe-
inspiring proceedings, such as twisting the beads, intently watching
the dangling brown stone, praying to the Ancient Fire prior to drop-
ping the sacred tobacco over it — if all this is done away with, what
remains to impress the clients?
Yet the influence which Jo. has as a preacher and as a councillor
makes it possible for him to be a heretic and not be ostracized, and
to be a blasphemer and not to starve.
Knowing as he does the disdain he is held in by the other medicine
men, Jo. plays tit for tat, never letting an occasion pass to "make
them mad," The primordial quality of a Cherokee medicine man,
devotion to his patients, whether from a true moral incentive or from
mere love of the fee, is absolutely foreign to Jo., and as I know him,
I am honestly convinced that on the rare occasion a patient ascribes
his cure to him, Jo.'s reaction is primarily, if not wholly, one of
fiendish glee at the fact that he has humiliated a competing medicine
man; the humane satisfaction of having rid a sufferer of his pain,
which is never absent with any of the other medicine men, has no
part in Jo.'s feelings.
Is it necessary to say which one, of all Cherokee practitioners, is
most cordially hated by Jo.? And who most fiercely returns the
compliment? W., of course. Both of them councillors and ardent
with political ambition and passion, neither of them honest as a
practitioner nor as a man ; both of them too well educated to be good
Cherokee, and neither of them educated enough to Imow what to
take and what to leave of white culture, they often meet on the road
to the same objective, and always as competitors. I personally
know that drama has come near to bringing a tragic solution to their
But all in that motley body of Cherokee medicine men is not
dramatic; besides its sinister and gloomy personages, it has its
Rabelais: Meet Jud. (married, no children, 63 years old, pi. 10, a),
a most captivating and amusing personality.
To begin with, and to be quite honest, Jud, is no medicine man
at all; he merely longs, languishes, dies to be one; I am sure that if
only he could obtain that ardently craved honor by paying for it
with 10 years of his life — if he has so much to his credit, poor old
friend — he would gladly do so. If Jud. only knew, even if his com-
peers make sport and fun of liis efforts to capture the first principles
of practical therapeutics at the age of 60, that I, his adopted son,
discuss him this day along with the past masters of the science,
how proud he would be, and what a tremendous joke he would con-
sider it to be.
Although I am satisfied I can show why Jud. can never be a good
medicine man, I must admit my utter inability to explain why he
wants to be one. He himself does not know, and considered it a very
stupid question when I asked him. "Why, aren't there many
people who are medicine men? And look at the old people; aren't
they nearly all medicine men? Why shouldn't I become one?"
And then, bethinking himself, "he was suffering so much from
Dt^Dole-'ski (rheumatism); he needed treatment practically every
day; could he afford the time and the money ^^ to have a medicine
man come to his house every morning to scratch him with a briar
and to mumble a formula which he could learn to recite just as well?"
And, finally, with a roguish twinkle in his eye that suddenly and com-
pletely seemed to metamorphize him into a lad of 18: "Moreover, if
I want love medicine, do you expect me to go and ask one of those
guys for it?"
«2 Jud. is very well off, as local standards go.
J z
< <
a, J., One of the Lesser Stars
'', Del.. Descendantof an Old Lineage of Medicine
oIbrechts] the swimmer MANUSCRIPT 115
An incorrigible jester, a side-spiitting joker, Jud. is the most per-
fect anthropomorphized trickster you could imagine. Once as I was
trying to reconstitute the Cherokee rabbit cycle, and was mobihzing
all the available sources of information, Jud. came on one of his
numerous visits. Brimful of the interesting subject, I asked him
eagerly w^hat he loiew of the rabbit? He concentrated his thoughts
on the subject, shifted his weight, looked at the ceiling, spat on the
floor, and then, as I turned a keen face up from my notebook, he
drawled: "All I know about the rabbit is how to eat it."
What an enormous asset this jocular disposition may be to flit
through life smiling and contented, it is less desired in a medicine
man. Yet, in spite of his stingy wife's protests, and unheeding the
jokes and taunts of the people, Jud. goes about his plans, collecting
bits of knowledge and scraps of information wherever he can, buying
expensive documents, which he can neither read nor interpret. When
he afterwards calls in the aid of a medicine man — whom he has to
pay— to find out what his latest acquisition is all about, he learns
that it is incomplete, that the "directions" are missing, or that it is
worthless on account of some other defect. The whole settlement
hears about it and roars, but the loudest peal of laughter comes
from Jud. Somehow, he considers it a capital joke, and he could
not for a moment entertain the idea that the joke is on him.
Since Jud. was politely lacked out of the door by all the members
of the profession, I had the questionable privilege of being honored
with his visit daily at first, and slightly less frequently afterwards.
He proved second to none as far as keenness to discuss the subject
was concerned. Alas, his ignorance was so manifest that the exchange
of ideas proved not profitable.
There are some more medicine men with whom work was done, but
they belonged to what may be called an undergraduate class, both
as regards professional accomplishments and individuality.
Ts. (pi. 8, a), widov/er, 73 years old, and J. (pi. 11, a), his son
(died 1928, 47 years old), were both very charming individuals, but
had a rather narrow conception of things. They looked upon their
occupation as a job or a trade rather than as an art or a profession ;
to dispose of his "fee" (see p. 95 et seq.;also Mooney, SFC, p. 338)
was as important and as awkward a problem for J. as to cure a patient.
If the other medicine men were worthy professors, these were mere
Sunday-school teachers.
Del. (pi. 11, b), 51 years old, married, could, if he had chosen,
have become a bright star in the Cherokee medical constellation.
Only slightly less intelligent than Og., he is even more retiring and
shy than his uncle was. He is a well-providing father for his family,
and considers the medicine man's profession too unstable and pre-
carious to support his household. I am inclined to believe, more-
over, that his practical turn of inind and his active temperament
have also something to do with this; thus it would be explained why,
although practicing very little himself, he is the only medicine man
who is still able and willing to make such "surgical" instruments as
are still in use — comb scratchers, sucking horns, etc.
Je. (pi. 12, a), widow, 72, and O. (pi. 12, b), Del.'s mother, Climbing
Bear's widow, 73, the two medicine women during my stay, do not
call for any discussion here. Their position was devoid of any impor-
tance, and their role was almost limited to that of mid wives. O. is
far more universally loved than Je. is, which feeling I must heartUy
commend and sympathetically indorse.
Sexual Life
Since the manuscript, to which this discussion is an introduction,
does not contain any formulas dealing with love matters, such as
conjuration to gain the affection of a woman, to destroy in a particular
woman the promiscuous tendencies she has shown, incantations to
take vengeance on a woman who has scoffed at sympathies proffered,
to sow discord between a couple of lovers, etc., it has not been con-
sidered necessary to go into such minute details on this score as has
been done with matters pertaining to purely medical lore, which
constitutes the bulk of the material offered in this manuscript.
Two more manuscripts, on which some work has already been done,
and of which the publication is contemplated, will afford a far better
opportunity to treat at length such topics as sense of shame, puberty,
sexual life, adultery, sexual pathology, etc.
It would seem that Cherokee ideas on this subject had been con-
siderably influenced by the views of their white neighbors. This
need not, however, be the case. There are less civilized peoples
whose conceptions about disease and medicine are not any more
reasonable than those of the Cherokee, and whose explanation of the
process of conception is even more rational (cf. Kleiweg de Zwaan,
pp. 158-159).
Male and female alike ''produce the matter which becomes mixed
and goes to form the child in (the womb of) the mother. In some
cases this matter is mixed right away, in which case they wiU have
a baby soon; in other cases it may take several months, or even a
couple of years."
"She is pregnant" is rendered Gane^'ldo", also 'taluii' (lit. "she
carries it"?).
(I. Je., a prominent Midwife
^^ >'-""'**^- J
6, o., Del."s Mother; Midwife
Cherokee Dance Mask
oIbrechts] the swimmer MANUSCRIPT 117
It is held that imsimultaneous detumescence can not produce
offspring. *
There is no clear conception as to the origin of the soul of the
child. The majority of the informants say that they do not know,
"they have never thought of it." The keenest of the medicine men,
W., thought that it came along, with what went to form the body of
the child, and was therefore secreted by both the individuals
concerned in the act.
A woman knows she has conceived by the stopping of her cata-
menial flow.
Abortus — Contraceptives
Abortus is totally unknown; even my best informant (a man of
56, prominent medicine man, holding a leading position in the tribal
organization, twice married, high school graduate), had never heard
of it, and I had a good deal of difficulty in making him understand
what I meant. He was horrified at the idea, and I am afraid his
esteem for the white people and the ways of some of them was not
improved, when he finally grasped the idea.
It does not seem to have dawned on them that the foetus can be
tampered with at all, and to do so, W. thought, would be outright
murder. As he put it: "You might as well cut a 5-year-old child's
head off."
Of contraceptive measures, they do not seem to be quite so ignorant.
They know one: t*t'kyi;'*sti {Cicuta maculata L.; spotted cowbane;
musquash root; beaver's poison), the roots of which are chewed and
swallowed for four days consecutively by the woman who wants to
put an end to her conceptive abilities. It is alleged that if a woman
uses this she will become sterile forever.
From a point of view of morals, it is considered nothing less than
a crime, and none of my informants knew a case where it had been
used. One, W. again, said that he never knew it to be used, but
that he imagines that it might be used by a woman who can not keep
her children alive, or when it is considered that "partus" would
endanger her life. But even then, he said, they would not do it,
"for a woman will just as lief take the risk of dying with her baby,
rather than to live without a child."
There is a vague hint by some of the informants at the possibility
of promiscuous women using this drug, especially if they are married,
so that there can be no material proof of their misbehavior. But
substantial evidence to prove this impression could not be given.
When we consider their total ignorance of abortive measures
and the scant and vague knowledge of contraceptives, I am inclined
to think that the Cherokee hold the only means known to them from
the white settlers. It is said that, at an early period of its growth,
the plant resembles parsley (of. Larousse Medical (Paris, 1922), 226),
and parsley {Petroselinum sativum Hoffm.) has been and still is
popular in several European countries as an abortive (of. v. Hov.
Kr. I 170; Lemery 417; Dodoens 1176). It is still used in official
medicine as an emmenagogue (U. S. Dispensatory, p. 1393).
During Pregnancy
As soon as a woman feels she is with child she informs her husband
and her friends of it. Soon the whole settlement knows about
her condition, and she becomes subjected to the multifarious taboos
and injunctions relating to her condition. The most important of
the latter is that she be " taken to the water" every new moon.
The ceremony of going to the river to pray, to be prayed for, and
to bathe, is the outstanding one of Cherokee ritual. It is now fast
disappearing, and only the staunch and conservative old-timers cling
to it as to one of the last vestiges of aboriginal religion.
As stated elsewhere (see p. 150), there are sei^eral occasions on which
the Cherokee should perform this ceremony ; as a whole, the ceremony
is pretty much the same in every case; whether it be merely the
monthly rite at the new moon, or whether it be to work against an
enemy, or to conjure a disease away, or to "examine with the beads,"
the individual on whose behalf the ceremony is performed goes to
the bank of the river, accompanied by the priest, who recites some
prayer, conjuration, or incantation, at the end of which some water is
dipped out with the hollow of the hand, and the crown of the head,
the bosom ("where our soul is"), and often the face is washed.
The particular ceremony of taking pregnant women to the water is
renewed at every new moon, a few months prior to the expected
delivery. According to mformation, listed in notes of Mooney, it
should be started after the third month of pregnancy; 01. and Del.
told me that it was only observed during the last three months
preceding delivery, whereas W. maintained the ceremony took place
every new moon, starting when the pregnant woman felt for the
first time the motion of the child within her, which is said by the
Cherokee to happen usually about the fifth month after conception.
The pregnant woman goes down to the river, accompanied by the
priest. Two white beads (white being the color emblematic of Ufe),
or sometimes two red beads (red being the color symbolizing success),
and a white thread, 50 to 60 centimeters long, are put down on the
ground on a yard of white calico. All this is to be supplied by the
client, and is afterwards taken away by the priest as his fee.
The couple is usually accompanied by an attendant, as a rule the
husband, the mother, or some other relative of the woman, who
throughout the proceedings acts as assistant, spreading out the cloth,
arranging the beads and the thread. It is as a rule also the assistant
who, at the end of the ceremony, makes a bundle of the paraphernalia
and hands it to the priest.
The party standing on the bank of the river, facing the water, the
priest recites the prayer (see Texts, Form. No. 18, p. 193), meanwhile
holding a red (or white) and a black bead between thumb and index
of his right and left hands (see p. 132). The lively movements of the
right-hand bead spell success, those of the left-hand bead spell disap-
pointment. At the end of the ceremony he strings the beads on the
thread, deposes them on the calico, which is then wrapped up by the
assistant and given to the priest to take home with him.
This ceremony, though it is understood to be gone through for the
benefit of mother and child, often has as its more immediate object
an aim of rather a divinatory nature, e. g., whether the child will
live or will be stillborn, or again, what will be its sex, etc. The
client has the right to stipulate the aim of the divination. Every
time at the end of the ceremony the priest tells the woman what are
the results and the prospects.
The priest takes the cloth and the two beads home with him, and
at the next new moon has to bring the latter back \vith him. At
the second ceremony the patron has to supply two more beads,
which are finally strung on the same white thread along with the
others, and also another yard of white cloth, which again the priest
takes home as his fee.
These purely religious ceremonies are only a part of what we might
term the prenatal care and treatment with the Cherokee. Even as
long before delivery as this, simples are taken to induce an easy par-
Each time, before setting out for this river ceremony, the woman,
before she leaves home, drinks a decoction of bark of Da-'"w8dzf'la
(Ulmus julva, Michx., red, or slippery elm); stems of "wale-'lu
u'^nadzrlaGf'sti {Impatiens hijiora Walt., spotted touch-me-not); roots
of Ga'naGwa^k'ski niGo^'ilg*' ttse'!i {Veronica officinalis L., common
speedwell); cones of n5.tsi,' {Pinus pungens Lamb., Table Moimtain
The first is used because of the mucilaginous nature of its bark:
"It will make the inside of the woman slippery," so that the child
wiU have no difficulty in putting in an appearance.
The second plant is alleged to frighten the child, and to entice it
"to jmup down" briskly.
The two last plants named are chosen because they are niGo''t'l9*''
itse'^i, i. e., "evergreens," and it is expected of them that they wiU
convey theii* properties of longevity and unimpaired health to the
There is no doubt but there is some symbolic significance attached
to the method of selecting the ingredients — roots, barks, stems,
tops. No information could be gained to elucidate this, even though
all the informants agreed that there must be some cause underlying
it. It may point to a symbolic way of presenting hfe from birth to
growth, an interpretation which sounds quite orthodox in the Ught of
what we know of Cherokee symbolism and beUef.
As stated, this decoction is drunk at home prior to going down to
the river; when standing near the water, the woman induces vomit-
ing. This medicine is not only thought to be beneficial to parturi-
tion, but it also cleanses the woman from all disease germs that may
be latent in her, and induces the throwing off of any "spoiled saliva."
(See p. 15.)
When with child, a woman not only has to be very careful lest any
harm befall her; she herself is extremely dangerous to her relatives,
friends, and neighbors. Beliefs relating to the latter conception
have been discussed elsewhere. (See p. 35.)
As to the restrictions she herself is subjected to, there are first of
all the food taboos:
She should not eat squirrel (sa'lo'li'), because if she does, the child,
when about to be born, will not come down, but will "go up," as a
squirrel, when frightened, climbs up a tree (Del.; O.); or because
squirrels have a hump, and if she eats any squirrel meat the baby
would He in the womb in a humped position, which would make
delivery very difficult (W.).
Nor should she eat t^Q'^Mi'sti' ("pheasant"; ruffed grouse), as her
child would not live (Mooney, Myths, p. 285).
Nor raccoon (k'o^'li'), as this would give the child the gq-" "wantGis'ti
disease (see p. 67).
Nor speckled trout (a-t.tsa'.), as the child would have birthmarks,
black spots on the face (Del.; O.); or because this would cause undue
bloodshed during partus (W.).
Nor rabbit (tcfstu'), as the child would sleep with its eyes open
(Del.; O.); or because it would have ridiculously large eyes.
Nor crawfish (tct'stg'na'), which runs backward, as the child would
obstinately refuse to come down at the time of deHvery.
No animals are to be eaten that have been shot, either by gun or
bow and arrow; in other words, no animals killed with bloodshed.
But the same animals that are tabooed if killed by bullet or arrow may
be eaten if caught in traps and snares, or if stunned and killed by
club or adze.
There are, so to speak, no taboos with reference to plant foods.
The only one I could find was the nuts of se'ti' {Juglans nigra L.,
black walnut). If these nuts are eaten, the child will have a horribly-
broad nose.
Salt is to be used as scantily as possible. No reason for this could
be given. W. said he thought it was "because salt makes meat
(and therefore also flesh) swell." (See p. 65.)
No trace of the belief in the result of unsatisfied picae could be
Apart from the food taboos there are quite a number of restrictions
and injunctions which a pregnant woman has to observe.
She should not be visited by a menstrual woman.
She should never loiter near the doorway. Whenever she has to go
in or out of the cabin she must do so briskly. If she loiters at the
doorway "the child will be slow in jumping down."
Every morning she should go to a near-by creek or spring, accom-
panied by her husband, and both should wash their faces, hands, and,
some say, their feet. This custom has nothing to do with the cere-
monial gOLQg to water observed at every new^ moon, and is of a totally
different nature. It seems to be practiced solely for hygienic pur-
poses, although there is no telling but this might be a mere ration aHzed
explanation of an act that had formerly a religious significance. One
informant, Del., gave as a reason, that it was done simply to multiply
the opportunities for going out of doors. (See p. 122.)
She should not comb her hair backward, as the hair of the child, when
grown, would not fall smoothly along its head, but would grow brist-
ling and unkempt.
She should not wear a neckerchief, nor a belt of cloth or bead work;
nor should she have an apron tied around her waist. If she disregards
any of these injunctions the child will have the umbiHcal cord twisted
round its neck, and wdll be suffocated.
She should not see a corpse; but should she have to accompany a
burial, where at the graveyard everybody is supposed to cast a last
glance at the face of the deceased, any pregnant woman is given the
opportunity to precede all those present; for, should others look at the
corpse before she was given a chance, this would result in serious
obstacles for her delivery.
"In the times of long ago," W. told me, "pregnant women were
not allowed to see masks; now they are no longer so careful about this.
But in olden times such powerful witches existed that they could make
the unborn chUd look as horrible as the mask its mother had looked at.
But now they are no longer so powerful." (PL 13.)
husband's taboos
A considerable portion of the taboos that have to be observed by the
future father has probably been lost. Yet some of them still exist, and
are still observed by the more conservative members of the tribe.
A man whose wife is pregnant must not be a gravedigger, nor must
he help in any way wdth a burial, else his child would be stillborn.
Nor should he put a fold or dents in his hat, since as a result of this
the child would be born with dents in its head. This behef may con-
tain an allusion to the fontanels.
As well as his wiie, the husband should abstain from wearing a
neckerchief, and he also should always enter and leave the house or
pass through any doorway in a hurry.
If his wife has to go out of the house during the night he has to
accompany her. The explanation tendered for this custom is again
that it is merely done to have an opportunity for going outside (see
p. 121), but it is quite possible that we are dealing herewith a survival of
an older behef, found among nearly all uncivilized peoples, and accord-
ing to which a woman with child is a favorite victim for all kinds of
marauding night sprites. Of such a belief there is now, however, no
trace left.
As already stated, the husband shoidd also accompany his wife
every morning to a near-by stream or spring. (See p. 121.)
A few days before delivery the husband has to make arrangements
for four women to attend to the parturient woman.
A woman acting in this capacity calls this tsiya'^liDaDin9-'Da"ne!a', I
assist at childbirth (lit.: "I make the (child) jump down from her for
The woman's mother, her sister, and relatives are asked when pos-
sible, but if these are living at distant settlements, or if they are not
available for other reasons, female neighbors will do just as well.
It is a rule that at least one of the four is a midwife A\'ith some reputa-
tion, so that she can be relied upon to recite the necessary formulas
and to indicate the simples that may be necessary if compUcations
set in.
There is no doubt but the injunction that four women must be
present is again to be explained by the respect which the Cherokee
have for this number. It is interesting to note that they themselves
have rationalized it; they allege that it is an official regulation of the
North Carolina State authorities, that the number of female attendants
should be four.
I know of cases, though, where this rule was not observed, and when
a child was born at the house we stayed at, only two women were
present, one of them being O. Rarely a masculine practitioner is
present, but this may be the case when a difficult partus is expected,
as when the woman has been ill the last few days prior to parturition,
and he is invariably called in if complications set in after delivery.
Olbrechts] the swimmer MANUSCRIPT 123
As soon as the parturient feels the first pangs of pain the women
who are to attend to her are summoned ; they give her straightway a
warm infusion of the barks of t*aya' tna'Ge"° eli, {Prunus serotina
Ehr. (?), a variety of wild cherry).
This is probably the time when, in former times, the woman
repaired to the menstruation lodge, the o-'si, where she remained
until 12 or 24 days after delivery. Now, however, the whole opera-
tion takes place in the cabin. All the children and the male inmates,
save the husband if he cares to stay, have to leave the cabin (the
cabins, as a rule, boast only of one room). If the husband or a medi-
cine man stay they have to keep behind the patient.
At this time a medicine man or a medicine woman who has been
warned a few days previously to keep ready is summoned; he or she
comes, and sees to it that everything is all right; that all the pre-
cautions are taken, that the assistants are in attendance, that the
necessary simples are at hand, etc. He or she, if necessary, may go
out and collect the barks and roots needed.
The practitioner then walks out, stands at the eastern comer of
the cabin and recites a conjuration, calling upon the child to "jump
down"; the child is addressed as Vtsy'Dzo", "thou little boy."
He then slowly walks to the north-side corner of the house and
repeats the formula, addressing the child as 't'oe^'yu-'Dzo", "thou
little giri."
Then walking on to the west-side corner, the boy is again called
upon, and at the south side, the girl.
He or she may then walk home, if satisfied that there is an old
woman present who can deal with the case and who knows the formu-
las that may further be needed. Should this not be the fact, they
stay imtil after parturition. Plate 12, a, shows the medicine woman
who went through this ceremony at the birth we witnessed.
If it is deemed necessary, the house may be circumambulated once
more, this time to ward ofi" the activity of witches.
Attention has already been drawn to the belief that witches are
especially active against individuals who are too weak to resist, and
it is beheved that they consider both the infant at birth and the
woman after parturition as particularly easy prey. (See p. 33.)
The position taken by the parturient may differ considerably in
different cases. One or two of these positions are undoubtedly
acquired from the whites.
(1) The woman lies down until symptoms indicate that delivery
is approaching. She is then taken under the axillae by one or two of
the attending women, and raised to her feet, reclining backward in
a slanting position; her feet are wide apart, and her legs stretched
open. A third woman stands in front, stooping and ready to take
hold of the child when it comes. If matters do not seem to progress,
if they think they acted upon "a false alarm," the woman who raised
the patient sits down on a chair, and gently lets the woman down to
the floor in a sitting position; the patient's back is supported by the
seated attendant's legs.
(2) The parturient kneels on the ground, her legs wide open; she
clutches the back of a chair. The attendants assist her a posteriori.
(3) The woman sits on the lap of her husband, who sits on a chair
and holds his arms around his wife's waist.
(4) Parturition while lying down is almost unknown.
Whatever the position may be, the woman is always completely
dressed. This does not interfere so much with the operation as one
might think, as undergarments are all but unknown by the majority
of the people. The dress is merely tucked up when deemed necessary.
The women arrange among themselves what particular part of
the work will be performed by each of them.
The woman who first takes hold of the child, and who as a rule is
tacitly agreed upon as the one in charge, is supposed to care for the
chUd throughout the operation.
The woman standing by her side binds and cuts the navel string,
while the two other women look after the parturient.
The one who stands in front of the patient, ready to catch the
child, usually has a cloth spread out on her hands. Sometimes,
instead of actually taking the child from the mother it is allowed
to fall, with a most unhealthy sounding thud, on a cloth spread out
on the floor; a few handfuls of dry leaves may be put under the cloth
to mitigate the child's fall.
Prior to cutting the navel string, the blood is driven from the pla-
centa toward the child, by running thumb and index along the funic-
ulus; it is then bound off, about 2 centimeters from the chUd, and
cut about 4 centimeters from its body. An odd end of string or
yam or a thin strip of calico is used for this. The cutting is now
done with scissors.
Both as a prophylactic and as a therapeutic measure, a species of
fungus, no.kwi.'si yDt-'ciDo"' (Geaster, -puf^h&ll), is put on the navel
and left on it until the withered remains of the funiculus fall off.
i;*'Di*yg"'°DaU', navel.
i;''Di*yQ*'°Data', navel string (attached to chUd).
i;*''Di*y9''°Dat9'nOvi, navel string (severed from child).
No particular belief relating to the fontanel, nor any special treat-
ment referring to it, were noticed.
Nor does there seem to exist any lore pertaining to chDdren born
with a caul.
The child is washed off with wann water and rolled in any piece
of cloth that may be available, and the woman who attends to it
squats down near the fire with it, her duties being now practically
Olbre^hts] the swimmer MANUSCRIPT 125
Complications. — As far as the partus itself is concerned there are,
after all, only two kinds of complications known:
(1) The child is slow in coming.
(2) Its position in the womb prevents its delivery.
In the first case the woman's private parts are bathed with a warm
decoction of "wale"'lu y'nadzfbGf'sti {Tmpatiens biflora Walt.,
spotted touch-me-not), which is said to scare the child.
The best means to induce partus are those where the child is
"scared"; the plant just named is said to produce this result; in
other cases (cf. texts, Formula No. 70, p. 273) the child is enticed to
hurry as an old ugly grannie, or the terrible looking Flint, is said
to be approaching. This statement, it is thought, will make the
little fellow come scampering out.
Or again, the child is lured out of its mother by being promised
the very playthings it likes — bow and arrows for a boy; a sieve or a
loom for a girl.
Also an infusion of the simples as described on p. 119 may be ad-
ministered again; if all this does not help a medicine man is called in,
who will start "working" on the case. He may examine with the
beads, to see what will be the ultimate outcome; he may by the same
means find out that witchcraft is active against the woman and her
child, in which case "old tobacco" will be smoked or burned. (See
p. 31.) Or the formula calling upon the child to "jump down" may
be repeated. (See above.) In this case the child is actually given
a name — first a boy's name; then, if the ceremony is unsuccessful, a
girl's name — so as to have a more material and coercive way of
addressing it.
If a medicine man is attending to the case, and some decoction has to
be applied externally, he does so in a very peculiar way. As he is not
supposed to stand in front of the patient, whose garments are tucked
up, and who is held by one or two of the women attendants in the
slanting, semireclining position as described before, the medicine
man has to stand behind these women and blow the decoction through
a reed tube (see p. 58) so that the liquid descends on the stomach
and the abdomen of the parturient, after having described a curve
over her head.
This way of applying a medicine shows once more to what extent
symbolic and mythic concepts are used in Cherokee medicine. For
even if the simple used were of any therapeutic value, what result
could it have when applied in such an inefficacious manner, when
often more of the decoction is scattered on the attending women and
on the face, arms, and legs of the patient than on the part of her body
actually under treatment.
As for difficult parturition due to the inverted or otherwise ab-
normal position of the foetus in the uterus, the Cherokee take a
more rational view of it, and apply a more efficacious if somewhat
rough treatment.
A skilled midwife can ascertain the position the child is taking up,
and if this is not natural, and parturition is delayed on its account,
the four women take hold of the patient, each of them grasping an
arm or a leg, and swing and shake her body in such a way as they
consider helpful toward an easier delivery.
Even while the newly born baby is being properly groomed and
cared for by one of the women, the others, detailed to look after the
parturiens, get busy helping her with expelling the afterbirth.
Afterbirth: vDf'yaDo''', "that which has remained."
Also: yDzo-'tVno''i, "it has had it in it." (This term is also used
for "cocoon.")
This is done by reciting a formula, and at the same time rubbing the
patient's abdomen with the right hand, warmed near some charcoals,
taken from the fire. (See p. 62.)
A considerable amount of simples are also held to be highly effi-
cacious in this case; the Ay. manuscript, unfortunately, does not
contain a single formula or prescription for this emergency, but Ms.
II has one formula and Ms. Ill one formula and three prescriptions.
From these, and from oral information collected, it appears that the
following plants are used: Ga'neGwa^h'ski v't'ano"' {Scutellaria
lateriflora L., mad-dog, skull cap); Gano'yHi u'stf'ca, {Polymnia
uvedalia L., leafcup).
A decoction of the roots is drunk, after which the patient should
induce vomiting. This decoction is also used as an emmenagogue.
Another prescription lists "aU kinds of Ga'naowa^lt'ski." These
plants are popular in this case more on account of their name, which
means "it is like clotted blood," than for any other reason.
Or again a decoction of the roots of Ga"^ltwo*'ti {Smilax glauca
Walt., saw brier); noma' {Tsuga caroliniana Engelm., hemlock);
k'vViyi;''sti (Platanus occidentalis L., buttonwood).
The roots should be taken shooting out toward the east. They
are boiled, and the decoction is drunk by the patient.
The placenta is disposed of in the following way: The father, or
should he be absent, another near relative, takes it, wrapped in some
old cloth, and crosses (usually) two mountain ridges; there he makes
a hole, an "overhand" (i. e., 25-30 cm.) deep, in which he buries
the placenta; while doing this he whispers:
k*a' t'a'^H tsi;D€'tiyQ-'°D8 fyo-'°Do° t'a'''h-ne-'° 't'nziGO^'a'o'''
Now then! Two years from now again I will see it
aGW€-'tsi "Well! I will want another child two years from now."
my child
Should the father be anxious to have another baby after one year
he only crosses one mountain ridge, and should he want a child again
only three or four years from then, he crosses the same number of
While the father is on this errand he should be careful that nobody
watches him, for should anybody want to harm him they will stealthily
follow him, and when he has gone, either —
(1) Dig up the placenta, bury it an arm deep and put four or seven
stones on top of it before filling the earth in again. As a result of this
action, never again will a baby be born to the victims.
(2) They can dig up the placenta and throw it away in the open.
In this case a chUd is liable to be born to these people just any
time; in any case before the parents wish this to happen.
The mother remains in a recumbent position for two to three days,
or even less. After that, if no complications have set in, she is up
and busy. In spite of the fact that she is supposed to be under
restrictions for 12 or 24 days,^^ she attends to quite a number
of her household duties. But she abstains from cooking, nor has she
anything to do with the preparation of food, as anybody partaking of
a meal prepared by her would become dangerously ill.
She should not eat any fish the first couple of days after delivery,
"because fish have cold blood, and they would therefore chill the
blood that has still to come out of her, and would cause it to clot."
Nor should she take any hot food, or any salt. (See p. 121.) During
this taboo period the woman is as dangerous as during her pregnancy
or her catamenial periods.
The child is still now often given its name by one of the prominent
old women of the settlement; possibly it used to be the chief woman of
the clan who had the privilege of bestowing names on newly born
infants, but this rule no longer obtains. As was pointed out in the
previous pages, the child may be given its name even before it is bom.
In those cases where partus is difficult a name is bestowed on the child
so as to have something "material" by which to exercise an influence
upon it.
Old informants remember that in times gone by a child was endowed
with its first name four or seven days after its birth. Mooney has
left us a description of the ceremony in his "Cherokee River Cult,"
Journal of American Folk-Lore, 1900, page 2.
To this first name another name could be substituted later on;
this naine, that usually clung definitely to the individual for the rest
of his life, was usually descriptive of one of his physical or moral
^ One informant told me that he had heard that the usual taboo of 24 days
could be reduced to 12 by drinking a decoction of certain simples. He did not
know which ones, though.
7548°— 32 10
qualities, or reminiscent of one of his feats on the war path, while
hunting, etc.
Care for Child — Child Life
The Cherokee are very fond of children and are far less loath to
give vent to their affection than Indians are gcnerallj^ believed to be.
There are now no special cradles, nor is there any distinctive
dress for children. The first few weeks it may be merely swaddled
in a bed sheet, and as it grows up it is astonishingly soon considered
of age to wear the cast-off garments of its elders. I saw little boys
and girls of 4 and 5 years old dressed for all the world like their
fathers and mothers, and at the family we stayed with, a much
dilapidated black felt hat was shared by a little fellow of 6 and his
married brother of 25, who borrowed it as circumstances demanded.
The child is always nourished with the mother's milk, unless it be
brought up to be a witch (see p. 130), or if the mother's lactation is
deficient; this is only rarely the case. If for any of these two reasons
the mother does not nurse her child, it is brought up on the liquid
part of k'a'no'e''no°, corn hominy.
Very soon the young fellow adopts the fare of the grown-ups, and
eats as they do the almost indigestible corn dumplings and the
underdone venison. The results, it need hardly be said, are often
There are various ways and means to help the child along with its
growth, and to endow it with a fine physique as well as with aU kinds
of enviable qualities:
The very strong sinewy roots of Dt'stS,-yo°' (Tephrosia virginiana
(L.) Pers.; goatsrue; catgut) are boiled and given to the child to
drink to make it strong and muscular.
It is given the eavesdrop, from where it falls in one continuous spout,
to drink, so that it may be a fluent speaker. Tiiis belief is very prob-
ably borrowed from the whites.
The fleshy tubers of k'a'ntGu'tsa'ti {Lilium canadense L.; wdld yel-
low lily) are boiled and the decoction is given to the child to drink;
it is also bathed in it, the object of both actions being to make it
fleshy and fat. Another plant put to the same use was the Aplectrum
hiemale (putty root; Adam-and-Eve) (cf. Mooney, Myths, p. 427).
Another means to "endow the children with the gift of eloquence"
is indicated by Mooney, op. cit., p. 420.
As a rule the child's hygienic condition is very bad indeed. I have
known cases where infants who were born rosy, chubby little fellows
had hardly made any progress two months or ten weeks after their
birth, as they were literally being eaten up and worried to death by
vermin and filth. There are, however, some fortunate exceptions,
and some of the cleaner mothers take as much pride in their offspring
Olbrechts] the swimmer MANUSCRIPT 129
as a trained white mother would, and with what scanty means they
have at their disposal manage to make their babies look very clean
and attractive little individuals.
Remarkably soon after its birth, often when only three or four weeks
old, the child is carried about, sitting astride of its mother's back,
and kept safely in this position by the carrying cloth.
As soon as it can crawl about it is left to its own resources and it
starts out to discover the wonderful world.
When little boys are four or five years old they are, under the super-
vision of their father or elder brothers, making their first attempts at
maldng bows and arrows and in a few weeks become remarkable
marksmen. Little girls, at just as tender an age, fall into line and
assist their mother and elder sisters with the household cares.
The children as a rule are quite bright, and some really astounded
me by their keen intellect. Jimmy, the little 6-year-old boy mentioned
before, had only once seen the train of a lumber company working
in the district. When he came home he collected the empty tins of
salmon and of other canned goods we threw away, and with sticks and
twigs built a bridge over a 4-feet-wide rill, laid ''tracks" on it, and
with tins, sticks, and pebbles made the most reaUstic lumber train
imaginable, the locomotive with funnel, the trucks loaded with
"lumber," and all.
When it comes to showing acquaintance and famiharity with their
own culture these children are nothing short of marvelous. At the
age of 7 or 8, they know more about their fauna and flora than an
average university graduate who has not made natural history his
specialty. They know the dance steps and songs, are experts at mak-
ing current artifacts, and if they were tested, on a fair and equitable
basis, as to their faculties for observation, and for using the knowledge
acquired, I feel sure that as a whole they would score at least as
high, and often higher than white children of the same age.
The games played by the children are as a rule imitations of the
occupations of the grown-ups — hunting and fishing, dancing, gam-
bling, the ball game, etc. Swinging stands in high favor, and it is not
sure that this was introduced by the whites, as an old informant told
me that "the old people" used to get hold of a stout grapevine, se-
curely entwined round the branches of a tall tree, on which, when cut
off near the ground, they would swing to and fro.
Further notes on games, which are not here called for, are withheld
for publication elsewhere.
Raising the Child to Become a Witch — Twins
A few words are left to be added on the treatment to which are sub-
jected the children destined by their parents to become "witches."
(See p. 29.)
This is alleged to be done especially with twins, ^ although a single-
born baby could by the same means be brought up to become a
witch ,
If twins are born, and theii- parents intend to make witches of
them, no mother's milk is given them for 24 days (i. e., the taboo
period for them other, see p. 127); they are to be fed with the Hquid
portion of corn hominy, k^a'no'e-'no". This must be given them only
during the night. Moreover, they are to be kept rigidly secluded from
all visitors during the same 24 days' period. Some of these injunc-
tions are strangely reminiscent of, and are no doubt related to, the
Iroquois custom of concealing children imtil puberty ("down-fended"
children, as J. N. B. Hewitt calls them), as practiced by the Onon-
daga, Mohawk, and Seneca.^^
At the end of this period a decoction of the bark of k'alo''Gwo"
Df'Dawt'skaGe'"' {Rhus glabra L., smooth sirniac), is drunk by the
mother, "to make her milk flow abundantly," and from then on-
ward she nurses the children: the result has been obtained.
As to the power of these twin witches, the most astonishing asser-
tions are made. Not only do they not stop at flying through the
air or diving under the ground, but they can even walk on the sunrays.
They can take all human or animal shapes conceivable.
Even when they are only a month old, "whatever they think
happens." If they are lying on the ground in their swaddlings, and
crying for hunger, and their mother should happen to be eating, and
wishes to finish her meal before attending to them, her food will
become undone (i. e., raw) again, and the food of all those that happen
to be eating with her.
If their mother is cooking a meal while they cry for her, and she
does not heed them, the food she is preparing will never get done.
When they have grown to be urchins, and happen to be playmg
outside, all of a sudden they will come scampering in, asking for food ;
if theii" mother says the food isn't ready yet, it will never get done.
But if she gives it to them straightw^ay, even if she had only just
put it on the fire, it is ready to be eaten as soon as she hands it to
They often go and play with the "Little People."
They can see the Little People, and talk with them, though we
can not.
But wherever they go, and however long a time they are absent,
their parents are never anxious on their accoimt, knowing as they do
that they can take care of themselves.
" It is immaterial whether they are of the same sex or not.
«5 Cf. Hewitt, Iroquoian Cosmology, pp. 142, 252; Hewitt, Seneca Fiction, Leg-
ends, and Myths, pp. 510, 810.
oIbrechts] the swimmer MANUSCRIPT 131
When they are grown up they are most annoying individuals;
they always know what you think, and you could not possibly mislead
them. And what is worse, they can make you ill, dejected, lovesick,
dying, merely by thinking you in such a condition.
A boy of twdns, so reared, is a most successful hunter; he never fails
or misses ; not only does he get the kind of game or fish he wants, but
he always bags the finest specimens and the choicest morsels to be
A girl in this condition is expert at aU woman's work and industries.
^Vlien she is preparing a meal she has but to think it is done and
immediately it is ready to be eaten. Nor do such tasks as making
baskets or gathering nuts, wild fruits, or vegetables mean any exertion
to her.
If twins have completed their 24 days' seclusion they are more than
a match for anything or anybody. The only means of preventing
the calamity of the community being annoyed by such a couple of
"undesirables" is to thwart their bringing up.
Og. told me that he "learned that a family were bringing up their
twins to become witches. This was going to mean a lot of trouble
for the settlement, so I got a menstrual woman to cook some food, and
managed to slip it to the infants, without the guardians suspecting
it. By so doing I 'spoiled' them, and they were never any more
witch than you or I."
I asked him why it was necessary to go to so much trouble and
danger to obtain this result; could he not have waited until after
the 24 days' period, when he would have been able to reach the
children much more easily? "Then it would have been too late,"
he said. "You see, by that time, they would have the full power of
witches, and they would Imow that the food had been prepared by a
woman in such a condition. They know what you think."
These people are certainly very consistent in what they believe.
As a sick person shows signs of losing ground, of becoming weak
and despondent, of losing all interest in life, his relatives do not try
to hide, neither to each other nor to the patient, their apprehension as
to a fatal outcome. The care is doubled, the medicine man in charge
of the treatment may be dismissed and another one may be intrusted
with combating the disease; increasing attention is given to the
"guard and the watch against witches."
The possibilities and probabilities, the ultimate outcome of the
affair, are frequently made the subject of conversation between the
patient and his friends. According to the sufferer's personal outlook
on life, his attitude may be one of utter listlessness and resignation or
one of hope and confidence.
In the first case he will repeatedly express to those who attend to
him that they need not go to any further trouble; that he feels he is
"going out west," u'so'^fyi', or to the settlements where the dead
people live, tsu'scmo'H. At this stage, and with this kind of patients,
dreams are frequent, in which he sees some departed friend or relative,
a deceased wife, his mother, etc., beckoning him to come and join
them in the ghost land.
With those who have been Christianized to some extent, of whom
there are only a few, this vision is often modeled on a Christian
pattern: They see "our Father" calling them and telling them it is
time for them to come and join Him.
Reference should also be made to visions, wliich the people em-
phatically deny to be dreams or hallucinations, but which they
pronounce to be "real happenings," where the moribund sees himself
setting out upon the journey toward the ghosts' country, but, upon
arrival there, finds his presence undesired by the ghosts, and is sent
back to his people. This vision is invariably interpreted as an omen
of recovery. (See p. 142.)
As stated before, the sick man's attitude may, however, be com-
pletely different; he may feel loath to quit his settlement and his
people, and will tell them very outspokenly that he does not yet
want to leave them. He will himself entice them to double their
efforts, to try some other means, some different methods of curing.
If he is a medicine man, he Avill himself take charge and direction of
the treatment, will send messengers to medicine men of his acquain-
tance, asking them to send along fonnulas and directions ^\'ith which
to cure him.
The people themselves do not attach any value or meaning to this
state of mind, as is often done in some primitive and even in civilized
communities, where it is considered an axiom that a man does not
die as long as he gives proof of pronounced vitality, of interest in life,
of attachment to all things earthly, such as are described above.
Definite and certain data as to the outcome of the iUness, as to
whether the patient wUl live or die, can always be obtained by means
of divinatory methods, the most usual in this case being the "examina-
tion vvith the beads."
The medicine man holds a black bead between thumb and index
finger of the left hand, a white or red bead between forefinger and
thumb of the right hand, and, reciting an appropriate formula, ex-
amines what are the chances of the sick man. The more vitality the
bead in the right hand shows, the greater are the chances for recovery.
Olb°rechts] 'THE SWIMMER MANtJSCRlPT 133
This ceremony need not necessarily be performed at the patient's
bedside, as may be seen from the description given of the typical cur-
ing procedure, page 67.
It is furthermore alleged of some powerful medicine men that they
can prophesy the exact day of their death, and that they will take
care themselves of the preparation of all objects that will be needed to
lay out their corpse. This was reputed to have been done by old
man Ax (see p. 88), and also Mooney cites a case of it in his Myths.
This ability of foretelling their death these medicine men are said to
possess by virtue of their keeping the wIS^'^sudo"' stone.
Apart from the divination methods proper, where the future is
being inquired into by active means, and apart from the very rare
cases where a medicine man foretells his own death, there are some
signs and omens of death which are common knowledge. Some of
these have without doubt been borrowed from the whites. (See p.
When you are fishing, and you see a small fish rolling over and over
in the water, dying, it is a sign one of your relatives is going to die.
If a tree is falling over near you, without any apparent cause, as a
storm, lightning, etc.
If you hear something in the graveyard.
If you hear a dog howling dismally.
If one of your hens crows.
If at night a screech owl comes and perches near the house.
As it becomes apparent that no recovery is to be expected the
relatives are summoned, not only those living at the settlement
where the man is dying, but also those from other localities, even if
they be two or three days distant. Also friends, whom the moribimd
may express a desire to see, are summoned.
As the end approaches the medicine man may make a last effort to
turn the scales, by trying the cure for the illness generally referred
to as Ga'kw€'no°'*ski, "if it wraps them up" (apoplexy). As it
becomes clear that all hope is to be abandoned the moribund is made
to partake of as square a meal as possible, "to strengthen him for
the long journey he is about to undertake toward the Night Land."
One informant who had often been present at the decease of old
people said that it was a custom for them, as they felt their end
approaching, "to talk to their people, and tell them to love one
another, and to love even their enemies."
Nothing that is needed to lay out the corpse should be prepared
before the man has breathed his last, as "by doing this we would
show that we are anxious for him to go."
As soon as the breathing stops the sufferer is pronounced dead,
feeling the pulse or listening for the beating of the heart being un-
known. The moment the moribund dies some one of the relatives
or friends present says: a^'skwuDfca' (i. e., "he has ended").
In referring to the event a couple of hours after, the expression
Go!i' ayo'*y*i' ("he was lost just now ") is used; whereas the next day
one says vyo'*i;so°' ("he has been lost").
Between Death and Burial
As soon as the moribund breathes his last a relative — usually a male
member of the family, as the father, the husband, or a brother-
forces the legs of the corpse down to a straight position and lays the
arms in sach a position that the upper arms lie along the body, the
forearms over the stomach, one hand lying over the other on the
abdomen; it is immaterial which hand lies on top.
It is usually a female relative — a wife, a mother, or a sister — who
closes the eyes and ties a (usually white) kerchief round the face and
under the chin to prevent the jaw from dropping.
Then the body is washed. This is done by members of the same
sex as the deceased, but never by relatives. Relatives do not take
any part whatever in preparing the body for burial, or in disposing
of the corpse, apart from closing the eyes, straightening the hmbs,
and tying the kerchief round the face.
The corpse is dressed in the best clothes that are available, and that
must not necessarily have belonged to the succumbed person; a
brother, a sister, a friend may bring as a present a particularly fine
neckerchief, or even a valued coat or skirt, according to the sex of the
deceased, to dress the corpse in.
A new hat, a new pair of shoes, a silver or gold trinket, are objects
which people are especially fond of dressing the corpse vdih. A de-
ceased woman is often given her favorite cup or saucer along \\dth
her. These are never "killed."
No food is put into the cofhn with adults, but into that of babies
a bottle of milk is placed.
If a woman dies immediately after parturition, and her baby dies
with her, the baby is placed in the right arm of the mother in the
On the breast of the corpse of an adult of either sex a little vessel
(a cup or a glass) of salt is placed. (PI. 9, 6.) Of this custom not one
Cherokee can explain the reason; some vaguely hint that the salt
serves the purpose of preventing the flesh from decaying. This ex-
planation, however, as well as the custom itself, seems to me so foreign
to the Cherokee mind that I am inclined to see in this a borrowing
from the whites, either directly from traders, settlers, or mountaineers,
or through the mediacy of negro slaves. (Cf. Bucket, pp. 83, 87.)
There are indications that in former times it was customary to
bury with the deceased some of the property belonging to him. A
Olbrkhts] the swimmer MANUSCRIPT 135
case was cited by one informant: When he was a boy (about 50 years
ago) the members of the tribe were still drawing an annual pension of
$50 in gold from the Government. Once a girl died and it happened
that her annual pension arrived the same day. Her mother insisted
that the golden coins be buried with her in the coffin. And so it was
The body is not put into the coffin until two or three hours before
burial. Prior to this the corpse, all dressed up, is laid on wooden
boards (pi. 9, 6) in a sfightly slanting position, the head being raised
about 60 centimeters, the feet about 30 centimeters above the ground,
A sheet is thrown over the body, covering it completely. Whenever
anyone comes in to see the corpse the sheet is thrown back from the
face (pi. 9, b); the visitor just looks at the face for a few minutes;
he neither addresses it nor touches it; he then goes away without
The body is kept in the house two or three days. From myths,
traditions, and hazy recollections of some of the medicine men, it
would appear that this period used to be a longer one — possibly seven
days— in former times, but now the Government officials do not per-
mit so long a delay.
While the corpse is still in the house, relatives, friends, and neigh-
bors gather during the nights and in turn half of their number watch
and sometimes sing, while the others sleep.
Of this watching the meaning is now lost, but the object of it must
originally have been to prevent the witches from coming and "stealing
the liver" of the corpse.
As for the singing, aboriginal dirges seem to have been completely
lost, and when any singing is done at all some Cherokee Christian
hymn (cf. Cherokee hymn book) is sung. The hymn selected de-
pends solely on the repertory at the command of the gathering.
If this singing takes place, men as well as women may join in it.
After the death of a member of the settlement, no winter provisions,
preserves, etc., are to be touched for four (others say for seven) days.
As soon as it is known that a death has occurred provisions are im-
mediately to be prepared for four (or seven) days, so that they do
not have to be touched for that period; since provisions, if they are
not let alone for the first few days following a death, "will be exhausted
in no time."
Attention may once again be drawn to the purificatory rite observed
by the medicine man who was in charge of the patient before his
death. (See p. 103.)
The coffin is made by two men acting under a foreman. This
"company" is elected for the term of a year, at the same time as the
"grave-digging company" (cf. infra) and the chief of the settlement
(see p. 80).
The election is a very unofficial affair, the members generally being
volunteers. The foreman, and if necessary one of the two members,
if there are no volunteers, are nominated, and usually, ipso facto,
elected. The chief of this company at the time of my stay was
yo-'nuGQ-'ski (''bear coming out of the water"). (PI. 10, b.)
The coffin is made of roughly he\\Ti boards or planks and its shape
shows unmistakable traces of white influence; it is sometimes covered
with black cloth, nailed down by tacks.
The office of "coffin maker" seems to be on the verge of extinction,
as I have known cases where they did not display any activity what-
ever. No particular cause could be indicated for this abstention, the
reason being merely that a half-blood member of the tribe had vol-
unteered for the job, and as he was a good carpenter, and did not
charge anything, his services were readily accepted by all concerned.
As soon as it is known that someone has died, the head man of the
"grave-digging company" is notified; he, in turn, gives notice to his
helpers, and the same day or the next day the grave is dug.
The gravediggers are a company of six volunteers acting under a
chief; the latter office at the time of my stay being held by one
Gi;la*'ci. They also are appointed for a year, and are elected in the
same manner as the coffin makers (cf. supra).
A medicine man should never serve as a member of either of these
companies, nor should he ever give assistance in anything pertaining
to the laying out or burying of a corpse; he should not wash it, nor
help to carry it to the grave, nor help to dig the grave.
Were he to disregard any of these injunctions he would never
again be able to cure or to exert any of his other activities.
If the wife of a member of the coffin-making or of the grave-digging
squad is with child he should desist from helping his fellows, as other-
wise his child would be stillborn. Nor should any one help to pre-
pare the coffin or the grave of a deceased member of his own family,
as already stated (p. 134).
The cemetery is usually situated along the slope of a hill. No
other reason for this custom is given but this one: That it prevents
the soil and the people buried in it from being washed awa}^, or becom-
ing swamped, as would be the case if burial places were chosen in
the lowlands. There is no preference, when choosing the site for a
new graveyard, for either the "dark" or the "sunny" side of the
mountain, which play so prominent a role in the Cherokee sacred
The burial usuall}^ takes place between midday and "when the
sun roosts on the mountain" (about 4 p. m.), i. e., about 2 p, m.
SiecIts] the swimmer manuscript 137
But as early as 10 a. m. the people of the settlement are assembling
at the cabin of the deceased. Those who have not yet seen the corpse
may go inside and look at it, to join afterwards those who have not
entered the house and who have remained outside, squatting on the
ground, or sitting on logs; as is usual at all Cherokee social gather-
ings, the women keep apart, and do not sit down, but keep standing
in a group, some 20 or 30 feet away from the men.
It struck me that the women hardly talk, even among themselves,
whereas the men did not seem to take matters quite so seriously,
and they smoke and talk, and even joke in subdued tones.
All the people of the settlement, men, women and children, are
present, unless prevented by serious illness, or by some other major
impediment. Also from the near-by settlements many friends and
all the relatives, however distant, are present.
The relatives go inside and sit on boards— improvised benches —
and hardly speak a word. Female relatives do not try to hide their
sorrow, but do not wail, or in any way give proof of frantic grief.
It is rare to see a man weep.
An hour or so before the corpse is to be taken away a native preacher
may come, whether the deceased professed to be a Christian or not,
read some chapter of the Cherokee translation of the New Testament,
and deliver a long speech, addressing the deceased, and stressing the
main facts of his life.
At a sign of the chief of the coffin makers, four men will start hunt-
ing around for two stout poles or strong boards on which the coffin
is put to be carried, and the funeral procession starts. There is not
the sHghtest ceremonial as regards this. Five or ten men may step
briskly in front or alongside of the coflfin, and behind it a medley of
men and women in groups, in no definite order, jostling each other,
pushing and hurrying, even if there is nothing to jostle or to hurry
Every 200 yards or so the chief of the cofiin makers, who now
acts as a kind of "master of ceremonies," shouts out: am'so'i' no-"-
Gwb^' ("other ones now"), and four other men, not necessarily
belonging to this company, come out of the crowd and take the places
of the coffin carriers.
The coffin is now usually carried as described above : On two poles
or small beams, carried by four men, two on each side, not on their
shoulders, but at arm's length.
Another way of carrying the corpse, and which may be older, but
which is now disappearing, is to hang the coffin by two chains from
a long pole, which is carried by two men on the shoulders. This
device is still used in the lowland settlements where the cemetery is
at some distance ; in this case the coffin is transported by an ox-drawn
wagon, but on the wagon it is fixed in such a way as to be hanging by
two chains from a pole laid horizontally and lengthwise across the
When the cemetery is reached the coffin is put down near the
grave which has been dug in the meanwhile by the "grave-digging
company." A Christian hymn is sung in Cherokee, or maybe in
Enghsh,^^ by a couple of men or women present; this again is not
determined by the sex of the deceased, but depends merely on who
is able and wdlling to sing.
The "preacher" again says a few words, bidding good-by to the
departed one. Before being lowered, the coffin is opened and the
cover laid back so that only the face of the corpse can be seen. Every-
body passes by the coffin to cast a last look on it. The nearest rela-
tives— father, mother, wife, children — pass first ;^^ when the last
person present has passed by the cover is nailed down definitely and the
coffin is lowered into the grave. The grave is dug and the coffin is
lowered into it in such a way that the head lies toward the west.
The grave is immediately filled, and those present climb down the
hill in different directions, all the people but the relatives of the
deceased going to their respective homes.
After Burial
Immediately after the burial the nearest relatives of the deceased,
i. e., the members of his household, have to go to the river, accom-
panied by the priest, who recites a prayer to purify them. If, for some
reason, this ceremony is not performed immediately, before the
family has gone home, it may be performed the following day; but in
this case, one purification is not held to be sufficient, and the ceremony
is repeated every morning for four days. The formula recited on this
occasion is the same as the one used when "going to water" every new
moon; white cloth and beads are also used, and the officiating medicine
man also chews "old tobacco," the juice of which he sprays from his
mouth into the necks of the members of the party, who stand facing
the water.
Not one member of the household must go out for a period of four
days (some say seven days, which is probably the older and more
correct belief) for "anything which is not strictly necessary." Such
essential duties as cutting wood for firewood, hunting for the daily
sustenance, etc., are not prohibited, but there is to be no visiting
of neighbors, no partaking in social functions, as the ball game, a
dance, etc.
The belief prevails that whatever is done by the members of the
household during the four days of this period wiU be done by them for
^8 "Nearer, my God, to Thee," was sung at one funeral I witnessed.
8' Unless a woman with child be present. (See p. 121.)
the rest of their Hves; i. e., if they attend only to the real necessities of
life they will forever after be dutiful and reliable in whatever their
occupation may be. The men will be smart, well-providing sons and
husbands; the women alert and solicitous wives and mothers; whereas,
were any of them to go out and gossip, or otherwise join in " unneces-
sary " phases of social life he would for the rest of his life be a fickle
rake or a heedless hussy.
As soon as the family gets home from the burial, or from the subse-
quent ceremony at the river's edge, the new fire is started, after all the
old ashes have been taken outside and scattered about the yard. In
olden time this fire was no doubt kindled from the sacred communal
fire of the council house; now the more modern match is used, although
I have known cases where flint and punk were still resorted to.
The cabin is smoked with pine branches, burned in a cooking vessel ;
pine branches are also thrown on the rekindled hearth fire; according
to some of the people, "the smell of the pine takes all away that has
been left of death and disease." Pines, as all evergreens, are con-
sidered by the Cherokee to have eternal lives, and are therefore most
fit to avert death and destruction.
Originally, not only the house where the death occurred had to be
smoked in this fashion, but each and every house of the settlement.
This custom is now rapidly falling into oblivion, but I still noticed,
during my stay, that all those who had been taking any part in the
care of the deceased, before and after his death, went through this
purification rite with scrupulous care.
Old traditions and references to it in myths and tales establish
beyond doubt that long ago, seven days after the burial a dance took
place at which every member of the deceased's household and all the
people of the settlement were present. This dance seems to have
served the double purpose of speeding the spirit on its journey ^^ and
of diverting the sorrowing relatives. Such a dance is referred to in
" The Daughter of the Sun " myth (Mooney, Myths, p. 254) and also
in a tale collected by me, but yet unpublished.
It can not now be stated whether at these dances any special songs
were sung, but if we can trust tradition on this point it would appear
that those dances and songs were selected which would best suit the
purpose of amusing the mourners present; it was thought that if they
reaUy enjoyed themselves on this occasion there was no fear that they
would pine away with grief; but if the entertainers failed in their pur-
pose the future looked gloomy and threatening for the mourners.
There is no visiting of graves after the burial; to do so would
bring bad luck. This is easy to imderstand, if we recall the Cherokee
"* The ghost of the deceased lingers 7 daj's around the settlement before pro-
ceeding on its journey "out west" (see p. 142),
[Bull. 99
belief, that thinking or dreaming of departed ones spoils the saliva,
thus resulting in an uncanny but severe illness.
Likewise, if ever the small mound of earth which is piled up over a
grave is scattered by rain or wind it should never be replaced. For
"this would show us to be anxious for the other living persons to die
and go to the graveyard."
However much this may remind us of a belief of the whites ®^ there
is no reason to suspect its influence on this Cherokee custom, as it is
quite in keeping with their traditions and views on this subject. The
basis of it is clear: Thinking or even dreaming of departed relatives is
a symptom of a disease, sent by the a^msor'na or ghosts, and results in
our saliva being spoiled, thus causing an uncanny but deadly illness.
Any of our actions susceptible of stirring up our sorrow and affliction
will, of course, again focus our attention on our loss and will make us
despondent and abject, i. e., will make us ill.
This belief is still strongly, though often subconsciously, adhered to.
Some half-bloods tried to prevail on their friends to tend the graves
and keep them in a clean and nicely groomed condition as the white
people do. They were successful for some years, the graveyard being
cleared and hoed once a year (usually the first few days of August).
But the aversion to this "unhealthy" work prevailed, and at the time
of my visit this custom had not been observed for three years.
Not only is there no visiting of graves but the graveyard is shunned
and avoided as much as possible, especially at night. There is an
additional reason for this^ — the graveyard is constantly haunted by
witches, who as soon as a new burial has taken place swoop down on
the grave, exhume the corpse, and eat its liver.
Again and again in these pages it has been stressed how much of
aboriginal belief and practice has broken down. On many problems
which at one time must have been the subject of keen contemplation
and of shrewd speculation, the present-day views of the people — and
to but little less degree of the medicine men — are so hazy and confused
that it reqiures a great deal of patience and much painstaking effort
to gain any information on them ; and great caution is to be taken when
it comes to sifting, classifying, and interpreting this material.
This state of affairs is keenly realized when we endeavor to study
the Cherokee conceptions regarding the soul and its survival.
88 "It is bad to disturb an old grave, as by putting up a tombstone; you will thus
herald a death." (Bergen, Current Superstitions, p. 133, No. 1265.)
oIbrechts] the swimmer MANUSCRIPT 141
It will help our purpose materially if we briefly examine the different
semantic values of the stem -y-DaN't,^° which we find in the word for
aDa^N^to' Soul; mind; disposition.
GaDa'^notua' I am thinldng.
oGwaDa^N!t*€tua' I am astonished.
aGwaDa^N^t'eta^ n^rji' I doubted it.
o'sfyu*' a^GWaDa^NHat9"'r)i I rejoice.
uDa'N'tfyu' He is of a friendly disposition.
This shows how prolific has been the activity of this stem, such
concepts as thinking, feeUng, being conditioned, being disposed, being
in a certain state of mind, and, in the ritual language, even "causing,"
all being rendered by it.
This points to a semantic evolution which is very similar to that of
the Latin "animus."
Soul and mind are almost synonymous to the Cherokee. They are
at least two closely related manifestations of the same principle.
"Our soul has its seat in our heart (my heart: act'^^na^u'). What
we think starts in our heart, and the heart sends our mind out."
Our heart is the broadcasting station, might be a veiy free but all the
more correct version.
It is not possible to find any definite opinions as to whether the
name, the shadow, or anv other part of the individual is considered a
part of his soul, or in exactly what relation they stand to a person.
There can, however, hardly be any doubt but that the name, the
shadow, the liver, the crown of the head, or perhaps a particular hair^
or a particular lock (the scalp lock?) on the crown of the head, all
were once believed to be intimately associated with the soul, either
as parts of it or as abiding places for it.
The soul does not leave the body during sleep or dreams. Nor is
sickness caused by absence of the soul; but certain psj'-chopathological
states are ascribed to this fact; the condition of utter despondency
brought about by an enemy "worldng" against you is caused by
nothing else but the fact that he has gotten hold of your soul, and has
buried it "out west," in the Night Land. This does not necessarily
mean instant death; it rarely does. You may live without your soul
for quite a number of months, and slowly pine away; this is what
happens if you can not successfully counteract the influence of your
Acute cases of lovesickness, homesickness, melancholy, and dejec-
tion are also usually explained in this way.
No definite notion is entertained as to the origin of souls.
™ When the vowel becomes lengthened the nasal become!? voiced, and is fol-
lowed by an obscure vowel.
At death the soul leaves the body and becomes a ghost (asor'na).
It travels to the ghost country (tsu'sGmo!'i), in the Night Land
(u'so'^ryi'), in the west, in seven days.
It does not haunt the settlements, nor the burial places, nor does
it ever return. Some informants are not so sure as to this: they claim
that the ghosts sometimes return, viz, when they come to make
people ill, or to come and fetch them before they die, to show them
the way to the ghost country. These opinions, however, I am inclined
to consider as individual beliefs, based chicfij'" on dreams and personal
In the Night Land the ghost people live exactly according to the
native pattern; they live in settlements, have chiefs and councils,
clans and families (everybody who dies goes and joins the relatives
who have preceded him); they go hunting and fishing, have ball
games and dances, etc.
There does not seem to exist any differentiation based upon moral
conduct in this life, the Cherokee believing that morality is to be
obsen^ed for its own sake, without hope of recompense or fear of
punishment in the next life. These conceptions are now slowly being
superseded by hazy beliefs influenced by Christian eschatology.
Some interesting facts on this score are being revealed by dreams,
which indicate that some kind of a differentiation must once have
been beUeved in, of which people now have lost all recollection.
One informant (W.) told me his mother (Ayo.) was wont to tell
him of the following experience of hers:
Shortly after the Civil War the Cherokee were visited with smallpox.
She was one of the many stricken, and she died (sic); she went along
a road and came to a settlement where the people lived who had died ;
as she traveled on she came to another settlement, the chief of which
had been a chief in his lifetime; she had known him. The chiefs held
a council about her and decided that she could not come and Uve
with them yet. They sent her back. So she walked back to where
she lived. She recovered from the smaUpox. "And it was not a
dream either," the informant added.
Another, far more interesting experience was told by the individual
to whom it happened, T. (PL 10, c.) He relates it as follows:
About 37 years ago he was very ill; all his relatives expected him
to die, and they had gathered by his bedside. He became uncon-
scious; it seemed to him as if he fell asleep. The people who were
with him told him later that he actually died ; he did not breathe for
half an hour.
It seemed to him as if he got up from his bed, walked out of the
cabin, and started traveling along a path. He climbed to the top of
a mountain, where suddenly he saw a beautiful plain, a meadow.
ctretched out in front of him. The grass was of a fine green color,
and felt very soft and nice to walk upon.
Soon he saw a building; he entered, and found it filled with children,
some of them mere babies, and none of them any older than about
12 years. He asked them where the chief lived; they told him, the
chief lived in the fourth building, and that, if he wished to see him,
he had but to walk through the opened doors of the three first buildings.
He went through the second building and the third, and found
these likewise filled with people, both men and women, but all of
them older than the children he had seen at the first place.
As he came to the fourth building he found the door locked; he
asked several times for admittance, "Chief, open the door for me."
As he asked it the fourth time he heard somebody inside turn round
on his chair; then he went in.
There was a white man, very old, with a long white beard, sitting
at a desk. He did not even look up at the visitor, and shook hands
with him wdthout even turning round. He said: "Well, have you
come to live with us?" T. said he had, upon which the man at the
desk turned roimd, reached for a big account book and a pen, and
made ready to wi'ite T.'s name in the book. But all of a sudden he
bethought himself: "I think you had better go back home again."
he said; "you will come back here again 33 days from now; then
you will come to stay, and then we will ^vrite your name in the book."
He closed the book and put it away.
He opened a trapdoor and gave T. a small disk-like object, like a
thin sheet of tin, about the size of a silver dollar, and said: "You
had better hold this in your hand, to find your way,"
After that T. felt himself, still sitting on his chair, drop through
the trapdoor, and falling at a terrific speed, the air rushing past him
as if it were a windstorm; he soon landed on the top of a mountain
near his settlement; he threw the little disk in front of him and it
started rolling in the direction of his home; he followed it, went into
the cabin, where he found his friends and relatives still gathered, and
stretched himself out on his couch; he then opened his eyes, and
found everybody very much relieved, as they had been watching him
carefully, and had thought him to be dead.
In both these cases, "the different settlements," the "four different
buildings," must surely have some definite meaning. In T.'s account
there would appear to be a difterentiation according to age, but this
I suspect to be influenced by ill-digested evangelization, as another
informant told me once that "all children under 12 years of age who
die are happy; under 12 they do not know what is wrong."
Incidentally, I want to draw attention to a rather humorous side
of T.'s account: The whole of his visit with God, in an office, with
7548°— 32 11
books and stationery all around, and the host's way of receiving his
visitor (not answering his knocking, not looking up as he comes in,
not even to shake hands, etc.), all this is strongly reminiscent of the
reception accorded "Injuns" at some of the agency offices. This
experience, it should be noted, was dreamed nearly 40 years ago.
I might finally state that the social status of this life is not modified
in the next, chiefs remaining chiefs; medicine men, medicine men; etc.
Using such expressions as "this life" and "next life" is not quite
doing justice to Cherokee conceptions; they look upon life and after-
life as different lives in space, rather than as successive lives in time.
They do not, as a Christian would put it, live a mortal life, and an
eternal life after that, but they move from their settlement in the
Great Smokies to the "place out west." They speak of the people
out west as they would of a neighboring tribe, as the Creeks, or even
as they would of a Cherokee settlement some "overnights" away.
Suicides, although not unknown, are very rare. The motives of
the few cases that have come to my attention are the general human
ones — to be suffering from an illness which is reputed incurable and
love troubles seeming to be the two main causes.
A suicide always causes a tremendous commotion; but no special
beliefs are connected with it, nor with the ghost of the victim. The
burial takes place as usual.
Even old informants could not remember more than three cases of
suicide ; all the cases were men. Two shot themselves and one stran-
gled himself with a rope.
Tragical Deaths
Another kind of death which arouses local interest and comment,
and which is handed down to posterity along with the traditional
lore and the sacred myths, is that resulting from accident, especially
if it is accompanied by some uncanny details.
There are two ways in which both laity and specialists refer to the
sacred and medicinal formulas and the knowledge they contain.
If one medicine man wants to broach the subject to one of his
compeers, with a view of discussing their mutual knowledge, he says:
Go'u'sti 't'kt*a*9-'.i, i. e., "What do you know?"; and of a medicine
man who is reputed well versed in this lore, the lay community says :
akt'a'*fyu', i. e., "he knows a great deal."
Olbeechts] the swimmer MANUSCRIPT 145
Just as, to quote an interesting parallel, the sacred literature in
Sanskrit is referred to as "veda," a term which is etymologically con-
nected with the Indo-European stem >/-wid-, "to know."^^
Incidentally it is interesting to draw attention to the fact that the
root of Cherokee a'kt'a^a', i. e., "he knows." is \/-kt^- the original
meaning of which is "to see"; cf. "eye": aktV.
The same semantic evolution has taken place in the Indo-European
languages, where the comm.-Gennanic ^/-^vit-, "to know," and the
Latin uideo, "I see," are both derived from the same Indo-European
stem \/-wid-. If now we go a step further, and see what a peculiar
meaning this stem has acquired in Sanskrit: "veda" = "the thing
known "> "the knowledge" viz, "the sacred knowledge," we find the
same evolution in meaning as we have in Cherokee.
Another term used, again both by the medicine men and by
the uninitiated, is Go'Ve'li'.
The present meaning of this is "paper," "book," "that which has
been written," as the fonnulas are usually kept jotted down in the
Sequoya syllabary by the medicine men. It is clear from this that
this name must be of comparatively modern origin, as it could of
course not have been applied to them prior to the invention of the
syllabary by Sequoya in 1821.
This term again throws an interesting light on the psychological
principles underlying the semantic evolution in languages even so
different and separated from each other in time and place to such an
extent as modern Iroquois and the older Germanic dialects. The
meaning "to write" of the Cherokee -yZ-we'l- is comparatively recent:
It can not be much older than 200 years. Originally it meant "to
mark," and especially "to mark wood by burning designs on it," a
technique still in use among the Cherokee to mark the flat wooden
dice used in gambling.
As for its parallel in the Germanic dialects, we have but to remember
that our "book" traces its origin to "beech (tree)" (cf. Anglo-Saxon
"boc," i. e., "beech tree"; "book." Old High German "buohha,"
i. e., "beech tree"). Beech boards, beech bark, and stencils made of
beech wood were used by both Anglo-Saxon and Teutonic peoples
as writing material.'^^ So we see the material used, beech, assume
the meaning of "a writing," "a collection of writings" (book), and the
latter meaning has again evolved to that of "the collection of sacred
lore" (cf. the Book, i. e., the Bible).
^^ Cf. also Kroesch, Samuel: "The semasiological development of words for
'perceive,' 'understand,' 'think,' 'know' in the older Germanic dialects." Diss.
Chicago, 1911. Repr. from "Mod. Phil." VIII, No. 4, Chicago, 1911.
'2 That also to the Italic herdsmen this use of the beech was not unknown,
appears from Vergil's Eclogue, V 13: "Carmina quae nuper in viridi cortice fagi
Even though these two terms are commonly known and readily
understood, the fonner is but seldom used now, and the latter hardly
any more. Usually the formulas are referred to by a specific name,
which immediately makes it clear what kind is meant, as "What do
you know about curing?" or "Have you any papers for the purpose of
killing (a man)? " These difi'erent names are fisted below (see p, 148),
where they are discussed in detail.
As to the origin of the sacred formulas and songs, the laity are now
almost ignorant. The medicine men themselves are graduaUy losing
the accounts made of it in the myths, and to a question, "Where have
we the knowledge of aU these formulas from," they wiU at first super-
ficially answer: "We know them from the people who fived a long
tune ago." This locution is even appended as ending clause to some
of the formulas and prescriptions, and it is closely aldn to a stereo-
typed exordium used by some informants when telling a tale: "A long
time ago, this is what the people told who lived then."
On pushing scrutiny somewhat further, the older infonnants wiU
vaguely remember some accounts of the origin of the bear songs and
of the sacred and medicinal formulas; it is most fortunate indeed that
James Mooney left us such an excellent account of these myths. (See
Mooney, Myths, p. 248, for the origin of the deer songs; p. 319 for
medicine and hunting songs; p. 325 for the origin of the bear songs.)
These myths were collected about 40 years ago and it would now
be utterly impossible to find a Cherokee living who could give such a
complete account of them.
I should not neglect to mention that sporadically a medicine man
will attribute the Cherokee's knowledge of formulas and prescriptions
to a revelation of une-'tlano'H, the Apportioner, who, in this case, must
undoubtedly be identified as God, the Creator, as preached by Chris-
tian missionaries. The same man on another occasion will tell you,
with just as honest a conviction, that "the people inherited the knov/1-
edge from a powerful wizard when be died," referring to Stone-clad 's
death. (Cf. Mooney, Myths, p. 320.)
Before going into details as to the different lands of formulas used
by the Cherokee it may not be out of place to draw attention to a
sharp distinction existing between the knowledge of the laity and that
of the specialists.
The average member of the tribe may know four or five formulas, bu I
even then he usually only knows fragmentary portions of them, and
mutilates them when trying to recite them, as the ritual meaning of
many words is unknown to hini. This scanty supply of sacred and
medicinal fonnulas nearly always includes the song to cure the
residts of accidents (mostly cuts and gashes caused by ax or knife)
(see p. 85); also some prayer for protection, either to be recited or
sung, is usually common property; and two or three of the easier
kind of medicinal conjurations may complete the lot.
There are, however, indications that until recently (15 to 20 years
ago) formulas were sold to a layman by a medicine man, if the former
were willing to pay the price for it. This trade was carried on es-
pecially in the domains of hunting and love conjuration, a good formula
of any of these lands commanding $3 to $5. (See p. 105.)
It is easy to understand why this practice is now on the verge of
extinction: There is no game now in the Cherokee country, the kill-
ing of which would be worth such an exorbitant sum,^* and as for the
love formulas, the younger generation, which must always have sup-
plied the main customers for this line, are fast losing faith in these
practices and are relying on more material means to attract the
attention and to obtain the favor of the opposite sex.
There is no objection on the part of the medicine men to selling
also the more ordinary disease-curing formulas and prescriptions to
the uninitiated, but there is hardly any demand for these, nor does
there seem to have been in the past. A plausible reason for the
popularity of the two kinds mentioned before seems to my mind to
be that an individual wanted to buy love or hunting formulas mainly
so as to be able to go through the necessary ritual and ceremonies
without the aid of a medicine man; by acting alone he could keep his
intentions and his plans in the domain of hunting and love a secret
to eventual competitors.
There are some formulas, however, which a medicine man wiU not
communicate to an uninitiated member of the tribe at any price.
Even to the initiated this 1-dnd is only handed on with the utmost
discrimination. (See p. 100.) These are the incantations listed
below as Nos. 10-14 (pp. 148, 153).
I might add, finally, that ostensibly there seems to be some reluc-
tance on the part of the medicine men to propagate any formulas at
all. They pretend that the more the knowledge of a formula, of
whatever land it may be, is diffused, the less powerful it becomes
and therefore they should be handed on to "the man in the street"
with due care and moderation. This is, however, purely a theoreti-
cal, and as a rule a rather hypocritical contention; and in the prac-
tice every medicine man thinks that the occult power of the formulas
'■* Deer and bear are extinct on the reservation, and rabbit, squirrel, and ground
hog are about all there is left on the once so richly purveyed hunting grounds of
the Cherokee.
will not be tampered with to any considerable degree by what little
Tie sells, if only the others would not sell so much of it.
Theoretically speaking, there are no restrictions as to tlie formulas
a medicine man may know. But for practical reasons most of them
specialize in a certain set of them, according to the subbranch of
magic or curing he speciaUzes in (as love attraction, medicine, etc.),
or he may even speciaUze in a narrower field, according to the two
or three diseases he is reputed to be an authority on.
For specialists among the medicine men see page 85 ; for the special
sets of formulas see below.
When it comes to classifying the various formidas which the Chero-
kee use we can do so according to their own standards or according to
They themselves distinguish clearly between "good" formulas and
*'bad" ones, the good ones being those the object of which is bene-
ficial, the bad ones those with deleterious aims. Under the former
they would classify those that have been listed by me as Nos. 1 to 9,
pages 149-153; among the latter those which I list as Nos. 10 to
14, pages 153-155.
A. Prayers:
1. For protection.
2. For long life.
3. For gathering medicine.
B. Conjurations:
4. For curing.
5. For using tobacco.
6. For examining with the beads.
7. Against witches.
8. Agricultural.
9. For hunting and fishing.
C. Incantations:
10. " To change."
11. To kill.
12. For love attraction.
13. For making unattractive.
14. For separating.
I feel that I should motivate in a few words this classification, as
well as the terminology used.
I apply the name of "formula" as a generic term to any of the
three kinds used.
Prayer. — By this name I call a formula in which a request is made
or in which a desire is expressed to a power which is clearly felt as
superior, and upon whom the one who prays feels himself dependent.
The object is to bring about morally or materially beneficial results.
The request is made, the desire expressed in a hinnble way; it is not
felt that the result desired can be forced or extorted from the being
addressed. He can not be commanded or compelled to act.
Conjuration. — This is the term I use to indicate those formulas in
which a power, not necessarily felt as superior, is appealed to in a
commanding, coercive, often even in a threatening, insulting tone;
the object is to bring about materially beneficial results. There is
an absolute certainty that our desire will materialize, if only the for-
mula is recited and the ceremony performed without a flaw.
Incantation. — As usual m the course of this paper I define incanta-
tion as the recitation of a fonnula with a view to harm a person in
his material belongings, in his health, or in his Ufe.
I am quite well aware that "incantation" as generally used in
EngUsh has not this exclusive meaning, and very often also covers
the two other groups discussed, as indeed, etymologically, it has a
right to do. But anybody who has given the subject close attention
will agree that the terminology is very confusing and most inadequate.
Incantation, exorcism, spell, charm, prayer, magic or sacred formula,
nursery rhymes, etc., are words that often aU stand for one thing, but
when one particular kind of fonnula has to be referred to one is at a
loss to know which term of the collection to use, and be sure to be
The terminology as here used is adopted in German and Nether-
landish as Prayer (Gm. Segen; Neth. Zegen); Conjuration (Gm.
Beschworungsformel; Neth. Bezweringsformule) ; Incantation (Gm.
Zauberspruch; Neth. Tooverspreuk).
For Protection
a''DaDutlso°'^sti t;GQ*'wutli'
for tying oneself up for the purpose
This kind of formulas, to which belong also many songs, are of a
prophylactic nature. They are protection prayers, which are known
in German foUdore as "Segen."
They are recited, either by a priest on behalf of a patron, or by
any one who happens to know them on behalf of himself, and are
supposed to ward off evil, such as Ulness, ill will, witchcraft, etc.
They are sung or recited especially before setting out on a journey,
or when about to meet a group of people, and there is no doubt but
the ferocious songs of "Ostenaco," both when setting out upon his
journey and when arriving in the port of London, mentioned by
Lieutenant Timberlake, were just this kind of protection songs. To
quote Timberlake: "Wlien we had got about 200 yards from the
town house . . . Ostenaco sung the war song, in which was a prayer
for our safety through the intended journey; this he bellowed out loud
enough to be heard at a nule's distance." (Timberlake, p. 98.)
And when arriving: "While in the boat that took us to shore
Ostenaco, painted in a very frightful manner, sung a solemn dirge
with a very loud voice, to return God thanks for his safe arrival.
The loudness and uncouthness of his singing, and the oddity of his
person, drew a vast crowd of boats, filled \\'ith spectators from all
the ships in the harbour . . . ," etc. (1. c, 115).
I know many Cherokee who even now would not go to a social
gathering, such as a ball game, a dance, etc., without first having
recited or sung one of these fomiulas.
Moreover, this land of formula may be simg by a married couple at
night to ward off any machinations that might be undertaken against
their conjugal happiness.
There are not many of these prayers left and the Ay. manuscript
does not contain a single specimen of them.
For Long Life
ama''yi Dt'"Dadzo°'st'to.ti' vcg-'wutH
water, Loc. to lead them to, and for the pur-
bring them back with pose of
Since these formulas are practically used only in connection with
the rite of "going to water," their name is referred to in this way.
The ritual of going to water is performed by the Cherokee with
very different ends in view: To obtain long life (which is by far the
more important), to cast off a disease, for the benefit of a pregnant
woman and her baby, to "work" against an enemy, in love matters,
not to speak of the regular ceremony at every new moon, when each
family is supposed to observe it.
As a rule these prayers are the most lengthy and poetic in the col-
lections. They are generally recited b}^ the priests when taking
patrons to the river; they arc unknown to the laity. Nos. 18, 43,
83, 92, and 93 of the Ay. manuscript belong to this kind.
For Gathering Medicine
n9"'wo*t'i' aGt'stryi'
to treat with to take it
This name is given to the prayers recited when gathering medicine ;
they are usually addressed to i;ne"tlano'ci the Apportioner, the chief
deity, and ask in a humble, meek way for His permission to come and
gather the medicine.
To this class might also be reckoned the formulas that are recited
when putting the simples into the vessel to be boiled :
n9''wo't'i' aGo'tiant'!t!9*'.i
to treat with to p^it it in it
There are no specunens of this kind in the Ay. manuscript. They
are unknown to the laity.
For Curing
to treat people with for the purpose of
This kind of fonnulas is the most common. Of the 96 contained
in this (the Ay.) manuscript, only five (Nos. 18, 43, 83, 92, and 93)
are not medicinal formulas.
Although the proportion of these curing fonnulas is usually quite
preponderant in the manuscripts, it is almost impossible that the Ay.
manuscript should not have contained more formulas for such pur-
poses as love attraction, hunting and fishing, man killing, etc. How-
ever that may be, none were included in Mooney's transliteration of
the manuscript on which this edition is based. (See p. 2.)
To this class may also be reckoned to belong those few formulas
that are used to take the medicine, after it has been boiled, outside of
the house: Ganu'co'Wt'stt'yi' ng'^wo'tH'
This is a welcome opportunity to say a word about the medicinal pre-
scriptions. These are not formulas, but are nevertheless called by the
same name as this class : GoSve*'li Df'Da'n9*'wo't*o.^ti^ uG9'Vutli',i. e.,
"papers to cure them (indefinite) with."
They contain advice and prescriptions as to the simples that are
to be used to cure a given disease, and are almost identical, both as
to contents and structure, with the D€-'Go*st'stSG9*',i, i. e., "the direc-
tions" (lit.: "where they (the contents) have been gathered")
appended to most of the formulas. (See p. 158.)
It is quite possible, not to say probable, that these prescriptions
were originally the directions that went with the formulas, and that
through error, neglect (or through rationalism?) of copyists, only the
latter part of the formula, i. e., the directions, the prescription was
For Using Tobacco
tso-'lo" GO°'.'t'oti' uGQ-'wutK'
tobacco it use with for the purpose of
This name refers to the ceremony rather than to the formula used,
as was the case with No. 2 (p. 150).
"Old tobacco" may be used with different formulas and with dif-
ferent ends in view: For curing certain diseases, for divinatory pur-
poses, when "watching against witches," in certain incantation
When expressed in this way, it should always be understood as
referring to one of the three ceremonies last mentioned.
i^lthough there are three ceremonial ways of "using tobacco," viz,
chewing it, burning it on a fire of charcoal, and smoking it in a pipe
(see p. 75), only the second method is meant, when the action is
referred to as by the title given above.
For Examining with the Beads
aDe-'lo° Dt'kt'o.ti'
bead(s) to look with them
These are the formulas that are used when conjuring with the red
(or white) and black beads; this manipulation is very frequent in
Cherokee magic and medicine.
It is nothing else but a kind of divination by which such hidden
things are alleged to be discovered, as whether a sick man will live
or die, whether we will be successful against an enemy, whether we
will be successful in love, etc.
These formulas are unknown to the laity. No. 83 of the Ay.
manuscript belongs to this class.
Just as the tobacco (cf. above), the beads may be used "both
ways," as the Cherokee put it; i. e., they can be used to bring about
beneficial or deleterious results, according to whether they are used
along with a conjuration or with an incantation. But the medicine
men always distinguish clearly between the two uses to which this
manipulation may be put; the essence of the act does not depend on
the paraphernalia used, but on the land of formida which is recited.
Against Witches
S9'no*'yi €-D?'!i Gana*'y't3.ti' uGQ-'wutli'
at night he walks about to guard with for the purpose of
This kind of conjuration is recited to ward off the evil influence or
the envious machinations of witches.
As described (p. 30), witches are especially active around the
dwelling of the sick and the dying. (For a full description of the
activities of the witches and of the ways of thwarting these, see
pp. 29-33.)
The whole of the Cherokee collection of formulas is very poor in
specimens of this description. This can be explained in two ways.
The fine climate and the good soil of the southern Alleghanies
have made agriculture for the Cherokee a far easier proposition than
it is, e. g., for the tribes of the Southwest. They are not so scantily
provided ^vith rain as the desert people are, and therefore formulas
to cause rain or to make the corn grow may never have been used
to any considerable extent.
The present scarcity of these fonnulas might also be explained in
this way, that the Cherokee are now far less dependent on the native
crops than they were a couple of centuries ago, when they did not
have the advantages of the easy means of communication, and when
they did not have traders and farmers living in their midst, or only
a day's journey distant. And as wath the Christians, "the fear of the
Lord is the beginning of all wisdom," it may be said of the Cherokee,
and of many tribes on the same level, that "the fear of drought is
the beginning of a conjuration for rain."
These formulas are only loiown to specialists, of which there is
still one living.
There is no formula of this kind in the present manuscript, but
James Mooney has edited one, obtained also from Ay., in his SFC,
p. 387.
For Hunting and Fishing
a'ntno'"liD9-'!i i;-ntsc-*'ltGa'; aGa'V''t'9''i uG^-'wutH^
they hunt all over (it is) theirs fish traps for the purpose of
By these names a variety of conjurations and songs are meant
that aim at bringing success in hunting and fishing. Some of the
hunting fonnulas are also used in divination practices, which are re-
puted to advise the hunter as to whether the time he has chosen to
go on a hunting expedition is propitious, in which direction he has
to depart, what he will kill, and when.
There is no doubt but that almost all the men knew a couple or
more of these specimens some generations ago, when hunting, and
even big-game hunting, were events of almost daily occurrence.
The hunters bought the knowledge of these songs and formulas
from the medicinemen (see p. 147), as much as $5 being paid for a
bear-hunting song some 50 years ago. Now, as hunting is reduced to
shooting rabbits and other small game, and with the advent of shot-
guns, there no longer seems to be so much call for this magic ammuni-
tion, and the formulas have therefore reverted to the custody of the
medicine men.
Closely akin to the hunting formulas are those used for fishing,
either by line or by trap. For reasons above stated, these also are
getting scarcer from year to year, and they will undoubtedly be
among the first to disappear.
No specimen of either is represented in this manuscript.
"To Change"
With this class of formulas we enter the field of incantation.
This particular kind is used by a medicine man on his own initiative,
or at the invitation of a client, "to change" an enemy to a different
condition \vith. This is only a euphemistic way of saying to change
him to a bad condition with, and the worse the better.
This is the kind of incantation which, if successful, results in one
of the dreaded aye''ItGO''Gi diseases.
Just as love incantations are often alluded to by some circumlocu-
tion (see p. 158), these incantations are often written down in the col-
lections under the innocent sounding caption of tsi;''Dale'n9"'°D5"
different sorts
yGQ*'wutti' (for the purpose of different kinds of tilings).
for the purpose of
To Kill
Di*Dane*'s8Gf'sti v"GQ''wuth'
to kill people for the purpose of
Of all the "bad" formulas, this is the worst Idnd, and rarely a
medicine man will own that he knows one, or even that he has one
in his possession.
It only results in the death of the victim if certain ceremonies are
performed, as described (p. 87).
For Love Attraction
people, living
This class of formulas is considered by the Cherokee as belonging
to the most mysterious and occult of their knowledge, and to obtain
information on it is quite a proposition. Even when in a secluded
spot, medicine men hardly venture to give information on it, and then
only by wliispering, mieasily casting stealthy glances about them all
the time.
The name as here given is a very general one, and may cover a
horrible incantation against a rival in a love matter, as well as a pretty,
innocent conjuration to gain the affection of the girl we woo.
Although y9*we'!i is the technical name for this class of formulas,
it is seldom written so outspokenly as a heading in a medicine-man's
notebook. Usually some such circumlocution is used as: ng-'wo'tT
Dt'Goso°'tt'yi, "to make medicine," or Dmc'tsotiGwo"', "to play with
them merely." Occasionally they are even found under totally mis-
leading captions, as
aDe*'lo° Dt'kt'oti' u^'ts^qi'
beads to look with, he is ill
to examine with the beads when he is ill.
(For the terms used to clearly indicate malevolent love incantation,
see p. 155.)
A thorough discussion of love incantation and the lore pertaining to
it is withheld for the present, as this manuscript does not contain a
single formula of this kind. The matter may be more conveniently
treated when Ms. II is edited, in which quite a number of these
incantations occur.
For Making Unattractive
to cause them to become loathsome with
This is the kind of incantation which is recited by a medicine man
at the request either of a scorned lover or of a jealous rival.
In the first case the patron orders the formula to be directed against
the haughty object of his affections, and tries to make her so loathsome
that she who spurned him will in her turn be scorned by others.
If the machinations are directed against a rival he is reviled to such
an extent that no person endowed with reason could possibly think of
paying any attention to him.
For Separating
Dt'-DaGale"'N!to.ti' uGO'SvutH"
to separate people with for the purpose of
In the previous sections we discussed the kind of yQ'we'H formulas
that are used by a spurned lover and by wliich he takes vengeance
of an irresponsive love.
The kind we now deal with is used to kindle discord and to sow ill
feeling betv/een a married couple, or between sweethearts, so that the
conquest of the party desired may be made the easier by the heretofore
unsuccessful lover.
As already stated (p. 150), this is the incantation against which some
protection song may be crooned by husband and wife at night that
their love may not be unwrought by evil agencies.
How THE Formulas Are Recited or Sung
As has been repeatedly stated in the course of this paper, some of
the formulas are recited, others are sung. Although there is no defi-
nite rule as to which are spoken and which are chanted, it seems that
most of the hunting formulas and a good many of the protection
prayers are sung. Also some of the curing formulas, but very few of
these only.
As I am not expert at recording music it was thought best to use the
dictaphone to register some of the medicine, hunting, and dance songs.
Fifteen dictaphone records were taken and have been deposited with
the Bureau of American Ethnology, Smithsonian Institution, Wash-
ington, D. C.
Some of the hunting and protection songs are of considerable artistic
value; the Cherokee sing with a high-pitched falsetto voice, and with
all the singers heard, a peculiar nasal twang was noticed.
When the formulas are recited the medicine man mumbles them
under his breath, and at a very fast tempo, so that neither the patient
nor any one of his household manages to catch a single word.
Nowadays tihe medicine man does not always rely on his memory
when reciting the longer formulas; he often reads the text from his
ragged notebook or from the crumpled sheets of paper on which he
has it jotted down.
How THE Formulas are Considered by the Laity and by the
Medicine Men
The layman holds the formulas of any kind in a sort of timorous
respect and apprehensive awe. They are most powerful means indeed
in the hands of those who know how to use them, but one who is not
an expert had better leave them alone, for you never know what
might happen.
To the medicine men the formulas are the means by which men
are indirectly made powerful wizards; indirectly, i. e., through endow-
ing them -with the faculty to solicit or to command the services of
those mighty wizards, the Spirits.
We must believe without flinching or wavering, we must have a
staunch confidence in this power of the formulas. For the wizards
we call on ''know our mind," and if they find our conviction faltering
they will not heed us, nor the words we speak.
A formula is sure to bring about the desired result, if only we are
careful not to make any mistake in our choice. We may be so igno-
rant as to thirds; that a patient is suffering from a disease caused by
the fish, and we wiU consequently call on the fishing hawk to come
and combat the fish. But maybe the ailment is not caused by the
fish at all; possibly ghosts are responsible for it, or animal ghosts, or
the birds, or the sun. It is obvious, the medicine men argue, that
in this case no relief would follow, as we have appealed to a curing
agent (the fishing hawk) who is absolutely powerless in this emergency.
We must also be careful not to omit a word, not a syllable, of the
formula recited. It does not matter if there are words we do not
understand (words, e. g., belonging to the ritual language (see p. 160)
or words which, through erroneous copying, have been contaminated) ;
the spirits we talk to understand them, as these expressions have been
used in addressing them ''ever since the time of long ago, when the
old people lived."
Merely reciting the formula is not sufl&cient if we want to obtain
success, though: we must also know "what is to be used with it,"
i. e., what simples are to be collected, how they have to be prepared,
how they should be administered, etc. ; and last but not least, we
should also know "how we have to work." It is not difficult to
recite a formula, but it is far from easy to know how to perform
all the accompanying rites, to be conversant with the voluminous
materia medica, and to be an expert at finding the simples and at
preparing them. All this only a medicine man knows.
Technique of Writing the Formulas
Reference has repeatedly been made in the course of this paper to
the sheets of paper and the notebooks in which the medicine men keep
their stock of sacred and medicinal knowledge recorded,
I will now briefly describe the technique observed by them in com-
piling, conserving, and using this information.
The most methodic of the medicine men keep notebooks the sizes
of which may differ from foolscap or quarto to 16° which they obtain
from the white traders, and in which they write down the formulas
they have been able to collect, without paying the slightest regard
whatever to system or classification.
A conjuration to cure headache may precede a love incantation,
which may be followed by a fishing song, after which a prescription
for diarrhea is found.
The Ay, manuscript following is by no means the worst example of
this motley topsy-turvy, as there are manuscripts in which the for-
mulas are even interspersed with notes of an historical interest, not
to speak of tribal records, such as births, deaths, accidents, etc.
It has always been a riddle to me how the medicine man finds the
formula he needs for a particular occasion. This is indeed often a
rather difficult proposition, but even if there are manuscripts contain-
ing nearly 300 formulas, the medicine man always knows exactly
which formulas it contains. This, to my mind, is quite a remarkable
feat of memory, since in such a compilation quite a few of the
formulas are of necessity practically identical.
Where the formulas are kept on loose sheets of paper, of aU dimen-
sions and aspects, some of them written out in lead pencil, others in
inlv, others again with red or brown crayons, the confusion is even
Roughly speaking, the contents of these collections may be divided
into formulas and prescriptions. Usually they have a title written
as a caption at the top, but this is not a rule, as very often the con-
tents and the purpose of the formulas are briefly indicated at the end
in the "directions."
Both *'title" and "directions" the Cherokee call by the same name:
De'''G0'si'siSG9'',i, i. e,, "where they (the information, pi.) have been
assembled," The directions at the end of the formula usually convey
such information as the purpose of the formula, directions as to the
simples or other materia medica to be used; how this is to be prepared
(often even where the plants can be found), which paraphernalia are
to be used, what ritual is to be gone through, and the restrictions to
be observed by the patient, and eventually by the medicine man.
Occasionally the fee is also listed here.
Sometimes a part of the directions of the formula, especially the
passage conveying the information about the purpose it is used for,
and the paraphernalia that are necessary, is prefixed to the formula
as a caption.
Medicinal prescriptions may have a caption, but, as is easy to
understand, usually are not followed by any directions, since they
themselves contain the data which are found in the directions
appended to the formula.
As will appear from the section describing the structure of the
formulas, these very often are made up of four paragraphs, which,
save for a couple of words, are textually identical. It does not seem
to have struck many of the medicine men that they could save them-
selves a good deal of trouble by inerely writing down one paragraph
completely, and only the variants in the three following paragraphs.
As a rule the four paragraphs are written out completely, this some-
times resulting in slightly varying spellings which may often be
quite interesting from the point of view of the phonetician. Only
when writing down certain songs in which the same expression is
repeated over and over again, the copyist gives proof of a more
practical turn of mind and only copies each expression once, entrusting
the sequence and the repetitions to his memory.
I have already mentioned the curious practice of "camouflaging"
the contents of certain of the "bad" formulas, mostly love or man-
killing incantations, by captions that have nothing whatever to do
with their actual purpose. (See p. 154.) This is done to deceive any
outsiders or uninitiated persons, who, by accident, might get posses-
sion of the book or the papers. But considering the jealous care
with which medicine men keep their writings hidden and secluded,
there is really no great cause for apprehension on this score.
I finally might stress once more the importance of the "directions"
of the formulas and of the prescriptions. Just as clear and explicit
directions appended to them result in a value of 100 per cent, a for-
mula without the necessary directions is almost valueless. If a
medicine man acquires a new formula, and the directions to it are
missing, it means that he will have to hunt for a fellow practitioner
who can give him the necessary information as to its use, the simples
needed, etc. This has not only the great disadvantage that he has
to show his new formula to competitors and rivals, but also that he
will have to pay as much and perhaps more for the "exegesis" as
he had to lay out for the acquisition of the formula itself. The
formula may be a gem, but the directions indicate its carat.
Although some of the directions show ample evidence of their
antiquity, yet they are not bound to tradition and formalism so
rigidly as are the formulas. The latter may have been handed down,
as far as we are able to gather, for centuries without an iota having
been altered in them; the directions, however, have been subjected
to such changes, alterations, and emendations as have been rendered
necessary by migration to a new habitat, by change in the material
culture, or by evolution in the beliefs.
So, for instance, in a formula against bullet wounds the "bullet"
is not mentioned once, and is still spoken of as an arrow; as far as
the expressions used in this formula are concerned, it might have
been used in the pre-Columbian period. But when we scan the
directions we soon see that it has been changed with due regard to the
introduction of firearms. We also find that in those directions
where simples are being prescribed that are foreign to the present
habitat of the Cherokee these are being gradually replaced and super-
seded by plants found in their present locality.
Whereas a formula loses all its power by retracting or adding as
little as one syllable to it, directions and prescriptions may be im-
proved upon, both grammatically and technically, by any one who
chooses to do so.
Structure of the Formulas
Although the best way of gaining an insight into the structure of
the formulas is to examine the specimens given in the text material,
a few preliminary remarks will not be considered out of place here.
The general pattern according to which the formulas are built is
the following:
1. An exclamation of warning, to attract the attention of the spirit
addressed, as sGe', k*a, ya*.
2. The spirit's name, sometimes his color; the place where he has
his abode.
3. Some expression extolling his power, as "thou powerfiil wizard
indeed," or "thou penetratest all things," or "nothing can escape
thy sight."
4. A statement as to the cause of the disease, the identity of the
disease causer, or the reason for which the spirit's help is invited.
5. Some depreciatory remarks at the address of the disease, of the
disease causer, of the enemy against whom an incantation is being
recited, etc.
6. Some specific reason why the spirit called upon is expected to
effect relief in this particular instance.
7. An emphatic statement that relief has been effected.
8. A final exclamation, usually ya\ sometimes sGe', rarely k*a'.
This, as I have said, is only a general pattern; there is perhaps not
one formula exactly lilve it, nor does it mention certain other motives,
which occur occasionally, though not so regularly. For example, in
many formulas the cry of the animal spirit invoked is imitated, for
the fox du'; for the rabbit dt'st.''^
" These imitative cries are often rather symbolic than onomatopoetic.
7548°— 32 12
[Bull. 99
Again in many formulas that are used, as in love attraction, there
are many motives that are quite uncalled for in the curing conju-
In quite a few of the formulas the name and the clan of the patient,
of the patron, or of the enemy may be mentioned.
The first paragraph of the formula is often repeated three times,
very slight changes being made every time; usually only the color
of the spirits and their abode are modified.
Only rarely does a formula contain seven paragraphs. This is
almost exclusively the case with some long-life formulas recited at
the river's bank.
The Ritual Language "^^
There is abundant proof that the language as used in Cherokee
religion and ritual has been checked in certain aspects of its evolu-
tion and that it has become stationary and archaic, the everyday
language having followed its fatal course of development.
This process is easy to explain when we call to mind the tremendous
importance which the untutored mind attaches to form and pattern.
Whereas the everyday language, the tribal language as we will call
it, is a tool of the community, of the man in the street, to express
his views on a countless number of matters, in an almost unlimited
variety of ways, the ritualistic language is usually the appanage of a
chosen few, and is in any case strictly used in rigidl}'" exclusive circum-
stances, and in sternly conserved, crystallized and stereotyped ex-
Sacred formulas, whether they be conjurations, incantations, or
conventional prayers, are bound to form rather than to content.
The desired result is held to be brought about, not by the meaning
of the words used, but merely by strict adherence to the wording
and the form. This accounts for the fact that even in European
folklore so many conjurations and incantations are still in use con-
taining words and expressions so archaic that even the initiated and
the adepts fail to understand them; yet not one of these adepts would
dare or venture to change a word and to supply a modern, more in-
telligible expression for it, since to tamper with even so little as a
syllable would not only seriously compromise but would render abso-
lutely nil the power and the result of the formula. We find the same
conditions prevailing with the Cherokee, only to an even greater
" The following remarks have already been presented in a slightly different
form in a paper read before the First International Congress of Linguists, The
Hague, April, 1928.
Olbrechts] the swimmer MANUSCRIPT 161
To be systematic and methodical, I should state which, to my
mind, are the sources from wliich the Cherokee ritual language in its
present shape is derived :
1. There is first of all a substratum of what may be called the lan-
guage at an earlier stage of its growth.
2. Secondly there is a layer of the Western dialect.
3. Finally there is an unmistakable influence of the rhythm in the
melodies of songs.
The latter element, the influence of the song melodies, is of all the
least perceptible, and from a linguist's viewpoint, of the least impor-
tance. It bears only on certain phonetic and on a very few mor-
phologic aspects. Such are the artificial prefixing, infixing, and suffix-
ing of particles without any semantic value, which is done with the
sole object in view of filhng out the meter of the melody when sing-
ing. Instances are:
(a) Prefixing (prosthesis) — 'a is frequently prefixed to such words
as Vno-"Gwo'", "now"; VoalQ-'ldi, ''above"; 'a-'i;soni;"'li, "quickly."
(b) Infixing (epenthesis) — €-lan(a)Di for e-ldi, edaoi, "below";
a^Gwan(a)Du*'k'a' for a'GwaDf^lua', "I want"; no'tst'o!i' for noHsui',
"in the pine grove."
(c) Suffixing (paragoge; epithesis).
No instance of the suffixing of meaningless syllables to fill out the
meter of a melody has come to my notice; nor is this difficult to ex-
plain: Cherokee possesses such a vast variety of emphatic suffixes
(-ya, -yi, -yu, Dfno"', -GO'Ga', etc.), that in case of emergency one or
even a couple of these are called upon to bring the word or the sen-
tence up to its necessary number of syllables.
Also the contrary of the processes just described takes place:
(a) Aphesis; aphaeresis —
GW€^*t!a' for aGwe^'tsta"^ne!a', "I have pain."
Gtse''Gwo" for a'GfS€''Gw5", "the big bitch."
Ge'HyaGw'Ga for aGe'HyaGy'Ga, "the woman by excellence."
(b) Syncope —
tstS€*'Gi,'.a' for tst'se'GO'^Gi'.a', "I overcome it."
ani'GaGe"°' for a'niGt'GaGe'"', "they (are) red."
GWe'^ua' for aGWe'*ista''ne*a', "I have pain."
(c) Apocope —
no-'GwoDf' for no*'GWODi*no'*', "now indeed."
wa'a'l for wa'*ali', (name for a mountain).
tsQ-'rjDSo' for tso'rjy'soH', "where the Creeks five,"
As for the second layer mentioned, the evidence is as interesting
to the student of psychology and history as to the linguist.
This layer, as already stated, consists of a collection of words and
expressions, borrowed from the Western dialect. This is the dialect
which has always been spoken by the majority of the tribe; by
that fraction of the tribe, moreover, where civilizing influences during
the eighteenth and nineteenth centinies made themselves felt most
keenly; by that fraction of the tribe, finally, to which belonged the
inventor of the Cherokee syllabary. As a result of all this, the
Western dialect soon rose in importance, and in fact acquired pre-
cedence over the others, as usually happens with a written dialect.
Thus, although theoretically speaking, the Central and Eastern
dialects can be written just as satisfactorily by means of the Sequoya
syllabary as the Western dialect, the fact that it was invented by a
Nvestemer, that it was apphed to writing in the Western dialect,
before it was so applied to the others, the fact that portions of biblical
as well as of secular Uterature were translated and printed in this
dialect only — all this contributed immensely toward making of the
Western dialect what might aptly be called the hterary tongue of all
the Cherokee.
Hence the fonnulas written clown in this dialect contained many
expressions which the Central-dialect speaking Cherokee either did
not understand, or else understood but would have expressed in a
different way.
Since, however, a formula must be recited as written down, and ^
since tampering with its traditional form is nothing short of sacrilege, M
these Western dialect expressions have been treasured and handed
down ever since; needless to say, many of them have, in the coui'se of
this process, been mutilated beyond recognition, and it is quite
possible that some of them m^ay never again be satisfactorily recon-
structed or explained.
It will be possible to state exactly to what extent the Western
dialect has been drawn upon for the ritualistic language of the Central
dialect by a thorough study of the Western dialect, which has not yet
been made but which will soon be undertaken.
Finally there is the source which I mentioned first, but which
I reserved for discussion until now, because it is the most important
and offers more interesting material and more promising results.
This source is what I called a substratmn of words and expressions
illustrating certain processes in the history and growth of the lan-
As has been described in the previous pages, the Cherokee ritual
language is used mainly in prayers, conjurations, and incantations,
mostly recited, but sometimes sung, and the greater part of which are
expected to prevent, cure, or cause disease; some of them are also
recited in order to obtain prosperity, luck in love or in war, in hunting
and fishing, and in the various pursuits of tribal life. It also may
occur sporadically in songs, even if these do not belong to the ritual,
and possibly in certain clan names.
These formulas are now handed down in written form, but before
the art of writing was invented, about a century ago, they must have
been taught to the initiated orally, and there are quite a few indications
which lead us to believe that many of them must be several hundreds
of years old, at least. Many of them contain references to mythical
beings, spirits and animals, on which even the voluminous tribal
mythology is silent. Both in the vocabulary and in the grammatical
construction there occur elements which even the oldest priests and
the most traditionalist of the medicine men are at a loss to elucidate.
The only explanation they venture to offer is that "this was the way
it was said by the people who lived a long time ago."
Knowing as we do the jealous care with which this material has
been conserved, and the judgment and the discrimination used
when handing it down, it will be possible to make these data serve the
purpose of investigating some of the problems of historical Iroquoian
linguistics. A few illustrations taken from the different fields of
linguistics, viz, phonetics, lexicology, morphology, S3mtaxis and
semantics, will show some of the results that can be obtained by this
Phonetics. — A clan name a'nisa'o*'ni could not, so far, be identified
with certainty. It is true that its relation with sa*k*o*'ni (''blue")
has been suggested, but until further evidence was brought forward,
this explanation could only be called a plausible guess. It appears
now, however, that the exclamatory k'a' used in tribal language is the
equivalent of the 'a*' met \\dth so often in the formulas; thus not only
maldng the etymology of a'nisa'o"'ni a certainty instead of a guess, but
also making it probable that once such a law as the shift from the
aspirate to the aspirated velar surd occlusive must have operated
initially resp. medially.
Lexicology. — With respect to the vocabulary there is a good deal to
be gleaned from the material. Most, if not aU, of the formulas
antedating, as far as we can gather, the invasion of the whites, there
are many references to aboriginal fauna and flora, to artifacts and
utensils which are now obsolete, and the use of many of which has
now even been forgotten. In one hunting formula the name of seven
different kinds of deer are given, whereas now distinction is made
between two kinds only.
The name k'^a'lo'Gwe' which is now used for gun or rifle is stiU used
in the formulas with the meaning of "bow," just as Ga°ni' now meaning
"bullet" or "lead" is used for "arrow" in the formulas.
"wane"'" which is now only understood as hickory {Hicoria alba
(L.) Britt.), is still used in the formulas as "arrow," because arrows
used to be made of them.
st*'kwa which in the tribal language merely means "pig," used
to stand for "opossum," in which meaning the ritualistic language
invariably uses it.
There are, moreover, quite a number of concepts that are referred
to in the formulas by words that are totally different from those
used in the tribal language:
Ritual language
Tribal language
Beads -
Yard (around dwelling)
Disease _ .
As far as morphology is concerned the most impressive fact is that
in the ritualistic language the comm.-Iroq. feature of incorporation of
the nominal object has been retained to a far greater extent than in
the tribal language. In fact the latter seems to be losing, slowly but
surely, this mode of expression altogether. E. g., such an expression
as: "I am making it bigger," is rendered in the tribal language:
i;'t'ant-'Do° mGo*'neV
it-bigger-become I make it
whereas the ritualistic language still uses the more typical Iroq.:
Gat*a'no*t'sti!a' (i. e., aa-, 1st. sgl. pronominal pref., 1st. conj. subject.;
■y-t'an(o)-"big"; -'tst- causat. infix; -ua' praes. suff.). Of this there
are many instances.
Another fact, equally interesting, of which only one instance has
been found so far, is the prefixing of the particle expressing the pos-
session of the object to the verb instead of to the noun, as in the tribal
Ritual language: a'oaN'ti' tsuDa'N!tt"yu'
Tribal language: tsu'caN^ti' UDa'N'tfyu'
(Both with the same meaning: "He loves thy soul.")
Syntaxis. — Adverbs of place, which in tribal language usually pre-
cede the verb, in the ritualistic language often follow it:
Ritual language: ant'lo^i' c'tlawf'ni, "they pass underneath."
Tribal language: c'tlawf'ni am'loH', "underneath they pass."
Semantics. — This is indeed a most interesting and promising field.
The stem -y-Da'N^t- which in tribal language only means "to
think," in the ritual language invariably stands for "to cause":
ulsGe''Do° u'DaN^tc'loli', he has caused the disease for (i. e., to) him.
The primitive notion that evil can be cast upon an enemy by think-
ing, wishing, saying (cf. Latin "incantare"), is hereby clearly illus-
trated ; even more so though by the following group of words which all
derive from a stem -^^(1)- "to say":
u^Do'no'^, "he has caused it."
a^Do^'m-aa", "he has come to cause it"; "it has been caused."
ntog-'DtSGe'sti', "he will continue to cause it."
nv'Dat'ang-'Da, "it has been caused at the same time."
Olbrechts] the swimmer MANUSCRIPT 165
The tribal word for •'disease" u'yu'aa is not used in the ritual
language, where it is always referred to as : " that which is important,"
"the important thing," ulsGe-'no".
"Death" is referred to in the ritual language as u'so'*tDo°^ a word
which in the tribal language always has the meaning of "night-
tsiyQ*''ntsta*'ne!a' which in the tribal language means: "I hit him,"
in the ritual language conveys the professional idea of performing
passes, of massaging.
Although many more examples could be adduced, it is considered
that those given have amply proved the point; those that are held
over will be worked out and incorporated in the sketch of the Cherokee
grammar on which work is well advanced.
With reference to the statement made on page 2, a comparative
table is given in the following lines of the sequence into which the
formulas had been put by Mr. Mooney.
The titles and the first figures are Mooney's, whereas the figures
between parentheses are those under which the formulas will be
found in the texts.
Genito-urinary diseases: 1 (4), 2 (80), 3 (6), 4 (22), 5 (95), 6 (55), 7 (94), 8 (81),
9 (37), 10 (38).
Snake dreams and snake bites: 11 (5), 12 (20), 13 (47).
Indigestion and fainting: 14 (7), 15 (8), 16 (11), 17 (15), 18 (14), 19 (26), 20 (34),
21 (65), 22 (85), 23 (29), 24 (46), 25 (54), 26 (16), 27 (27), 28 (42), 29 (39),
30 (50), 31 (86).
Headache, toothache, earache, sore eyes, and throat troubles: 32 (9), 33 (10),
34 (35), 35 (13), 36 (57), 37 (82), 38 (2), 39 (89), 40 (96), 41 (63), 42 (21),
43 (56), 44 (62), 45 (61).
Chills, fever, and blisters: 46 (1), 47 (23), 48 (30), 49 (40), 50 (41), 51 (48),
52 (53), 53 (90), 54 (75), 55 (88).
Wounds and frostbite: 56 (59), 57 (60), 58 (69), 59 (87).
Worms and bowel troubles: 60 (17), 61 (49), 62 (32), 63 (52), 64 (71), 65 (72),
66 (73), 67 (74), 68 (78), 69 (79).
Childbirth, female troubles, etc.: 70 (70), 71 (76), 72 (51).
The scratching ceremony, rheumatism, and kindred pains: 73 (25), 74 (31),
75 (28), 76 (19), 77 (84), 78 (91), 79 (64), 80 (24), 81 (68), 82 (67), 83 (46),
84 (66), 85 (44), 86 (36).
Witchcraft diseases and taking to water: 87 (3), 88 (58), 89 (12), 90 (33), 91 (77),
92 (43), 93 (93), 94 (83), 95 (18), 96 (92).
i;*'nawa"sti €"'gwo" aDa^ n^'Vo't'i' *r*a' ]
it chill it big the medicine this
SGe" I Gal^-'ldi 'tne'*i | Oalg-'ldi 'tne'^i | *tne'!i
now then! above thou and I above thou and I thou and I
are living are living are living
*m€'*i I *tne'^'-yu' | ^'nina-'^w?' | 'me'^*-yu' | *me''t'-yu'
thou and I thou and I thou and I thou and I thou and I
are living are living— E (are) wizards are living — E are living — EJ
utst^'nawa' aDo^'nfGa' | aDo^'nfGa' | *a:yi'
beyond-it- it has become said it has become said
SGe" I Q-'waDo-!'i ^ne'!i I 9'VaDo'!i *ine'!i I *in€'*i
now then! storehouse — Loc thou and I storehouse — Loc thou and I thou and I
are living are living are living
[Bull. 99
thou and I
are living
now then!
thou and I
are living — E
aDO nfGa
It has become said
tniDa- "we' I
thou and I
(are) wizards
I aDo^'nfGa'
it has become said
tne I'-yu
thou and I
are living — E
pine(s) — Loc
^tne :i
thou and I
are living
thou and I
are living
me I'-yu
thou and I
are living— E
t \
L niDa* "We
thou and I
(are) wizards
no-Hst-'M \neli
pine(s)— Loc thou and I
are living
*ine''(,--yu' I
thou and I
are living— E
5 ytst^^nawa' aDO^'m'Ga'
beyond-it- it has become said
now then!
me a
thou and I
are living
aDO nfGa
it has become said
a ma*-yi
water — Loc
thou and I
are hving
a ma*-yi
water — Loc
thou and I
are living
now then
10 ^Da'^"We'i'
thou (art a)
thou (art a)
me r-yu |
thou and I
are living— E
aDO^'nt'Ga' |
it has become said
ha! now
^niDa-"we' I
thou and I
(are; wizards
I aDO^TlfGa'
it has become said
me f-yii
thou and I
are living— E
thou and I
are living — E
I \neli
thou and I
are living
thou and I
are living — E
I \neli
thou and I
are living
thou and I
are living— E
thou hast come to listen
thou little
o'^Dali' tsu^skGo-'!i Duwa*'"wsat-9'' DitsD'tlt'o't'sti' |
mountain (s) they small — Loc it stretched out con- thou art staying
tinuously — T L
I Go*i;'sti tsunu''l8'o°-'ski ntGe"'s9*na' | 'a-no"'"Gwo'
something thou failest— U never ha!— Now
D0*'t'a^le'9'r)a I
thou bast arisen
thou hast come to brush it
small— E
u'Dt*ya'stanJ)'!i *t'Ge*'se*'° *o'°'
it has been left over that which is — App again-
it small — Loc
plateau on hillside
n9"'no-'i' wi-De"'tSat'an9'!o°'si' | a'ne"'tS0'Ge"'D0° Ge*'tSaD9'N!e!i' I
trail (s)— Loc
toward yonder they will lay
15i]9"'r)otist*aTifGa' | iG9''wulst'a^ntda'*stt-Gwo"'
it has happened so what is its worth as it goes about — L.
they do to thee — App.
it scattered
thou hast come to do
for him
ytst'^Dawa' niG9''DiSGe"sti'
beyond-it- it will be said continu-
stretched ally onwards
now then
'a'-no-"Gwo'° ^o'°-'a' t'or)a''nfGa' 'a-'Galu-'Gu" 'e-'Gwo'*t=
ha! now again thou hast come to listen thou whirlwind thou (art) big—
o"'Dali tse"'Gwo-'!i Di;"Da*'"wsat-o"'
mountain(s) they big— Loc
it stretching out itself
continuously— T L
lyo- °Do°
over yonder
thou art
thou whirlwind
thou (art) big
hal quickly
thou hast arisen
20 i^sti*'k*t"-5m' i;^Dt'ya'stano''i I 't\yal9Gt^stVnfGa' ulsGe^'oo"
it small— E it has been left over thou hast come to brush it away it important
OlShts] the swimmer MANUSCRIPT 169
iGO-'t-e-'Gwo" u'sa't'laai' I tGo-'t-e-Gwo'-vi fy9-'°Do° ng-'no-H'
swamp big plateau on hillside swamp-big — Loc over yonder trail (s)—Loc
Wt-De"'tSatVno''!o°'si' | a'ne*'tS0'G€"'D0° Ge*'tsaD9"'N!e*k'DtSe-sti' |
toward yonder they will lay playing they will do to thee continuously
iG9-'wulst*amda'*stt-Gwo'" I utSt^'naWO-GWO"' nv^DQ.t^ano^DQ I
what is its worth as it goes about — L beyond-it-stretched — L(=E) it has been said at the
same time
nt'Ga-Gi' ya' | i;*'nawa/sti c'gwo" u-'iittl9'r)9''.i | t*a*ya' Go°*/t*oti'
as far as all Sharply! chill it big whenever they are ill cherry it to be used
with it
DtDzo"'t' tst3.tr I tso''l-aGay9-'°li ya!cf' i;lQ'%w'oti-Gwo''' na.skwo"'
they to be blown tobacco-old if he has it powerful L (=E) also
with it
(For) the Big Chill This is the Medicine
Now then ! Above thou and I are living,
Above, thou and I are living,
Thou and I are living.
Thou and I are living.
Thou and I are living indeed,
Thou and I (are) wizards.
Thou and I are living indeed.
Thou and I are living indeed.
Relief has been caused, it has been caused. Ha-yi!
Now then! On storehouse mountain thou and I are living,
On storehouse mountain, thou and I are living.
Thou and I are living (bis).
Thou and I are living indeed.
Thou and I (are) wizards,
Thou and I are living, indeed (bis),
Relief has been caused, it has been caused. Ha-yi!
Now then! In the pine forest thou and I are living (bis).
Thou and I are living (bis).
Thou and I are living indeed,
Thou and I (are) wizards.
Thou and I are living indeed (bis).
Relief has been caused, it has been caused. Ha-yi!
Now then! In the water thou and I are living (bis).
Thou and I are living (bis).
Thou and I are living indeed.
Thou and I (are) wizards,
Thou and I are living indeed (bis),
Relief has been caused, it has been caused. Ha-yi!
Now then! Ha! now thou hast come to listen, thou Little Whirl-
wind, thou wizard. Among the stretched out (tree branches) of the
small mountains thou art staying. Thou wizard, thou never failest
in anything. Ha! now thou hast arisen, facing us. The minute
portion (of the disease) which has been left over, thou hast again
come to brush away into the little swamp on the plateau along the
[Bull, m
mountain flank. Thy trails ^ lead from here to the swamp into
which they disappear. They have played with thee/ it seems (and
tossed thee about). So, indeed, it has happened. (And) who cares
what happens to it? - Thou ^ hast come and scattered it for him.'*
Relief has now been caused, and will not be undone.
Now then! Ha! Now thou hast come to hear, thou Big Whirlwind,
big indeed. Among the stretched out (tree branches) of the big
mountains, over yonder, thou art staying. Thou Big Whirlwind,
ha! quicldy thou hast arisen, facing us. Only a minute portion of the
disease has remained. Thou hast come to sweep it away into the
great swamp on the plateau along the mountain flank. Thy ^
trails lead from here to the great swamp over yonder. They will play
with thee^ and toss thee about continually ; who cares what happens to
it,^ now! Relief indeed has been caused at the same time, completely
indeed. Sharp there!
When they are ill with the big chill, cherry is to be used to blow
them with. If old tobacco is available (it is) also very efficient.
[This formula has been edited with notes and comments by James
Mooney, SFC, pp. 359-361. The plants used have been identified
as tso*'la:GQ:y9°'li (Nicotiana rustica L., wild tobacco), and t'aya'
{Prunus mrginiana L., chokecherry; also Prunus serotina Ehrh., wild
black or rum cherry).]
am sGu ya
they men
ani'loci' |
they just
passed by
beyond it
their heads
ani'loH' 1
they just
passed by
Du''nitl9r)9"'.i' '
whenever they are ill
mountain-he climbs
beyond it
ano^'nfGa' |
they have come
and said it
0' 6
ano nfGa
they have come
and said it
ano nt'Ga
they have come
and said it
beyond it stretched
they (are) wizards
Gii^tltaJa"' I
it (has been)
their heads
it (sol.) used to be
held in the mouth— H
whenever they are ill
they to be blown with it
nt-usti' I
so far like
' Addressing the disease.
2 "It"==the disease.
2 Addressing the Little Whirlvvind.
* "Him" = the patient.
5 W. Dial, form; C. Dial.: i^'nitsQQQ-'i.
" This is one of the cases alluded to on p. 2, and from which it appears that
a preceding formula or prescription, "also for headache," was not included by
Mooney in his transliteration of the manuscript.
The men have just passed by, they have caused relief,
The wizards have just passed by, they have caused relief,
Relief has been rubbed, they have caused relief. Sharp!
And this is also (for) when their heads are ill. This (is to be sung)
hke this : ^
Mountain-climber ^° should be chewed, (and) they should be
blown with it.
This song is to cure a headache which, it is stated, is accompanied
by pain in the back of the neck.
The melody closely resembles that of formulas Nos. 42 and 82.
The medicine is ginseng ^° chewed and held in the mouth. While
singing the doctor rubs the forehead of the patient [with the palm
of his right hand, and on finishing the song], takes a sip of water, and
then blows the water mixed \vith the ginseng juice [on the forehead,
or on the temples or on the crown of the patient's head according as
to where the pain is most acute]. The song and the blowing are
repeated four times, and if necessary the whole ceremony is repeated
four times before noon, or at intervals of about half an hour after
the first treatment. tso*'laGay 'g' °li' ^^ may be used instead of ginseng,
[There is no taboo.]
[The ''men" referred to in the song are probably the "Little Peo-
ple" dwelling in the rocks, in the mountains, etc. (See p. 25.) It is
not impossible, however, that the Thunder Boys are meant (see p. 24),
but this is less likely since the latter are usually referred to as "the
two Little Men," "the two Red Men," etc.]
a'a' aGi''th*-ya' i;ni't}9r)9''.i' ^^ a'Da*no"VD't*i' |
this suffering— E whenever they are ill the medicine
SGe" I 'a'-no-"GWO« 'a't'pria-'nfGa' Galcj-^df'-tlo"' ^^ «e-'tst'o*tsti'
now then! ha! now thou hast come to listen above-toward they have put
thee staying
I k'o-'lano°' o°'*naGe-'° \v>a-"''\veli--yu' \ Go'u'sti tsunu-'tti
raven black thou (art a) wizard — E something thou failest
ni^Ge'so'na' | *a''-no*Gwo'' e'^DZaDzo'^'o'^'t'aiit'Ga' asGf'na
never ha! now they have caused thee to come down ghost
u-'DShlO^t-GWO''" 'iGe-'se-".i' | *a--ntG9-'waDO*'naGWa'°lo.e-'stt-GWO'^
it has been said— L that which is, App. ha! a trace of trampling will be— L
* Follows the song, "The men have just passed by," etc.
^^ Panax trifolium L. (dwarf ginseng; groundnut).
" Nicotiana rustica L. (wild tobacco).
12 W. Dial, form; C. Dial.: units^ri^-.i.
13 -tio", W. Dial, suffix; C. Dial.: -tso",-Dzo".
tsa^b-'s-Q-.i' I *a-nD-"'Gwo" De-'t'o'tlfaiifca' | V-'-sg'naGa'^lo-'Gi
thou passed — TL ha!— now thou h;ist come to put him hal it broken
on his (legs)
Ge*S9"'.i 'o*'stiGoHlam-Ga' y'lsGe'Do"' | Di;wo"lu''\va.t'j".ti' iit'Ge'-
it is, TL thou hsvst come to put it it important it to be returned never
(sol) between two ...
sgna' | nD°"t'9'ne-'lfGa' | *a'.i;so'*t--yi' wo'°'-tTt'o*t'st*anfGa'
thou hast come to do it hal night— Loc yonder thou hast put it to stay
for him
DaDu'^kt^aJo^'sti' m^Ge'SQ'na' | utsi^nawa^ ni;''D9.t'an9-'°D9
it to look back never beyond it it has been said at the
stretched same time
5 sGe" I *a-no-"Gwo'J' *a t^Qqa-'m-Ga' Galo-McJf'-tlo"'^-' 'e-Hst'o'tsti' j
Now then! hal now thou hast come to listen above-toward they have put thee
k*o-'lan5° Gt'^Ga-Ge''" (etc.)
raven blood-like
sGe" I *a-no-"Gwo"' 'a't'9r)a-'nfGa' GalQ-^ldf'-tB"' 'e-'tstVisti' |
now then! ha! now thou hast come to listen above towards they have put thee
k'o-'lano° sa'Vo-ni' (etc.)
raven blue
sGe" I *a'-no-"Gwo«' 'a^t^Qija-'rifGa' wa't'li GalQ^-ldf'-tlo''^ ''
now then! hal now thou hast come to listen (south) above
lO'^e'tsto'tsti' I k'o*'lano° tsunc'co" (etc.) | utst^nawa' aDD*'nfGa'
they have put raven thou white beyond it stretched it has been said
thee staying
*i'a' aGt''tlf-ya' v'nitlQrjg-'.i^^ a'Da* ii^-'wo'tT | a'skwani;*'ts'Asti'
this sulTering — E whenever they are ill the medicine for sucking
tso-'4-aGay9"°'li u'niDZf'lo'no'/i Go°'t'oti' a^no'skutb-'^-Gwo"^' |
tobacco old they have been to use with it (sol.) used to be kept in the
flowers mouth
k'a naso*'"lo-N*3°^ | tso"'l-tyi;s'ti-Nc3°' ustf'Ga i!''nalf'Go!a°' |
(wild parsnip)-and tobacco-like and it small they together
aDe-'lo-N*5°' Da'^M | Go'u'sti-N!3°' yu-'t*ASiiyg-'no° saVo*to°'-!i-Gwo"'
beads-and they (sol) somethiug-and if it united with it mud— Loc— L
used to be
lying down
15a.'ti DaW0"tl8-GW0°' ty9*'"D8
put it it over itself— L far
This is the Medicine When They are Sick With Sharp Pains
(a) Now then! Ha, now thou hast come to listen, Black Raven;
they have placed thee above. Thou powerful wizard, thou never
failest in anything. Now they have let thee down. It is merely a
ghost that has caused it. There shall only remain the traces of tram-
pling where thou hast passed. Now thou hast come to put him on his
feet. Thou hast come to put the important thing between a crevice
of Broken Rock, its track never to be found; thou hast come to do
" -tlo°, W. Dial, suffix; C. Dial.: -tso°, -dzd".
15 W. Dial, form; W. Dial. -t}->C. Dial. -ts-.
Olbrechts] the swimmer MANUSCRIPT 173
(that very thing) for him. Ha, thou hast taken it away to the
Night Land, to remain. It will never return. Relief has been caused
at the same time.
(b) Now then! Ha, now thou hast come to listen. Red Raven;
they have placed thee above (etc.).
(c) Now then! Ha, now thou hast come to listen. Blue Raven;
they have placed thee above (etc.).
(d) Now then! Ha, now thou hast come to listen. White Raven;
they have placed thee above, toward the south (etc.).
This is the medicine when they are sick with sharp pains. For
sucking, the flowers of old tobacco are to be used. They are just to
be held in the month (i. e., chewed), and wild parsnip and the small
tobaccolike (plant), they along with it.
And if anything be mixed with it (i. e., with the saliva, after
sucking), it should be put down into the mud, as far as an overhand
[This formula is the one edited under another caption (tsv'nda-
ye"'ltGO'kt'ano'H a'na'n^-'wo'tT), "the medicine (for) when they
simulate (a real sickness)," by Mooney in his SFC, pp. 366-369.]
11 Ji'a' r9*Vo"t*i' tsv'niyo'H'aGi.a^ |
this to cure with they have them itching
i;ni'sttlo°.t'sti-Gwo"' so.t'(-Nc3°^^) vstf'aa' i;D0''t8GwuD0°^
they came to stick to— L other-and it small all day
yndt^'t*a.sti' | na.'ski-Gwo^' ni'Ga* g*' | Ga-kt'g'oS"
they must drink it this— L all it restricted
aGO-'no° I
This is to Cure With, When They Have Them Itching
Merely the "they-make-them-stick-to-it" (-plant) and (also) the
other small (variety). They must drink it aU day. And this is all
there is to it. The injunction is, fasting.
As this formula, like all the others, was written by the medicine
man to assist his own memory, rather than to give any explicit infor-
mation to the outside world, the wording is indefinite, as regards both
18 Interpolation by editor.
the malady and the cure. [As already stated (see p. 157), the formulas
or prescriptions, as written down without order by a medicine man in
his notebook or on stray scraps of paper, do not always have a title,
and often even lack any indication whatever as to the disease against
which they are to be used.]
The disease is described as an itching of the, privates, which causes
the patient to scratch the parts affected, thus producing painful sores.
[Women as well as men may suffer from it.] It is the result of
having urinated, when a chUd, upon the fire, the ashes, or upon an
ant hill. In the first two cases the act is a profanation of the fire,
which is esteemed sacred (see p. 21), and children are frequently
warned against committing such a sacrilege. In the other case the
revengeful ants deposit their eggs on the privates, thus causing an
irritation of these parts, [Also urinating along a traU, in the yard
surrounding the house, in a place where an animal has been killed,
and in the river, are all acts which may result in an ailment such as
is here vaguely described as "itching." Informants do not agree as
to whether the itching is internal or cutaneous. In the first case the
disease is but a sympton of another illness, as, e. g.,
vJie'G9 yi;nf'n8ni;'G0*tc'e''a
u'nQ-'°Di tsa-'ndi'k'o'ca"
and is now occasionally by "modernists" among the medicine men
held to be part and parcel of a disease of venereal nature. When
the itching is cutaneous it is quite possible, from the description of
symptoms given, that we are dealing with a case of "itch-worm"
{Sarcoptes (Acarus) scabiei).]
The disease may foUow immediately on the commission of one of
the acts mentioned above, or may lie dormant until manhood or
womanhood is reached.
[The plants used are u'ntstdS.t'sti €''gwo^\ Lappula virginiana (L.)
Greene, beggar's lice, u^ntstdo.t'sti fstf'ca, Cynoglossum virginianum
L., wild comfrey.]
The affected parts p.re bathed with a decoction of the roots, while
another portion of the decoction is drunk by the patient, who, while
under treatment, entirely abstains from anything else in the nature
of food and drink. [The patient may drink the decoction at intervals
of an hour or half an hour, from sunrise to noon, when he is allowed
to break his fast, after which the treatment is considered ended for
the day. In severe cases, though, he may not eat until sunset; in
either of the two cases the treatment is continued for four days.]
snake(s) they have made them ill the medicine this
•ya" I 'a-'no-Gwo^' t'na'DO^ Go^'na'ce-'" 'a-'oalQ-'ldi e-'oza-
Sharply hal now snake it black ha! above they have
tb-'5"'t'anrie-°.i' ^^ I fna'Do" asof'ng-Gwo"' Ge.se-' °.i |
let thee down— App snake ghost L it is— App
e-'DZatb-'o"'t'aIirie-°.i'^^ |k'o-'la tS^'N^t-'oo" Dt'k'ayu.'Ga' tSQ'^
they have let thee down, App bone(s) they living-for-ever teeth they
Na-'D5° De''Di;*G9'wa*'"wsaDaDt''l€"°.i' | nono'-!i Dy'Dana''= 5
living for- he has advanced them toward trail — Loc they stretch
"waDe-G-Q-.'i I t-na'D9-Gwo'^' Go''naGe°' Ge*se-'°.i | *a-no-'Gwu-Df'
themselves out, snake — L it black it is, App hal now -E
't'tsAsko'tltst'l€"°.i' 'i'DZaye''lo*st'le*°.i' | i;D0*'li;'wci.'t5°.ti'
he advanced and bit thee he has made thee hke it, App he to be retraced
nt'Ge-SQ-na' | 'a-'no-"Gwo"' k'o*'la tsQ-N!t-'D5" dd""so° De-'Ga=
never ha! now bone(s) they living- (weakened (?) ) they have
^lo-'^sfGa' m'tsQ-nf:' | V-tsu'tl^'wt'Do-Gwo' Ge*se''°.i
become broken thou hast it so ha thou faltering L it is — App.
I *a-no*'Gwu-Dt*.' De''atl9'Wt'sfGa' | 'a-no"'Gwu-Dt'.' stt'sGuya' 10
ha now E thou hast become ha! now E you two men
dt'st'Asti'Ga' sttDa-'"we!t'-yu' | *a-no'"Gwo''' u'sonu-'lt'-yu'
you two little you two wizards L ha! now quickly E
e-'stath"\o"'t'a'n(.-Ga' ^^ | fna'co" Go'na'Ge-Gwo^' Ge-sr' | fna'D5°
they have let you two down snake it black -L it is, snake
aSGf'na i;-lsGe*'DO° ^'Di;nu''y'te*°.i' | ^'Di;ye-'lo"St"le*°.i' i;DO*'li)'=
ghost it important which he has put which he has made to be
under— App like, App
vva'.to^.ti' nt'Ge'SQ'na' | i;lsGe-'Do° 't'Dunu*'y'te'''.i' | no''Gwu=
retraced never it important he has put it under — now
Dt:' 'o°'-stt'y^''"st'anfGa' | ii'so''f-yi' \vo°'-sU'yo°''st'anfGa' 15
E again you two have come to night— Loc toward yonder you two have
take it (sol.) away come to take it (sol.)
Gane'sa' DtGo''naGe-'° Do-'Dtt'o"tst-Q.' \vV-stiskwaniGO*'t'anfGa'
bos(es) they black they are being kept toward yonder you two have come to
T. L. put it stored up as you two go by
sta*so't'a*9"s-9'' i;tst''na"wa' ny'DB.t'aiiQDo.
you two have turned beyond it- it has been said
T L stretched at the same time
i;Se*'lftT no'WO'tT DtDZO''t'a.e-'ti-GWO"' | k^'IlH' a'nskftsGQ'.'i
it held erect to cure with they must be blown — L noticeable whenever they
I tSi-'yu-Nb°'
(poplar) -and
u'niye-'b'ist?" .\ — gwo^'
snake (s)
they have bit them
they have made it like
it (habit.)— L
to be used
that which
with it
was, H
" W. Dial, form; W. Dial. -ti>C. Dial. ts-.
'8 Emendation by J. M.; instead of e*statb'o"'t'anile"°.i, they have let you two
19 W. Dial, form; W. Dial. -tl->C. Dial, -ts-,
7548°— 32 13
If Snakes Have Bitten Them, This is the Medicine
Ya! Ha! now, Black Snake, they have caused thee to come down,
it seems. The snake (that has bitten him) is only a ghost, it seems.
They have caused thee to come down, it seems.
The ever-living bones, the ever-living teeth it has advanced
toward him,^ it seems. It was only a black snake that laid itself
about the trail, it seems. But right now, it feigned to bite thee,^°
it seems. Its track would never be found (it thought).
But nov/ the ever-living bones have been made weak; thou ^^ art
now in such a condition. There has been hesitation (on thy^^ part)
it seems. Ha! now thou ^^ hast become faltering.
But at this very moment you Two Little Men, you Two Powerful
Wizards, they have caused you two to come down. It was a black
snake, it seems, but the snake is merely a ghost (and) it has feigned
to put the disease under him,^ it seems; (it thought) its track would
never be found. But now you two have come to take it away.
Where the black boxes are, you two have gone to store it up. As
soon as you two have turned round, relief wiU have been caused at
the same time.
Rattlesnake Fern is the medicine. It is merely to be blown on
them. The symptoms are that they dream that snakes have bitten
them. And they (the snakes) usually cause it to be the same (as if
they had really bitten them); poplar should be used with it.
The sickness for which this formula is intended is a form of
nightmare, resulting from some irregularity in regard to eating.
The symptoms and the theory of the disease are well set forth
in the formula itself, which abounds in poetic expressions. Accord-
ing to the theory, as is stated in the prescription, when one
dreams that he has been bitten by a snake the result is just the
same as that of an actual snakebite. [The treatment, however, is
different (see Formula No. 47, p. 240).] If the patient does not
submit himself to the treatment as here prescribed, the spot bitten in
his dream will become red and ulcerate [maybe months or] perhaps
years afterwards, and the victim wiU become ill with aU the symp-
toms of an actual snakebite. The same rule holds good in all other
cases, dreams being regarded as prophecies of coming facts. [See
p. 40.] There are other formulas for treating other classes of
snake dreams. These nightmare dreams are very frequent with
the Indians in consequence of bad cookery, late suppers, and irregular
20 The patient, ^^ Disease-snake.
The medicine men explain that the ghosts of the snakes, or some-
times of the fish, in order to take vengeance on those who destroy
or offend them, "spoil the saliva" of the offending ones by causing
them to dream of snakes and fishes twining and crawling over them,
biting them and blowing fetid breath into their faces, until the
victims become disgusted with food and lose appetite and strength.
The medicine is then given to induce vomiting, by which the
'•'spoiled saliva" is dislodged, when the patient recovers. Whatever
may be thought of the theory or of the medicine actually used, the
principle of the application is undoubtedly correct.
The first part of the prayer is addressed to the Black Snake above,
which is evidently expected to drive out the disease snake. The
second paragraph calls upon the Two Little Men — the Thunder
Boys, the sons of k'ana-'ti (see Mooney, Myths, p. 242) — to take
the disease spirit to the Night Land in the West and put it away
in the black boxes or coffins. The reason for invoking these "Two
Little Men" here will be explained in Formula No. 20, page 196.
The sick man finds relief as soon as the Little Men turn round to
come back after accomplishing their task. In one place the medicine
man speaks directly to the patient, who, however, has no chance
to catch the meaning of the whispered • words. "Black boxes"
or "coffins" are frequently mentioned in the formulas. They are
sometimes "buried out West in the black mud, with a black stone
on top of them." The "ever-living bones," synonym of the "ever-
living teeth," are referred to in most of the formulas concerning
snakes. The Cherokee, like other Indians, has a great reverence
for snakes in general, but for rattlesnakes in particular, and is
careful never to offend one, even by word. In accordance v/ith
the principle often applied in the formulas of belittling a serious
ailment, it is customary, when a man has been bitten by a snake,
to announce that he has "been scratched by a brier." [See p. 14.]
The medicine used is a decoction of rattlesnake fern [Botrychium
virginianum (L.), Sw.l root, boiled down to a sirup. The medicine
man recites the whole formula, then rubs some of the decoction
upon the spot where the patient dreams that he has been bitten,
and finally blows his breath upon it four times. The whole ceremony
is repeated four times, and, in addition, the patient drinks a small
portion of the sirup.
In the absence of the plant named, the medicine man uses a
decoction of poplar bark [Liriodendron tulipifera L.l, the root being
used in the same way; or he sometimes simply chews some poplar
bark or a small portion of the root of u'naste'ts.tt'^Ga [AristolocTiia
ser'pentaria L.; Virginia snakeroot] and blows it upon the spot
after reciting the formula. The medicine may be rubbed on at
intervals by some one of the patient's family, but the blowing,
with the rest of the ceremony, is performed by the medicine man,
who makes the four apphcations the same morning, beginning soon
after sunrise and ending about noon, (See No. 95, p. 307.)
The effect of drinldng the sirup is to induce vomiting and thus
reheve the stomach. When one dreams that he has been bitten by
a snake he must be rigidly secluded and should not be seen by an
outsider for four days.
a a
SGe" I
now tlien
to cure with
to give it to them
to drink— E
a ni ye* Di
thev eat it
y'nitl9q9''.i ^^
whenever they are ill
'u'u' Dalo-'ni Di;'Da-N!t*€'"'l5!i' | u'lsGe-'DS" DLinu-'yH'a:nf'le-''=
chat yellow he (E.) has thought it it important
he (E.) has put
it under-
from broad
to narrow
Ge' S-Q.l
it is— T L
it important
ever-marshy swamp
Ge" =
it is,
Duni;-'y't'ani'le-°[.i] e'so-'tli
he (E.) has put it under, App from broad
to narrow
5i;DO-lu'VQ;.t5°.ti' niGe-'sQ-na' | Di;'Da-N!t'e''*le-°.i'
it to be retraced never he (E.) has thought it, App
SGe" ! no-'^'GWO^' ^aH'^qa-'m-Ga' tsotlo"' ^3
Now then now thou hast come to listen
ata' u''staDO-'Gi tso'tlt'o't'sttDe'Ga'
thou art stajing, moving about
Ge- SO.l
it is, T.'l.
Gf GaGe- ".1
blood like
Dunv'y't'antie-^.i' -*
He (E.) has put it under
thou failest
I '(.Da''"W€!i'-GOGa' |
thou (art a) wizard— very E
u'u' Dalo-'ni uIsgc-'do"
chat yellow it important
no"'"Gwo" u'som^'li De''t'askob'o°*t'anfGa' |
now quickly
nfGe' sQ'na
thou hast come to make him
let go his hold, as thou goest by
10 utst''no!Wa' ny'DO't'any-'Do"
beyond-it it has been said at
stretched the same time
!t'a' n9*'wo't'i' di'u'dI
this to cure with to give it
to them to
a m ye* Di
they eat it (kn.)
whenevex they are ill
Dalo-'ni a-'ndfk'o'g-'.i i'ne-'G8-N'5° yi;nf'n8nLi'Gotc'€'!a |
yellow whenever they urinate while -and if, to them, it comes out
yGQ-'wutli' ! nQ-Vo-t't-N*5°' u-'G-at'asGf'ski so.i'-N'5°'
it value for
this here
V yQ'Du WlDO
it is covered
restri Cited
to cure with, and coming out it oozes out, 11 other, and
tsi'ki Ga'tluD-Q-' tsu'MyeG?-' i
that which is it has climbed— T L they stand up, H
vng-'^ni na'Vo'.G5' ye'li'
milk however possible
Di-'k'anQ-'wo't'i' i;'niskwo-=
to cure them their stomach
they must do
I GO t* DO"
it has been
made a period
e-'ldi DiGo°.'staN!ti'
low they must hit them
they yellow like
22 W. D. -11- >C. D. -ts-.
23 Emendation by J. M. — Instead of tso* l-J" (=tobacco).
2* Emendation by Editor — Instead of Dunt-'y't'ani'le-"'i.
oIbrIchts] the swimmer MANUSCRIPT 179
t'a^li' a'niGaGe-'" na/skwo"^' Va^li Da'?-'i | aGD-'no" vBO-'tQ-
two they red also two they (sol) completely all
have been
lying down,
GwuDo"' I e''ldi ts-u'''xk'al9''.i' kMa*'° i;'nulsta*'yHr Ge'sg'.i
day low distant he perches then they have to take food it was, H
This is to Cure With, to Give it to Them to Drink When They
Are Sick With "Eaters"
Now then! The Yellow Chat has caused it, it seems. He has put
the important thing under him, where his abdomen is. (And also)
the Yellow Frog, yonder in the ever-muddy marsh, has put the
important thing under his abdomen, his track never to be refound.
He has caused it, it seems.
Now then! Now thou hast come to hear, Red Kingfisher, thou
stayest, mo\dng about, in the treetops. Thou art a powerful wizard
indeed. Thou never failest in anything. The Yellow Chat has put
the important tbing under him. Now thou hast quickly come to
make hmi reUnquish his grasp. Relief has been caused.
This is to cure with, to give it to them to drink, when they are
sick with "eaters." The symptoms are that they urinate yeUow,
and (also) if white (matter) comes out of it (when they urinate)
this is for the purpose of it. And to cure with: The pus-oozes-out-
(plant), and the other (variety) which is wrapped up in red, and
grows on the liUlside.
Restricted (are): four (days) salt. Milk, however, they must
abstain from as long as possible. To cure them, they should be hit
(i. e., iTibbed) w|;iere tbeir stomach is, low down. And two yellow
beads (and) red beads, also two, should be lying down. Fasting
(is to be observed) all day. Wlien she (i. e., the sun) perches low
down, going away from us, then they should eat.
This formula is for treating a urinary or kidney disease, technically
known as a^nt^ye^'Di " they eat it (kn.), hab."
The disease is described as first manifesting itself by a pain in the
lower part of the back and abdomen, the latter also becoming swollen.
Urination is difficult, and the discharge is yellow, and sometimes white
and mucous.
The theory of disease has been already explained. (See p. 14.)
In this instance the most obvious symptom being the yellow urine,
two yellowish animals are held responsible for the trouble, and the
Red (i. e. successful, powerful) Kingfisher hovering above in the
treetops is invoked to drive out or break the hold of the disease
spirit, figuratively called ["the important thing"].
While performing the ceremony the medicine man has four beads
lying near him upon a cloth, two of these beads being yellow to
represent the disease, the other two being red and respresenting the
curing agent.
The medicine used is an infusion of the bruised root of v^Gai^as-
Gi*'ski, spurge {Euphorbia hypericijolia L. and of another variety
u-'Gat'as=Gi*'ski Gf^GaGe*'" y'^iygDu^wtDa": Euphorbia coroUata L.;
flowering spurge).
This is given in large quantities [4-5 liters] to be dnmk by the
patient, who remains fasting each day until about sundown. At
frequent intervals the medicine man rubs the abdomen of the patient,
using for this purpose only his bare hand, neither moistening it with
the liquid nor warming it near the fire.
There is a characteristic and interesting correlation of ideas in
the milky discharge, the "pus-oozes-out" plant application and the
milk taboo.
sGe" I *a'-nD-"GWo''' u'so'H DO'tsu-'le'nf' VQ'wi' o^^'naGe*'''
now then ha! now night, Loc he has arisen, facing, human it black
us, App being
'••'Ga aye^'li I Dalo-'ni Ga''ne-'Q-' a''DtGe''D5° Di;DO*'ne*tlil€*°.i'
day middle yellow it (liq) is in it, T L it, moved about he (E.) has cometo do
it for him, App
I Dalo-'nt-Gwo^" Ge-'sf'^.i' y'lisGe-'no" ^'Dym»-''yt'ant'l€.i' |
it yellow— L it is — App it important which he (E.) has placed
under, App
SGe" I V-no'^Gwo"^' 'a't'or)a*'ntGa' tso'^stowa' Dalo-'ni
now then hal now thou has come Killdee Bird yellow
to listen
a'm-okt^a' Dalo'ni' De'stutsGu'tlAw'ist'aDi'oa' | GO*'t-e*GWoyi ^^
r water, peeping yellow you two have become as one marsh it big, Loc
GeS-Q-' Dt'stotlt'o't'sti I u'sony'li DO-''tsta''le''Q-l]a' I Dalo-'ni=
it is, T L you two are staying quickly you two have arisen, it
facing us
GWO"^' G€*S-0"'.i I Dalo*'m Game-'^"' a*'DtGe"'DO° sta^D6*N!e'^=
yellow— L it is— T L yellow it (liq) is in it, T L it, moved about you two
have come
ifGa' I sta'tsanp-'rji-Gwo"^' Gese-°'.i | *o°"-stiVo°"st*anfGa'
to do it for your (2) adornment L it is, App again, you 2 have come to take
for him it (sol) away as you 2 go by
Go'*t-€''Gwu'' a'tsan^-'rji (u-'lsGe-'no"^^) a*'skwaniGO-'tott(-"yi)'-^
swamp it big for his adorn it important it is put in store— Loc
lOstt^skwantGO-'t'ani'Ga' | tcg-'wulsto-'ti-Gwo^' | i;tst"nawa'
you two have come to put it in what is it worthi L beyond-it
store as you two go by stretched
ni;*^D0.t'an9-'°D3° | no""ston€-'lt'Ga'
it has been said at you two have come
the same time to do it for him
25 Contraction of tGo'ti (=swamp) €-Gwa!i (where it-big is).
28 Interpolation by ayo-'sta, a native medicine woman, recorded by J. M,
2^ Interpolation by aya'sta, recorded by J. M.
oIbrechts] the swimmer MANUSCRIPT 181
Ji'a' Dalo-'ni u'nitlg'rjQ-'.i ^^ i;"'n9Dt*yg-'°Dair Di'k'an9*'wo*tT |
this it yellow whenever they are ill their navel to cure them with
aDzf'l5° Da'g-'i Dt^k'ano'wo't'f-yi'
fire they (sol) used to cure
to bo lying down them with, Loc
This is When They Are Sick With the "Yellow"
Now then! Right now, in the middle of the day, the Black Man
has arisen, it seems, from the night land. Where the bile is stag-
nant, he has come to wallow in it, it seems. It was merely bile, it
seems. He had put the important thing under him, it seems.
Now then! Right now thou hast come to hear. Yellow Killdee
Bird, and thou. Yellow Small Fish, you two have been caused to
become united to one. You two are staying where the great swamp
is. Quickly you two have arisen, facing this way.
It is merely bile. You two have come to wallow there where the
bile is stagnant. It (i. e., the bile) is the very thing you two adorn
yourselves with. As you two go by, you have gone to take it away
to the great swamp for its adornment; you two have come to go and
store the important thing as you go by, at the place where it is to be
stored. Who cares what happens to it? Relief has been caused at
the same time. You two have come to do it for him [the patient].
This is when they are sick with the "yellow," to treat their navel
with. Fire (live coals) should be lying down while treating them.
This formula is for treating one of the many varieties of Dalomi
or "yellow." (See p. 182.)
As stated in the introduction, various causes may be held respon-
sible for this disease, the agent in this case being the Black Person, or
the Black Man in the night land. (See p. 24.) The expression
f'oa aye'^'li" which may mean "in the middle of the sky," as well as
"in the middle of the day," occurs in many of the formulas, especially
in those recited against Dalomi and against fever, but the reason is
not obvious. In one case a medicine man told [Mr. Mooney] that the
illness began at noon, and that on this account the disease-spirit
was referred to as arising in the middle of the day.
The animal spirits invoked as curing agents are both yellow like
the disease. [In some cases (see p. 179) they are of opposite colors.]
The amekt'a [ama'=water; akt*a=he is peeping out from] is a
fish hardly an inch in length, appearing in schools in the summer,
aud is simply a newly hatched individual of the common varieties.
28 W. D. -tl-=C. D. -ts-.
[Bull. 99
The color of the animal spirits being yellow explains the expression:
"It is the very thing you two adorn yourselves "s\dth." The bile is
supposed to have become stagnant, and these animals are expected
to effect a cure by walloAving in it and thus stirring it up. It is with
the same object in view that the medicine man rubs the stoma,ch of
the patient, viz, to scatter the "clotted " bile. (See p. 62.)
The symptoms of the disease are a vomiting of bile and a throbbing
and soreness about the navel, so that the slightest touch is painful;
[the umbilic region] also becomes much swollen. While the disease
is believed to be primarily the work of revengeful animal ghosts, the
doctor from whom the formida was obtained said that the immediate
cause was that the gall (a*t'a'Go°) sometimes [by the native medicine
men] confounded with the bile (Dalo'ni), gets into the veins and
collects under the navel (!) He claimed this as an original discovery
and prided himself upon it accordingly.
No medicine is used, the medicine man simply rubbing the sore
spot with his hands previously warmed over the fire as described
on page 62. The medicine man recites the formula in a whisper,
while rubbing bis hands together over the fire. Then laying them
flat upon the seat of pain, he draws them slowly down over the place,
blowing upon the spot once at the end. This operation is repeated
four times at each application, and four appKcations complete the
treatment, the first being about sunrise and the last just before noon,
as already explained. In this and most other forms of Dalo*ni the
tsu^Gftsuyo'^.'sti fish (Horny Head) is tabooed on account of its
tendency to rapid decay. '^
Both the medicine man and his assistant, but not the patient,
abstain from food until after the fourth applicatibn.
u'^ndt'yQ'^Dali a'Da'no-'wo-tT !t'a'
their navel to cure any one with this
SGe" I *a^-no-GWo'^
Now then ha I Now
lake, big
I *a'-Go'u'sti
ha, something
tDa" "We:i I
thou wizard
thou hast arisen,
facing us
thou hast said
where they cling
to each other
thou hast come to listen
thou art staying
it escapes from my (sight)
ha, now
ntGe" S9*na
I n9' no-a
trail (s), Loc
thou hast come to (push it)
with the crown of thy
head back to where
it ought to be
th«y lie for thee stretched out
as thou comest hither
it important
it important
he has said it
t*a DiGo'tlt'anfGa'
thou hast come to
push it away
ulSGe- D9
it important
as high as— T L
t^'tt'o't'sfant-Ga' I
thou hast come to put
it staying there
they will app
in all
they will appear continuously
in all directions
it important
it all surrounded
JIQ- no'i
trail(s), L
Now then
GalQ-'idi aye'"il
above middle
thou hast arisen
facing us
aDo nfGa
it has been said
ha. Now
utSt*'na\Va' lltGQ-'DtSGfSti'
beyond it, stretched out he will be saying it
*a't'9ija''nfGa' tsfya' tsVska"se'\ti'-yu'
thou hast come to listen otter
Q-'Dale-'Gwo" Dt'tsotlt'o't'sti
lake, big thou art staying
added at the end, :) 'ya^
\ Da-"W€a
thou wizard
hou fearful— E
*a'-no-Gwo"' 5
ha. Now
a GWADe'lt'tcVti
thou keen-eyed one
Di;"na"'Dutl9*' (etc.)
This is the AIedicine for Their Navel
Now then! Ha, now thou hast come to Hsten, Red Otter, thou
wizard; thou art staying at the great lake; ha, now thou hast arisen
facing us. "Nothing ever escapes my (sight)" thou hast said.
The trails are lying stretched for thee (to allow) thee to come hither.
Where he^^ has put the important thing against him,^'^ thou
hast come to push it with the crown (of thy head) back to where
it ought to be What had become an important thing thou hast
come to push away as thou goest by.
Where the foam is (piled up) high thou hast gone to put the
important thing to stay. The trails will surround the important
tiling from all directions. Relief will be caused continuously;
relief has been caused.
Now then! Ha, now thou hast come to listen, thou fearful Otter
in the great lake in midheaven, thou art staying. But now thou
hast arisen from there, facing us. Thou wizard! "Nothing ever
escapes from my (sight)," thou hast said. Thou art most keen-eyed.
The trails are lying stretched for thee (to enable) thee to come
Where he ^^ has put the important thing against him ^° (etc.).
This is another formula for the cure of navel-Dalo'ni, and the
cure is the same as the one described in No. 7, page 180.
The medicine man was of the opinion that there was another
paragraph, addressed to the Fire, and which was probably recited
29 The disease-spirit.
30 The patient.
bj^ the medicine man while warming his hand, prior to rubbing
the patient's stomach, but it does not appear in the original manu-
The observant habit of the Indian is shown in the reference to
the watchfulness of the otter, one of its distinguishing characteris-
The feature of quoting the words of the spirit invoked, as in this
case the medicine man quotes the words of the otter, occurs fre-
quently in the formulas, especially in those addressed to the Fire.
[As students of comparative folklore Avdll laiow, this feature is also
often met with in European formulas, the most universally knovm
specimen being the First Merseburger Conjuration.^']
Now then
Gwu-Dt* na
Now— E
ha! now
ha! Now
Danin€-'si;'G6''(.i^^) |
whenever they have them drooping
i;''s3nD*'li aksld' tso'Nali'Ga"
quickly enemy he has come to hit thee
a'kski-GWo"' tso'NaloJi' 'tGe-'se'°.i
a-no" =
enemy, L (=E)
beyond-it stretched — L
it for him
I utst'^nawa'
beyond it stretched
whenever they have them
they must be blown— L
ye"ti' 't'GeSD'.i'
rabbed that which used to be
aDo ntGa
it has been said
this here
wood green
he has hit thee that which is— App.
ni;''D8.t'ang-'''^D8 no°'t'o'ne-'=
it has been said at
the same time
thou hast
come to do
I SGe'
now then!
so far like
i,'GaWe''sti 't'ci'
it is to be said that which is
to cure with-and
they must be
This (is for) When They Have Them Drooping
Now then! Ha, just now the enemy has suddenly come and struck
thee. Ha, just now indeed, the enemy himself struck thee, it appears.
Ha, now relief indeed has been caused at the same time, thou hast
come to do it for him. KeKef indeed has been caused. Now then!
This (is for) when they have them drooping. Just like this it has
to be said. It should be blown on them, alder (which) is the medi-
cine, (or) it should be rubbed on them.
Dant'ne*'si;*G9-'.i is the technical name for an affection of the eyes
in which the sufferer is unable to bear the strong light of the sun or of
3^ Cf. also some European parallels: v. Hov. & Kr. II, 77, 332, 399.
22 Emendation by editor.
Olbrechts] the swimmer MANUSCRIPT 185
the blazing fire without pain. In treating it, the medicine man uses
an infusion of alder bark, which he blows or rubs into the open eyes
of the patient.
The medicine man sometimes simply chews the bark and blows out
the juice upon the eyes. [The disease is caused by seeing a rattle-
snake; the snake is being referred to by a circumlocution: aksld' so as
not to offend it the more by calling its name. It is worthy of
interest that even the common name of the rattlesnake, vDzo'N'ti',
is a euphemism, meaning "the admirable one" (■s/-tso-N*-=adniire.)
(See p. 14.)]
Dant^n€"su*G9'.'[i] a'Da'nQ-'wo't't' ct'a' |
when they have them the medicine this
,*a-D9-'"tawa' '6-Da-'"we!i' | GalQ-'ladi' t'aDi;-'y9-na' | vtst"'-
ha I roller thou wizard above thou hast formed thyself beyond it
na'"wa' aDo^'nfGa' | ts^lu'st | tsvlu'st | tsu'lu'st |
it stretched it has been said (Onomat.)
tSi;-lu'st I
When They Have Them Drooping, This is the Medicine
O Miller, thou wizard, thou hast originated on high. Relief has
been caused.
This is another formula for the same purpose as the one last given.
The medicine man uses no medicine, but simply sings the verse, and
then blows his breath four tunes, into the eyes of the patient. The
ceremony is generally repeated four tunes.
[The DQ'Dawa' (really aDQ'Dawa') is a smaU whitish miller, which
flies about the light at night. The name impHes that it "playfully
rolls over and over (in the flame)." A word of the same stem,
"aD^Dawtska," is used for hens curing their feathers in the dust,
and also for dogs playfully roUing over in the grass or in the snow.]
On account of its affinity for the fire, the DQ^'oawa' is invoked in all
that the medicine men caU "fire diseases." [These include this eye
trouble because the patient afflicted with it can not stand the glare
of the blazing fire. Curiously enough, frostbite is also considered
as belonging to this class, because it affects like a burn or a scald.]
The final "tsy'lu'st" uttered four times in a sharp voice [may be]
intended to imitate the sound heard when the insect singes its wings
in the blaze.
their navel the medicine this
now then!
a* -wo'yi
hal pigeon
Dalo'ni 'tDa''"w€*i' wa*'"DaGu'
yellow thou (art a) wizard goldfinch
so-"Gwo^' De'^stutsGo'ttAw'ist'anfoa'
you two have become as one
it big
you two are staying
you two (are) wizards
you two liave arisen,
facing us
swampy laurel-
I Dala-'=
it yellow
it is, App
— L
food— L (=E) E
it important
that which is, App
he (e.) has coma to put it under
your (2) stomachs
it is for your (2)
D€" Ge'^stan tso' ' t' a=
you 2 have come to bury it
in them
it has happened so
u^k*iiwe"D8GW0''^ SGe*'staD6'ne-°.i'
filled-up, L they have done it for
you (2), App
ny^Do'iiQ'na | i;tst'*nawa' in;''D9.t*anQ''°D9
it has been said beyond it stretched it has been said at the
(For) Their Navel, This is the Medicine
Now then! Ha, Yellow Pigeon, thou mzard, (and thou) Yellow
Goldfinch, you two have become united. You two ■wizards, you are
staying where the great swampy thicket is.
Quickly you two have arisen; the important thing is merely bile;
he^* has put it under him.^^ But that is the very thing you two eat.
You two have buried them in your stomachs. They have m.ade you
two filled as you go by, it has become so, and not for one night (but
forever). Relief has been caused at the same time.
This formula is for the same purpose as Nos. 7 and 8, and the
treatment is the same — simple rubbing with the wanned hand.
The Goldfinch invoked is the American goldfinch (Chrysomitus
tristis), known in the southern AUeghanies as the flaxbird. [The
expression regarding "the food being buried in the stomach" is the
formulistic equivalent for the common expression "to take food"
(Ga°hsta''y8'o°ska', I take food).]
35 Emendation by W., editor's informant.
2* The disease-spirit.
35 The patient.
oIbkecIts] the swimmer MANUSCRIPT 187
ay€"'kGO''Gi i;'ntye*'lo'no"''i a'Da'nQ'wo'tT Jt'a' |
simulator (s) thoy have made them Hke the medicine this
SGe" I GftH' WO-'DiGe'°' *tDa''"we'i' | IlQ'^DO-Gg-yf-DZO"
now then dog brown thou (art a) wizard sun, first, Loc— direction
tso'lt'o'tsti' I 'tDa-'"we!i' | Go*u'sti nv^De'lQ-'na [ asGf'na
thou art staying thou (art a) wizard something it is not overlooked ghost
i;-^DD'no°'!i ^'Ge-se-'^' Dv'Da-NJt'e-^'lo^^r yt'ld | a^e jQwV
it has been said that which is, App he (E) has thought it if it is and human
De'^a^lii' Du'Da-N!t*e-"lo°jr yt'ki | a's€''-GWo"' t^GaWc'DeGWO^' 5
purple he (E) has thought it if it is falsely L (=E) it has been said L
yt'ki I aye-'ltGO-'Gt-GWo'" Di;y€''lo*no°"a *t'Ge*se-°' ( no*"-
if it is simulator— L he (E) has made it that which is — App now
like it
Gvvu-Df'na GO'^lu^nQ-'^Dg aDo'*m'Ga' | Gct'tlg'sta'ci aDo'*nfGa'
— E it has been tracked it has been said it untied it has been
i;'so*tDD'° nu'^Da^riQ-'iia | DiHsckwo-'li De*"'GaDa'ntso"ttsGe*'sti' |
night-been it has not been said thy stomachs it shall bury itself con-
tinuously in it
t'k'awe-'Da'GWo" Ge*'tsaD9*neH' | iiQ"r)otlst'a^nt"Ga' | tso'tl-
filled up — L they have-done for thee, App it has happened so for thy
sta''y'ti-GWu'Dfno' 'i'Ge'se"°' | i;lsGe"'DO° DL)m;'\y't*ant'le*°.i' [ jq
food— L (=E) E that which is — App if important he (E) has put it
under it— App
utSt"naV/9-GW0'^ aDO^'nt^Ga'
beyond it stretched— L (=E) it has been said
*t'a' n9*'wo*t*t' tsi-Da'nt*i;''o°ska' | nb.tsi' a'Gano°'!i
this to cure with those which have to be pine it has been boiled
given them to drink— H
Ge''s5*.i' I aD€*'lo-N!5°' v'nme''G8 a'ntGo''naGe'''-N'o'^'
it used to be beads and they are white they are black, and
one each
This is the Medicine (if) Simulators Have Made it Resemble
IT (i. E., A Real Sickness)
Now then! Yellow Dog, thou wizard, thou art staying toward
where the sun land is. Thou wizard, nothing is overlooked (by thee).
Maybe it is a ghost that has caused it, or maybe it is the Purple
Man that has caused it. But it has been said falsely — it is merely
the Simulator who has made it resemble it (a real sickness).
But now its track has been found. It has been undone, and not
for a night (but forever). It shall bury itself into thy stomachs.
They have made thee filled; it has become so again. It is the very
thing thou eatest. He has put the important thing under him, (but
now) relief has been caused.
This is to treat (them) with, (and) which has to be given them to
drink. Pine (tops) should be boiled. And beads, white and black,
one of each (should be used with it).
[This formula is one for the cure of the mysterious variety of
diseases discussed at length in the introduction, page 33.]
The symptoms are sudden pains in various parts of the body, due,
it is alleged, to the fact that a conjurer has shot a stick or some other
object into the body of the patient. To treat the case, the medicine
man prepares a decoction of pine tops, an "overhand" (" aDawo'Ma")
long, taken from seven different trees. After the liquid has boiled,
the pine tops are taken out of it and put under a piece of cloth (which
afterwards becomes the medicine man's fee), while four (the formula
says two) white and black beads, two of each color, are placed on
top. The medicine man then takes some of the medicine in a cup
in his outstretched hand, and after reciting the formula, passes the
cup four times in a circle above the head of the patient, after which
he gives the medicine to drink. After the ceremony the doctor care-
fully hides the pine tops away in a hollow log, [a rock crevice] or some
other place where they mil keep dry. No sucking is prescribed in
this formula. Say it, merely.
IX'af a^nisko''li u^ne^t^stame'a' | DtDzo"'t'a.€-'ti' | a"a-Gwo'"
This their head they ache to them they must be blown this L
i^GaW€"'sti I wa*ya wa*3^a wa'ya' wa'ya' | du: | a' t'tt-G wb^'
it to say wolf wolf wolf wolf (Onom.) say it — L
This (is for) When They Have Their Heads Aching
They must be blown. And merely this is to be said: Wolf, wolf,
wolf, wolf. Du! Say it, merely.
Although this headache formula is from the manuscript of Ay., he
said that it was not his own, and was unable to give any further infor-
mation on it. It consists of a song, an invocation of the wolf, followed
by blowing, but whether of medicine or of the breath alone is not
stated. The final "du!" is intended as an imitation of some sound
made by the wolf. The ceremony is probably repeated four times.
(i;*'ndt"yQ"'Dali a'Da*n6'wo*tT
their navel the medicine
Now then
big laurel
have become one
ha now
thou art staying
'a't'^rja-'m'Ga' wo'yi' Dalo-ni' suli;-'y=
thou hast come to listen pigeon yellow swampy
[ Wa-'"DaGll' Dalo"'m SO'GWO"' De'stuts=
gold finch yellow one you two
I stotIsta-'y*itt-Gw5«'
it for your (2) food— L (=E)
GeSe-' "[.1 ^'J i;-lsGe-'D9 ^'Dunu-'y't'amre'"!'
it is, App it important which he (E) put under, App.
sti'5^o'st'anfGa' | stStlsta-'y'ti-Gwo'''
you (2) have come to it for your (2) food, L
talie it (sol) away
lono'°'5°sGe-'sttGwo'^' sU'y9'st'an(,'Ga' |
a liiceness left L you (2) have come to
take it (sol) away
vts"t"naw8*Gwo^^ aDo'^nt'oa' | 'ya*'
beyond it stretched, L it has been said Sharply
it is, App
Ge* S€-"l
it is, App.
1/ SO tDO"
night, been
yellow, L
a- -na na
ha I there
I niGO* Waye"
there shall be
it has not been said
Their Navel, this is the Medicine (For)
Now then! Eight now thou hast come to Hsten, Yellow Pigeon;
where the great swampy thicket is, thoa art staying; (with) the
Yellow Goldfinch, you two have become united.
It is the very thing you two eat, (for) the important thing is merely
the "yellow." He^^ has put it under him.^^
Ha, you two have taken it away again, as you two passed by. It
is the very thing you two eat. There will be only a likeness of it
left, where you two have taken it to, as you passed, (and) not for a
night (but forever). Relief indeed has been caused. Sharply!
No medicine is used with this formula, the doctor simply applying
his hands previously wanned, as explained in No. 7, page 182. The
formula seems to be incomplete, and in the manuscript the latter
portion is written with pencil, evidently some time after the first
part had been written. The ceremony is repeated four times at
each application.
36 Interpolation by J. M.
2^ Correction by editor.
38 The disease-spirit.
38 The patient.
u'^ndfyQ-'oali a'Da^np-'wo'tT !tV
their navel to cure anyone this
(a) SGe'' I
Now theul
marshy thicliet, big
it is, T L
thou hast come to
thou art staying, moving
t Da""We:t- GO'Ga
thou wizard, E
thou failest
it which he has put under,
ye'^bno "'o^'sGe^'stt-Gwo"^'
of it will be left, L
(b) SGe"
Now then!
marsh, big
thou failest
Bv "DtGe- 9'. 1
he rested, T L
it is, T L
m'Ge'sp'na' | Dalo"'ni-Gwo°' u-Isg^'do
never yellow, L it important
a"\-usonii"'li t'a'DtGal€''*fGa' | ntG9*'wa=
ha. Quickly thou hast come and a likeness
pushed it aside
u'sony'li De*t'otlt'a'nt*Ga'
quickly thou hast come to put
him on his (legs)
'a'-no'Gwo"^' 'a't'9r)a"'nfGa' "wo''yi Da'lo'iii'
ha, now thou hast come to Pigeon yellow
tso'tlt'o'tsti' I SDa"'"We!t'-GO"Ga' Go'i;'sti
thou art staying thou wizard, E something
I Dalo"'m-GWO^^ v1sG€"'d9 DuTli;''y't'ant'=
ha, quickly
yellow, L
thou hast come to put
him on (his legs)
it important it has put it under,
a likeness of it will remain,
long Kingfisher
Dv' DtGe- 9* .1
L he moved about,
lying down
(c) SGe" I no-'Gwo' *a't*9-r)a-'nfGa' y9'wi'
Now then! Now thou hast come to human
listen being
tsune*'GO S0'"Gw5°' De'stuts.Go'tlAW'ist'a'nt'Ga' I stt'Da""W€!t'=
thou white one you two have come to be united as one you two wizards,
GO'Ga' Go'i;'sti sttiif'lti nt'Ge'S9"na' | Dalo''nt-Gwo"' ulscc-'Da
E something you two faD never yellow, L it important
15Dii*Ei;*'y't'ant'lf''.i' | u'sonf'lt'-yii' De'H'otlt'a'nfGa' | m'G9'waye*'=
it has put it under, App quickly, E thou hast come to put him a likeness of
on his (legs)
l9no'°'o°'sGe-'sttGWO"' Du'-DtG€-'9''.i
it will remain, L he moved about, lying
down T L
(d) SGe" I no*'Gwo° *a't'9r)a''ni'Ga' y9'wi' Ga^no'r'Da k*a'n9*=
Now then Now thou hast come to human long Fish
listen being
tsy'Va Gf'Ga-Ge*"' so*°Gwo"' De'stuts.Go'tiAW*ist*a'm"Ga'
Hawk blood, -ish
as § c. with, at the end:) u'sgni;''!! DeH'tst'otlt'a'nfGa' *°
you two have come to put
him on his (legs)
Dalo-'ni i>-'mtl9r)9*'.i *' | Dt'Da'n9*'wo-'t'r a^le' Dt''i;-Di'
whenever they are ill
to cure people with
to give it to
them to drink
^o Emendation by editor; instead of De't'otlt'am'Ga^thou hast come, etc.
" W. Dial, form': W. Dial. -tl->C. Dial. -ts-.
na.SGWO"' na.'skt-GWo"' GO°"t'otr | aDe-'b a'ntDalo-'llt-Ge*°
also this here, L to be used with it beads they yellow, -ish
t'a'^li Da'^'M I a'Nbwa'ci Gano''Di na.'yo'.Go' | ni^'wo.^th-Nlq'
two they (sol) cloth it (ku) let down moreover to cure with, and
have been
lying down,
aye-'lti Sl]li;"'yilGa' a'st9"'l]0SD'H-GW0°' Gu"'lstan3!i-GW0°' Dt'i;''Dr
made like swamp tree it has been scraped, L it has been steeped, L to give it to
them to drink
This is the Medicine for Their Navel
Now then! Now thou hast come to Hsten, Yellow Goldfinch, in
the great swampy thicket thou art staying, moving about. Thou art
really a most powerful vnzard indeed. Thou never failest in any-
thing. It is merely the "yellow" that has put the important thing
under liim. Ha, very quickly thou hast come to push it aside. Only
a likeness of it will be left, where it was moving about.
Now then! Ha, now thou hast come to listen, Yellow Pigeon, in
the great swamp thou art staying. Thou art a most powerful \\'izard
indeed. Thou never failest in anything. It is merely the "yellow"
that has put the important thing under him. Ha, quicldy thou hast
come to put him on his feet. Only a likeness of it will be left, where
it was moving about.
Now then! Now thou hast come to listen, Long Human Being,
(and thou) White Kingfisher, you two have become united as one.
You two, most powerful wizards indeed, you two never fail in any-
thing. It is merely the "yellow" that has put the important thing
under him. Very quickly he has been put on his feet. Only a like-
ness of it will be left where it was moving about.
Now then! Now thou hast come to listen, Long Human Being, (and
thou) Red Fish Hawk, you two have become united as one, (etc., with
at the end:) Quickly you two have come to put him on his feet.
This is (for) when they are sick with the "yellow"; it is to cure
people with, and (also this is what) is to be used to give them to drink.
Two yellow beads should be lying down; moreover, cloth should be
lying on (the ground). And to cure (them) with, swamp-tree (bark)
should be scraped and steeped, (to) give it to them to drink.
In this formula for navel-nalo'ni the Yellow Goldfinch and the Yel-
low Pigeon are again invoked (see No. 14, p. 189), together with the
Long Human Being, the White Kingfisher, and the Red Fish Hawk.
The Long Human Being is the formulistic name of the water in its
special form as a river, considered as a giant, with his head among the
mountains and his feet reaching down to the lowlands, while liis
7548°— 32 14
arms are stretched out to embrace and protect the settlements of
the tribe.
The medicine is an infusion of bark scrapings of sidu-'yilca' [{Hy-
drangea cinerea Small). Another specimen collected has been identified
as Clethra acuminata Michx., white alder]. The patient drinks it to
induce vomiting, in order to throw off the disordered bile. The first
two paragraphs are recited by the medicine man either while rubbing
the patient's abdomen or just before giving him the medicine to drink.
They then go down together to the river [or to some branch], and the
patient vomits into the water. While standing by the waterside the
medicine man recites the parts addressing the Long Human Being,
the Kingfisher, and the Fish Hawk. It is at this part of the proceed-
ings that the medicine man has lying upon the ground at his side a
piece of new cloth, upon which are placed two yellow beads, their
color corresponding with the color of the disease spirit, the goldfish, and
the pigeon. The cloth [and the beads] are furnished by the patient,
and are afterwards appropriated by the medicine man as his fee.
There is no taboo.
IVaf n^Vo-t'i' k*o°.li' tst-GQ-VamtlQ-'tst^.'i ^
this to cure with raccoon it is they make them ill, H
Dt"tlaSt8Gt''sti tst'nuDale'!a°' niGa"'ti."-yu' Ua.skl'
Gerardia they different kinds all E this hero
This is to Treat (Them) With if the Raccoon Causes Them
Tliis is aU the different kinds of Gerardias.
The main symptom of this disease is a sudden fainting speU, in
which the sufferer falls down gasping for breath in a peculiar manner.
It probably results from a serious impairment of the digestive func-
tions, or may be identified with apoplexy.
The raccoon is held responsible for the sickness, from the fact that
the gasping of the fainting person somewhat resembles the cry made
by that animal when cornered by the hunter. The medicine man
further states that a small tuft of raccoon's hair, or a single raccoon's
hair, appears on the hand, cheek, or some other part of the patient's
body (see No. 42, p. 229).
The medicine consists of an infusion or a decoction of the roots
of the several varieties of Dt"tlast8Gt"sti drunk by the patient while
stiU fasting, for four consecutive mornings.
«2 W. Dial. -tt->C. Dial. -ts-.
The following varieties of this plant are known :
1. Dt"tlastaGt''sti ustt"Ga, Gerardia pedicularia L.
2. Dt"tlast8Gt"sti a'cwo"^, Gerardia virginica (L.) BSP.
3. Dt"tlastoGt"sti u's9°Do''n9 nt'ce'sg^na, Gerardia Jlava L., also
called Do"yi wo'yi', Dasy stoma jlava (L.) Wood.
4. Dt"'tlast8Gt*'sti yGa'HsuloGfsti' (not identified).
so\t-N!5°' Dt*'myo"tli tst-Di;"ntskwo"ldt'sG9/i
other, and they are little it they from stomach, Hab
a le
they white
they defecate, H
this here
ct"a-Gwo"' n9-\vo't*i'
this, L to cure with
groundhog fore-
ts-a'no*se'5"[i^] Dt'^uoi'
that which they call it, H for them to
drink it
And Another One if the Little Ones Have Diarrhea
The symptoms of this are that they defecate green and white
matter (and) merely this is to treat (them) with (the plant), which
is usually called ''groundhog's forehead," for them to drink.
This is a prescription for a variety of diarrhea in children ["little
ones"]. The medicine is a decoction of the herb called o-'cana"-
GQ'^ta'Gi (o''Gan5°' = groundhog: i;G9°ta'Gt = an animal's forehead {Epi-
gaea repens L.). Another Cherokee name for this same plant is
tu'ksi wo-yi', '"'terrapin paw." The decoction is drunk by the child.
Diarrhea in children is usually ascribed to the evil influence of
This prescription in the manuscript follows another on the same
page, which accounts for the form of the heading, "and another,"
oma-'-yi Di'*DaDzo°"st^oti' Wa
water, L to lead people to it with this
I *a'-no'Gwo"' a'stH
ha, now thread
une-'Ga akso*'"st'Ga' |
white it has come down
the soul
it examined
aDo^'nfGa' |f*yu'sti
it has been said like
tSi;D0-'iD8' 1 i;Da*N*to'
his names are his soul
a'kt'oti' 1
it examined
aD5''nfGa' yo-wi ustt*' f^yg-'Da a^ye-lt-'.'s-g' | k'l'lu-Gwo"' yt'ki
it has been said human little yonder he is driving immediately, if it is
being T L L
I'Ga*' aye'^'li yi'ki DO*'Gwu-Df'na ulfanrnQ-'Da tsu'op-
and day middle if it is now E (he has) jumped thou hast
** Correction by editor.
[Bull-. 9'j
N!e*'li*Ga' I y'lt'aDi'np'Da y'Dyne-'thlt'^sti ' | a'kt'oti' aoo'^nfca'
conio to do it jumped down it will be done ao it examined it has been
for lier
for her
ya^' I Gal^'ldi a'st'i une-'oa De"tkso''5'"t'a'n6'Ga' | aOa'^Nlto'
above tliread(s) white
it examined
it has been said
aT)0 llfGa
it has been said
thoii hast come to
let them down
tyu'sti tsi;Do*'tDa'
like his names are
his soul
Ga'lQ'lg*'' DtGa-'skclS"^' tsune''Ga
above they chairs they white
5 5°' V^aUQ-' a^N^uwa'ci une-'oa ult]:9-t'a'nt''Ga' ^*
be let
aDaN^to' lilitb't'a'nfGa^^
the soul it (sol.) has come to
rest on it
iso*'tf-yi' Da^le^'sa' ni'Ga'
has arisen Loc it has been put
up, standing on its legs
it (kn.) has come
to rest on it
I ast'i'
the soul
the soul
it examined
they have
come to
where it
t'a°li.n§-' Ga'lQ-l'}-' DtGa.'sktb"' tsune-'G5° Da-"kso"3°'t*a=
Second above they chairs they white they have been let
the soul
a^N!i;wa'Gi i;ne''G9 u'htl^tVnfGa'^ |
cloth white it (kn.) has come to rest on it
u Itb't'a'nt'Ga' ^^ aBa-^lto' a'ktbti'
it (sol) has come to rest on it the soul it examined
Ga'lolg"' aDa'^N^to' Da'^le't'sa'nfGa'
asfc'l' i;ne*'G9
thread white
it has been said
the same
{d) ny°'Gtn.§*
(e) 't'sGfiiQ*'
it has been put up,
standing on its legs
(etc., as in (6), changing t'a°ltii§* to
{etc., as in (b), changing Va^linq- to
(etc., as in (6), changing Va^laiq' to
{etc., as in (6), changing t'a^in^* to
(/) su'Dalfn^*' Ga'lglg''
sixth above
20 {g) Goikwo-'Gtn^"' Ga'lQl^'-.r DtGa.'skd?-' tsune-'GO
seventh above —Loc they chairs they white
so-'*o'''t'an-9-' a^N^vwa^Gi une''G8 uhtlQt'a'nfGa' |
have been let down, cloth white it (kn) has come to rest on it
Diie-'GO a'Da-N!to' li'ttb't^a nfGa'
white the soul it (sol) has come to rest on it
there, it has come to appear above
the soul
Golkwo"'Gi f'ya-Galg-ldi
seven successive above
" W. Dial, form; C. Dial.: ulsQ-t'a'm'Ga'
« W. Dial, form; C. Dial.: uhso't'a'm-Ga'
This is to Take People to the Water With
Sharply! Ha, now the white thread has come down. The soul has
been examined; such-and-such are his names. The soul of the small
■human being has been examined, where it is gromng. Either pres-
ently, or at noon, or right away thou willst come and be born to
jher.^^ He will be bom to her.*^ He has been examined.
1 Sharply! from above thou hast caused the wliite threads to come
jdown. The soul has become examined. Such-and-such are his names.
!His soul has become examined, (a) In the first upper (world)
ithe white seats have been let down, and the white cloth has com.e to
;rest on them. The soul has come to rest upon the white thread.
'The soul has been hfted up as far as the first upper world, the place
to where it has been raised.
(b) In the second upper (world) the white seats have been let
down, (and) the white cloth has come to rest on them. The soul has
icome to rest upon the white thread. The soul has become examined.
tThe soul has been Hfted up as far as the second upper (world).
(c) In the third upper (world) . . .
(d) In the fourth upper (world) . . .
(e) In the fifth upper (world) . . .
(f) In the sixth upper (world) . . .
(g) In the seventh upper (world) the white seats have been let
down and the white cloth has come to rest upon them. The soul
has come to rest upon the white thread. At the seventh upper
(world), finally the soul will appear in all splendor. Sharply.
This formula for "taking them to the water with" is practically
the same as the one given in No. 83, page 289, with an additional
preliminary paragraph, which is recited when the ceremony is per-
fornied for the benefit of a pregnant woman. (See p. 119.) A part
of this paragraph is addressed to the child, the "Httle hmnan being"
itself. By leaving off this introductory paragraph the formula may
be used for any of the purposes served by ordinary formulas of this
kind. (See p.150.)
The ceremony may be conducted by the petitioner himself, for
obtaining long fife, etc., by changing the expressions to the first
person where necessary.
The white threads are mentioned in a number of formulas, especially
those relating to love, but the connection here is not obvious.
« The mother-to-be.
[Bull. 99
aV IlQ-'wo-t'i'
this to cure
tst-Du-^myiiwf'Ga fgoe-'oa G5't
it they (E) feel tired eel oil
he breaks them, H
to cure with
he climbs, brown i
they (E) joints successively
V SO -:i
night, L
ntGE" D8
like each
Gwo"' Dt'k^anuGo'.st'otr
L they are to be scratched with
iiQ-L'ye-tr I no°"ld tsi;'so'^D9
must be four they nights - past
are to be
scratched j
This is to Treat (Them) With (When) He Habitually Breaks'
Them (i. e., Rheumatism)
When they are tired, eel oil is to treat (them) with, (and) just saw
brier to scratch them with. It must be rubbed on them all over their
joints. Four days they must be scratched, every time at night.
[Rheumatism is referred to by different names. (See p. 292.)]
[Scratching is almost invariably a part of the curing procedure, the
instrument usually being a flint arrowhead; in this case a small
portion, about 12 to 15 centimeters long, of a branch of Ga'Dhwo-'Di,
saw brier {Smilax glauca Walt.), is used.]
The nighttime is chosen for the operation, in order that the patient
may be the better able to rest afterwards. The same treatment is
sometimes used for abdominal swelHng. When the medicine man
can not decide from the ordinary symptoms as to the cause of the
disease, he diagnoses from the dreams of the patient, which in rheu- 1
matism are said to relate to sexual excesses, or to the commission of
unnatural acts [as incest], etc.
a a
i-na'no" Da'nski-tsG9-'[i^7] ngwo-fi' Dt'uDffyi^^j
snake(s) whenever they dream to cure with to give them to
now then hal
sttDa"'"weci' I
you (2) wizards
it which is, App
y so :t
night, Loc
of them
to say it — E
you (2) have come to
you (2) are staying
you (2) men
you (2) little
for your (2) adornment— L
I u-lsGe-'oo" 'i'-Di;ni;-Vt*ant'l€-°.i' ina'D9-GW0'
it important it which, he (E) put it under, App
<^ Correction by editor.
*8 Interpolation by editor.
oIbrechts] the swimmer MANUSCRIPT 197
*t-Ge-'s€-°i' I a'nisGf'no° u'n9D9'no''!i' 't-Ge-'se-°i' |
it which is, App they ghosts they have said it it which is, App
sGe" I 'a'no-"G\v5°' sta't'or)a"'nfGa' sU'skuj^a' Dt'ststi'Ga'
now then ha! now you (2) have come to you (2) men you (2) little
stt'Da-"\V€" i;'so'-!i Dtsto'tlt'o'tsti' f'Ga aye'^li' u'lsGe-'DO"
you (2) wizards night, Loc you (2) are staying day middle it important
Du-ni'kso'5°"t6-°(.i ^^)' | stt''xy9st'a'nfGa' | stu'tsano'qt-Gwo^"
they have let it down, App you (2) have come to take for your (2) adornment— L
it (sol) away
'tGc'sf^i' I u'so-'a Ga'ne'sa' DtGo'^naGe-"' DO"'Dtt'o''tSt-o' '
it which is, App night, L box(es) they black they are kept, facing
us, T L
\VO'°-'sttskwalltGO"'t*aIlt'Ga' I tGQVutstO.'tt-GWO^^
you (2) have come to put in store as what is its worth! L
you (2) go by
This (is) to Treat (Them) With When They Have Dreamed of
Snakes; (What) to Give Them to Drink, and (How) it is to
be Said
Now then! Ha, now you two have come to Usten, you Two Little
Men, you two wizards, away from here in the Night Land you two
are staying.
It is the very thing you two adorn yourselves with. It is merely a
snake that has come to put the important thing under him. They
are but ghosts that have caused it.
Now then! Ha, now you two have come to Hsten, you Two Little
Men, you two wizards, away from here in the Night Land you two
are staying.
In the middle of the day they have let the important things down.
You two have come to take it away as you two come by. It is the
very thing you two adorn yourselves with. You two have put it
away over there in the black boxes that are kept in the Night Land.
Who cares what happens to it!
This is another formula for the same purpose as No. 5, page 175.
[The reference to the Two Little Men adorning themselves with
snakes, and the very reason for their being invoked in snake diseases —
real or dreamed — is accounted for by a Cherokee myth. (Cf . Mooney,
Myths, p. 311.)] According to this myth, the natural son of the
Thunder, on arriving at boyhood, sets out toward the southwest in
search of his father, who had abandoned him in infancy. After many
adventures, he finally presents himself before his father, who first
cures him of a loathsome skin disease, by throwing him into a pot of
boiling water, and then leading him to a covered box, bids him put in
his hand and take out the necklaces and other ornaments with which
[BCLL. 99
to adorn himself. On raising the lid, the boj^ finds the box full of
snakes, but, undeterred, plunges his hand to the very bottom, and
draws out a huge rattlesnake, which he winds about his neck for a
necklace. He then takes out two copperheads, which he twists
about his wrists as bracelets. Thus decked out, he takes his brother
along, and goes against a celebrated gambler, who had pre\dously
insulted him, but who is now conquered by the Two Thunder Boys,
and impaled at the bottom of the great lake in the west. In this myth
we have another instance of the universal primitive idea of a connec-
tion between the serpent and Thunder [Lightning]. The scene is
laid at The Suck, in Tennessee River, a few miles below Chattanooga.
[As previously stated, dreaming of snakes results in the patient's
saliva becoming "spoiled "] ; this must then be dislodged by an emetic.
The medicine in this case consists of a decoction of Gana^'ca u*'t'9no°\
Scir'pus validus\di\\\., great bulrush; Gana^'aa ustf'oa, Juncus e;ffusus
L., common or soft rush; ultso'ste i;*'t'8no°, Coronilla varia L.;
ultso'sta ystf'ca, Vicia caroliniana Walt., vetch, to which is added
the inner bark of d^Iq-'^dd, Rhus (Toxicodendron) radicans Linn.,
poison oak, poison ivy, which grows on the east side of a poplar tree.
The decoction is boiled and drunk on four successive days, the
medicine man or his assistant boiling it for but a short time the first
day, adding more water and boiling it for a longer time the second
day, and so on, until the fourth day, when it is boiled down to a
thick sirup. While under treatment, the patient observes a taboo
of salt and of hot food.
'l a TiQ' WO't'l
this to cure with
u'^nQk'e'NvaG^'.i [
whenever they have
forgotten (their voice)
they to cure with
they are bitter
I Gule'^-tsi^nstf'oa
acorns, they are small
Df'ltGali'ski e-'GWO°
willow big
k*a'n9st"ta |
( it has been
undt"t'asti') ^^
they must
drink it)
This (is) to Cure (Them) with Whenever They Have Lost
Their Voice
These (barks) are to cure (them) with: Cherry, small acorns,
flowering dogwood, bitter apples, big willow. They have to be boiled,
(and) they must drink it.
*'^ Interpolation by J. M.. apparently based on information given by a'yS'°'tni'
A prescription against an aggravated form of hoarseness. The
patient drinks a decoction of the inner bark of the five trees named,
the decoction being intended to make him vomit the phlegm which
clogs the throat passages and unpedes utterance. Some of the liquid
is also rubbed on his throat and neck. There is no formula to be
recited in this case, nor any ceremony to be performed. The bark,
as usual, is from the east side of the tree.
This prescription was written in two places in the manuscript.
The barks used are those of t'a-ya', Prunus virginiana L., choke-
cherry; Gule'' tsunsti.''Ga, Quercus jalcata Michx., Spanish oak (also
Quercus imbricaria Michx.); k^ang-st'ta, Cornus fl.orida. L., flowering
dogwood (also Cornus strida Lam., stiff cornel); sg-nkt'a i;nt'yo''.sti.
Mains malus (L.) Mill., apple; Dflt'oah'ski e'Gwo^, Salix alba L.,
white willow.
Jt"a-N!3'^' i;n9°'Di ts-a-'ndi-k'D'!a° uo^'wutli' |
this, and milk it which they urinate for the purpose
Ga'ne-t't'ski | tsi;'"ska' | tsu-'t'mg' | k'u'wiyu'sti
water-birch post oak water beech sycamore
a'yo'u-'tli I na.ski' u-ndt^'fa-sti' | Ga-kt'9'°D9 n5'°'ki'
crippled this here they must drink it restricted four
i'"Dde'Hd a'ma' i;n9-'°Di
hftat salt milk.
And This (is) for the Purpose (of Treating Them) When They
Urinate (Like) Milk
They must drink (in) this (case) water birch, post oak, water beech,
crippled sycamore. Restricted (are during) four (days) hot (food),
salt (and) milk.
This prescription is intended for use in aggravated cases of the
trouble spoken of in No. 6, page 178.
The symptoms are milky urine and pains in the hips and the lower
part of the back. The medicine man prepares a strong decoction
of the inner barks of the four trees named and the patient drinks
this in small quantities, at frequent intervals, for four days. The
sufferer abstains in the meantime from hot and salt food, whereas
he has to go without milk "for a considerable period," i. e., for about
a year.
The sacred four appears here in the number of ingredients and
in the taboo.
[Bull. 99
As for the "crippled sycamore," see page 54.
The barks used are those of Ga'ne't'i'sci, Betula nigra L., water-,
river-, or red birch; tsu'ska', Quercus steUata Wang., post oak (also
hybrids of Quercus alba L., white oak) ; tsv't^na', Carpinus caroliniana
Walt., American hornbeam, ironwood, blue-, water beech; k'uVtyu'sti,
Platanus occidentalis L., sycamore, buttonwood.
their head
they are to be blown
to cure with
to use with
Dzo° tst'k'ano^'t'a'''
direction it which says
thou woman by excellence (?)
\Ge' yaGi
DQ^'DOGQ'yi ng'^DO'Gg'yi ng^^DOGg'yi
Ji'a' ngVo-tT |
this to cure with
brittle with dryness
they are to be blown with it, L
tGe yaGi
thou woman
by excellence
u^niGf'ng-Ga'a'tki no.tst-!'i
chinquapin pine(s), Loc
tSu'GWalo*G'3°'!i Gi;"'lstano'!i
they have been leaves it has been steeped
they have
been, H
isun, direct., Loc
tGe^'yaoi' 'ya*
they stand up, H
This (is) to Blow Their Heads With; the Medicine (Which
is) to be Used With it is Told Below
Thou Woman (by excellence?) (4 times).
In the direction of the Sun Land (4 times) .
Thou Woman (by excellence?) (bis). Sharply!
This (is) to treat (them) with: (of) chinquapin, which is wont to
grow in the pine woods, the plucked brittle leaves, steeped warm,
should be used, and they ^° should merely be blown with it.
This song and prescription are for the treatment of a feverish
condition, of which the s^miptoms are headache, chills, and cold
sweats. No special cause theory was assigned, but the song would
seem to indicate that the Sun is held responsible for the disease as
in No. 41.
The medicine is an infusion of the dry brittle leaves of chinquapin
(Castanea pumila (L.) Mill.), heated by means of seven coals of fire
and blown upon the head and shoulders of the patient, the blowing
being done as described on page 58.
«> The patients.
*tGe'^yaGi' is a vocative form, the nominative, third person single
being aoe'^yaoi', or perhaps aGe^aGv-'Gd. The medicine man was not
certain as to the meaning of the word, but was of the opinion that it
referred to aG£'*yaGu*'G8, a formulistic name of the Sun, which in
Cherokee mythology is a woman. This is probably the true explana-
tion as the spirit is declared to dwell in the Sun Land, the East.
The name *tGe'*yaGi;*'Ga occurs in several foraiulas and is probably
changed here to *iGe''yaGi' to conform to the meter. [See p. 161.]
In another formula for heat blisters it is explicitly declared that
(a)Ge*''yaGi;'*G8 has sent the disease.
Og., who knows a different fomiula to cure this ailment, only uses
the chinquapin infusion after a simpler treatment, in which merely
water is blown on the patient, has failed.
a mne" Dzi
their breast
to cure anyone with
U SO u
right, Log
askii'ya 5'
Dyny'yt^ anile* °i'
he (E) has put it
''na'Ge Di;'Da-N!t'e-"lo°'i GeSe*
black he (E) has thought it it is, App
now then
ha! now
you (2) have come to Hsten
you (2) men
you (2) are staying
you two have pene-
trated them
it important
you (2) red
it important
utst* nawa
beyond it
aDO UtGa
it has been said
ng °DO'-yt*- dzo"
sun, Loe, direction
you (2) have come to push it
away as you (2) come by
sGe" 'a'-no*Gwo'^' sta't'gqa^'nfGa' stt'skuya' sa''k'o"ni'
now then ha! now you (2) have come to listen you (2) men blue
Dt'stotlt'o'^sti' stt'Da-"W€" t''tStaDi'Ga^=
you (2) are staying you (2) wizards you (2) have come
u^'sonu-'li De''ttstt'sk8b-\5'"ta' nt'Du-'De-'lo'Ssioo"'
quickly cause him to let go his he has not noticed it
ha! now
cold Loc, direction
le'f'ca i;-lsGe-'DO°
to push it it important
beyond it stretched-L
cause him to let go his
gripping (hands), you (2)
aD3 nfGa
it has been said
This (is) the Treatment for Their Breast
The Black Man in the Night Land has caused it. He has put the
important thing under him.
Now then! Ha, now you two have come to listen, you two Red
Men, you two are staying in the direction of the Sun Land. You
two have penetrated them, it seems. You two have come to push the
important thing away as you two go by. Relief has been caused.
[Bull. 99
Now then! Ha, now you two have come to Hsten, you two Blue
Men, in the direction of the Cold Land you two are staying. You
two wizards, you two have come to push the important thing away
as you two go by. Quicldy cause him to relinquish his grasp, you
two, without his (even) noticing it. Relief has been caused.
This is a formula for curing sharp pains in the breast.
The patient drinks an infusion of bruised u'naste'tstf'ca, Virginia
snakeroot {Aristolochia serfentaria L.), to which a few scrapings of
o'^DaltGa'^li, ginseng root {Panax trifolium L.), are sometimes added,
the liquid being slightly warmed b}^ dropping four or seven live coals
into it. There is no taboo.
The medicine man first recites the formula, then blows four times
upon the breast of the patient, and finally gives him the medicine to
drink. This is repeated four times at each treatment. The whole
ceremony is repeated four tunes before noon, and if necessary for four
consecutive days.
Wsi i-na'Do" k'ayu"Ga G5''"t'oti' Dt'Da-nuoo'sti'-yi'
to use with
to scratch them E
k'u' yvla'U- laW :
Come on!
yu^a u ..aa :
yu'a'!t' laW :
Dv:+ Du:
sGe' I Galp-'ldi Dt'tsune-'tlano°'!i k'o-'la tsune-'Go° De''ak=
now tbeu! above thou hast apportioned bone (s) they while thou
hast come to let them
nawaDo"' I 'ya*
it has been Sharply!
tsu>e-l-9' ^'
the body, TL
GeSQ-' De''ust'a'nfGa'
it is, TL thou last come to stick
them (1.) in it
" Correction by editor, instead of tsuGe'lg (no meaning) .
Olbrechts] the swimmer MANUSCRIPT 203
This (is) for Using the Snake Tooth at the Scratching of
Come on!
Yuhahi, hahi (four times).
Now then! Thou on high who hast apportioned them, thou hast
caused the white bones to come down. Where the body is, thou
hast come to stick them into. Reheved! Sharply.
The scratching operation, for which this and similar formulas are
intended to be used, is a frequent preliminary to the application
of medicine in the treatment of rhemnatism, languor, and Idndred
ailments, as well as in preparing contestants for the ball game.
[See p. 68.]
This fomiula was originally obtained by Ay. from an old man
who must have been born at least as early as 1780. As the heading
states, it is for scratching with the snake tooth. It consists of
two parts, the first of which is sung, the second recited.
The song, the words of which are meaningless, is sung by the
medicine man to a simple and pleasing tune, while standing facing
the patient and holding the snake tooth, grasped between the thumb
and forefinger of his uplifted right hand. As he sings, the spirit
of the rattlesnake enters into the tooth, which becomes alive and
moves about between the fingers of the medicine man. This is
the Indian explanation of the fact, which may be accounted for
on more reasonable grounds. The medicine man, while singing,
labors under suppressed excitement and stands with tense muscles
in a constrained position, the natural result being that before the
song is ended his hand involuntarily begins to tremble and the
muscles of the fingers to twitch. The peculiar hook shape of the
tooth renders its slightest movement perceptible. On finishing
the song the doctor biings the tooth up to his mouth Math a long
"du!" followed by a staccato "du, du, du, du," as he blows upon
it. He then touches it to his mouth. The song is repeated four
times, after which he proceeds to scratch the patient. [See p. 70.]
The skin is scratched only once, viz, before the first application
of the medicine, but the medicine is applied four times. If, how-
ever, the treatment is continued for four days, the scratching may
be repeated every morning.
Tlie medicine which is rubbed on consists of a warm infusion
of the leaves of e-w'so'!i, Leucothoe catesbaei (Walt.) Gray, gray fetter
bush; Du'su'ca tsu'nstfGa, Kalmia latijolia L., mountain laurel,
calico bush, spoon wood; Du'su'oa tsynt'ano", Rhododendron maxi-
mum L., great laurel; a"^'skwane"'D8, Veratj^um viride Ait., American
white hellebore, Indian poke; o'^'le'* yk't'lti, Porteranthus trifoliatus
(L.), Britt., Indian physic.
The leaves of the three first and the roots of the two latter plants
are used.
These plants are all of a pungent nature, especially the
a''skwane"'D9, and few persons can endure four appUcations of
the medicine. On account of its fieiy nature none of the liquid
is drunk by the patient, as the experuiient would be a dangerous
one. While applying the liquid the medicine man recites the final
formula and ends by blowing four times upon the patient, as already
Often a final song is added, veiy much like the one given in No. 42,
page 229.
Dalo*'ni v'nttlorio-'^^ a'Da'n^'wot'
yellow whenever they to cure anyone with
are ill
Dalo-'ni Gi;'!a
1 Dab-'ni
Gvlsi 1 9'"Dali'
Gu'!a 1
yellow put it into it
Qiq.), thou
put it into it lake
(liq.). thou
put it into it
(liq.), thou
Dalo'ni Gvlsi \
'ya" 9*'Dali
Dab-'ni Gu'!a Da'DtGale-'ya |
sharplyl lake
yellow put it into it <
(hq.), thou
;ome, thou, and
scatter it
Da'DtGale''ya |
Da'DtGalf'ya | Da'DtGale*'ya
1 Dab-'ni
Gu'*a 1 Dalo"'ni Gu'^a |
a'ma*'-yi gvIsl |
put it into it
(liq.), thou
water, Loc
Gu'Ja 1 'ya''
Dalo''ni Gi;'*a 1
water, Loc.
yellow put it into it
(liq.), thou
come, thou, and
scatter it
Da'DtGale-'ya ]
1 Da'DtGale*'ya (
This is the Treatment Whenever They are III with the
Put the Yellow into it (liq.) (bis).
Put the Yellow into the lake.
Put the Yellow into it (liq.). Sharply!
Put the Yellow into the lake.
Come, thou, and scatter it (four times).
Put the Yellow into it (liq.) (bis).
Put the Yellow into the water.
Put the Yellow into it (liq.). Sharply!
Put the Yellow into the water.
Come thou and scatter it (four times).
W. Dial. -tl->C. D. -ts-
oIbuIcIts] the swimmer MANUSCRIPT 205
This formula to cure navel Dalo'ni consists of a song of two verses,
with a short recitation after each verse. The medicine man merely
applies his hand, previously warmed near the fire, as described on
page 62.
If the treatment be successful, the effect is instantaneous and
the medicine man "can feel the pulsation caused by the disease
scattering under his touch." The medicine man recites the formula
and sings the song t^vice at each application, and the ceremony
is repeated four times before noon, and, if necessary, the treatment
is continued for as many successive days. There is nothing to
indicate what spirit is expected to effect the cure.
*t'a' u'ye-lo.'tsti' i;mtlQ'r)9*'.i^^
this it startles him whenever they are ill
GWea!a°' GWe!t!a°' GWelua""' GWelua"'
GWeUla"" GWe!i!a°' GWe^t'.a"' GW€!t!a°' 'ya"
This (is) for When They Become III Suddenly
Gwehiha (4 times).
Gwehiha (4 times). Yah!
This short song is to cure a fainting cramp, when the sudden
intense pain makes the patient fall down as if dead. In some cases,
the medicine man states, death actually follows instantaneously. It
might result from indigestion, heart trouble, or some other cause.
The song consists of a single word: GW€a!a° [which is but an adap-
tation of (a)Gwe't(stt)'a, "I have pain," to the meter of the melody.]
The treatment is equally simple: The medicine man applies his
hands, previously warmed over the fire, to the seat of pain, after
which he blows upon the spot. He repeats the song four times, and
the whole ceremony is performed four times before noon.
Di'kVnvGo.'sti !i'a' | ni;-'Gutlo°' Go°"t*oti' Gfsg-'.i
to cause it to come out this brier to be used with it has been, Hab
sGe" I 'a-'no-Gwo^' *a't*or)a-'nt'Ga' k'o-'lono"' Gf'oaGf'
Now then ha, now thou hast come to listen Raven red
Q9'Do*-GO"-'yt'-'Dzo Dttso'tlt'o^'tsti' I i;'sonu*'li DO'^'a^le'^orja' |
sun, dir., Loc, direction thou art staying quickly thou hast arisen facing us
«3W. Dial. -tl->C. Dial. -ts-.
Go^y'sti tsuDe"lttce"ti m'Ge's^'na' | asGt''no y'D'i'noytGWo"' 'tGe"'=
something it escapes thy (sight) never ghost it has been said, L. it which
se'°.i' u'lsGe-'oa 't'Duny'y'it^aiu'le'".!' | o^-'ta'li v'Do*no*'i-Gw5"'
is, App it important it which he has put under, App aoimal-ghost it has been said, L
^Gf'sf.i' l'1sG€''d9 'i.'Duni;-'y'lt'ant'le'°.i' I tsu'tlsta"'y'lti.-GWU-'Dt*n9'
it which is, App it important it which he has put under, App it is what thou catcst, L (=E), E
^G€-'se".i' I 'o°''^yo°"st'anfGa' | nso^-'yt'-Dza' e^'la'-w'i-'nt-Dfno'*'
it which is, App again thou hast come to night, Loc, direct earth, under, E
talJe it away
onono'-'i wt-De*'tsat'ano-"Qsr | i;so'!i ljq'd'q aDO*-i De'\o'°Iu'na-.9*\i
trail, Loc thither they lie stretched night yonder wood, Loc they mosses, T L.
L'jo''T)d wo^^sttGo'tianfGa' I tG9*'wul:st5/tt-G\v5^' | utst^'-na-
yonder thou hast gone there and who cares what happens to it, L. beyond it,
put it between (two)
wii-Gwo^' aDo^'nfGa'
stretched, L it has been said
SGe" I 'a'no'Gwo'^' 'o'°-'a't'9r)a"'m-Ga' k*o-'lano°' sa^'k^o'iii'
Now they ho, Now again, thou hast Raven blue
come to listen
i;''9DZ0"-yt"'-DZ9' Gal9"'ldf'-DZ9' Dttso'tlt'o't'str | *tDa"'"wea'-Di*n9'
cold, Loc, direction above direction thou art staying thou vrizard, E
lOoaD-j" tsunu-'lti iif'Ge'syna' | u'lsGe-'oa ^'Dunu''y't'art'le'°.i'
what thou failst never it important it which he has put under, App
tso'tlsta-'y'itt-GWo'^" *tGe-'s€-°.i' I iiiG9*\vaye"'lan5°"5°sG€-'sttGw5^^
what thou eatest (L) E it which is, App a likeness of it will remain, L
tsa'-'^losQ'' I i;so"iD9 m;'D9*n9''na | ntsi'-'nawu-Gwo''' aDo^'nt'Ga'
thou passed T L night-been it has not been said beyond it, stretched, L it has been said
Dt'k^anuGO.'sti u'a \ nu'^Gutla' G5""t'otr Ge-'sQ-.i' I nQ-'-
to cause it to appear this brier to be used with it it has been, Hab to
wo't'i-N'^" k*o*'sDu"'D9 Dalo''nt-G€''^' a'DZflo^'-ski' u'ltso'^'sti
cure with, and (Everlasting) yellow, -ish they have been flowers (vetch,
l^vStf'GQ, Dt'k'anO'lf'ye'Dr | uD0'*'t9GWUD9' aDS'^no'/i fGa-GWO^'
little it must be rubbed on them all day it has been said noon, H
t'G0^"'D9 I aG0''n9-GW0'^' Ga"'"kt^9*'D9 ayc'la'a'"'
as long as fasting, H it restricted only
This is to Scratch Them; A Brier Should Be Used With It
Now then! Ha, now tbou hast come to Usten, Red Raven; away
from here in the direction of the Sun Land thou art staying; quickly
thou hast arisen, facing us. Nothing ever escapes thy (sight).
It is merely what has become a ghost that has put the important
thing under him. It is merely what has become an animal ghost
that has put the important thing under him. But this is the very
thing thou eatest. Thou hast once more come to take it away as
thou goest along. The trails lie stretched for thee under the very
earth, away toward the Night Land. Thou hast gone and put it
between (a crevice) in the forests of the Night Land, where moss
grows. Who cares what happens to it! Relief has been caused.
Now then! Ha, now thou too hast come to listen, Blue Raven.
Thou art staying on high, in the direction of the Cold Land. Thou
oIbrechts] the swimmer MANUSCRIPT 207
powerful wizard, what (is there) thou ever failest in? The important
thing, which he ^* has put under him, is the very thing thou eatest.
Only a likeness of it will be left, when thou will have passed. (And)
not for a night (only, but forever). Relief indeed has been caused.
This is to scratch them. A brier should be used with it. And to
cure (them) "with, common everlasting (with the) yellow flowers, (and)
little vetch are to be rubbed on them, "All day" has been said, but
as long as noon (is) merely (meant). Fasting is the only restriction.
This formula is used for scratching with a brier, preparatory to
rubbing on the medicine, in cases of local pains and muscular cramps
and twitching. The patient is said also to dream of game and
Ailments of this class are ascribed to the influence of revengeful
deer ghosts, possibly because the deer, Uke the horse and the cow,
has a habit of nervously twitching the muscles while standing. The
hunter always took care to ward off the evil results, by asking pardon
of the slain deer according to a set formula, after having Idlled it.
[These formulas are now no longer known. There are even many
medicine men who have never heard about them. It is easy to
understand that this kind of fonnula would soon fall into desuetude
and oblivion \^'ith the extinction of the deer. (Cf. further Mooney,
Myths, pp. 263-264.)]
The raven is invoked because it is accustomed to feed upon the
offal left by the hunter after cutting up the game. [For the same
reason the raven is mentioned in some of the hunting formulas,
''because," as an informant told me, "he is as anxious to point out
the deer to us as we are to shoot it, because he knows that he will
get the guts (of the shot animal)."]
The formula is recited by the medicine men after each round of
scratching while standing over the patient, and holding the cup
containing the medicine in his uplifted hand. Having finished the
formula, he brings the cup slowly down with a spiral circuit, after
the manner a raven descends, imitating at the same time the raven's
cry, k'a* k'a* k'a* k*a", until he puts the cup to the lips of the patient,
who then takes a drink of the medicine.
The scratching is done with a stout piece of brier, ny'GutB"',
Smilax glauca Walt., saw brier, having thorns about the size of
large rose thorns. The medicine which is rubbed into the scratches
consists of a warm infusion of k'o*'sDu''D9, Gnaphalium obtusifolium L.,
common everlasting; ultso*'"sti u'stt^'aa, Vicia carolinianaW edt., vetch.
^* The disease spirit.
7548°— 32 15
[Bull. 99
The scratching is performed and the medicine applied four times
before noon. The treatment lasts but a single morning and the only
diet rule observed is that the patient fasts until the whole performance
is over.
[The last sentence but one illustrates in an interesting manner
how in this case an error in writing the directions down was corrected :
The medicine man had written that "fasting was to be observed ail
day," but corrects this statement later on by saying that he only
means "until noon," i. e., until after the completion of the final
a nme" dzi
their breast
GO*'t'tski' aDa'n^'wo'tT
it swells (Hab) to cure anyone with
\a!f.' (7 times)
SGe" 1
DtDy-'tt'o^tsti' u1sG6''d9 1 u'sonu'-li D3-'=
Now then
lake, big, Loc
he is staying it important
quickly he
i' 1 y^sonu*
'li Di;ni;-V*t'ant'le*°.i'
has arisen, facing
us, App
quickly he has put it under,
stA't'oqa-'nfGa' ng-Do-'-yi
Now then
ha, now
you two have come sim, Loc
to listen
you two are staying
SttDa''"wea'-GO"Ga' 1 Q'^Dal-
-e*'Gw5" D0"^=
you two men
you two little
you 2 wizards, E lake big he
i;*lsGe*'D8 1
i;'soni;*'li De-'t'^tsto'ttt'anfGa'
ylsGe-'na 1
has arisen, facing
us, App
it important
quickly you two have come to
put him on his (legs)
it important
he started from, direction
*9"sti' ntGe"'sona' |
10 De*'Dt)D9'N!e'h(Dt^^'^)se"sti'
it will be done so for him
continuously along
it to look back
trail(s), Loc thither, they lie stretched
I no°'Gi' t-ya-y^-lnaGi' ayo''w€-s3-tlQ"'Ds'"
four successive glimpsy (sights) he rested
you two will push him along
as you go
he started L T
9- =
"^ wt'-t'tsto'tlt'aDtnQ-t^am-Ga' na'na" wt-Di;-'lt'o't'st'nnt'Ga'
thither, you two have come to make
him jump
he to look back
!t"a a'ntnf'ozi
this their breast
ni-Ge" S9*na
'a -na na
ha, there
there, he has come to stay
there, he will continue to stay
it swells, Hab.
to cure anyone with
Dt Dl
they (sol.) to
be put down
it is
55 W. Dial, form; C. Dial. Q-tsV.
55a Interpolation by W; see p. 4.
Olbeechts] the swimmer MANUSCRIPT 209
This is the Medicine (for) When Their Breast Swells
Yuha-ahi (7 times).
Sharply !
Now then! the important thing is staying in the great lake.
Quicldy it has arisen, facing us. Quickly he ^^ has put it under (the
Now then! Ha, now you two have come to listen, you two little
men, you two powerful wizards ; in the sun land you two are staying.
From the great lake the important thing has arisen facing this way.
Quicldy you two have forced the important thing to get on its feet.
His paths lie stretched toward the direction from where he started
and he shall never look back again. As he stops to rest at the four
successive gaps, it will happen to him that, roughly indeed, you two
will push him along as you go by. You two have caused him to
plunge back again into the very same lake from which he arose.
There he is now lodged to stay. He will never look back. Right
there he is compelled to stay. Sharply!
This is the medicine (for when) their breast swells. Fire is not
to be put down, however.
[This formula has been edited with notes and comments by Mr.
Mooney in his SFC, pp. 364-365.1
The onl}^ facts of interest which I found in Mooney 's notes which
v/ere not incorporated in the paper just mentioned are that Da'kwa=
Dul, to cure the same ailment, used a warm infusion of the following
herbs :
DtGa''y'so*r)i', Collinsonia canadensis L., rich weed, stone root,
horse balm; fna'Do° GaN^oa', Camptosorus rhizophyllus (L.) Links,
walking leaf; skwo*'l i;*'t'^ono', Asarum canadense L., asarabacca,
wild ginger; skwo'lystr'aa, Hepatica acutiloba DC, Uverleaf.
This infusion he applied four times before noon for four successive
mornuigs, giving the patient some of the liquid to drink each time to
cause vomiting. The whole plant was used, excepting in the case of
the DtGa-'y's9-r)i', of which either the root or leaf might be taken.
^^ The disease-spirit.
't'a' Du-'iu'tstalo-'.i Dt'k'ariQ-'wo'tT |
this whenever they have to cure them with
(a) sGe" I no'Gwo^' Vt'9r)a*'nt'Ga' kVnanu'sti ts'AsU*'Ga
Now then now thou hast come to listen Frost thou Little
Gal^-'ldi tso'tlt'o^'tsti' | 'iDcf'"we'i'-Go*Ga' Go'u'sti tsuni^-'lti
above thou art staying thou wizard, E something thou failest
niGe-'sQ-na' | i^'soni^-'li iiQ'no' 'tkso-"o"*t*a'm*Ga' | 'a'-u'Dtle^'GiGwo^'
never quickly trail thou hast caused it ha, Heat
to come down
5 Gese.i' i;1sG€"'d9 't'DunfV'it'am'le.i' I 'a'\-t;sanu''li i;k*o"ata^
it is, App. it important it which he has put under, App. ha, quickly fog
ts*Astf'Ga t'l'suldo'HVnfGa' utst^-nawu-Gwo"^' nv^DdVaiiQ''Dd
thou little thou hast come to make him beyond it, stretched L (=E) it has been said
get up simultaneously
thou hast come to do it for him
(b) (Exactly as (a) hit change k'a'nanu'sti ts'Astt'Ga and
Frost thou Little
uk*o"ata^ ts'Astf'ca to k'ananu'sti ^e'^G\vii\--yv and uk'o"ata^
Fog thou Little Frost thou Big, E Fog
10 'e*'G\vu'f-yu', respectively.)
thou Big, E.
It'a Di;"'nt"tstalo*'.r Dt'k'ano*'wo't'r [ !t'a' no"'wo*t'i' didzo''=
This whenever they have to cure them with this to cure with it must be
t*a.e''ti-GWO''' I (i;'nfGf'Da Ga'a'tk'^O no.tst-''i tSi;'''ye'GO"'.i
blown on them, L (chinquapin) pine(s), Loe where it (Hab) j
tsi;'staGa"yo*'Da tsi;'Gwalo-Go'!i tsuGwa'NHoti' tsi'ki | no^'ci'
they are dry they have been leaves they are stuck in with it it which is four
Ga"'kt'9"'Do I y'Dtle^'Gi | a'ma' | wa'ctGu-N!*?' | rya' |
restricted hot salt pumpkin(s), and melon (s)
15 t'yya' I nu*'n5° tsa'nmo'f'Dg | nf'na tsa'iiiSa'Gwal^"'.!' |
bean(s) potato(es) they are long potato(es) they are round
tsuwe*'*tst-N!?'' I ntGa-'D9 Ga*'GUma' | Goyf'sti I a'lU-
eggs, and all cucumber watermelon (s) on-
sp'rji I mGa*'D8 Dy'ndfw"sko"'-r)\vo'^^ t'Go^''D8
ions all they recover, L (E) as long as
This is to Treat Them With When They Have Blisters
Now then! Now tlioii hast come to listen, thou Little Frost, thou
art staying on high. Thou powerful wizard, thou never failest in
anything. Quicldy thou hast caused the trails to come down. It
is only Heat that put the important thing under him. Ha, quickly
thou hast come. Little Fog, to lift him up. Relief has been caused
forthwith, thou hast come to do it for him.^^
57 Interpolation by J. M. ^^ For the patient.
(b) Same as (a), but change ''Little Frost" and "Little Fog" to
"Very Great Frost" and "Very Great Fog," respectively.
This is to treat them mth when they have bhsters. This is the
medicme which is to be merely blown on them: Chinquapin growing
in the pine forests, the leaves of which are dry and crumbhng while
they are still on the plants. (During) four (days) are restricted:
Hot (food), salt, cymlings also, pumpkins, beans, long potatoes,
round potatoes, eggs also, all (kinds of) cucumbers, watermelons,
muskmelons, all (these are forbidden) until they get well.
This formula is for the treatment of the burning and festering
"fever bhsters," which according to the medicine men are worst in
the hottest part of summer and upon children. The disease theory
is beautifully set forth in the formula as well as in the dii'ections.
The disease is caused by the spirit of Heat, and is expelled by the
spirits of Frost and Fog, both coohng in then- nature, k^a'nanu'sti,
the name here given to the frost, is used only in the formulas, [and
seems to be connected with the V-nanuGO "that which opens up"],
the common word for frost being i;'yo"'tla.
As for the treatment, through carelessness the medicine man has
omitted the leading word of the name of the simple used, but there is
not the slightest doubt but that it is the same as the medicinal plant
prescribed in No. 23, page 200; the ceremony is also probably the
same as described under the prescription just quoted.
The taboo, besides the regularly proscribed items of salt and hot
food for four days, includes until final recovery : Beans and potatoes,
because their skins shrivel up as from an inward heat; eggs, melons,
etc., because these are watery in their nature.
The medicine men recognize a relationship iu tomatoes, pumpkins,
squashes, cymlings, gourds, cucumbers, and melons on account of the
watery fluid they contain.
Several of the [vegetables] named have been adopted by the
Indians from the whites, and are included [in the taboo] because of
their resemblance to others previously laiown.
The avoidance of any such vegetables in all cases of bhsters is a
matter of common knowledge among the people; an infraction of any
part of the taboo would interfere with recovery and would lead to a
recurrence of the ailment.
DfDa'nuGo'str i;G9-'wutli' | t'na'Do" k*ayi;''Ga Go°"ti
to scratch tliem (indef.) for the purpose snake tooth to use
k'u yvla'li- jvlafli- yvlsi'lf yvWU-
Come on!
yvlofu yvlsiu' yvlafW yvlofh'
T>v: Bv: Dv: bv: bv.
5 sGe" Galg-'ldi Dt'tsune-'tlano''''i | k*o-'la tsime*'Go° De'*ats=
Now then above thou hast apportioned them bone (s) thou white thou hast
o'5°'t'a'nfGa' I tsuye''lQ-yi ^^ Ges9*' De''ust'a'nfGa' i;tst"=
come to let them the body Loc. it is, T. L. thou hast come to stick beyond it
down them (I.) in it
nawa' tsi;*'Do*no°'*i |
stretched they have been said
a'msku'ya anCcaGe^ am'lo*i' | uIisgc'do" a^insula'Tido*t'a'=
they men they red they have passed it important they have come to lift
nfGa' I a^ntskii'ya ant'GaGe*'" ant^loH' | i;"lisGe''Do°
it up as they men they red they have passed it important
they go by
10 aiit'sula'ndD't'a'ni'Ga' | *ya*
they have come to lift it up as sharply
they go by
(This is) for the Purpose of Scratching People, Using the
Snake Tooth with it
Come on! Yuhahi (4 times).
Yuhahi (4 times),
du: du: du: du: du.
Now then! On high, thou hast apportioned them. Thou hast
come to let the white bones down. Where the body is. thou hast
come to stick them ^° into. ReUefs have been caused.
The Red Men have passed.
They have come to hft the important thing up as they go by.
The Red Men have passed.
They have come to hft the important thing up as they go by. Sharply!
This formula is for the same purpose as No. 25, with the same
ceremony and appUcation. It has as a tliird part the song referred
to on page 231.
The "Red Men" mentioned may be the Thunderers.
[The peculiar form: amsulando't'ani'Ga is only used in songs,
and has a syllable infixed without any apparent semantic value
^° Emendation by editor, instead of se'lg'yi (no meaning).
^0 The white bones, the rattlesnake's teeth.
(-an-); this is probably done to adapt the word to the meter of the
song. The word, in common speech, is pronounced : antsuldo't^anfoa.
Another instance of this same process is: e'lanti instead of e"ldi.]
i;'ntDZi*'ya DrDa'n9''wo"tT
they (are) worms to cure them (indef .) with
SGe '
now then
ha! now
'a't'Qr)a-'m-Ga' ^t^Gayg-'^h tsune''Go°
thou hast come to listen thou old female thou white
e-l-DWe''istos9-'qwo" ''tGe'se'^.i' | yo"si;wa' skane-'la
clay it has pain L. that which is, App. • weakness(?) it is pregnant(?)
I 'a'-no- °Gwo^'
ha! now
thou wizard— E.
(a) SGe'
now then
thou white
i;HlaWO-tu th ^^
where the mud is
solid in it
made thee look at it as
thou wentst by
u'lsGe''D5° 'I'Dunf'y't'ant'le- °.i'
it important that which he put under
it, App.
G6Se*'° I ts'Askwo-'li
it is, App. thy stomach
they have done
it so for thee, App.
thou hast done it
for him
I *a'no'Gwo"'
ha! now
thou hast come to listen
Galo'ldi tso'tlto't'sti
above thou art staying
GeS9"'i e''Dzakso-"5°'t'a'nfGa' |
it is, T. L. they have let thee down as
they went by
GuWl. SGuWl
I *a*'i;sonv'li
ha! quickly
y^sony'H De''=
quickly they
L Ge'Se*" .1
that which
is, App.
t ang" do'
at the same
'aGQSiiny'yH'anfca' | i;tsf'ya=Gwo^''
thou hast come stuck thy bill worm, L.
under it as thou wentst by
t'a-'ses5^fGa' I tsu'tlsta*'y'ti=
thou hast come to it for thy food,
pull it out
De-'GaDam'so.'t'antGa' ^^ u'k9W€''D8=
it shall bury itself in it as it goes by craving(?)
utsi^'nawa' ni;''d9= lo
beyond it stretched it has
been said
a likeness of it will remain L.
it has happened so
(6) SGe"
tsune"'G5° 7
thou white
(C) SGe"
thou hast come
to listen
ha! now
(. . . etc., and add:)
Dt'Da'n9"'wo"tT *t'a'
to cure them (iadef.) this
thou hast come
to listen
beyond it stretched, L.
I n9-'wo-t't-NJ5°'
to cure with, and
Mud Snipe (?)
it has been said
blood, like
tsiine-'Go". . .
thou white
I y'ntDZf'ya 15
they (are)
it is a flower
Dt i;Dl
to give
them to
a su'yi
it mixed
with it
Ge'SO. 1
it has
been, H.
tG9- yi
Dt uDl
to give
them to
to cure him
with it
they must be rubbed, L.
81 W. Dial, form; C. Dial.: u^sawo'tu'tli.
*2 This word is queried by J. M. in his transliteration of Ay.'s original.
This (is) to Treat Them with (for) Worms
No\r then! Ha, now thou hast come to Hsten, thou Old White
One. The body has been made very painful; it is pregnant with
(a) Now then! Ha, now thou hast come to listen, thou Wliite
Bittern, thou real \\'izard, staying on high. Ha, quickly they have come
to let thee down to where the marsh is. Quickly they have made thee
look at it, as thou wen tst by. Thou hast come to stick thy bill under it.
The important thing which he has put imder him is merely a worm.
Thou hast come to pull it out; it is indeed the very thing thou eatest.
It shall bury itself into thy stomach; they have made thee insatiable
(?). It has happened so; relief has been caused at the same time;
thou hast come and done it for him; ^^ only a mere likeness of it ^^
will remain.
(6) Now then! Ha, now thou hast come to listen, thou White
Sandpiper, etc.
(c) Now then! Ha, now thou hast come to listen, thou White
Mud Snipe, etc.
(And add at end:) Relief has been caused.
This (is) to treat them ^\ith (for) wonns. To treat A\Tth, Indian
pink, mixed mth honey, should be given them to drink. First it
should be given them to drink, then it should merely be rubbed on
This fonnula, which seems to have lost [its fourth paragraph], is
for the treatment of intestinal worms. These betray their presence
by the following symptoms: yellowness of the patient's skin, redness
of the fingertips, fever and diarrhea.
The medicine is a decoction of Gf'GaGe*" a'DZt'lo°'sld\ Spigelia
marilandica L., Indian pink, sweetened with honey, to be drunk both
night and morning for four days, or until the worms are dislodged.
If this result shoidd not follow \nthin that period, the medicine man
tries a different medicine or concludes that the sickness is due to
some other cause.
In applying the treatment, the medicine man first gives the medi-
cine to the patient to drink, then warms his hands over the fire, while
addressing "the Old White One," and then rubs the abdomen of the
patient with his hands thus warmed, reciting in the meanwhile the
second part of the formula, addressed to the bird. The final rub
with both hands is in a downward direction, along the abdomen,
typical of the downward passage of the expelled worms. In conclu-
sion, he blows four times upon the stomach of the sick man. The
83 The patient. " The disease.
blowing is also from the breast downward along the abdomen.
The whole operation should be repeated fom- times at each treat-
ment, but as the formula as here given consists of but three parts, it
seems probable [that a fourth paragraph has been lost in the course
of time].
While under treatment the patient only drinks soup or the decoc-
tion, but no water, which for some reason unexplained is beheved to
bring the worms to life again, when they are said to be more trouble-
some than at first. Eggs are tabooed for the same reason, and ail
greasy food is prohibited.
The formula opens with a short address to the Fire, ''The Old
White One," in which the medicine man declares that the patient's
body, spoken of under the figurative term of "clay," is filled with
pain, and pregnant with yo"suwa' a word which the medicine men
can not now explain [but which is very probably connected with
do^'su, "weak"].
The word for worms u^nmzf'ya (sgl. uDZf'ya) is also applied to the
common earthworm, which renders pecuHarly appropriate the use of
the figurative term "clay" to designate the body.^^
After having addressed the Fire, while warming his hands the
medicine man goes on to invoke various long-billed swamp birds,
which feed upon worms, telling each in turn to put his bill into the
muddy ooze and pull out the intruder, which "is just what you eat."
In this case the mythic color of the birds is white, which is not to be
understood as their actual color.
[Og. told Mr. Mooney that he used a similar formula but a slightly
different prescription to cure this ailment; in addition to Indian pink
he used um'skwuDo"' tsi;nstt''Ga (small buckeye). This does not grow
on the Cherokee Reservation, but somewhere in Tennessee, and only
one old medicine man, i;'sa'wi(?), who lived about 15 years ago, knew
where to find it, and was sent for it whenever it was needed. No
informant was able to identify the plant during my stay in 1926-27.]
ct'a' Gananv'GO'tstD^"'!! i;ne'*tsta''n€!i yt'ki a'na'np'wo'tT |
this it appears about, H they have pain, if it is to cure anyone with
SGe" I V-no-"GWO^' 'a't'^qa'nfGa' tsfya' wo-'ttGe'"'
Now, then! hal now thou hast come to listen Otter brown
u'^QDZo-'-yf-Dzo"' Ditso'tlt'o*tsti I so'Gwo'"^ De-'nutsGo'tlant'Ga' |
cold. Loo, direction thou art staying one thou and I have become one
^^ E'luWe'tstosoM may be a contraction of: e"la (=clay) iiwe'tstosoM (it has been
made painful), as Mr. Mooney interprets it. During my stay no medicine man
was able to give any information on this expression, nor did anyone remember
whether the body was ever referred to by this metaphor. None of the myths
throw any light on the question. I am inclined to believe that the e'l- prefix is
not an abbreviation of e"la, clay, but a contamination of aye'lo", body.
i^^sony'li D0"'t'a^l€''9i]a' | ^Da'"'*we!i' Go'usti tsuiiu"'Hi m'=
quickly thou hast arisen, thou wizard something thou failest never
facing us
Ge"S9*Da' I i;-lsGe"'D.o° u'Danf'y't'ant'le'^.i' | asof'no i''do'=
it important he has put it under, ghost it has
no'°a-GWO^' Ge-Se-°.i' a^le i;-'y-tGaWe-'sld Di;'Da-N!t'e-"lo!i yt'ki |
been said, L it is, App and different he speaks, H he has thought if it is
sGe" I no*"Gwo°' t't'nase'so^'Ga' | i;so'-!i nQno-^'i wt'-De-=
now now thou and I come night, traU, Loc yonder
then! to pull it out Loc
5Dy'tan9"o°'si' j usi)!'! ljq-^'bq 9'Dali e'Gwo'-i wo'°'-t't't'3't'st'a=
they lay themselves night, yonder lake big, Loc yonder thou hast
for him Loc
m.Ga' I tGQ'wulsto.'ti-Gwu'-Dt-na' | i;tst"na\vu-Gv>'o^'
come to what its worth, L (=E) E beyond it stretched
put it
it will be said con-
This (is) the Medicine, if They Have (Pains) Appearing About
IN Different Places
Now then! Ha, now thou hast come to Hsten, Brown Otter; in the
direction of the Cold Land thou art staying. Thou and I have
become united as one, quickly thou hast arisen. Thou wizard, thou
never failest in anything. It is merely what has become a ghost that
has put the important thing under him,^^ or maybe a speaker of evil
(words) has caused it.
Now then! Now thou hast come to pull it out. The paths lay
themselves out toward the Night Land. Thou and I have come to
put it at rest in the Great Lake, away in the Night Land. Who
cares what happens to it! Relief will be caused continuously!
This is another formula for the cure of aye''ltGo*'Gi or simulator-
diseases, and the general ceremony is the same as already described.
(See p. 73.)
The medicine used is a warm infusion of the roots of tso''liyy'sti
i;'ntkw't'e''no'*, Verhascum thapsus L., common muUein; Gf'GaGf^
a'DZflo'^'ski, Lobelia cardinalis L., cardinal flower; and of the bark of
ttseJi, Alnus rugosa (Du Roi) Spreng., smooth alder.^^
The cup containing the infusion is placed on the floor upon a piece
of cloth, about 6ne or two yards in length, together with four beads —
red, blue, black, and white. The cloth [and the beads] are kept by
the medicine man as his pay after the ceremony.
60 The patient.
"' Another specimen v/as identified as Alnus serrulata Willd.
Having recited the prayer, the medicine man takes a sup of the
Hquid, and applying his hps to the sore spot, sucks the place and then
discharges the liquid from his mouth into another empty bowl kept
ready for the purpose. This is repeated four times, after which the
medicine man examines the liquid in the bowl to find the intrusive
object which has caused the trouble. When found it is carefully
hidden away as already described. (No. 3, p. 173.)
If necessary, the whole ceremony is repeated four times before
noon, by which time, the medicine man asserts, the hidden coal,
splinter, or pebble is always brought to light and relief accomplished.
Ii'a' Dalo"'ni Dt'ksto.ti'
this yellow to make them
sGe" I 'a-'no-Gwo^' Vt'grja-'ni-Ga' tcf'ste* Dalo-'ni' t^Da-'"=
now then! ha! now thou hast come to rat yellow thou
wea'-yu' | SGe" | *a'no*"Gw5^' a'N'owa'ci i;ne*'GO° De''Ala.=
wizard, E now then! ha! now cloth white thou hast
st'^t'ant'Ga' I no"Gwo"' Dalo-'ni *o°'-tV-'seso't*Ga' | *a^no-"Gwo°'
come to put thy now yellow again-thou hast come ha! now
feet on it to pull it out
9*'°Dal-e-Gwo'!-i i-yg-'^na wo''"-t*utlGO*'t't*a'nfGa' *iDa-'"w€*t'-Dt-n8'
lake, big, Loc yonder yonder thou hast come to thou wizard, E
scatter it
utst'^nawa' ng'DtSGe'sti' 'ya"
beyond it he wOl say con- Sharplyl
stretched tinuously
*tV DaIo*'ni Dt'ksto.ti^ um^kwa'-N'S"" suly'yf-luGa' a't'tse'^i
this yellow to make them (±black gum), and swampy laurel (red alder)
vomit tree thicket
u'uyu'Gtto^' i;''nali'Go!a°' aT>e''h no'°'ki' tyy'nGDale-'Gi
(hazelnut) they together beads four they are so many
a'niDalo*'nt-Ge'°' a'ntGaGe''^ a^ntGo"naGe^ u'ntn€*'GO°
they yellow, like they red they black they white
This (is) to Make them Vomit Bile
Now then! Ha, now thou hast come to listen. Weasel, thou pow-
erful wizard.
Now then ! Ha, now thou hast come to put thy feet upon the white
cloth. Now thou hast come and puUed out the bile. Ha, now thou
hast come to take it far away, and to scatter it in the Great Lake.
Thou art a wizard indeed. Relief has been caused. Sharply!
This (is) to make them vomit bile. Black gum, white alder, red
alder, hazelnut (are used) aU together. Beads, as many as four
different kinds: YeUow ones, red ones, black ones, white ones.
This formula is used for a form of Dab*'ni in which the whole
abdominal region becomes swollen and painful, while the patient
loses appetite and becomes unable to retain food in his stomach.
The medicine man invokes the weasel, called by the Cherokee
"yellow rat, " tcrste'Dzi, here abbreviated to tcfste* being the generic
name for rats, mice, and weasels. Here again we have the color
correspondence between the disease and the curing spirit.
The medicine man induces vomiting to dislodge the bile, by giving
the patient to drink a warm decoction of the inner bark of the four
small trees named i;ni'*kwa, Nyssa multiflora Wang, black gum;
sulu'yilGa, Clethra acuminata Michx.,^^ white alder; a't'tse'!i (or
itse'U), Alnus rugosa (Du Roi) Spreng., red alder; i^'yu'cma',
Corylus americana Walt., hazelnut.
It will be noted that the inner bark of all these trees has a peculiar
yellowish color, this again carrying out the theory of color sym-
bohsm .
The medicine man first recites the formula and then gives the
patient a drink of the medicine. This is repeated four times, after
which he allows the patient to drink as much of the decoction as
he can swallow. The whole ceremony and appUcation is performed
four times before noon.
After the patient has drunk the decoction the medicine man
"takes him to the water"; he gives the sufferer some wann water
to drink, which causes him to vomit the bile, after which he finds
relief. This vomiting sometimes weakens the patient considerably,
so that the medicine man has to give him some sour corn gruel
"k*a'no'e''na" to drink, to keep up his strength. Although not
noted in the manuscript, it is probable that the medicine man ad-
dresses some formula to the "Long Man" (as in No. 15, p. 190) and
that the beads mentioned are used only at this part of the ceremonj^
The beads are deposited on a piece of cloth and the whole is taken
after the ceremony by the medicine man as his fee. The yellow
bead typifies the disease, the red denotes the powerful spirit which
conquers it, the black signifies the great lake in the Night Land
into which the disease spirit is cast, and the white is emblematic
of the happiness which comes with recovery.
[It is deemed necessary to draw attention to the fact that as a
rule medicine men are unable to explain the symbolism of the beads
and of their colors as is here done by Mr. Mooney.j
*8 Another specimen was identified as Hydrangea acuminata Small.
Da'mne*'su'GQ-' a'Da^ng-'wo'tT
whenever they have to cure anyone with
them drooping
now then ha! now
i;'s5ni;"'li akski'
quickly evening
tSQ-'N'ili'Ga' 1
he has come and
hit thee
he passed
Galo'H Gah'li Galo'!i
1 'a'-uSoni;*'li
hal quickly
enemy— L
it is, App
ts9-'N!tthl£-°.i' ^° Galo'^i
he has hit thee, App. he passed
Galo'H Galo'!i
(This is) the Treatment When They Have Them Drooping
Now then! Ha, now swiftly the enemy has come and hit thee. He has passed
by (four times) .
Ha, it is but the enemy (who) swiftly came and hit thee, it seenris. He has
passed by (four times) .
This formula is for the same purpose as No. 10 and is very smiilar
to it; the treatment also is about the same. The medicine man
recites the first paragraph, and then rubs into the eyes of the patient
a little of the itse'H (Alnus rugosa (Du Roi) Spreng. ; also Alnus serrulata
Willd., alder) infusion, the bark being used, after which he blows
into the eyes, holding the eyelids apart as he does so.
The same is done after the recitation of the second paragraph, and
the whole ceremony is repeated two or four times.
Dn€'\sta*'ne"ltDo!9"' i;G9"'wiitli' !t'a'
whenever they have pain about for the purpose this
(a) SGe" I 'a'no'"Gwo'' Vt^Qija-'m'Ga' awo'^a'^li' wo*'ttGe*'°
now then! ha! now thou hast come to listen Eagle brown
*aGal9'ldt"-DZ9 tsD'ttt^o't'sttDe'Ga' a'na t3i;''staD0'*Gi iyQ*°'D8 I
hal above, direction thou art staying, moving about wood they are tops yonder
thou wizard, E
been said, L
asGt" no
V DD no"a-Gwo
it is, App
GW5°' tsu'ttsta*y"itt-Gwo''
L (=E) it (is) for they food L (=E)
t'ang-'^Do no'^"t'9*ne*'lfGa'
been said at the thou hast done it for him
same time
(6) SGe" I 'a'no-^Gwo"'
Gese-'^i' (o°')^i talu-'Do'-
it has been said, L. it is, App animal-ghost, it has
i;'sonu''li ^'''y^'st'ant'Ga' | tsutse''lt-
thou hast come to
take it away
I utst^'nawe-Gwo"^'
beyond it stretched, L.
I tsu" I tsu"
Gese" "1
it is, App
I tsu''
it (is) thine,
it has
I tsu"
. {etc\
™ Correction by editor; instead of tsgNumle"!, an evident slip of the pen.
^1 Emendation by editor.
(c) sGe" I *a'no'"Gwo^' ^a't'oqa-'nt'Ga' uwo^'a'^li' o"'na=
Eagle black
Ge-° . . . (etc.)
(d) SGe" j Vno*"Gwo" V't*9r)a'm-Ga' uwo"a"ir tsunc--'=
Eagle thou white
Ga° . . . (etc.)
5 DVsv^'Ga tsi»-'nt'8*no°' | Du*si;"Ga tsu-'nsti*'Ga a-'^skwa=
Oaurel) they are tall (laurel) they are little (Indian poke)
ne'Do"' n9"\vo't'i' | €""wso!i Dtk'a'nuGo/sto.tr
to cure with (Fetter Bush) to scratch them with
This (is) for the Purpose of It, Whenever They Have Pain
IN Different Places
(a) Now, then! Ha, now thou hast come to listen, Brown Eagle.
Ha, thou art staying, moving about, yonder in the treetops.
Thou art a powerful wizard. It is only what has become a ghost
(that has put the important thing under him); it is only what has
become an animal ghost (that has put the important thing under
him). Quicldy thou hast come to carry it off. It is thine; it is thy
food. Relief has happened at the same time. Thou hast come to
m.ake it so for him.^^
Tsuh! {4 times).
(b) Now, then! Ha, now thou hast come to listen, Blue Eagle
(etc.) . . .
(c) Now, then! Ha, now thou hast come to listen, Black Eagle
(etc.) . . .
(d) Now, then! Ha, now thou hast come to listen, thou White
Eagle (etc.) . . .
Great laurel, mountain laurel, Indian poke (are) to treat (them)
with; fetter bush (leaves) to scratch them with.
Another formula for the treatment of shifting pains. (No. 33, p.
215.) It consists of four paragraphs addressed to the eagles. The
medicine consists of a warm infusion of the leaves of Dvsu^'Ga tsi;*'nt*8=
n5°\ RhododcTidron maximum L., great laurel; DuSL»"Ga tsi;nstt"'Ga,
Kalmia latifolia L., mountain laurel, calico bush, spoonwood;
a'^^skwane-'na, Veratrum viride Ait., American white hellebore,
Indian poke, making a very pungent application, which is rubbed
upon the sore spot by the medicine man, after having scratched the
skin with the prickly serrated edge of a bunch of the leaves : e'"wso'*i,
Leucothoe catesbaei (Walt.) Gray, fetter bush.
7» The patient.
The medicine man scratches only over the aching part, no matter
how small it may be, and repeats the operation and the application
at each spot in turn as the pain shifts about, until it disappears, or,
as the medicine man says, "until the important thing is driven out."
When the pain extends over a larger area, as over a whole side of
the body, the whole surface is scratched.
Each paragraph of the formula is recited while rubbing on the
medicine, and at the end the m.edicine man imitates four times the
cry of the e,agie: tsuh, tsuh, tsuh, tsuh, after which he blows four
times upon the spot. The ceremony is repeated four times before
noon for four mornings, the scratching being performed only at the
first application each day.
n^-wo-t'i' kVno^^e(!a°^3) 'tj^' nalo-'ni ya^ndfk'o'!a°
to cure with it tells this yellow if they urinate
tSDVaDf-'na ustr'aa | so.\-n'5°' y't'uno"' tsu'wanu-'na
they have arteries, it small other, and tall they have arteries,
sinews sinews
Gu*'lstan5!t-Gwo^^ iiGa*'n9wa' Ge'.SQ.'i | uDO^'toGWUDo"' u'n-
It has been steeped, L. warm it has been, H. all day they must
dt't'a.sti' I no^'ki' Ga-kt'Q-'°Da a-ma' uGa''n8wu-N'3°'
drink it four restricted salt warm-and
This Tells (About) What to Treat (Them) with if They
Urinate Yellow
Small sinews and the other (kind:) Large sinews should merely be
steeped warm; they must drink it all day. Four (days) restricted:
Salt and warm (food).
[It appears from Mr. Mooney's notes that this prescription is one
of those which Ay. obtained from u-'tlanQ-'^ng. (See p. 3.) Ay.
copied them in his book, but in some cases did not get the oral direc-
tions along with them, so that in several instances he was not able to
tell Mr. Mooney any more than the written formulas or prescriptions
actually contained. (See p. 157.)]
In this case the patient drinks a warm infusion of the herbs named
and abstains from salt and hot food during the period of the treatment,
viz, four days.
^ Interpolated by editor.
[Bull. 99
i;*'ndfksti' yu'nulstuN!€"'!a° ng'wo't'i'
other, and
they (are) red
they to
urinate with
this here — L
go' Ik WO -ci'
if they are stopped up
to them
they (1.) to be put
to cure
it must
nQ"'''DOGwt*' ya
Ges^. 1
it has been,
(This is) to Treat (Them) With, if They have Their Urinary
Passages Stopped up
And this one right here is another one also: But seven red sourwood
twigs should be put along with the rest into (the infusion).
This is likewise a prescription against a urinary trouble but against
one of a different order, viz, suppression of the urine. A warm infusion
of the same simples as those prescribed in the previous recipe is to
be made, but in addition, seven sourwood twigs are to be added to
the other ingredients.
[It is clear why the sourwood twigs, ng'^DO'Gwc^'ya, Oxydendrum
arboreum, (L.) DC. (also Nyssa sylvatica Marsh) are chosen to effect
relief: the disease is thought to be caused by the urinary passages
being twisted, kinked, coiled, clogged up; the smooth, even twdgs are
considered the very best means to restore them to their original
straight, smooth condition.
Sourwood twigs are also the favorite material for making arrow
o'^^'naGe-"' a
black tc
cure anyone with
'a:y^' 1
SGe" 1
Day6*'n9 1
(Excl.) now then!
ha! roughly
he comes
towards us
1 D aye- 'no
he wizard
1 Daye-'no
wood, Loc
Dayc-'na |
beyond it
ho holds in
his hands
it will be said
oIbrechts] the swimmer MANUSCRIPT 223
(b) 'a:yt' I sGe" I 'a'GQ°tsa'Go° Daje-'na I Day€-'n9 |
(Excl.) now then! ha! roughly he comes
toward us
aDa''"\Ve!i' Daye''n9 | J)aye''n& \
he wizard
no°'y3'-!i!a°' Daye-'no | Daye-'na
rock, Loc
utst'^nawa' axye''i Daye^'no |
beyond it he holds in
stretched his hand
i;tsi''nawa' G9Dt'ski:+ 5
it will be said
(c) 'a:yi' | SGe" | 'a'GQ^tsa'Go" Daje-'uQ \ Daye-'na |
(Excl.) now then! ha! roughly he comes
toward us
aDa"'"\veoi' Daye^'no | Daye^'na |
he wizard
ama*'-yt*-Dzo°' T>ay€-'n3 \ Daye^'na
water, Loc, direction
vtsi'^nawa' oLXjeli Daye"'na |
beyond it he holds in
stretched his hand
vtst'^Eawa' G9Dt'ski:+ 10
it will be said
(d) 'a:yt' | SGe" | 'a-G9°tsa'Go° Daje-'riQ \ Daye'^na |
(Excl.) now then! ha! roughly he comes
toward us
aDa-'"W6!i' Daye-'na I Baye-'jld I
he wizard
i;'Q'°DZ3'-yi' Dayf'na | caye-'na
cold Loc
i;tsi'*nawa' axye'!i Daye''n8 |
beyond it he holds in
stretched his hand
utst'^nawa' GODt'ski:+ 15
it will be said
a'a a'Da^n^'wo'tT a'ntsko''li yu''nal9-t'e'*a° |
this to cure anyone with their head if they faint
u'naste'ts.sti'Ga ngVo't'l' | tso''la-Gwo°' na/skwo"
(Virginia snakeroot) to cure with tobacco, L also
it (is) good, E
This (is) the Medicine (for) the Black "Yellow"
(a) Ha-yi! Now then! Ha, boldly he comes toward us.
He comes toward us.
He, the wizard.
He comes toward us (bis).
From the forest.
He comes toward us (bis).
He holds relief in his hand.
He comes toward us.
Relief will be caused.
(6) Ha-yi! Now then! From the rocks. ....:;
(c) Ha-yi! Now then! From the direction of the water
(d) Ha-yi! Now then! From the Cold Land
7548°— 32 16
This (is) the medicine (for) their head, if they faint. Virginia
snakeroot (is) to cure (them) with; (or) merely tobacco is also veiy
This is a formula for the cure of dizziness or fainting fits accom-
panied by headache and sometimes also by pains in the back of the
neck and in the breast; the collection of these symptoms is known
to the medicine man as "black DaloTii," or literally ''black yellow."
The patient feels faint and giddy on rising suddenly from his seat.
The medicine man further states that as the disease progresses the
lips and circles round the eyes turn black, and in extreme cases red
blotches appear on the face, especially about the mouth. Ay.
calls it a variety of DaloTii, while another medicine man, Da'kwaDt'!i
(Mooney, Myths, PL XIII), ascribed it to sunstroke. The medicine
is an infusion of u'naste'tstf'oa, Aristolochia serpentaria L., Virginia
snakeroot, wanned by dropping into it seven Uve coals, and blown
upon the head, breast, and back of the neck of the patient. When
the snakeroot can not be procured the medicine man blow^s the juice
of ordinary chewing tobacco upon the patient in the same way.
While he chew^s the tobacco he takes a sup, before each blomng, from
a cup of pure water, into which seven live coals have been dropped
as just described. An infusion of snakeroot is said to be frequently
used as a wash in cases of headache.
The patient is placed sitting, facing the east, while the medicine
man stands a short distance away holding in his uplifted hand the
cup containing the medicine. He then sings the first verse, after
which, without approaching any nearer, he blows the Uquid four times
upon the head of the patient. This operation is repeated with each
of the four verses; when coming nearer, he blows his breath four times
upon the head of the sick person. If there be pains also in the breast
or back of the neck, the operation is repeated in the same w^ay,
blowing upon the part affected.
The song is addressed to four different classes of invisible "Little
People" [see p. 25], the spirits of the forest, of the cliffs, of the water,
and of the Cold Land, or the North, the last being invoked probably
on account of the feverish condition of the patient, or because, as
the other medicine man (DakwaDui) asserted, the sickness is due to
the heat of the sun.
oIbuecIts] the swimmer MANUSCRIPT 225
Waf tsuntt'e'la'e^a"' a'Da'n^'WO'tT |
this they have them shaking to cure anyone
SGe" I v'soli askuja.' o'^'naGe-'^' i;'Da-NJt'e-''*lo!i' Ge'Se-°-
Now then night Loc man black he has thought it it is,
(.i'^^') I aVxfS-e-'GWO" DuDa-N*t'e-'''loJi' Ge-S6-°(.i^*)'
App female animal, it big he (E) has caused it it is, App
sGe" no'GWo^' 'at^9r)a"'nfGa' | no^DO'-jn, sto'tlt'o'tsti' |
Now, now thou hast come to listen sun, Loc You (2) are staying
Stt'skliya' sttGf'GaGe*"' stt'Da""We" I a'GfS-f'GWO" Di)-Da"=
you (2) men you (2) red you (2) wizards female animal, big he (E)
N!t'e-''no!i' Ge-se-°(.i^*)' | u^'sonu-'li De'H'tsta'sksb-'o'^Jt'anfGa'
has thought it it is, App quickly you (2) have come to cause him to let
go his grip(ping hands)
i;tst'^nawu*Gwo^' nu*'d8.t'an9'D8 I n5°'t'\sto*ne'-ltGa'
beyond it stretched, it has been said at the you (2) have come to do it
L (=E) same time for him
D€"'G0'St'sisG-9''.i I !i'a' tSii'ntt*€"'lo^€!a°' a'Da'n^'WO-tT I
They have been gathered this they have them shaking to cure anyone with
together, T L
tso-'l-tyi;"sti usti''Ga GaDi;*'s*-e'!i i;sti*'k*t-Dfno°' riQVo't'i' [
tobacco-like small mountain, it lives very small, E to cure with
Gu''lst0.tr I Wa"''GtGu' i;Stt''Ga DtDZO"t'^StO.'tt-GAVO^^
to make a cymling small to blow them with, L
steep with
This (is) the Medicine Whenever They Have Them Shaking
Now, then! It is the Black Man from the Night Land who has
caused it. Surely, it is the Big Bitch that has caused it.
Now, then! Now you two have come to Ksten, you Two Red
Men, you wizards, you are staying in the Sun Land. It is the Big
Bitch that has caused it. Swiftly you two have come to cause him
to relinquish his grasp. Rehef itself has been caused at the same
time. You two have made it so for him.
This is the medicine whenever they have them shaking. (Of) the
small mountain-growing tobaccolike (plant), a very small portion
steeped in a smaU cymling is to treat (them) with. It is just to be
blown on them.
This formula is for the treatment of a disease in which the arms
shake and tremble violently, as in some forms of paralysis. The
ailment is, however, stated to be of a temporary character.
No explanation as to the cause could be given beyond what is
contained in the formula itself, according to which the "Black Man"
in the Night Land is held responsible for the trouble. [The identity
of the Black Man is discussed on page 24.
^* Interpolated by W., recorded by editor.
[Bull. 99
This is the only instance where the Black Man is identified with the
aGtSe'GWO" OF Big Bitch.
From what has been said (p. 24) it results clearly that the Two
Red Men are without any possible doubt to be identified as the
Two Thunder Boys.]
The medicine is a little of the root of tso*'ltyi;'sti ustt-'ca Gatu-'se'U
(Lobelia spicata Lam.), steeped in cold water, in a small fresh c3Tnling
gourd. The C3rmling thus used in medical practice is always procured
from out-of-doors just when wanted, and is put safely away again
outside the house when the operation is over. This precaution is
taken, as was explained to Mr. Mooney on a subsequent visit, to
prevent the medicinal virtues of the cymling being spoiled by the
presence of a menstrual woman in the house.
The medicine man first scratches the skin of the patient over the
seat of pain as described elsewhere, and then, after reciting the
formula, blows the liquid four times upon the spot. The formula
and blo\ving are repeated four times at each application, and the
whole ceremony, without the scratching, is performed four times
before noon and if necessary also for four consecutive days. At the
conclusion of each application the patient drinks a little of the liquid.
As he is usually very weak, no fasting or other taboo is enjoined.
JiV y^'nawa.'sti a'oa'nQ-'wo'tT
this chill to cure anyone with
(a) SGe"
Now then
thou hast come to
they little
5ntGe* SQ"na
beyond it,
n9*'D0'-GQ*-yi 't'skiiya'
Sun, Loc. thou Man
Go'u'sti tsimu-'tti
something thou failest
Detso' tltu'^wtstt' D€' Ga'
they surround thee as thou
goest about
Gf'GaGe*"' ii'sonu-'li
thou red quickly
ntGe"'s9"na' | a'ntDa'"we'
never they wizards
Go'u'sti *t'DZinu*'la'o°"sld
something you all fail (Hab.)
I Ga ntS9* wa gc'sq*
underneath it is, T. L.
Ge'SQ"' DaDu"'kt'ant*Ga'
it is, T. L. it has become decided
n^'^DtSGe'sti' I
it will be said
tsi;'Du*''kt'ano'!i GeS€"'°(.i ''^]
it has been decided it is, App.
Ga ntSQ* wa
it is, T. L.
(6) SGe" I i;''9'Dzo"'-yi 't'skiiya' sa''k'o*ni' (etc.).
Now, theni Cold, Loc. thou Man Blue
(C) SGe"
Now, then!
thou Man
" Emendation by editor.
Measure worm, big, Loc.
{d) SGe"
Now, then!
ii-'s5m;''li 'a't'9'r|a"'nrGa'
quickly thou hast come to listen
a'ntDo/"we" tsu'^n^Astf'
they wizards they little
DttsoHH'o'ts'ti 't'skiiya' tsune''G9
thou art staying thou Man thou White
Go'u'sti tsum;*'lti
something thou failest
D€' tsot'l ty'"wistt' De" Ga'
they surround thee as thou
iitGe* sy'Da |
I GoS'sti
you all fail
niGe" so'na
goest about
Ga'ntso''wa tsi-Du'kt'ano'U Ge'se*°(i ^^)
Ga ntso* wa
it is, t' L.
they have come to conquer him
De' GO"St StSG-0" .1
they have been gathered,
T. L.
it has become decided
beyond it, stretched
it has been decided
I GaN^sta'
it has been said
it was, App.
they are red
to cure anyone with
to cure with, and
soft and
it put in (along
with the others)
it which is
the other
Dye" Ja a
it naked
k O' G-askODa Ge
ground hog, his forehead
it which is
bear for him to lay on
This is the Medicine for the Chill
Now, then! Thou Red Man of the Sun Land, quickly thou hast
come to Usten. Thou never failest in anything. The Little Wizards
surround thee as thou goest about. You all never fail in anything.
It has been decided underneath, it seems. {An& it is the truth :) it has
been decided underneath. Underneath rehef be caused constantly.
Now, then! Thou Blue Man of the Cold Land {etc. . . .).
Now, then! Thou Black Man of the Night Land {etc. . . .).
Now, then! In the South thou art staying, thou White Man;
quickly thou hast come to Hsten. Thou never failest in anything.
The Little Wizards surround thee as thou goest. You all never fail
in anything. Underneath it has been decided, it seems; (and it is a
fact:) it has been decided underneath. They have come to conquer
him with the red switches. Rehef has been caused.
Where (the directions) have been assembled: this is the medicine
for the chill. And the medicine is fern; (and also) the other fern,
the one that is naked; and the one which is soft; the ground hog's
forehead (fern) and the bear's bed (fern) ; this all put together.
This is another formula for the cure of chills, a disease which,
although attributed to the ghosts, is said to rise up "from under-
" Emendation by editor.
228 BUREAU or American ethnology [bull. 99
neath," which is another way of saying that it has its origin in malarial
exhalations in the vicinity of the house. This explains the expression
so often repeated: "It has been decided underneath." The same
word (cant'tli) is now used for both a bedstead and a board floor, but
in fonner times the Cherokee cabins had no floor but the ground, and
the "bed" was a raised platform running around next to the wall on
the inside. As the Indians never dreamed of keeping the premises
clean it was the universal custom among the eastern tribes to occupy
a house untn the acciunulated filth rendered the site unhealthy, when
the site was abandoned and the inmates removed to a new location.
The fonnula consists of four paragraphs differing but slightly
except as regards the color and location of the spirit invoked. Each
one is named in the regular order, east, north, west, and south, with
the corresponding color, red, blue, black, and white. Each one is
also said to be surrounded as he goes about by a number of subor-
dinate and auxiliary spirits, probably the "Little People" so often
invoked, the countless spirits that dwell in the air, the forests, the
cliffs, and the water. The great IMeasure Worm (wa't'li e-'cwo'^),
figuratively used in the fomiulas to denote the south is said to be a
mountain on the border of South CaroHna, perhaps the same known
as Caesar's Head. It is quite possible, however, that the mythic
wa*t'li had no real existence, and that the modern Cherokee have
simply confused the name \dth that of Walhalla, a town in upper
South CaroHna.
The medicine consists of a warm infusion of the roots of several
varieties of fern; [tGo°*'li is a nam.e given to any variety of fern; mthout
any more definite description it is not possible to identify it; it may
be one of the follo'W'ing species: iGo°'^h i;wo*'sktli' ustf'ca, OsmuTida
cinnamomea L., cinnamon fern; tGo°"li uwo''sktli' noyo'^i e'!i, Cystop-
teris Jragilis (L.) Bernh., bladder fern; too'^^li vje'''\aa'^' , Dennstaedtia
pundilobula (Michx.) Moore, hay-scented fern (also iGo'^^li Dawt's=
kaGf'.i) ; k'o'Gaskg^DaGe, Adiantum pedatum L., maidenhair fern ; yo-'no
i;DZe''sto', Polystichum acrostichoides (Michx.) Schott., Christmas fern].
The medicine man holding a cup containing part of the decoction
in his hand, stands on the east side of the patient, who faces him.
The medicine man then recites the first paragraph, addressing the
Red Man, after which he takes a draught of the liquid and blows it
four times upon the head and the breast of the patient. Then moving
around successively to the north, west, and south of the patient, he
recites in order the remaining three paragraphs, blowing the medicine
on the patient after each one as described. The ceremony is repeated
four thnes before noon, and for four days, if necessary.
[For the reason why the ferns are used, see page 54.]
OlbrecIts] the swimmer MANUSCRIPT 229
u'soDu'li' y'nHaTi€'9"'[.i"] a'Da'n^-wo'tT a'a*
quickly they attack him to cure any one this
(a) a'ntskii'ya am'lo!!' |
they men they just passed
e"'tlaWt*'lli ant'^lo'i' [
under the earth they just passed
utst^-nawa^ aDo'''nt'Ga' |
beyond it, stretched it has been said
(6) a'nisku'3^a ant'Io'i' | 5
they men they just passed
€*'tlaWt''lli allt^lo!!' I
under the earth they just passed
utst^-nawa' aDO^'nfoa' | *a:yi'
beyond it, stretched it has been said
(c) €'D0-'d9 "^ aDa'^Ncti' tSaGe''\yi;*f-yu' GalQ"'ldi' |
my father the soul he loves thee, L. above
aDa'^Nuti' tSaGe'^yu^'yu' e-D0"'D9' |
aDa-'N!ti' tsaGe''*yi;*t'yil' Galo''ldi' | 10
aDa-'N!ti' tsaGe'"yi;*fyu' | 'a:yi'
(d) €-Du-'tsi ^^ aDa*'N*ti' tSaGe'^yy'f-yu' Gal9-ldi' [
my maternal uncle the soul he loves thee, E. above
aDa'^Ncti' tSaGe'^'yu^-yu' e'Du'tsi' |
aDa*'N!ti' tsaGe'^yf'fyii' Galo*'ldi' I 15
aDa-^N!ti' tsaGe'^'y^'fyu' I 'a:yi'
(e) no-'r)wo"na' s9"'ntlaGt^* ^° | (4 times).
(/) SGe" I Si;*sa' Ge'Sf' y'lsGe-'DQ Duny'y't'ani'le*'*.!'' |
Now, then! ? it is, App. it important he has put it under, App.
e"'DZalf.t-G\v5'^ 'tGe''se'.i'
? L. it which is, App.
SGe" I 't'skliya' ts'A^stt-Ga' | 't^Da-^We" I i^DO^'a^le'
Now, then, thou Man thou Little thou wizard sunny side
Gu'tiaDO-'Gt Ge'SO'' *€"'DZakso'"o°'t'ant'le'°.i' | aDa*'N!to' 20
hill-side it is, T. L. they have let thee down, App. the soul
'aso'^'Gatit'stski' I Go'u'sti tso*so'^"Gatli^st'a' | t'Ga-Ga'ta'
thou art continually something thou art taking a firmer light, it hangs on
gripping back grip
t*0''ne!i' I aDa'^N!to' 'as5°"Gath'stski' | uso"tDa' ni;"'Da'no"'n9
thou art doing, the soul thou art continually gripping night-been it has not been
App. back said
vtst"-nawu-Gwo^' aDO^'nfGa' | 'ya*
beyond stretched, L. it has been said sharply
" Emendation by editor.
"8 W. D. form; C. D. = aGiDO"'Da
^9 W. D. form; C. D.==aGt'DU-'tsi.
8"? ? Very probably contaminated, from sQniGalo-GiIi= where Broken Rock is.
This is the Medicine When they Attack Him Suddenly
The men have just gone by,
Under the earth they have just gone by,
They have caused rehef .
The men have just gone by,
Under the earth they have gone by,
They have caused relief. Sharply!
My father on high loves thy soul,
Thy soul my father loves.
Thy soul, he on high loves,
Thy soul he loves. Ha-yi.
My uncle on high loves thy soul,
Thy soul my uncle loves.
Thy soul, he on high loves.
Thy soul he loves. Ha-yi.
N§''qwo*na' SQ'^ntla^GiJi' (4 times).
Now then! It is merely su'sa that has put the miportant thing
under him; it is merely eDZalf.i.
Now then! Thou Little j\'Ian, thou wizard, on the sunny side of
the mountain slope you have been let down. When the soul sHps
out (of thy hand), thou art continually gripping it back; thou art
doing as one who takes a firmer grip of something (when it is about
to escape from his grasp). Thou art continually gripping the soul
back, (and) not for one night (only, but forever). Relief has been
caused indeed, sharply!
This peculiar formula is intended for the treatment of what, from
the description given of the symptoms, appears to be apoplexy. The
patient is stricken suddenly, becomes black in the face, and falls to
the ground struggling and gasping for breath. The attack is fre-
quently fatal. The sickness closely resembles that described in No.
16 and is attributed to the same cause: the raccoon, on account of the
gasping sound made by the struggling victim. The raccoon theory
in connection with gasping attacks seems to be held by the medicine
men generally.
The formula consists of a song of four verses, followed by a recited
part. The medicine used is an infusion of the root of o"'DahGa'°li,
Panax trijolium L., dwarf ginseng, groundnut, to which the leaves of:
tso''laGay9''4i, Nicotiana rustica L., wild tobacco, may be added.
The ginseng may be used by itself, but the other herb can not be
used without a small piece of ginseng root.
The hquid is heated by dropping into it four or seven coals of fire.
Sometimes also the arms of the patient are scratched and some
pungent decoction is rubbed into the scratches.
The medicine man facing the patient and holding the cup in his
hand begins by singing the first verse, after which he takes a draught
of the hquid and blows it four times upon the head and the breast of
the sick man. The same operation is repeated with each of the other
three verses. Finally he recites Ithe "parlando " part ofl the formula,
after which he blows his breath four times on the top of the head
[the crown], the back of the neck, and the face of the patient. The
ceremony is repeated four times if necessary. [If the attack is con-
sidered so serious that immediate action is necessary, no time is lost
in procuring ginseng or wild tobacco, and the medicine man merely
blows water on the stricken man.]
The formula contains a number of expressions which the medicine
man himself from whom it was obtained [Ay.] could not explain, as
he in turn had obtained it from his grandfather. In fact, he was
complete] 3^^ in the dark as to the meaning of the formula, and when
pressed for an explanation became sullen and asserted that he recited
the formula as it had been handed down to him, and that it was not
for him to question its autliority. The same difficulty was experi-
enced in connection ^^■ith formulas obtained from other medicine men,
and goes to show the antiquity of the formulas, while it also proves
how much of the sacred knov/ledge has been lost. As Ay. was born
about 1830, his grandfather was probably a boy wlien Adair wrote
his account of the Cherokee and the other southern tribes in 1775.
The words e*D0"'D8 and e'Ou-'tsi show that the formula was originally
written by a Cherokee speaking the Western Dialect, the correspond-
ing forms in the ISIiddle Dialect being a^GiDO^'no and a'ctny'tsi. [I
noticed during my 1926-27 stay, however, that among the Central
Dialect speaking Cherokee these two Western Dialect forms are quite
frequently used.]
[As to the persons or spirits meant by "my father" and "my
(maternal) uncle" no information could be obtained, neither by Mr.
Mooney nor by me. As is known, it is common for American
Indians to call a poM^erful protecting spirit by some name denoting
relationship, and this is also frequently done by the Cherokee: they
wiil address the moon as "grandfather," and will proclaim them-
selves the children of the "Old White One," i. e., the Fire, or of
the "Long HmPxan Being," i. e., the stream, the river, the flowing
water. No doubt the meaning of these expressions has to be looked
for in that direction.]
The expression "a'msku'ya ani'lo!i'," "The men have just gone
by," occurs also in a song to cure headache. (No. 2, p. 170.) Who
the men referred to are, the medicine men can not tell. Ay. was of
the opinion that they were the Thunder Boys, commonly spoken of
as the Two Little Men, or the Little People, i. e., the spirits inhabiting
the cliffs, the mountain caverns, etc. The latter explanation is more
probable, as the Little Men here referred to are spoken of as "going
by under the earth. "
[su^'sa and e"'Dzalf'.i are the same names as given to the disease
spirits of No. 45, but as already stated no Ught can now be thrown
on the meaning of the word, nor on the identity of the spirits meant.
The same refers to the expression n9*'qwo''na sg-^nJa'ctJi'. The
latter part of this might possibly be connected with an expression
which is rather common in the formulas, S9*'ntGa'lo*Gt'!i, "where
Broken-Rock Mountain is. "
This formula furnishes a good illustration of the difference between
the colloquial language of the people and the archaic language of the
formulas, this difference being so great that [the vocabulary of] the
medicine man is almost unintelligible to the laity.
The "Little Man" addressed in the last part of the formula and
who "has been let down on the sunny side of the mountain slope"
is none other than the ginseng plant. (See p. 171.)
!t'a' ama'^-yi Df'Da"Dz5°'st'oti' f'nDanf'yuoa^
this water, Loc to take people there with it they have been left
(a) SGe" I '(.'Gayo'li tsime-'Go" aDa-'N!ti' De'tsckalo''s9*'
Now, then! thou old thou While the soul thou hast relinquished
thy grasps, T L
tG9''wulst'anoyi-Gwo" I o'ysi' tsu'Dfya''st'ane*'lfGa' | ay€''=
it has become worthless, L Fire it has been left for thee years-passed
Ga^lo'isti' GeSe'Sti' | kHl'
it will be Come on
5 (6) SGe' I y9*wi Ga'no't*D8 no'^GWo'' aDa'^N^ti' De''tsck=
Now, then! Human Being long now the soul thou hast
alo''s-o*' (etc., as in a.)
relinquished thy
grasps, T L
(c) tGQ'yi' Galg'l-?'' G€'''yci-Gi;*'G9 DiGa.'^skJ^' DttS9"ye!a' |
first above, Loc woman, E (?) tables thou hast laid them
a'Gtsti' vne''G9 u'tla'e'De a'Do'm'sfsti' | GQ''Dasawo'Mtye''Da
food (sol) while moved it will be said it covered over
a^Do'nt'se'sti' I stGiPlta aSDo'm'se'sti' o'y^' I tsu'Dtya''=
it will be said pushed away (?) it will be said fire it has been left
lOstane-'h-Ga' aye-'Ga^lo^'tsti' Ge'^se'sti'
for thee years-passed it will be
(d) t'a'^lfne*' Dt'Gal9*'lDt--y9-' Ge^^^ja-Gv''G9 (etc., as in C.)
second above T L woman, E
(e) tso-\-nf' Dt'Gal9"'lDfy9*' Ge*''yaGD-'G8 (etc., as in c.)
(J) no°^'Gfnf' (etc.).
(g) 't'skfnf' (etc.)
15 (h) su*'Dali*ne-' (etc.).
(i) Golkwo*'Gfnf' (etc., with at the end:) *ya*
seventh Sharply
oIShts] the swimmer MANUSCRIPT 233
This Is To Take Those That Have Been Left (Alive) To the
Water With
Now, then! Thou Old White One, (the moment) thou hast taken
thy (protecting) grasp away from the soul, it has become worthless.
(But, do not despair:) the Fire of the hearth has been left in its place
for thee;^^ thou*^ \\'ilt (yet hve to) be old. Come on!
Now, then! Long Human Being, now thou hast withdrawn thy
(protecting) hand from the soul, {etc. , . .).
In the first upper world, thou Woman by excellence, thou hast
prepared the white tables. The white food will be circulating. It
will be covered over (by the hands of the ghost?) but the covering
(hands) will be pushed away. The fire (of the hearth) will be left
in its place for thee;®' thou v/ilt yet live to be old.
In the second upper world, thou Woman by excellence {etc. . . .).
In the third upper world, thou Woman by excellence {etc. . . .).
In the fourth upper world, thou Woman by excellence {eic. . . .).
In the fifth upper world, thou Woman by excellence {etc. . . .).
In the sixth upper world, thou Woman by excellence {etc. . . .).
In the seventh upper world, thou Woman by excellence {etc. . . .),
{with, at the end:) Sharply!
This is a typical example of a formula "for taking them to the
water with. " tit has been discussed at length by Mr. Mooney in
his "Cherokee River Cult," pages 4 et seq.]
This is the most impressive of all the ceremonies of the Cherokee
and is performed only on important occasions, such as the birth of a
child, the death of a relative or a \QTy close friend, to obtain long Ufe,
in preparing for the ball game or for the green corn dance, at each
new moon, to counteract the evil conjurations of an enemy, and in
connection with some of the more important love formulas. A
similar but less elaborate ceremonial may be performed for the less
important of the purposes enumerated above, by a layman, without
tlie intervention of the medicine man.
The various formulas for taking patients or clients to water usually
differ but shghtly from one another, the principal feature of all of
them being the lifting up of the chent's soul by successive stages to
the seventh upper world.
The one here given is performed for the joint benefit of all the
members of a family, who are all present, after the death of a near
relative, for the purpose of maldng them forget the deceased (see
p. 26).
81 Addressing the patron.
[Bull. 99
The first paragraph is addressed to the Old White One, the Fire.
It is recited by the medicine man inside of the house of his chents,
while standing in front of tlie 1j earth and looldng down into the fire.
He has his back turned to the members of the family, wlio stand in
line with their backs turned toward him, and facing the open door [of
the cabin]. The medicine man lias with him an assistant, who, at
the conclusion of the paragraph, ejaculates: "k'u" ("Come on!"),
and precedes the family, who start in procession to go down toward
the stream, the medicine man following.
On arriving at the stream, the persons for whose benefit the cere-
mony is intended stand in line, side by side, close to the water's edge,
with their eyes intently fixed upon the water rushing by, while the
priest stands behind them, with his hands outstretched and looldng
straight ahead ; he then recites the paragraph addressed to the Long
Person, the River, followed by the seven others addressed to (a)Ge''=
^yaGv'GQ, the Woman by excellence, the Sun, represented as the
owner of tables covered vdth "white" [or success-bringing food. The
recital ends with the assurance that the clients will not die, that they
will yet occupy their place at the hearth, that they will live to be old.]
During this part of the ceremony the attendant is closely watching
the appearance of the water in front of the clients for the distance of
an "overhand " from the bank. Should a stick, a fish, or any object
whatsoever come mthin this limit during the recitation of the formula,
it is a sign that the death in the family was caused by witchcraft. By
certain signs in connection with the appearance of the object, the
medicine man is enabled to guess the whereabouts, or even the name,
of the enemy, who must then be proceeded against in another cere-
mony to anniliilate the influence of any further activities of his.
Should the water appear clear and undisturbed, the death was not due
to human machinations and no other ceremony is necessary.
As the priest mentions in turn each of the seven upper worlds — each
of which is figuratively said to be an "overhand" above the last — he
gradually raises his hands higher and higher, until at the concluding
paragraph they are stretched high above his head. At the final
**ya'", his clients of one accord bend down, and, dipping out the
water with their hands, they lave their faces, heads, and breasts, or
else, wading out into the stream, they duck under completely seven
times in succession.
Each upper world represents a definite period of life, usually a
year, sometimes a month. In ceremonies for long hfe it usually
stands for a year. Should the omens in the water be propitious up
to the mention of the third, fourth, or fifth upper world, the client
will live in peace three, four, or five years longer. If all goes well
until he is raised up to the seventh or highest upper world he may
expect at least a seven years' lease of life. Beyond this the pro-
phetic ability of the Cherokee medicine man never goes.
Olbreotts] the swimmer MANUSCRIPT 235
Should, on the contrary, an unfavorable omen be perceived in the
course of, let us say, the paragraph relating to the fifth upper world,
the priest knows that some great danger, possibly death itself,
threatens the man in five days, five months, or five years to come.
This necessitates the unmediate performance of another ceremony,
accompanied by fasting and going to water, to turn aside the impend-
ing peril. The final result is usually successful, as the priest seldom
ceases from his labors until the omens are propitious. If, however,
all his eftorts prove to be without avail, he frankly informs his client
of this, who is often [unpressed to such an extent by the medicine
man's suggestive prophesies and by liis own autosuggestion that he
not infrequently^ loses all courage, becomes despondent and listless],
believing himself doomed by an inexorable fate, finally sickens and
actually dies, thus fulfilling the prediction.
i;n€''tsta"'ne'o"' Ga'na'ni;'G0''tstD9''.i
whenever they have it is appearing about (Hab.)
(a) SGe" I *a'-no'Gwo°' 'a't'9'i]a''nfGa'' tsrya' Gf'GaGe*"'
Now then ha, now thou hast come to listen Otter red
no"Do*'-yi uDZf'-Dzo.e'''-yi a'm-€"Gwo'!-i DtHsotlt'o't'sti | n'sonv'li
sun, Loc beyond, direction, Loc water, big, Loc thou art staying quickly
Do-'t^a^le^'^rja' I asGt-'na i;''DD'-no'!t-Gwo'^' Ge"'sf.i' I tsu'tse-'li
thou hast arisen, ghost it has been said, L it is, App. it is thine
facing us
Ge-'se*.i' I ^'"y(r'st'ant*Ga' Dttsa°los9'-r)wo" w-o°-'t'S^o''stVnfGa' 5
it is, App. thou hast come to taka where thou hast passed, L thither, again, thou hast
it away gone to take it away
0"'Dal-e*'GWO''i' W-0°'-'t'skwantGO*'t*ant"Ga' iGO''willsto.'Dt-Gw5°^ I
lake, big, Loc. thither, again, thou hast gone to store it up who cares what happens to it! L
i;'s5"t-Da^ ni;''D8'no''na | I'tst^'nawa' nu''d9t'an9"'D9 | no'^t'on-
night, been it has not been said beyond it, stretched it has been said simul- thou hast
e-'h-Ga' I *ya'' | tsu" | tsu" | tsu" | tsu*'
come to do sharply (onom.)
it for him
(6) SGe" I nD-"'Gw5" 'a't'oija'^nrGa' tsi-ya' wo'^DiGf'' n^-'^
now, thenl now thou hast come to listen Otter brown sun,
Do*-yf'-DZ8 e*'skt''-DZ9 ^-'oal-e-'Gwo^-i' u'wo'Gt'tti nt'Gat'9"' 10
Loc, direction this side, direct lake, big, Loc foam as high as
t'y9"'D9 Ditso'tlt'o^'sti I Go'u'sti tsumr'iti ntoe'^sgna' asGf'n9
yonder thou art staying something thou failest never ghost
D"'D9'no'!i i;'Da"N!t^€-"lo!i' Ge-'sf.i' I 'o°-'iyo"'stanfGa' Q-'Da-
it has been said he has thought it it is, App. again, thou hast come to lake,
take it away
l-€-'Gwo!-i uVo'Gt'tii nt'Gat^Q-'.i' t't't'o'i'st'ani'Ga' I '^^a" |
big, Loc foam as high as thou hast gone to put it to stay sharply
tsu" I tcu" I tcu" I tsu''
(c)^^ SGe" I no'Gwo"^ 'at'^'ija-nt'Ga tsfya sa'k'o'ni (etc.). 15
otter blue
{dy^ SGe" I n3°Gw5^ 'at'o'qa'm'Ga tst'ya o°'naGe" (etc.).
otter black
^2 Added by J. M., based on information given by Ay.
[Bull. 99
When They Have Pains Appearing About in Different Places
Now then! Ha, now tliou hast come to listen, Red Otter, in the
Sun Land beyond the great water thou art staying. Quickly thou
hast arisen, facing us. It is merelj^ what has become a ghost (that
has caused it). It is thine. Thou hast come to take it away, merely
by passing, (and) thou hast taken it away over yonder, and thrown
it into the great lake. Who cares what happens to it? (There it
shall remain) not for one night (only, but forever). Relief has been
caused forthwith, thou hast come to do it for him. Sharply! Tsuh!
Now then! Now thou hast come to Ksten, Brown Otter, in the
direction of the Sim Land, on this side of the great lake yonder
where the foam is (piled up) high, thou art staying. Thou never
failest in anything. It is what has become a ghost that has caused
it. Thou hast come to take it away; thou hast gone to put it into
the great lake where the foam is (piled) high. Sharply! Tsuh!
Now then! Now thou hast come to listen, Blue Otter (etc. . . .)
Now then! Now thou hast come to Ksten, Black Otter, (etc. . . .)
This formula is for the treatment of shifting or moving pains,
called technically by a name which means "when they have pains
appearing about in different places." The ceremony and treatment
is the same as described under No. 66, with the addition that the
medicine man imitates the cry of the animal addressed as he presses
his thumb upon the sore spot. He also blows upon the place after
each pressure.
The ailment in this case is ascribed to the influence of a ghost.
The medicine man explained that the formula to be complete should
have two more paragraphs, which he forgot to write down, address-
ing the Blue and the Black Otter, dwelling in the Cold Land and in
the Night Land, respectively.
!i'a' Df'ntskwuGf'ni
this their side
ii''s5^'D8-'a'' u'tb'a'
night, been E (?) it (sol) is in it (?)
to euro anyone with
I (4 tmies)
a a*.yt 'ya
{a) SGe"
Now then
5 t'o't'sti
a' a'.yi
ha, now
*i'skuya' Gf'GaGe
thou hast come to listen
nQDO* -yi
sun, Loc
thou man
tDa- "Wea -GO'Oa
thou wizard, E
thou art
Dt'Gf GaGf'
they red
they have come, as a bundle, in
thy (hand)
G9*tSa't'ot9Gf*-ya' De=
roughly E thou
^•k'awfDg'fGa' |
hast come and
lifted them
i;lsGe"'D9 i;''sonu''li
it important quickly
De't'o'tit^anfGa' I i;tst''-
thou hast come to put beyond it,
it on its (legs)
n awa
a" a'.yt
aDo nfoa
it has been said
i^tlo'a' (4 times)
^a-.yi 'ya
now then
it is, App
it important
it which he has put
under, App
? L (E), E
(6) SGe'
now then
iGe- SeM
it which is
ha, now
*o°\stat'9''r)a*'nfGa'' stt'skiiya'
again, you two have
come to listen
you two men
Da* "We t -GO"Ga
two wizards, E
I Stt=
Dt-Gf'Ga= 10
stiGi'^GaGf' Dt'ststfGa' I n9*Do*-'yi Dt'sto'tlt^o^'sti
you two red you two little sun, Loc you two are staying
u'soni;-'!! DO''tsta^le''or)a' | GaN^sta'
quickly you two have arisen switch(es)
facing this way
De'stotiske-'wust'anfGa' | GQ-tsa't^otaGt'-'ya' De'sttk*awt'=
they have come as a bunch roughly, E you two have come
in your (hands)
Da'fGa' I u'lsGe-'DQ nt.Di;*'lt'an9"'D9Gwu'-Dt*n8' n5°"t^'ston€"'=
nd picked it important (he has) gotten up simultaneously you two have come to
them up
It'Ga' vSO
do it for
t-yf -DZ9
night, Loe, direction
L (=E), E
119 'no' Wt'De'Dy'Dano'^Da'si'
trail(s) they will lie stretched out
he never to look back
nt'Ge* SQ-jia.
I nS°'t'i'stone-'lt*Ga' |
you two have come
to do it for him
nt-'t'it'o'i'st'am-Ga' ^^
there, thou hast put him
there to stay
stretched, L
thou hast caused him to relinquish
his grasps T L
it will be said continuously
USO -t"
night, Loc
t-yc?- D9
i;tst"= 15
beyond it.
a a".yi ya
utst'-nawa' Go'tlta'a'^' (4 times)
beyond it, stretched it rubbed (?)
*a"a*.yt *ya*
(c) SGe" I *a'-su*'su-GWo"' GeSf' i;*lsGe''D9
now then ha, L it is, App it important
e"'DZalf'.t-Gwu^-Di'na' *t'Gesf'
L (=E), E it which is, App
SGe' I 'a'-no'Gwo'^' ^^°"stat'o■qa•'nt•Ga' stt'skiiya'
now then ha, now again, you two have come to listen you two men
k'o-'ni Dt'ststf'Ga^ u'*o-Dzo-'-yi' Dt'sto'tlt^o't'sti GaN^sta'
blue you two little cold, Loe. you two are staying switch(es)
k'o-'ni De'st5tlske-V"st*ant"Ga' (etc., as in b) | 'ya^
blue they have come as a bunch sharply
into your (hands)
^ A better form would be: wtt*tst*o*ist*antGa=you two have put him there, etc.
^* A better form would be: Det'tsttskab o°*t'anfGa=you two have caused him,
Dvni;-'y'tVntle*.i' 20
he has put it under, L
you two
This is the Medicine for Their Sides
Ha-ha-yil Sharplj'!
All night it has been in it (?) (4 times).
Ha-ha-yi ! Sharply !
(a) Now, then! Ha, now thou hast come to listen, thou (who) art
staying in the Sun Land, Ked Man, thou powerful wizard! The red
switches have become bundled in thy hands, roughly thou hast come
and picked them up. Quickly hast thou come and put the important
thing on its feet. Relief has been caused.
Ha-ha-yi! Sharply!
All night it has been in it (?)
Ha-ha-yi! Sharj^ly!
Now, then! It is merely si;"sa that has put the important thing
under him; it is merely e"'DZalf'.i.
(h) Now, then! Ha, now you two in your turn have come to listen,
you Two Little Red Men, you are stajdng in the Sun Land, you
powerful wizards. Quickly you have arisen, facing this way. The
red switches have become bundled in your hands, roughly you have
come and picked them up. The important thing has gotten up forth-
with, you have come to do it for him; his paths will stretch out toward
the Night Land, never again he will look back; you have come and
done it for him. You have taken him to the Night Land, and have
put him there to stay, after you had forced him to let go his hold.
Rehef will be caused constantly.
Ha-ha-yi! Sharply!
Relief by rubbing (?).
Ha-ha-yi! Sharply!
Now, then! Ha, it is merely su'sa that has put the important thing
under him; it is merely e'Dzalr.i.
(c) Now, then! Ha, now, you two in your turn have come to listen,
you two Little Blue Men, you are staying in the Cold Land. The
blue switches have become bundled in your hands (etc., as in (b)).
This is for treating a pain in the side. The medicine man from
whom it was obtained could assign no particidar cause for the sickness
but another practitioner declared that it was due to tc'sko*'ya or
insects which might have been put into the sick man's body by a
hostile conjurer. In accordance with this tlieory the second medicine
man called upon the birds to come and eat the [insects].
Neither of them could explain the words su'sa or eDZalfi, the names
given to the disease spirit [see p. 232, nor could any of the medicine
Olbrechts] the swimmer MANUSCRIPT 239
men consulted during the editor's stay with the tribe give any infor-
mation on this subject].
The disease spirit is driven out by the Red Man, the Two Little
Red Men, and the Two Little Blue Men, all of whom carry threatening
switches in their hands, with which to thrash the intruder. The
formula as here given consists of three parts, each containing a song
and a prayer. It is quite probable that it had originally a fourth
part, which has been lost [in the course of tradition]. The treatment,
in regard to which both authorities agreed, consists of a simple rubbing
with the warm hands, as indicated in the last song. The medicine
man sings each verse while holding his hands over the fire, and
recites the following paragraph while rubbing the sore spot on the
patient's body, blowing four times upon the place at the close of
each paragraph.
ir'a' nQ-Vo-t'i' v'naDZ€-^no'ise'o'.[i8«] tsa^ndtsko°(.i'85)
this to ciure with when it does it to them that which they call, H
k'ulse-'ozi' y'skwa-ye'lo^'H vskwatT
(Honey locust) short body— Loc they have it (sol)
at the top
This (is) to Treat (Them) with When "It Affects Them in
Such a Way," as They Usually Call It
Honey locust; venus looking-glass; red buckeye.
This is a prescription to cure an aggravated form of dyspepsia or
indigestion caused by overeating. The abdomen becomes swollen
and the patient has an insatiable appetite, but constantly loses flesh.
The medicine used is the bark of k*ulse''Dzi, Gleditsia triacanthos L.,
honey locust, and the roots of u'skwaye'lo'^U, Specularia perfoliata (L.)
A.DC, Venuslooking-glass; y'skwatT, AesculuspaviaL.,^ed buckeye,
steeped in warm water overnight. Early next morning the medicine
man goes to the stream with the patient, who bathes himself all over,
and then drinks a little of the infusion, bathing himself from head
to foot with the remainder. The operation is probably repeated, if
necessary [according to the regular pattern].
*5 Emendations by W.; recorded by editor.
7548°— 32 17
[Bull. 99
*i'a' i*na'Do° uTitskotltso'U aDa'n^-'wo'tT
this snake they have bitten him to cure anyone with
SGe" I *a''no-"Gwo"' *a't*9r)a-'nfGa' | Gfna' tsune-'Go° |
Now, then! Ha, now thou hast come to listen Fawn thou white
(rna'DGGWO''" Ge'Se'^^) Dt'kVyuGa' tS9-N!f'D8 Dc'Du-CQWe-'^w'sU"
snal:c, L it is, App. teeth they everUving he has ad vanced them
Dadi'le-i' I iiQno-ci'
towards him trail — Loc
5D€''Galo''tsfGa' |
they have become
Du "Dana' ^WUDe'GQ"
it has laid itself about
Dt'k'ayu'ca' Do""so°
Ha, now
Gf na
thou white
V SOnv' 11
it sucked
Now, then!
thou wizard
thou hast come to
do it for him
*a-^no"Gwo^' 'a't'9r)a"^ni"Ga
ha, now thou hast come to
thou white
fHa D8*GW0
snake, L
advanced them toward
him, App.
10do*'sO° De"'Galo*'tSfGa'
weak they have become
Gese' Dt'k'ayu^Ga' tS9"Na"'Da De"'DuGO-
it is, teeth they everliving he has
nono-'i' Du*^Dana''"wuDe*G9' I Dt'k'ayy'Ga'
trail, Loc it has laid itself about teeth
it sucked
ha, now
it has been said
thou white
This is the Medicine if Snakes Have Bitten Them
Now then! Ha, now thou hast come to listen, thou White Fawn-
Imitator. It was but a snake (which) has advanced its everUving
teeth to (bite) him, as it was lying stretched out about tbe path.
The teeth have been broken and made weak. Ha, now Thou White
Fawn-Imitator, quickly thou hast come to suck it for him.
Nov/ then! Ha, now thou hast come to Hsten, thou WTiite Lizard,
thou wizard. It was but a snake (which) has advanced its everliving
teeth to (bite) him as it was l3^ng stretched out about the path.
The teeth have been broken and made weak. Ha, now, thou "White
Lizard, quickly it has been sucked.
explanatio n
This is a formula to cure an actual snakebite with, not a ''dreamed "
one. (See p. 176.) Ay. had procured it originally from another
medicine man, who had died some years previously. He was unable
to give the meaning of the word Gfna' [but this was held by other
^8 Interpolated by J. M.
oIbSts] the swimmer manuscript 241
medicine men consulted to be an abbreviation of Gf'na a'^ye-lt'soi,
a mythic kind of serpent which owes its name to its habit of imitating
(a'**ye"h"'sGi = he imitates, Hab.) the bleat of a fawn ((a)Gi*na') so as
to ensnare its mother.
On hearing the bleating, the doe, believing her young calls her,
hurries to the spot, and the mythic serpent catches the artless animal,
by merely striking out its huge tongue, and swallows it. [The extra-
ordinary "licking" powers of this monster is without any doubt the
reason why it is being appealed to in this formula to come and hck
or suck the wound.]
The Lizard meant is the alligator lizard {Sceloporus undulatus)
which has the habit of alternately puffing out and drawing in its
throat, as though sucldng, when basking in the sun. There is an
obvious consistency in caUing upon these two animals, in accordance
with their nature to suck the wound.
The medicine is tobacco juice [ordinary chewing tobacco being
used]. The medicine man recites the first paragraph while chewdng
the tobacco, and then applying his mouth to the wound, sucks out
the poisonous matter or Dalo*'ni, "yellow^." Then, taking a fresh
quid, he recites the second paragraph, and again sucks the wound in
the same manner. The whole ceremony is then repeated, so as to
make four suckings, which are said to be sufficient in ordinary cases.
The medicine man holds the tobacco in his mouth while sucldng, and
does not, as might be supposed, suck out the poison first, and then
apply the tobacco juice. Before chewing tobacco, as it is now used,
was introduced by white traders, the medicine men probably used
tso-'laGayQ-'^li, Nicotiana rustica L., wild tobacco [which has now
become so scarce with the Cherokee that it is only used in minute
quantities in certain of the more important ceremonies. (See p. 75.)].
a'a' u-'udtle'^o^'sG^-' a'Da^ng-'wo'tT
this whenever they have it hot to cure anyone with
sGe" I ^aMiso^-i tso'tlt'o't'sti a'tsuti' o'na'Gf | DO"'tsule'*-
Now then ha, night, Loc thou art staying fish black he has got up,
nf.i' t-'G-aye^'^U u's5"-tD8' u'D9-Na'l€'.i' | n^Do-.'-yi Dt'tsotl=
facing day, middle night, been he has come and sun, Loc thou art
us, done it, App
t'o't'sti a'tsiiti' iine*'G9 | no-'Dtyu'le'nf.i' ^^ f'G-aye"*li |
staying fish white he has arisen, facing us, App day, middle
't'so°.i^ u'lntDf'-tla-Gwo"^ ^^ ayo"'we*'so'tl9"'D8 DO''DZi;le''nf.i'
this other near by, direct., L he resting as he goes along he has got up, facing
us, App
^^ Archaic form; same meaning as DO'Dzule*ne-.i (line 5).
88 W. D. form; C. 'D.-v■ltL■l>z^Gw6•>.
f'G-ay€"*li I u-'Dtle^ci De.i;-'natso't'st'am'lf.i' | *a-'-na'na'
day, middle Heat they caused them to come ha, there
together, App
i;'so"-tD9' yndo-'ne'th'le'.i' I yQ''wi a'Dayo-'lt'awa' vndQ-'ne'-
night, been they have come to do it, human being glimpsy view they have
App come
th'le-.i' DDzo-'noDze-'ca-Gwo"' D-ndo-'ne-tli'lf'.i' | v'Dtlc"Gi
to do it, he full of admiration, L. they have come to do it, App Heat
i;-nDZ0-'5°'t'ani'le-.i' ts^ye-'thlo^t-GWO^' 'tGe-'sf.i'
they have let it down, App he has been overcome, L it which is, App
5 sGe" I v^Q-Dzo-'-yi Dttsii'tlt'o'ts'ti 't'skiiya' sa*k'D*'m
Now then cold, Loc thou art staying thou man blue
'e-'Gwo'f' I a'tsutt-Gw5"' Ge-'sf' v'Dtle"Gi Dvkso"5°'tf',i |
thou big fish, L it is, App Heat he has let it down, App
V-no-'Gwu-Dt-'na De^*t*ask8lo-"o°t'a'ni-Ga' | i;so''i-yt-'-DZ8
ha, now, E thou hast come to make him night, Loc,
relinquish his grasps direction
nQ-no'i' wt'De*Di;-'Dan9-"5°'si' | ^'lo'f'tb ^^ i-'JQ'' ^ aDayi^-'h
trail (s) they lie stretched out toward somewhere yonder glimpsy
the distance
t'awa' D9-'D0"N'€'*e'sti' | na"na-Gwo"' y'so-^ioa' wt'-Dg-DQ-'NcC^
view he will do it for him there, L (=E) night, been there he will do it
lO'e'sti' I 'a^-no'Gwo"' wo'tlt'o'i'st'ant'Ga' | De't*ask8lo-"o°=
for him ha, now it has gone there to stay thou hast made him
relinquish his grasps
t'all-Q-'.i I utSt"naWU-GWO'^' lltGO-'DtSGe-sti' I i;S0"-iD8^ ni;"'D9'=
T L beyond it, stretched, L it will be said continuously night, been it has not
n9"'no I i;tst*'-nawa' aDo*'nt'Ga' | 'ya*'
been said beyond it, stretched it has been said sharply
This is the Medicine When They Have it Hot
Now, then! Ha, in the Night Land thou art staying, White Fish.
He has arisen, facing us, in the middle of the day, and at night he has
done it. In the Sun Land thou art staying. White Fish. He has
arisen, facing us, in the middle of the day. Quite near this other
one he was resting, it seems, (as) he rose up, facing us, in the middle
of the day. They have caused the Heats to come together. There
at night they have come to do it. Where human beings (live) and
move about flittingly, they have come to do it, it seems. They have
come and done it, full of envy. He has been overcome by the Heat
which they caused to come down.
Now, then! In the Cold Land thou art staying, thou great Blue
Man. It is a mere fish that has caused Heat to come down. Ha,
but now thou hast come to force him to let go his hold. His paths
lie stretched out toward the Night Land. Somewhere in the distance
he will be (seen) flittingly carrying on (his activity), but there it will
be doing it for a night (onl}^. Ha, now, (in the Night Land) it has
gone to stay; thou hast come to force him to let go his hold. ReUef
89 W. D. form; C. D.: Mo'*iDzo°'. *" Abbreviation for ty$'D9.
o^^prtJ the swimmer manuscript 243
indeed will be caused constantly, (and) not for one night (only, but
forever). Relief has been caused. Sharply!
The medicine used with this fomiula to cure fever attacks is a
decoction of Dale'^na tsi'-'nt'ano"', Linum usitatissimum L., common
flax, with which the patient is washed,* the medicine man pouring the
liquid upon the head and allowing it to run down over the body of
the sick man.
The medicine man first recites the whole formula, then applies the
hquid, and finally blows liis breath four times upon the head and
shoulders of the patient. This is repeated four times at each appli-
cation, and the ceremony is repeated four times before noon, and for
four days, if necessary. The Cherokee medicine men are said to be
skillful in treating fevers, and the patient commonly experiences
speedy relief.
This formula is again a beautiful exemplification of the Cherokee
disease theories: the fever is caused by the fish, i. e., the fish-
ghosts, not by the living fish, which are harmless. The Black Fish
rises up from the great lake in the west, or "Night Land," and is
joined by the White Fish from the east, or "Sun Land." The two
go along side by side until they come to the abodes of men, or in the
words of the formula ["where human beings (live) and move flittingly
about"]. Here they pause overhead and look down, filled with
envious admiration. From the east and from the west they bring
two spirits of Heat, and send them down upon the people to parch
and wither them as with a hot blast.
But now the medicine man calls upon the spirit of Cold, the Blue
Man of the Cold Land or north, to drive out the Heat. He comes at
once and breaks the hold of the disease spirit upon the sick man, and
drives him on toward the great lake of the west, where all disease is
banished. This result is not attained by one effort, for the disease
spirit is seen ["flittingly, carrying on his activity in other places"].
But finally it is pushed into the great lake by its pursuer, where it
must forever remain.
^'a' Dawf'ne'a^^ i;-^mtlo-i]9-'.i92 I
this they living iu whenever they are ill
the wood
Da"'"W8DZf'l8 I k'u'wtyi;"sti \ i'De'!a I Df'tlastaGt*'sti I
(Slippery Elm) (Sycamore) ' (limetree) (foxglove)
S3.i°' so*"Gwo°' u^'^ye'^n^-'^na wo-'ttGe'"' no.tsf'-!i tsu^'^ye-ag*'
other one it has grown up brown pine, Loc they stand
'^ Contracted out of a't2--a'wi-ni-an€!i wood, underneath, they are living.
»2 W. Dial, form; W. Dial. -tl->C. Dial. -ts-.
Di'HlastaGf'sti I Do-'"lat'si a''wf-*ya' tstDe"'Ga".G\vu't'a lyyVti
(foxglove) (Ked oak) meat real that which they are like
sticking on it (1)
tst'oe-S?' S0\t-N!3''' fa^la' tStDy-'we-Da'tlalg-' tsu'nstf'Ga
that which other and (white oak) it which lying along, H they small
is, H
tst'ki I na.ski' G0''ts5tlti' |
it is this it (sol) put in
with it
This (is) When They are III (by) Those Living in the
Slippery elm, sycamore, limetree, foxglove, another (of this land)
which has one brown stalk (and) which grows in the pine woods, red
oak which is the one that (looks as) if pieces of meat were sticking to
it; and furthermore, the white oak that (looks) as if it had little
(blowgun) arrow tufts; this (all together) has to be put into it.
This is a prescription for the treatment of diarrhea or dysentery;
this, the medicine men assert, is caused by " those living in the forest,"
i. e., the bear, deer, rabbit, and other game; [only quadrupeds are
held responsible for this disease, in adults. If, however], children
suffer from it, it is ascribed to the influence of birds. (See No. 78,
p. 281.) The prescription here given furnishes a good illustration of
the connection between the disease theory and the treatment as
regards selection of the medicine and the taboo.
The symptoms are described as a frothy discharge from the bowels,
accompanied by griping pains in the abdominal region. The patient
is required to drink for four days a decoction compounded of seven
ingredients — another instance of the combination of the sacred
nmnbers 4 and 7 — which completely purges the system, after which
recovery foUows.
The purgative elements of the decoction are Da*'"w8DZf'la, Ulmus
fulva Michx., slippery elm, red elm; k'u'wtyi^'^sti, Platanus occidentalis
L., sycamore, buttonwood ; I'Delsi, Tilia americana L., limetree, white-
wood, basswood, of all of which the inner bark is used; while the two
varieties of bl'^ tlastQGL'' sti, Dasy stoma virginica (L.), Britton, smooth
false foxglove, are said to have a sedative and healing effect.
The two varieties of oak, D0"'4a'tsi, Quercus rubra L., red oak,
tVla', Quercus alba L., white oak, are used solely on account of their
connection with the mythic disease agents, the game animals of the
forest. The red oak, "which looks as though pieces of meat are
sticking on it," is one of which the twigs have numerous excrescences
or knots, resulting from the stings of insects, and suggesting to the
Indian the idea of pieces of venison or bear meat strung upon a stick
to be barbecued.
By the "httle (blowgun) arrow tufts" on the white oak are meant
the swellings or buds on the suckers which grow up from around the
base of the tree, as compared to the thistledown at the end of a
blowgun arrow. These suckers are considered to resemble in appear-
ance the jointed sections of a rabbit's intestines, and thence to have
an occult influence over a disease which may have been caused by the
rabbits. The medicine man selects seven of these suckers and three
or four of the knotty red oak twigs, each about a foot long, and puts
them into the vessel with the decoction.
The taboo includes salt and hot food as usual, together with greasy
food of any kind, for the reason that grease, being derived from animal
sources, would neutralize the effect of the medicine, intended to
counteract the influence of those animals.
vjQ-'.i i;'^ntVyo-°lo'!i n9'Vo"'t'i' 'iV
diflerent they have inhaled to cure with this
se"^hkwo*'ya Go'lkwo^'ci nu'^'ye^GQ*' tyi;'stt!a°' so''Gwo°'-!i
(eryiigo) seven full grown like, each one, Loo
This (is) to Treat (Them) With (When) They Have Inhaled
Bad (Odors)
Eryngo, seven full-grown (stalks) each (having) one (stalk) where
(it grows).
This prescription is for the cure of nausea or stomach disorder
caused by disagreeable inhalations, as from a dead body (human or
animal) or any fetid matter.
The patient drinks a warm infusion of seven se''hkwo''ya, Eryngium
virginianum Lam., Eryngo plants, which produces vomiting.
The infusion is strained before use, and drunk once every morning
for four days. Hot food is prohibited during this period.
There is no ceremony, bat a peculiar injunction that the seven
plants selected must each have but a single stalk. Such plants are
rather difficult to find, as the Eryngo usually sends up a number of
stalks from each root. (See p. 54.)
tsa''nda-kt*€*'Go°N'3°' tsu-'Dale'n9-'°Da tsa'nskftsGa'
it which they are restricting they are (different) they dream them
themselves, and kinds
Df'Dan€''l8wo''"ski k^uVyu^'sti S9"°'tiwu'°li tstVuDe-t*?''.i
(wDd Hydrangea) (sycamore) (raspberry) it which, it has
come down, H
t't.tse'!i tsi;''nastyno''i ama''-yi ntGa"'Da | a'NJowa'Gt-NjS"^
(red alder) they have roots water, Loo all cloth and
aVt*'ni u'N'ywS"' "wa'so'' a-.seci' tsu^'^yo'tsti'
underneath her dress itself it must she will do without
And (This is for) When They are Under Restrictions (and)
They Dream of All Sorts (of Things)
Wild hydrangea, sycamore, raspberry (a branch of which) has come
down (and taken root again), red alder, all having their roots in the
And she will have to give up her ONvn undergarment (as a fee).
This prescription is for use when a woman, during her catamenial
period dreams of bringing forth a bear, a litter of puppies, or some-
thing of a sbuilar kind, out of the ordinary course of nature.
tsa'nda*kt'€"G9*'.i Uterally: "when they are restricting themselves,"
is the technical term for being subject to the taboo rules (cf. Ga-kt'9°D8,
"restricted"); although it is also used to indicate the restrictions to
which either a male or a female patient may be subjected in case of
illness, it is, in this connection, understood to refer to the injunctions
to be observed by a woman during her menstrual periods.
No formula is used, but the prescription introduces several inter-
esting features of Cherokee medical practice.
The patient drinks a decoction of the roots of Di''Dan€''l9Wo*'"ski,
Hydrangea arborescens L., wild hydrangea; k*uV*yu"sti, Platanus
occidentalis L., sycamore, buttonwood; I't.tse'^i, Alnus rugosa (Du
Roi) Spreng., smooth alder, to which is added the root of an "inverted "
raspberry branch S9"'ttwu'°li, Rubus strigosus Michx., wild red
raspberry. Also, Rubus occidentalis L., black raspberry; thimble-
As stated, not the root of the main plant is used but that of a
branch that has taken root a second time. (PI. 6, a.) Such a
double-rooted raspberry is an important factor in a number of
prescriptions, although the medicine man was unable to assign
any reason for the fact. [From information obtained at a later
Olbrechts] the swimmer MANUSCRIPT 247
date by Mr. Mooney, it appears that a medicine man thought this
kind of root was used], "because it is more bitter than the main
root." [I did not find this view confirmed and would be inclined
to think that it owes its popularity merely to such considerations
as are discussed on page 54.]
The roots selected are such as dip into the water from trees and
shrubs overhanging the stream. Such water-growing roots are also
frequently specified in the prescriptions [especially in those dealing
with troubles of the urinary passages and related aihnents. Medi-
cine men can not now advance any explanation of this peculiar
injunction; the idea is probably that the unimpeded contact of
these roots with the water renders them effective in the treat-
ment of organs in which the flow of liquid (urine, catamenial blood,
etc.) is laborious and defective.]
By a loose wording of the sentence this provision ("all having
their roots in the water") is made to apply also to the raspberry,
which is not intended.
All the roots, however, have to be taken from the east side of the
The decoction is drunk several times during the day, in doses
of about half a pint at a time, for four days, and affords relief by
acting as an emetic and a purgative.
The patient abstains from all food the first day until sunset,
tlie second day until noon, the third day until late in the morning,
and on tlie fourth morning eats breakfast with the rest of the house-
hold. She abstains also from salt and hot food while under treat-
For his pay it is specified that the medicine man shall receive
the undergarment of the patient. [This may be some article of
dress which we also would call an undergarment, such as a petticoat,
a chemise, etc., but these luxuries are not yet generally introduced
among the Cherokee, so that the undergarment is generally an
older dress. Some girls and women wear three or four dresses,
one on top of the other.]
*t'a' u'niDzi*'ya Dt'Da*nQ'''wo*tT
this they (are) worms to cure people with
SGe" I *a'-no*Gwo"' u'seny'li Vt*9"r)a''nfGa' DaWi'skuIa^
Now thenl ha, now quickly thou hast come to listen Flint
tsAstf'aa i o-'nali' tsa'sttoo'-^i Dt'tso'tlt'o't'sti' *tDa"'"we!i' |
thou little mountain (s) they are little, Loc thou art staying thou wizard
GaDo' tsiiny'lti ntGe*'s9'na' | i;'sonu"'li 't'kso'"st*Ga' |
what thou failst never quickly thou hast come down
v'ttawo'tu'tli ^* ast'Q'' De'*tDo^'®st*Ga' I tscko"'ya u'ska'se^'ti'
swampy marsh edge thou has come and halted insects frightful
9< W. D. form; C. D.=(v)sawo-tu'tti.
u^nanuGO'^tseU' I uDZf'ya-Gwo"^ G€''sf.i' | tsDHlsta"'y'tt-
he has come out, App it worm, L it is, App. (it is) what
thou eatest
Gwu-'Dfna' 'iGe-'sfi' | nfG9"\vaye*'l8n5°'5°'sG€*'stt-G\vo"'
L (=E), E it which is, App a likeness of it will be left, L
tSa'lDS-Q-'.r I 5""Dali u*'nd5hlo"iGWO'' 'tG€*'sf.i' I i;'ntDZt*'ya-
thou hast animal-ghost (s) they have said it, L it which is, App they (are)
passed, T L
Gwo"' Ge'sf.i' I t'a'°ltn€-''Gwo'' *9-r)e-'t'ottsta-'yH'aiifGa'
worms, L it is, App. second, L again, thou hast come and eaten
them as thou goest by
5ntG9'\vaye-'kno°"o'"sGe-'sti-Gwo''' tsa'bs-9-'(.i'^^) utst'-'nawu-GWo"^
a Ukeness of it will be left, L thou has passed, T L beyond it, stretched, L
niGQ-'otSGe'sti' I utst'-'nawa' aDo*'nfGa'
it will be said beyond it, stretched it has been said
(h) sGe" I 'a'-no-Gwo°' w'sonv'li Vt'^ija-'iifGa' Dawt'skiila"
Now then ha now quickly thou has come to listen Flint
sa*k'o-'ni tso'tlti su'lu-y-f'Gwo-'U Dt'tso'tlt'o't'sti" (etc. . .).
blue thy abode swampy laurel thicket, thou art staying
big, Loc
(c) SGe" I 'a'-no-Gwo"' D'sonv'li Vt'^rja-'iifGa' | Da'ootlGa'
Now then ha, now quickly thou hast come to listen Goose
lOsa'k'o-'ni | Galg'ldi tso'tlto't'sti' {etc. . . .).
blue above thou art staying
(d) SGe" I 'a'-no-Gwo"' u'sonu'li 'a't'grja'nfGa' | vtH'
Now then ha, now quickly thou hast come to listen Swan
tsunc'Ga I Gal^'ldi tso'tlto*j.'sti {etc. . . .)
thou white above thou art staying
{e) SGe" I *a'-no-Gwo°' u'sonu'li 'a't'oqa'nfGa' | Guwt's-
Now then ha, now quickly thou has come to listen Bit-
kuwi' sa'k*o"'m | Galp'ldi tso'tlto'i'sti {etc. . . .).
tern blue above thou art staying
15 (/) SGe" I *a'-no-Gwo"' u'soiiu'li 'a't'or)a'n6-Ga' | k*a'-
Now then ha, now quickly thou has come to listen Sand-
ng-stv'Va sa*k*o-'iii Gal9'ldi tso'tlto^t'sti {etc. . . .).
piper blue above thou art staying
This is the Medicine for Worms
Now then! Ha, now thou hast come to Usten, thou Little Flint!
where the Httle mountains are thou art staying. Thou wizard;
what dost thou ever fail in? Quickly thou hast come down. At
the edge of the ever-swampy marsh thou hast come to halt. It
came out (as a) terrible insect (but) it was a mere worm. But
that is the very thing thou eatest. A mere Ukeness of it will be
left when thou wilt have passed. They are merely what have
become animal ghosts. They are mere worms. (And) a second
time thou hast again come and eaten them as thou goest by; a mere
likeness of it will be left when thou wilt have passed. Relief will
be caused constixntly. Relief has been caused.
»5 Emeudation by editor.
Olbk^chts] the swimmer MANUSCRIPT 249
Now then! Ha, ndw thou hast quickly come to listen, Blue
Flint, thou art staying at thy abode, the big swampy laurel thicket
{etc. . . .).
Now then! Ha, now thou hast quickly come to listen, Blue
Goose, thou art staying above (etc. . . .).
Now then ! Ha, now thou hast quickly come to listen, thou White
Swan, thou art staying above (etc. . . ,)•
Now then! Ha, now thou hast quickly come to listen, Blue
Bittern, thou art staying above (etc. . . .).
Now then! Ha, now thou hast quickly come to listen, Blue
Sandpiper, thou art sta3dng above (etc. . . .).
This is another formula for removing worms and closely resembles
No. 32 (p. 213), both in principle and treatment.
It consists of six paragraphs, the first two being addressed to the
Flint and the other to four varieties of birds. The wording of the
six paragraphs in the original is ahnost identical, the only differences,
except as regards the spirits invoked, being such as might easily arise
in transcribing. The complete formula occupies a considerable time
in the recital. The goose, Da'co'tlaa' addressed in the third paragraph
is the American white-fronted goose (Anser albifrons gambeli). The
medicine man could give no reason for involving the flint, but tliis was
explained by another practitioner, who stated that in a worm formula
used by himself he put a flint arrowhead into the decoction and prayed
to it under the name of Flint to cut the worms to pieces with its sharp
edge. In Irish folklore a prehistoric flint arrowhead is used in the
same way.
The medicine used is a decoction of the roots of Gf'oaGe*^
a'Dzt"lo"'ski, Spigelia marilandica L., Indian pink; k'kwe" u-'lasy'la,
Cypripedium parviflorum Salisb., Small yellow ladyslipper; and of
the bark of u'skwiita^ L'str'oa.
The decoction is sweetened with honey or with the pods of the
honey locust, k'u'lse''Dzi, Gleditsia triacanthos L. (See p. 56.)
The m.edicine is given for four consecutive days, in the morning and
at night, the general ceremony being the same as described in No. 32.
The final pass is around and then downward. The effects of the
medicine usuaUy make themselves felt on the second day. The
taboo consists of water, eggs, and greasy food. The patient drinks
nothing but the decoction while under treatment.
li'af i;'N!a\Va'to"'9"'ski' a'Da'n^-'wo-tT
this it makes them as if to cure anyone with
clothed, Hab
SGe" I *a'-no-Gwo'' Ge^'ya-Gu-'oa' Du-'Da-N!t'6"€lo!r 't-'Ge-Sfi' I
Now ha, now woman, E she (E) has thought it it which is,
then App
u'Dile^Gt-GWO''' 'i-Di;-'kso*'o'°'t'ant'l€'.i' | aye''ltGO''Gt-GWu'-Dfna'
Heat L it which she (E) has simulator, L E
let down, App
i'ye*'lo'no'!i Ge"'se".i' I
he has made it is, App.
it like
5 SGe" I *a'-no-Gwo"' Vt'^rja-'nfGa' Ct'skiiya' sa'k'o-ni' ^)
Now then ha, now thou hast come to listen thou Man Blue
i;''*9°DZ0'^-yi-''DZ9 DtHsotH'o''tsti' | v'siini^-'li D0-'t*a°le'9r)a' |
Cold, Loc. , direction thou art staying quickly thou hast arisen,
toward facing us
Ge'**ya-Gi;''G8 Du''Da-N't*e*'*lo!r GeSf.i' | u'Dtle'^Gt Du-'kso''=
woman, E(?) she (E.) has thought it it is, App Heat she has
o°'t'e-'° I ayc'ltGo-'Gi-Gwu^-Dt'na' uye-'lo*n5'!i 't'-Gfsfi' |
let it down simulator, L, E he has made it which, it is, App
it like
na'na' t*t't'o'la'st'anfGa' u^'ke'tt'ta-GWo"' tstDa'°le*5°ski f'Ga-
right there thou hast come to fog, L when it rises (Hab.) light,
cool it off
lOGa't'a' Da'"le'o°ska' I i^'so^too'^ nv'Da'nQ-'na | vtst"-naw8-
it hangs it rises night-been it has not been beyond it,
on said stretched,
Gwo"' aDo^'nfGa' *ya"
L it has been said Sharply!
This is the Medicine when They have Blisters
Now, then! Ha, now it is the Sun who has caused it. That
is the one who has caused Heat to come down. And she has made it
(appear) as if it actually were a simulated disease.
Now then! Ha, now thou hast come to listen, thou Blue Man, in
the direction of the Cold Land thou art staying. Quicldy thou hast
arisen, facing this way. It is the Sun who has caused it. She
caused Heat to come down, but made it (appear) as if it actually were
a simulated disease.
Now thou hast come to cool it off. As the fog, when it arises, so
does it arise, not for one night (only, but forever). Rehef has been
caused. Sharply!
This is a formula for the cure of watery bUsters which break
out on the body in summer, and are caused, according to the medicine
man, by the heat of the sun.
9« Interpolated by J. M.
The medicine used is a warm infusion of the bark of kwa^'lo'^oa,
Rhus hirta (L.) Sudw. (also Rhus glabra L., smooth sumac) ; Dalo''ni,
Rhus copalliiia L., dwarf sumac, which the medicine man pours over
the affected part, after reciting the formula, the whole ceremony
being similar to that described in No. 48. Whenever the water
ceases to run from the blisters the cure is considered as effected, one
application being sometimes sufficient for this purpose. There is a
taboo of salt, beans, potatoes, eggs, pmnpkins, and cymlings for
reasons already explained. (See No. 30, p. 210.)
The sickness is ascribed to Ge^'^yaGu-'ca, the Sun (see p. 20), which
sends the disease spirit. Heat, into the body of the patient. It is
said to counterfeit aye'ltGo^'Gi, a disease brought about by evil
conjurers, because the bhsters resemble the swelhngs caused in
ay€*'ltGo-'Gi diseases by the cinders or sticks put under the skin of the
victim by the conjurer's arts. The name of the relief spirit was
inadvertently omitted in the manuscript, but he is brought from the
North, or the Cold Land, and is probably the Blue Man as in Formula
No. 48, page 241. He cools the Heat, and compels it to rise "lilie
the fog when it arises."
JiV a^mne'^Dzi a^Da'nQ'Vo'tT
this their breast to cure anyone
tiiksi' niGQ'Van9'^N!aDe*^G0°\i''
terrapin it does it to them as
they go about
trail (s)
^a'-no'Gwo"^ o^'nali'
ha, now * mountain(s)
tsi;'sttGo!-i' u'so'^i-Df'tla ^'
where they
are little, Loc
right, direction
they are lying
(stretched) about
tu'ksi Di;-'Da-N!t'e''®loH'
terrapin he (E.) has thought it
in the middle they have come to hang on, App
no* Gwo
a' Gwo^
qwo" tSUDf'^USti'
thou old
thou White
L (=E) thou surroundest him
t'anilfi' I asGf'na-Gwo"^'
put it under.App ghost, L
D€*'t'ask9lo-'!o°'t'a'm-Ga' I
thou hast come to make him
relinquish his grasps
tlaVo"t'a'''laGi' ^^ GQ'waDani;"'y*tiDe*'Ge*sti'
ever (muddy) they will place him under as he
it is, App
GeSfi' I
it is, App
it important
ghost (E), L
thy body— T L
it important
thou Old
night, Loc
it is, App
it is, App
edge, limit
he has
thou White
V so tD9
nv D9 ng na
it has not been
moves about
beyong it, stretched
he has been made
it will be said again and
" W. D. form; C. D.=u'so'iDfDza.
*' Emendation by editor.
«« W. D. form; C. D.=sawo-t-.
[Bull. 99
This is the Medicine for Their Breast, When the Terrapin
Affects them as They go About
Now then! Ha, now he has his trails stretched about toward the
little mountains in the direction of the Night Land. It is the Terrapin
that has caused it. He has come to hang in the middle (of the body).
It is but a ghost.
Now, however, thou Old White One, at the very edge of thy body
he ^ is sitting. It is the Terrapin that has put the important thing
under him. It is but a ghost. Thou Old White One, thou hast come
to make the important thing relinquish its grasp. Let him err about
under the swamp, yonder in the Night Land. He has been made
weak, and not for one night (only, but forever). Relief wiU be
caused continuously.
This is a formula for the cure of an abdominal pain, probably due
to the violation of some one of the rules of digestion, although the
medicine man asserts that it is caused by the Terrapin, which in some
way "spoils the saliva" of the patient. This diagnosis is based
exclusively upon the fact that in the disturbed sleep which accompanies
the illness, the sick man dreams of terrapins. Precisely the same dis-
ease would be ascribed to the evil agency of the snakes or of the
fish, or of any other animal, if the sufferer happened to dream of
In the formula the Fire is addressed as the Ancient White One,
and is asked to drive out the important thing, the disease which has
come from the little mountains in the Night Land, the West, and
to put it away under the mud, so that it may not get out again to
do any further mischief. The fire is generally invoked against the
terrapins, snakes and fishes, for the reason that these cold-blooded
animals are unable to withstand the heat.
The treatment consists of rubbing the abdomen and administering
a strong herb decoction to cause vomiting so as to dislodge the "spoiled
saliva." The plants used are skwo*'l y't'ano"'', Asarum canadense L.,
asarabacca, wild ginger; skwo*'l Dstf'oa, Hepatica acutiloba DC,
liver leaf; tii'ksi wo-yi', Epigaea repens L., mayflower.
The last name means "terrapin's paw," a fact which doubtless
has something to do with its selection in this case. The decoction is
boiled four times, as already explained, until it becomes a thick
sirup. On each of the four days the patient drinks the liquid until
he vomits, when no more is drunk untU next day. The medicine
must not necessarily be prepared by the medicine man, but may be
1 The patient.
concocted and administered by members of the patient's household.
The formula is recited by the medicine man, while rubbing the
abdomen of the sick person. The rubbing is repeated four times
before noon and for four days if required.
u'a' ng'Vo't'i' Dalo-'nt-Ge-'"* ts-a*'ndfk'o'!a
this to cure with yellow-ish it which, they urinate
tsa"''ndfk'o*5-.i |
it which they urinate (Hab)
e*'ldi aGv^a\Q-'T)d
low if has been cut off
they (are) roots
it hangs down
it big
a^Gi;*al9"'Da | Gl''gq
it has been cut oS blood
D8 2 Ge-SQ.i' I
boUed it has been, Hab
a'^k'alf'.i yrki
it is full if it is
w-a* .ts-0"'
thither, it goes
aGt* Da
it has been
successively, now
e"'ldi a'Gi;'al9'''D8
low it has been cut off
it has them in it
unAdi" fasti"'
they must drink it
v'Hlano'!i I sul=
it has been in it squirrel,
I tsi;"'waDu"'n8
they have sinews,
i;* na Su .Ga
toes in the liquid(?)
Ga-yo-'th u-'irtl9-'=
a little it has been
Ga-kt'9''D8 Go'lkwo-'Gi
it restricted seven
This is to Cure (Them) With, if What They Urinate is Yel-
(A piece of) summer grape, cut off low down; a calycanthus tuber;
dewberry roots, where it goes away (i. e., a runner); strawberry bush;
(a piece of) northern foxgrape, cut off low down; (a piece of) ampelop-
sis, cut off low down; loosestrife. It (all) should first be boiled a
little, (then) they must drink it. There are restrictions, if the seven
be complete.
The symptoms of this disease are at first frequent and excessive
urination, gradually decreasing in quantity, until it goes to the
other extreme. According to the medicine man's statement, if the
flow should stop, the patient dies. The remedy is to drink a decoction
of the barks of the following plants:
t'e-'lg-'ldi, Vitis aestivalis Michx., summer grape, pigeon grape;
k'ane-'lska, Calycanthus fertilis Walt., calycanthus, bubby root;
siilo'Makt'a', Rubus nigrobaccus Bailey (also Rubus mllosus Ait.),
dewberry; tsf^waBu^'ne €*'gw5", Evonymus americanus L., strawberry
bush; kwa^li'-'si, Vitis labrusca L., northern fox grape; i;''na'si;.'Ga,
2W. D. form; C. D.-v-U'tsg-ca.
[Bull. 99
Ampelopsis cordata Michx.; and of the roots of Gt*'G9tsi;^*'ya''.i,
Lysimachia quadrifolia L., loosestrife.
The loosestrife, [as well as the different varieties of grape pre-
scribed are often met with in recipes] to cure urinary ailments.
No rubbing nor any ceremony accompanies the treatment.
When all seven of the plants prescribed are used there is a taboo of
salt, hot food, and of sexual intercourse, but when, as sometimes
happens, less than seven are used, there is no regular taboo.
(a) SGe"
Now, then,
thou art staying
t'am'le-°.i' I
put under
to make him relinquish
his grasps
ctV a'nty9"ts€"'ni a'Da'no*'wo*tT |
this their throat to cure anyone with
t'e"Ga wo'^DtGe'"' n9''Do--yf'-Dza g'Dal-e'^GWO-H'
Frog brown sun, Loc. direct lake, big, Loc.
u'^siiny'li D0''t'a^le''9r)a' | u*1sG€"'d9
quickly thou hast arisen, facing it important
e't'stl Gese*".i'
pain it is, App.
I i;tsi'*nawa'
beyond it, stretched
now, L
I Dvnv y -
it which he (E.)
tbou hast come
aDO nt'Ga
it has been said
(b) SGe" I t'e^Ga sa^'k'o-ni'
Now, then, Frog blue
GwoSi' Dt'tsotlt'o't'sti (etc.).
big, Loc thou art staying
!iV a'ntyo'ts€''ni a'Da'n9"'wo*tT
this their throat to cure anyone with
tcisko''ya | DtDzo*'t'a.e-'tt-GWO^' I
i;'"y9"Dzo"'-yf-'DZ8 9"Dal-e*^=
cold, Loc, dir lake.
10 i;''ntkwot'€'''n8
it has down
they are to be blown, L
I tst'Dant'y9'tso*'t'tska'
it which, their throats are swollen
nQ*wo*t'i-N'5' tso''l-i.yi;"sti
to cure with, and tobacco-like
This is the Medicine For Their Throat
(a) Now, then! Brown Frog, in the great lake in the direction of
the Sun Land thou art staying. Quicldy thou hast arisen, facing us.
It is Pain that has put the important thing under him. But now
thou hast come and caused him to relinquish his grasp. Relief has
been caused. Sharply!
(6) Now, then! Blue Frog, in the great lake, in the direction of
the Cold Land thou art staying (etc.).
This is the medicine for their throat, when their throat is swollen
on account of insects. They are to be blown. And to cure (them)
with the tobaccolike (plant), (which) has down.
This formula is for the cure of an ailment which, from the symptoms
as described by medicine men, seems to be diphtheria. According to
oIbhechts] the swimmer MANUSCRIPT 255
the theory, it is caused by the insect ghosts, which effect an entrance
into the throat, where they multiply, causing the throat to swell and
producing a choldng sensation.
The curing spirit addressed is the t'e'oa', a small species of frog,
which is represented as living in the great pond, and is expected to
come and devour the mischievous wonns and insects, as is the habit
of the frog. The medicine is a poultice of tso'^hyu'sti u'ntkw't'-
€"'n9, Verhascum thapsus L., common mullein leaves, beaten up in
warm water and applied to the throat with the hand of the medicine
man, who recites the formula at the same tinie, blowing once at the
end of each paragraph. The operation is repeated, thus making
four blowings in all.
While under treatment the patient is forbidden to eat the larvae of
the yellow jacket or locust, both of which are roasted as food [and
considered a great delicacy] by the Cherokee, or to taste honey, the
reason being that both larvae and honey are derived from insects,
and would consequently serve to aggravate the disease. Pumpkins,
cymlings, tomatoes, and all other juicy fruits and vegetables must
also be avoided, for the reason stated (p. 65), these same insects
being held responsible for all kinds of boils, blisters, and similar
!t'a' a'ntsko*'li a'Da'ng-'wo'tT
this their head to cure anyone with
sGe" I no*"Gwo"' *a't'or)a''nfGa' *t'skuya' tsAsti^'oa
now, then! now thou hast come to listen thou man thou little
DtGe'Mo.'se-^.i' I Vno'Gwo"' i;isG€-'DO° tVniGa'le'fGa' |
thou penetratest ha! now it important thou hast come and
them, App. pushed it away
vtst'^nawa' ano^'m-Ga' | *ya' Ga^le'' | Ga^le^' | oa^le*'
beyond it stretched it has been said Sharply!
Ga^le" I
This (for) Their Head (is) the Medicine
Now, then! Now thou hast come to listen, thou Little Man, thou
penetrator. Ha, now thou hast come to push away the important
thing. Relief has been caused. Sharply!
Galeh. (Four times.)
This short formula for the cure of headache is addressed to the
Little Man, [possibly] one of the Thunder Boys. The title of
"penetrator" is frequently bestowed on a spirit invoked, and implies
that he has the power of going irresistibly through all obstacles.
7548°— 32 18
256 Bureau of American ethnology [bull. 99
[The final GaPle^' could not be satisfactorily explained either to jMr.
Mooney or to me by any of the medicine men; the word may have
some connection with Ga^le'iii', his ear.]
No medicine is used. The medicine man recites the formida while
warming his hands over the fire, after which he lays them upon the
temples or the back of the neck of the patient, or wherever the pain
is most acute. He ends by blowing four times at the words Ga^le".
The ceremony is repeated four times.
!iV i;ntye''lo*sk9*'[.i^] a'Da'nQ-'wo'tT
this when they have become to cure anyone with
like it
SGe" I *a'-no-GWO^' *a't'9"r)a"'nfGa' u'Da'ti sa""k*o-ni' e-'hste"'-
Now then! ha, now thou hast come to listen watersnake blue head of
ni GfSQ-' Dttso'tlt'o'tsti' | ^Da-'^we't-Dfng' | *a'-no"Gwo'"
streamlet it is, T L thou art staying thou (art a) wizard, E ha, now
v'sonu-'li DO''t'a°le'or)a' | Go'u'sti tsunu"'lti m^GfSQ'na' |
quickly thou hast arisen, facing us something thou failest never
5 + + tsi;DD''tDa I nQ"'no-!i' Dayu"'tan9"o°'si' | i;"IsGe*'D9
(such-and-such) his names are trail, Log it lies toward this direction it important
't'Duny'y't*ani'le"°.i' i;Do-'lyVa\to°\ti' ntGe''so*na' | uye-'b'si"-
it which he (E) has put under it its track to be refound never he has been
lo!'t-GWO°' Ge*'sf.i' I aSGf'na Dy'DD''n5!i' Ge*'S€".i' | a°\e
made like him, L it is, App ghost he (E) has said it it is, App and
v'y-tGaWe-'sGi Di;'Da-N!t*e-'''io!i' yiki' I a^e' yQ-'wi De^'a^lu'
difierent he speaks (Hab.) he (E) has thought it if it is and human being purple
Du'Da*N!t'€""al5'i' yt'ki | *a'-no'Gwo'' 'o°'-t'a''seso'fGa' ulsGe*'-
he has thought it if it is ha, now again, thou hast come it impor-
to pull it out
10 Da I usonu"'li de^t'u'tltVnfGa' | i;tst"-nawa' aDo'^nfca' |
tant quickly thou hast come to put beyond it, stretched it has been said
him on his legs
1 v»/
This is the Medicine When They Have Become as Though
(They Were Really III)
Now then! Ha, now thou hast come to listen, Blue Watersnake,
thou art staying at the head of the streamlet; thou powerful wizard!
Ha, now thou hast arisen, facing us; thou never failest in anything.
He is called so-and-so. The path lies toward our direction. He has
put the important thing under him, its track never to be found. It
has made him as though (he were really ill), it seems. It is a ghost
that has caused it, it seems; or maybe it is a speaker of incantations
that has caused it; or maybe it is the Purple Human Being that has
' Emendation by editor.
caused it. (Anyway), now thou hast come to pull out the important
thing. Quickly thou hast come to put him on his feet. Belief has
been caused. Sharply!
This is another formula for the treatment of ay€''ltGO''Gi diseases.
It is couched in such terms as if the reciter were in doubt as to who
caused it: a ghost [a "speaker of different (i. e., evil) things," viz,
an incantator, or by the Purple Person. The probable explanation
is that all the possible causes are enumerated, so as not to take any
chances; a process which is very common in conjurations the world
The y'nati' or watersnake (Natinx sipedon) is regarded as an espe-
cially crafty animal fit to combat the cunning of a secret enemy.
The symptoms are described as sudden keen pains in the arm, the
shoulder, etc., and shifting from one place to another. The pain is
caused by the moving about of the object w^hich has been shot into
the victim's body. (See p. 87.)
The medicine used is a cold infusion of the bark of ttse'Ji, Alnus
rugosa (Du Roi) Spreng., smooth alder; wnith this in his mouth, the
medicine man sucks the different sore spots in turn, afterwards spit-
ting the liquid into another bowl [so as to make possible the discovery
of the intrusive object].
The formula is recited four times, the medicine man sucking after
each recital; the whole ceremony is repeated four times before noon.
There is no taboo.
*t'a' tsu*'nastaGi)!i a'Da*n9''wo"tT
this whenever their feet to cure them (indef.)
are frostbitten with
'eli'-yir 'eli-'-yu- 'elf'-yu- 'e!'i-yu'
thou art living — E
'ana'-!t-yu'' *ea"'yu' 'ea-'yu* *e!t-'yu"
There thou art
living— E
*tDa''"W€!i' tsO''tdDzi' Gf'GaG6*'° 'e'i"'yu
thou wizard mountain lion red thou art living, E
't'Da-"we'!i tS0''tdDzi' Gf'GaGe-"' 'e'f'yu 't'f'y^l
This, Whenever Their Feet are Frost Bitten, (is) the
Thou art living, indeed. (Four times.)
There thou art living, indeed.
Thou art living indeed. (Three times.)
Thou Wizard, red Mountain Lion, Thou art living indeed (bis),
[Bull. 99
This song, for the cure of frostbite, has a very pleasing tune, and is
addressed to the mountain lion, which is supposed to have power over
this ailment, because, according to the medicine men, its feet are
never frostbitten. The red indicates its power.
The treatment consists of the application of snow water to the
frostbitten parts. The snow is first melted over the fire, and the
water thus obtained is again warmed in a vessel into which the patient
puts his feet. The medicine man now sings the song, after which he
takes some snow or a small piece of ice in his mouth and sucks the
affected part.
The ceremony is repeated four times before noon. Snow is pre-
ferred to ice for sucking.
a'a' tSi;*^nastaGo!'i a'Da*nQ"'wO"tT
this whenever their (feet) to cure anyone with
are frostbitten
(a) SGe" I '
grass, brown
GeSQ'' Ga'^lnasun
it is, T L I have come to
(b) SGe" I 'a
-no'Gwo^' *a't'Qr)a"'nfGa' tcf'stii
ha, now thou hast come to listen Rabbit
GeSQ"' tsu'Danu''yHtDe*G9"^ |
it is, T L thou stayest under them,
moving about
put my toe under
ha, now
utst' '-n awa-G wo^'
beyond it, stretched, L
'a't'9i]a*'nfGa' tcr'stu
thou hast come to listen Babbit
(c) SGe"
*a'-no*Gwo"' 'a^t^Qqa-^nt'Ga' tcf'stu
ha, now thou hast come to listen Rabbit
dfst dfst dt'st dt"st ^ya"
(Onom.) Sharplyl
WO*'Dt-Ge-'° I
where it is wanned
it has been said
sa'k'o-ni' I
o°"naGe-°' I
This is the Medicine When Their Feet are Frost Bitten
Now then! Ha, now thou hast come to listen, Brown Rabbit,
thou art staying under the (sheltering) broom sedge, (and art there)
moving about. I have come to put my feet under it where it is warm.
Relief indeed has been caused.
Now then! Ha, now thou hast come to listen, Blue Rabbit (etc.).
Now then! Ha, now thou hast come to listen, Black Rabbit (etc.).
(with at the end:) dist! dist! dist! dist! Sharply!
This formula is intended to prevent frostbite as well as to cure it.
It is addressed to the Rabbit, for the same reason as explained in
oIbrechts] the SWIAIMER MANUSCRIPT 259
No. 59, because this is one of the animals that is thought to be im-
mune from frostbite. The Rabbit is represented as hiding under the
warm k^ane-'skewo'^oi, Andropogon virginicus L., broom sedge, and
the patient obtains rehef by putting his frozen foot under the same
warm cover.
The final "dist," repeated four times in a slow way, is intended to
imitate the cry of the rabbit when startled.
As a preventive, the formula is recited on starting from the house in
winter, and [is believed to] enable one to walk barefoot on the snow
without injury.
*t'a' Di;nt"ala'Go!9"'[i^] Dt*'Da'n9Wo-tT
this whenever their mouths are sore to cure people with
sGe" I 'a'-no-GWo^' 'a't'oqa-'nfoa' 9-'N!Atsi' tsAstf'oa ]
Now ha, now thou hast come to listen Snow thou little
i;-''Dtle"Gt=GWo"' *i'Ge-se-'[.i^] u'lsGe-'oa 't'-Dunu-'y't'e*"' | y'sonw'li
Heat, L that which is, App it important it which he has put under quickly
t'a'DtGale*'^fGa' | vtSt''naW8Gw5"' ny'D9t'anQ*'D8 no°"t'Q'=
thou hast come to beyond it stretched, L it has been said at the same time thou hast
scatter it
ne*'lfGa' | 'yS'*'
come and Sharplyl
done it for
a'a' Di;-nt''al8'Go!9-'[.i^] Dt'oa^nQ-'wo'tT | "wane-'°GWo"
this whenever their mouths are sore to cure people with (hickory) L
Go°"t'3ti' DtDzo''t'tsto.'tt-Gw5"' | Ga-kt'Q''D8 no^^'ci' tsuso=
it (is) to be used they must be blown with it, L it restricted four they
with it nights
*'tD8' u'^Dtle^Gi a*ma' a°Ie' t'u'ya'
been hot salt and beans
This is the Medicine When Their Mouths are Sore
Now then! Ha, now thou hast come to listen, thou Little Snow.
It is but Heat that has put the important thing under him.® Quickly
thou hast come to scatter it. Relief has been caused forthwith,
thou hast come to do it for him. Sharply!
This is the medicine when their mouths are sore. Hickory (bark)
is merely to be used for blowing them with. (Are) restricted (for)
four days: Hot (food), salt, and beans.
This formula is used for thrush in children and for a similar coating
of the inside of the mouth in adults, no matter from what cause
originating. According to the medicine men's theory, the disease is
5 Emendation by editor. 6 The patient.
caused by fever, personified under the name of y'Dtle'^Gi or Heat. In
accordance with the theory, Little Snow is invoked to dislodge the
disease. The medicine is the inner bark of the "wane-', Hicoria alba
(L.) Britt., liickory, chewed by the medicine man, and blown by him
into the mouth of the patient, after having recited the formula. He
then blows his breath into the patient's mouth, the whole operation
being repeated four times at each treatment, according to the regular
practice. The patient can not chew the hickory bark for himself,
but is sometimes given another medicine to chew in addition.
The ceremony may be performed either in the morning or in the
evening, or [if the seriousness of the complaint demands it], both.
If in the morning, it is performed while the patient is stiU fasting.
The medicine man, however, is not obliged to fast as in some cases.
Hot food and salt are tabooed as usual, and also beans. The
latter are prohibited in all fever diseases, because their skins some-
times shrivel up as from an interior heat; [according to other medicine
men], because they resemble boils, or because they are watery. The
same reason probably accounts for the prohibition of beans and
potatoes in a similar ailment of the throat, noted in No. 48.
tcisko''ya ama-'-y-ane'U Dt'Da'nQ'Vo'tT !t'a'
msect(s) water, Loc, they to cure people with this
are living
(a) sGe" I 'a'-no'Gwo^' u'sonu'"li 'a't'9r)a''ni"Ga' tsuh'sta-
now then ha now quickly thou hast come to listen (cat-fish)
nala' De^a^lu' a'm-aye"'li Dt'tsotlt'o'i'sti | 'a'\-tcsko"'ya'
purple water, middle thou art staying ha, insect(s)
a'ntDe"a^lu' Ge*Sf'[.i^] u*lsGe''D9 Di;'ntni;"'y't'ani'lf .i' | 'a'-no*-
they yellow it is, App, it important they have put it under him, App ha,
5 GWO"' i;'sonu*'li GeH*aDi'Gale*''yo"W^st'a'nfGa' | i;S'3"tD0^
now quickly thou hast come to scatter it as thou comest night, been
ny'D8'no''na | utst^'-nawii-Gwo'' aDo'^nfoa' | ^a'
it has not been said beyond it stretched, L it has been said Sharply
(b) SGe" I *a'-no-Gwo"' u'sonu-'li 'a't^gija'^ni-Ga' o-'lfGa"
now then ha, now quickly thou hast come to listen Red Horse
wo"'DtGe-'i a^m-aye*'4i Dt'tsotlt*o*t'sttDe-Ga' | *a'\-tcsko-y8-Gwo"'
brown water, middle thou art staying, moving about ha, insect(s), L
a'ntWO"'DtGf '[i^l Ge-Sf'[i^] i;lsGe"'D8 'tDDnmyy't'am'lf.i' 'a'-no'-
they brown it is, App it important it which they have put ha,
under, App
IOgwo"' u'sony'li (etc., as in a.)
now quickly
!t'a' tcsko-'yo° Dt'Da'ng-'wo't'i^ | a'myQ-^tse-'ni tsu'ntyQ'"-
this insect(s) to cure people with their throat when their
tso't'tska' Li-'nt*aSGf'Da yt'ki | a"a-Gw5°' tGa''.i' |
throat swells it oozes out from them if it is this, L it (is) all
7 Emendation by editgr.
no-'wo't't-N'S' k'o-stu-'Da yiie-'oo u'tloo-Do^'skr tst'ki Go°"t'=
to cure with, and (everlasting) white it scatters (Hab.) it which is it to be
oti I DtDzo-t'a.e-tt-GWo"^' | ye-lt-'ca Gakt'9"'Da I so^kt'a'
used it must be blown on them, L much it restricted apple(s)
kwano"' nu-no°' t^v'ya--Nlq^ Oa-Du' na/sGwo"^ k'o-'N*t Ge's^-'
peach(es) potato(es) bean (s), and bread also noticeable itis, T. L
i;-'wa-Tisy!'i \ je'li' 't'^lo^' t'Go^-'Da i;-'niilsta-'y'ti' nfGe-'so-na'
it is done possible somewhere as long as for them to eat never
This is the Medicine for the Insects Living in the Y/ater
Now then! Ha, now thou hast come to listen, Purple Blue-
Catfish, in the middle of the water thoa art staying.
Ha, it is the purple insects that have put the important thing
under him.^ But now thou hast quickly come and hast caused them
to scatter, (and) not for one night (only, but forever). Relief has
been caused. Sharply!
Now then! Ha, now thou hast quickly come to hear. Brown
Red -Horse, thou wizard, in the middle of the water thou art stajdng,
moving about.
Ha, it is the brown insects that have put the important thing under
him.^ But now thou hast quickly come (etc.).
This is the medicine for insects, when their throat swells and if
(pus) oozes out from the (swellings). This now is all, namely, the
medicine is the common everlasting (from which) white dust scatters
itself; they are merely to be blown ^^dth it. There are considerable
restrictions: apples, peaches, potatoes, beans besides (all this); also
bread that has been cooked in plain (sight). They should not eat
any of these as long as (they can) possibly (abstain from them).
This is a formula for the cure of a disease which is described as a
clogging up of the throat passages so as to seriously interfere with
breathing and utterance, and which seems to be diphtheria or some
similar ailment.
The formula was carelessly written in the original and hence the
two paragraphs do not correspond as closely as they should.
The disease is ascribed to the tcsko''ya ghosts, which "form a
settlement" under the mem^brane of the throat as explained in No.
56. In this particular case they are stated to be water insects, and
the large fish which prey upon these animals are called from the
great water to come and disperse them. The fish named are locally
known as the blue catfish and the red horse.
8 The patient.
The medicine is a warm decoction of k'o'sty*'D9 une-'ca
u'tlGO'Do°'ski, Gnaphalium ohtusijolium L., common everlasting, the
liquid being blown down the throat of the patient by means of a tube
made from the stalk of ocmaDt"to.ti'' u*t*8no°\ Ewpatorium purpureum
L., Joe-pye-weed, trmnpet weed.
The medicine man recites the first paragraph, and then blows the
liquid in this manner, after which he blows his breath through the
tube in the same way. The operation is repeated at the end of
the second paragraph, and the whole ceremony is repeated twice, so
as to make up four applications of the medicine. [As usual,] the treat-
ment is repeated four times before noon, and for four consecutive
The taboo includes apples and peaches, [because, some medicine
men say their watery and juicy nature shows that they are of the same
nature as boils and watery blisters, and would therefore only aggravate
the complaint; others hold that they are forbidden, as well as the
dumplings (see below), because their shape is like that of the malig-
nant swellings that are to be cured. The reason for the prohibition
of beans and potatoes is evident from the explanation given in No. 56,
page 254, which deals with a similar illness in the mouth.
"The bread which has been made visibly" is the name the Cherokee
give to a peculiar kind of dumplings they make ; unlike their common
corn bread, which is baked under the ashes of the hearth, and is
therefore not "visible" while it is being done, these dumplings,
made out of com meal and beans, are cooked in an uncovered vessel,
i. e., "visibly."]
!i'a' Dvnt'^'yvGwu'ttSG9''[.i' ^] a^Da*n9*wo't'i'
this whenever their teeth ache to cure anyone with
sGe" I no-'cwo" 'aH'or)a''nt*Ga' su'lo''"li tsu'ne-'Go ng-no-'-yi
Now, then! now thou hast come to listen Squirrel thou white sun, Loc.
Dt'tsotlt'o't'sti I i;^s5nu*'li DO'"'t'a»le'*or)a' | vlsGe^'na €"tsti'
thou art staying quickly thou hast arisen, facing us it important pain
Di;wa-'"wsunD"'y't*ant'le"°i' I tsotlsta''y*ti-Gwo^' 'tG€*'se'°.i' |
he has come to put it inside, from the it is what thou eatest, L it which is, App.
bottom up
5 asGf'no f'Do'no'H | aGt'sti D"yu'kt^ano'*t-Gwo^' Ge"'sf .i' |
ghost it has been said food (solid) it has been changed, L it is, App.
*t"y5'''''st*anfGa' i^'sonw'li ulst''Gtn€''f-DZ8' De'o'^'lu'G-Q'' i*y9*'D8
thou hast come to take it quickly dark direction they moss TL yonder
away as thou goest by
*i'skwaniGo*'t'ant"Ga' | iGp'Volsto.'tt-Gwu'-Dfna' | 'y^" gu*'
thou hast gone to store it up who cares what happens to it L. (=E), E Sharply (Onom.)
GU-' GU-' GU-'
' Emendation by editor.
This is the Medicine When Their Teeth Ache
Now, then! Now thou hast come to listen, thou White Squirrel,
thou art staying in the Sun Land. Quickly thou hast arisen, facing
us. The important thing has put Pain into (the tooth) from the
bottom up, and all around it, it seems. It is the very thing thou
What has become a ghost, has merely changed the food. (But
now) thou hast ciuickly come to take it away in the direction of the
dark mountain slope. Over yonder, where moss grows, thou hast
gone to store it away. Who cares what happens to it! Sharply.
Gu, gu, gu, gu.
The toothache theory as shown in this formula is that a ghost
transmutes the particles of food lodged about the teeth into tcsko-'ya
or worms, which burrow into the tooth, and thus cause the pain. The
theory, as will be noticed, is not so very far wrong.
The disease is represented as penetrating into the tooth from
underneath and as completely surrounding it with pain. The cure
is effected through the agency of the squirrel, which pulls out the
intruder, and takes it to the dark (i. e., north) side of the mountain,
where, in accordance with the habits of the squirrel, it hides it away
in a moss-covered (hollow) log.
In performing the ceremony the medicine man spits into his left
palm and rubs his right thumb upon it while reciting the formula.
He then holds his thumb a moment over the fire, after which he presses
it firmly upon the jaw of the sufferer over the aching tooth, repeating
at the same time the final "gu!" four times in succession. This is
intended to represent the cry of the squirrel when alarmed. The
operation is repeated several times, there being no strict rule as to
the number in ailments of this temporary character.
a''ntne*Dzi*'.-i' yi;ne''tsta,'^ne!a' a''Da'n9*'wo"t*i^ |
their breast, Loc. if they have aching to cure anyone with
sGe" I no''Gwo" 'a't'^ija'^nfoa' Galg'ldi Dttso'tlt'o'tsti'
Now, then! now thou hast come to listen above thou art staying
*t'skliya' Gt*'GaGe-'° I 'iDa-'^We'i' | DtGe''Jo\S€!i' | aSGf'lia
thou man red thou wizard thou penetratest them, ghost
fDo^'nOci' u'Dtle'^Gt-Gwo^^ Ge*'sf.i' I no''GWo'^ y'sony'li u1sG€''d9
he has said Heat L it is, App. now quickly it important
t'a'DtGo'tlt'aniGa' | *tDa*'"We!t-'Dt'n8' i''s5nu''li De^t'u'tlt'antGa' I
thou hast come to push it thou wizard, E quickly thou hast come to put
away him on his (legs)
vtst''-na\v9-Gw5°' aDo'^Tifoa' | uso^tDa' m;"^D9t'an9''''D8
beyond it, stretched, L it has been said night been it has not been said
no°"t'9"n€-''lfGa' + + tsuDo-'iDa
thou hast come to do it (such-and-such) his names are
for him
This Is the Medicine When Their Breast Aches
Now then! Now thou hast come to listen, thou (who) art staying
on high, Red Man, thou Wizard, thou Penetrator!
What has become a ghost is merely Heat. Now thou hast quickly
come and pushed the important thing away. Thou powerful wizard,
quickly hast thou made him get up. ReUef has been caused, (and)
not for one night (only, but forever). Thou hast come to make it so
for him.^° He ^° is called so-and-so.
[This formula is for the same purpose as No. 24, page 201.
The cause, medicine used, application, and treatment are likewise
identical. It appears from Mr. Mooney's notes that this formula
was very carelessly written in the original and that he reconstructed
it. It is not possible to state exactly in how far the emendations are
Mr. Mooney's.]
ut'a' v^ndtyQ'Dali' Df'Da'n9''wo*tT
this their navel to cure people with
sGe" I *a*uso!f"' a*''m-e'Gwo''i nitso'tlt'o'tsti' tso"'"st3wa'
now then! Ha Night, Loc water, big, Loc thou art staying killdee bird
5 Dalo''ni | *a'-no*GWO'' DO'H'a^le'Qria' | Dalo"'ni Ge'S-Q-' De'a'S€=
yellow ha, now thou hast arisen, facing us yellow it is, T L thou hast
DO"'sfGa' I v'sonu'li i;tst"-nawa' no'^DtsGe'sti' ^ya"
come to fan it quickly beyond it, stretched it will be said con- sharply
SGe" I *a'-no*GWO°' i;SO-!f' a"'m-eGwo'H Dttso'tlt'o'tsti'
Now then ha, now Night, Loc water, big, Loc thou art staying
no''GwuD6"' D0''t'a^le'9i]a' I Go'y'sti tsiinu-'lti nt^Ge-sg-'na |
now, E thou hast arisen, something thou failest never
facing us
*tDa''"WeI;i' I Dalo''ni Ge'S^*' aye^'li De^a'siDO'^SfGa' I Dalo''ni
thou wizard yellow it is, T L middle thou hast come to fan it yellow
10 Ges9*' t*u'tiko*'t't'ant'Gp/ | utst^'-nawa^ aDo'^ntca''
it is, T L thou hast come to scatter it beyond it, stretched it has been said
This Is the Medicine for Their Navel
Now, then! Ha, in the Great Water in the Night Land thou art
staying, Yellow Killdee Bird. Now thou bast arisen, facing us.
Where the Yellow is, thou liast come to fan it away with thy two
(wings). Relief will forthwith and continuously be caused. Sharply!
10 The patient.
Now, then! Ha now, in the Great Water, in the Night Land thou art
staying; (thou art staying) where the foam is piled high, thou Yellow
Killdee Bird. Right now thou hast arisen, facing us. Thou never
failest in anything, thou wizard. Where the Yellow is, thou hast
come to fan in its very center with thy two (wings); where the
Yellow is, thou hast come to scatter it. Relief has been caused!
This is another formula for a mild form of navel Dalo*''ni. The
medicine consists of a warm infusion of the bruised bark of tsf't'tna"',
Carpinus caroliniana Walt., American hornbeam, blue beech, water
beech, ironwood, which is drunlt by the patient after the medicine
man has recited the formula. There are usually four apphcations,
the effect usually being to reheve the patient without vomiting or
purging. In preparing the medicine the medicine man bruises the
bark with a stone or club before stripping it from the tree, and then
putting the bark into a vessel of cold water dipped from the stream,
returns to the house and warms the liquid over the fire.
uow then
thou art staying
thou hast arisen,
facing us
different, he speaks
!t'a' yne''tsta'ne"h'Do'6"'[.i^^] a'Da'n^-'wo'tT
this whenever they have pain to cure anyone with
In different places
'a'-no^Gwo"' *a't'9*r)a"'nfGa' tsfya' sa*k*o*ni' a*'m-€*Gwo'-H
ha, now thou has come to listen Otter blue water, big, Loc
I GaoS' tsimi;"'lti ntGe-'so'na'' \ *a^-no*Gwo'^'
what? thou failist never ha, now
u'stf'k^'-Gwu-Dfna' u-lsGe'^DO u'Danu-'y'it'ant'le'.i' |
very little, L (=E), E it important he has put himself under
him, App
yt'ki I ^a-no-GWo'' 'o^'t'mu-'y^Dest-Ga' sa'k'o*'=
if it is ha, now again thou hast come and taken blue
it away from under him
stretched, L
now then
it will be said con-
it will be said con-
ha, now
I U SO -tD8
night, been
thou hast come to
nv Da UQ* na
it has not been said
big, Loc
ha, now
tf.l' I
himself under
him, App
it has been said
Dt'tsotlt^o't'sti I
thou art staying
thou has arisen,
facing us
ha, now
Go'u Stl
thou failest
thou white
beyond it.
a' m-e'"
ntG€' SQ'na
very Uttle, E
ulsGe^'og i;^Danu-''y*= 10
it important he has put
again, thou hast come
to pull it out
beyond it, stretched, L
" Emendation by editor.
[Bull. 99
now then
ha, now
thou hast come to
Galg-'ldi tso'tlt'o't'sti | u'sonv''li Do-'t'a°le''oqa'
above thou art staj'ing quickly thou hast arisen,
facing us
ylsG€"'D8 u'Danu*'y't'ant'lf .i' | i;-'y-tGa\V€"'sGi yi'ki
it important he has put himself under different, he speaks, if it is
now then
him, App
again, thou hast come
to pull it out
I 'a'-nO"GWO"'
ha, now
utst^-nawu-Gwo'' aDo^'iifGa''
beyond it, stretched, L it has been said
'5'-*a't'9"i]a-'nfGa' tsotb"'
again, thou hast come to Kingfisher
very little
thou white
water, edge, T. L
thou art staying
tDa' "We t- Dt'na
thou wizard, E
Dv'Da-N!t'€"alo!i yt'ki
he has though it, App if it is
aDo nfGa
it has been said
whenever they have pain
in different places
again, thou hast come to
pull it out
to cure anyone with
10 stane*'ltDa/stt-GWO"
V' y-tGaWe* SGI
different, he speaks
beyond it stretched.
they must
be hit for
them, L
This is the Medicine when They have Pains (Shifting) About
Now, then! Ha, now thou hast come to hsten, Bhie Otter; in
the Great Water thou art staying. What dost thou ever fail in?
Now, thou hast arisen, facing us. Just a very small quantity of the
important thing has come to put itself under him.^^ Maybe a
speaker of incantations (has caused it). Now thou hast come to
take it away from under him; ^^ blue indeed it will become (and
remain) not for one night (only, but forever). ReHef will be caused
continuously. Sharply!
Now, then! Ha, thou hast come to listen, thou White Minlc; in
the Great Water thou art staying. Thou never failest in anything.
Ha, now thou hast arisen, facing us. Just a small quantity of the
important thing has come to put itself under him.^^ Ha, now thou
hast come to pull it out. Relief has been caused. Sharply!
Now, then! Ha, now thou hast come to listen. Blue Fish Hawk;
on high thou art stajdng. Quickly thou hast arisen, facing us. Just
a small quantity of the important thing has come to put itself under
him.^^ Perhaps a speaker of incantations (has caused it). But this
very moment thou hast come and pulled it out. Relief has been
caused. Sharply!
12 Emendation by editor.
12 The patient.
oIbrechts] the swimmer MANUSCRIPT 267
Now, then! Ha, now thou hast finally come to listen, thou White
Kingfisher; near the edge of the water thou art staying; thou power-
ful wizard! Perhaps a speaker of incantations has caused it; now
thou hast come and pulled it out. Relief has been caused. Sharply!
This is the medicine whenever they have pains (shifting) about.
They should be rubbed in different places.
This formula is for the same purpose as No. 44, page 235.
According to an expression repeated in every paragraph, the
sickness seems in this case to be caused by the [incantations of a]
witch, who maybe has, by magical means, shot some invisible
sharpened stick, a pebble, or some similar small object into the
body of the victim. The pain shifts about as the intrusive object
moves from place to place. The ailment is probably connected with
rheumatism or pleurisy.
The animals invoked to pull out the disease are all of the class
designated in the fomiulas as "penetrators," from their manner of
seizing and holding their prey, or sucking its Ufe blood. The weasel
and the leech are put into the same category. The otter seems
to be regarded as the chief of these, on account of its diving ("pene-
trating") abilities, combined with its extreme bloodthirstiness and
its real or fancied cunning. The ''penetrators" are commonly
invoked in aye"'hGO''Gi or witchcraft diseases, to pull out the intrusive
object which has been shot into the body of the patient.
The treatment consists of simply pressing the sore spot with
the warm hand or thumb, according to the size of the place. The
medicine man recites the first paragraph while warming his [right]
thumb over the fire, occasionally rubbing it in the palm of his left
hand, after which he presses it gently upon the seat of pain. The
same ceremony is repeated with the other paragraphs, the medicine
man eventually following up the pain as it moves about from place to
place, until, according to the theory, he finally chases "the important
thing" out of the body.
!t'a' Du'^natso'walo*'ne*9*'[.i '^] a^Da'no*'wo*tT
this wheiiiver they have it to cure anyone
along both sides with
SGe" I no"'Gw5'' 'a't'oqa-'nfGa' yp'Vi o°"naGe'°' y*so'i;!t
Now, then, now thou hast come human black Night
to Usten being
tso'tlt'o't'sti I ulsGe-'oa i^'sanv'li Dotsv'k'nf'^.i | f'na
thou art staying it important quickly he arose from there, far
facing us, App.
G9"le'!i Dt'Di;'n€''DZ8 u'lsGe'Da
he standing he has spoken it important
" Emendation by editor.
(a) SGe"
Now, then!
you two red
ha, now
I SpDy-'li
(Place name)
you two have come
to listen
you two men
DfGt GaGe- °
they red
have made him
get on his (legs)
5 tsta"'Da.uGa'
have thrown him
over there
they have become bundled
I t'i'staDt'Galo*f'Ga
you two have pushed him
he to look back
ty9*'Da wtDe'stoy'a'naor |
yonder you two lead him by
the hands toward
you two handle roughly, E
I tcm9*'K G€*s-o-'
yard it is, T L
you two
you two
you two
who cares what happens
to thee, L
(6) Change tctn^-'li gcsq*
(c) Change to sD.i'
((/) Change to a"'m-e'GWo-'!i
water, big, L
to nuIlQ-^Datl-O''' ^^
as far as hill, T L
they have thrown thee
over there
uDZf DZQ.e"
yon side
nunp' Das-o" [.ij ^" tyo'Da
as far as hill, T L yonder
sk'o''nB° tyo''Da
beyond yonder
This is the Medicine When They Have it Along Both Sides
Now, then! Now thou hast come to Usten, Black Human Being
thou art staying in the Night Land. The important thing has
quickly arisen from there, facing us. From yonder where he stood
the important thing has spoken (i, e., incantated the patient).
(a) Now, then! Ha, now you two have come to hsten, you Two
Little Red Men; you two lead him by the hands to faraway so'Du'li.
You two (thrash) him roughly with the bundled red switches; you
have made him get up; you have thrown him out into the yard, he
never to look back again ; over there you have thrown him ; who cares
what happens to him!
(b) Change "out into the yard" to "beyond yonder hill."
(c) Change "out into the yard" to "beyond yonder further hill."
{d) Change "out into the yard" to "beyond yonder great Avater."
This is to treat what is described as a very painful ailment, akin to
rheumatism, in which the pains dart from the base of the spine
around the hips to the front, and up the breast in parallel lines. The
pain is also sometimes accompanied by a swelling of the parts most
The treatment consists of a simple rubbing with the warm hands.
The medicine man recites the formula during the rubbing, and blows
" W. D. form; C. D. nviiQ-Dasg (cf. § c).
18 Emendation by editor.
his breath four times upon the body at the end of each paragraph.
The rubbing at first is easy on account of the soreness of tJie patient,
but the medicine man gradually increases the pressure of his hands.
The first or preliminary statement of each paragraph serves the
purpose of an introduction conveying information as to the cause of
the ailment, the whereabouts and the origin of the disease causer.
(See p. 159.)
The second part of each paragraph calls upon the Two Little Red
Men, the Thunder Boys, to cast out the disease. Here again we find
the regular four stages in the cure: In the first the Red Men with the
red switches chase out the intruder and drive him out into the yard;
in the next they drive him across the mountain ridge; in the third
they pursue him across the other ridge; and in the fourth they throw
him beyond the great lake (in the west?), where all disease is banned.
s9*Di;''li is a place name, probably somewhere in no'Do*'yi, the abode
of the Thunder Boys, but the meaning of it has now been lost.
!i'a' a'ntne"'Dzi une^'ista'^ne'^*' a^Da^np^'wo'tT
this their breast whenever it aches to them to cure anyone with
SG?" I SO^'Gi' 'a-ai' " 'a-GL-'GaGe-""
now, then Mink ha, ha, red
SO°'Gi' 'aci' *aGf'GaGe-°'
u-1sg€-'d9 'tGi' ^^ ^Ga'
it important take it eat it
so°'Gi' *a-Gt-'GaG6*' *tDa*'"w€!i' y'sonv'li 5
Mink ha, red thou wizard quickly
i;tst"-nawa' aDo''nf-Ga' | ^jsi"^
beyond it, stretched it has been said Sharplyl
sGe" I no-GWo''' 'a't'oija-'nfGa' tsfya' 'iGf^GaOf'' *tDa"'"=
now, then now thou hast come to listen Otter thou red thou
we!i' I ulsGe-'na 't'-Dunu''y't'ani.'h'.i' a'sGf'n-u'Do'no'Ji ^Ge-sf' |
wizard it important it which, he has put under, App. ghost, it has been said it which, App.
i;"lsGe''D9 'i,'Duni;''yH'ant'lf.i' uD0''li;*wa\t5°\ti' ntGe'^soma' |
it important it which he has put imder, App. to be found never
SGe" I no-Gwo'3' 'a't'^-qa-'nfGa' tst-ya' tsA'ska'se'ti' 10
now, thenl now thou hast come to listen Otter thou frightful
DtGe"alo''s€!i' I i;-lsGe"'D9 De'^t'o'tlt'am'Ga' | utst^-UaWa'
thou penetratest them it important thou hast put him on his (legs) beyond it stretched
aDo^'nfGa' uso"-tD9' ni;"'Da*n9*'na | i;tst"-nawu-Gwo"' aDo*^nfGa'
it has been said night, been it has not been said beyond it, stretched, L. (=E.) it has been said
SGe" I tcf'ste" Dalo*''ni *tDa"'"W€!i' i;'sonv*'li nO"no' DO"'-
now, then rat yellow thou wizard quickly trail(s) thou
Datsuna''"Wati' | ulsGe^'Da a'sGi"'n-i;*Do''n5ri *tGe"'se'.i' | 15
hast them lying it important ghost, it has bean said it which is, App.
stretched toward us
" Abbreviation of following word.
^ Emendation by editor; instead of 'aGi=he takes it.
*a'-no-Gwo'' Dr't'o'tltVnfGa' | ntG9-'way€-'l9nQ-"o°'sGe'^stt'
ha, now thou hast put him on his (legs) a likeness of it has been left
tsa'los9''.i I utst"-nawu-Gwo^' aDo'*nfGa' I 'ya*
thou has passed, T. L. beyond it, stretched, L. it has been said Sharply
sGe" I noGWo'^' *a't'9-r)a-'nfGa' ttauu-'si ^^ sa*k'o-'ni *iDa-'"-
now, then now thou hast come to Leech blue thou
We!i' I i;-lsGe''D8 a'sGf'n-u'DO*'no''i *tG€"'s€*.i' | u'^Dtle^Gi
wizard it important ghost, it has been said it which is, App. Heat
5*iDi'-'kso'o°"tf.i' I u'sonf'li t'a-'seso'fGa' | mG9"'waye"'lan9*"-
he has let it down, App. quickly thou has come to a likeness of it
pull it out
5°'sG€*'stt-Gwo^^ I vtst^'-Tiawa' aDJ)''m'Ga' | *ya*
will remain, L. beyond it stretched it has been said Sharply
This is the Medicine Whenever Their Breast Aches
Now, then! Mink, ha, red (one).
Mink, ha, red (one).
Take the important thing and eat it.
Mink, ha, red (one), thou wizard, quickly relief has been caused
Sharply !
Now, then! Ha, now thou hast come to listen, Red Otter, thou
wizard. It is what has become a ghost that has put the important
thing under him.^° He has put the important thing under him,^° that
it might never be found again.
Now, then! Ha, now thou hast come to listen, thou terrible Otter,
thou penetrator. Thou hast come to make the important thing get
up (from under the patient). Relief has been caused (and) not for
one night (only, but forever.) Relief has been caused. Sharply!
Now, then! (Ha, now thou hast come to listen). Weasel, thou
wizard, quickly thou hast thy paths stretched out in our direction.
The important thing is merely what has become a ghost. Ha, now
thou hast come to make it get up. A mere likeness of it will only
remain where thou hast passed. Relief has been caused at the same
time. Sharply!
Now, then! Now thou hast come to listen, Blue Leech, thou
wizard. The important thing is merely what has become a ghost; it
let Heat down, it seems. Quickly thou hast come and pulled it out.
A mere likeness of it will remain. Relief has been caused. Sharply!
This peculiar formida, the initial paragraph of which is sung, is for
treating pains in the breast, which are due, according to the formula
itself, to Heat having been let down by a ghost.
The Mink, the "yellow rat" or Weasel, and the Leech are invoked,
on account of their sucking powers, to pull out the disease. The
IB W. E. form; C. D., tsonu-'si. 20 The patient.
Olbrechts] the swimmer MANUSCRIPT 271
Otter, here, as often, styled a "penetrator," is probably classed with
the mink and the weasel on account of its general resemblance to
them in form, and in the wariness of its movements, which causes
it to be regarded by the Indians as an especially subtle animal.
Another medicine man used for the same purpose a similar formula
addressed to the mink, the w^easel, the otter, and the kingfisher, the
latter of which is also regarded as a "penetrator" on account of its
long, strong bill. This medicine man was of the opinion that the
disease was caused by hostile conjurers.
The treatment consists of a simple application of the hands, pre-
viously w^anned over the fire. The medicine man stands up, and spits
in his hands at "sGe"" then rubs them together while chanting the
first verse. Then, stooping down, he w^arms his hands over the fire
and lays them upon the breast of the patient, drawing them down-
ward with a steady pressure. He then blows his breath over the
aching part once. The same ceremony is repeated with each of the
four paragraphs.
In some cases, instead of applying the hands, the medicine man
blows warm water four times upon the head and breast of the patient
after each verse, the water being w^amied by means of four or seven
live coals dropped into it, as described.
Ge*'tsiyo-wlo!t Dt'k'an^-'w^o't'f'-yi I
when they have to cure them with, E
been shot
*iV Dt'k'ano-°Gt"'Da-Gw5°' tsa'^le-'nt^a' iGO'yi' |
this they have been sung, L where it begins first
Gicya' (4 fiwes) no°"3Ao-!'i aj^e^'li Gu-ya' Gu-ya'
rock(s) Loc middle
Gu"ya' (3 times) Gai>o-'li aye^'li Gu'ya' Gvjaf Gu'ya'
earth, Loc middle
Gvjaf (3 times) aDo-!'i ay e"'li Gy'ya' Gvjaf Gvyaf 5
wood(s), Loc middle
Gu'ya' (3 times) ama"'-yi aye'''li Gvya' Gwya' Gwya'
water, Loc middle
*i"a-N!D'' no*'Gwo' k'a'n3'e-'Dt--yi'
this, and now it has been told, E
sGe" I 'a-'GalQ-'lgni' aye'^lf'-yu' tso'tlt'o'ts'ti'
now, then! ha, above middle (E) thou art staying
Gfth' wo-'DtGe-.i' I V-'no-Gw-o'^' nouo-'i' 'tkso-"o°'t'a'nfGa' |
dog brown ha, now path(s), Loc thou hast come to let it
Gf'GO° G^-W^a-'^wani' Ge'sg-' aye"*li De^'tDO.'^SfGa' I no-Gwo^ 10
blood it is spouting it is, T L. middle thou hast come to halt now
7548°— 32 19
tSa*'"WaDZf'l8 aDo'ni'Ga' | utst"-nawa' ny'DQt'ano-'Da | SGe"
thy saliva it has been said beyond it, stretched it has been said now then
G€"'tstyo*wlo'!i Dt'k'ano''wo*t'i''-5T.' | su''li u"'GfDu'tH Ga"'s9-
when they have been shot to cure them with, E buzzard feather it cut ofl at
Gf'D8 aDZOt"aStO.'tr I "Wa*nf'-*GWU-°N!?' a'N'o-skot'lti |
ends to blow him with hickory, L, and to have it (sol) in
the mouth
no-'Gwo-Nc^' Ga°m' uwa-'N^J-Q-'.i atc'f'la u'Wa^'no"' i;-'GtDu'tH
now, and bullet it has hit T L down soft feather
Ssv'li Ga-'yil9-'-D8 | Ga-kt'o-'DQ'-ya' tso-'la n5°'Gi' tsus3"-iD9'
buzzard plastered it restricted E tobacco four nights, been
i^"'nda'n9Wt''ski na/sGwo'^-N'^' a'k'anp'wt'ski na.ski' t'Go'r'Da
they cure them (indef.) also, and he is being cured (Hab) this as long as
i;'r)t3^o"tstr | a^'ma-N!?" na/sGwo"^ no°"Gi vGa-'nowa"
they must salt, and also four warm
abstain from
na.'sGwo" no°"Gi tsu'so^-tDa vyo^'istr Ge-'tstyo'wlo'a-GWo"'
also four nights, been he must abstain they have been shot, L
"wa/so° I na.'yo'Go'" su-'UnJ^' yt'kVnf'G9'r)a' Df'tlasteGf'sta-
by himself however buzzard, and if there is none (Gerardia)
IQGWo"' i;*'sQ"°D0-'n8 aDzo-'t'asto.'tr
L hollow to blow with
To Cure Them with, When They Have Been Shot
This, in the begiDning, has to be sung:
Gu'ya' (4 times) , in the middle of the rocks Gvya', Gu'ya'.
Gu'ya' (3 times), in the middle of the earth Gu'ya (3 times).
Gvya' (3 times), in the middle of the woods Gu'ya (3 times).
Qv'ya/ (3 times), in the middle of the water Gu'ya (3 times).
And this now has to be recited: Now, then! Ha, on high, in the
center thou art staying. Brown Dog. Ha, now, thou hast come to let
thy path down. Thou hast come to halt in the middle of the spot
where the blood is spouting. Now, it has become thy saliva. ReHef
has been caused forthwith. Now, then!
To cure them with when they have been shot. A buzzard feather
cut off at both ends (should be used) to blow with. And hickory
(bark) should be chewed. Where the bullet has hit him,^^ down and
soft feathers of the buzzard should be plastered. Rigorously re-
stricted are: Tobacco during four days; (both) they who cure and also
they who are being cured should abstain from it for a considerable
time; and from salt also (during) four (days); and from warm (food)
he ^^ must also abstain for four days (this latter restriction referring
only to) those who have been shot. Should no buzzard feather be
available, the hollow Gerardia is (to be used) to blow them.
21 The patient.
[This is another of the Ut. formulas, so that the explanation must
be gathered from the text itself.]
It is for the cure of wounds made by a bullet or arrow, both being
called by the same word, and the appUcation consists of the inner
bark of "wdnf ', Hicoria alba (L.) Britt., hickory, chewed and blown
through a buzzard quill, or the hollow stalk of a species of Gerardia.
The directions specify that both the medicine man and the patient
must abstain from tobacco for four days ["because the juice of
chewing tobacco irritates wounds"].
The song of four verses at the beginning is an invocation of the
spirits of the rocks, the earth, the forest, and the water, and is sung
by the medicine man prior to blowing the hickory juice on the
wound. The part addressing the brown dog is recited after the
medicine man has blown the chewed bark into the wound. The
expressions are somewhat obscure, but the purpose seems to be
for the dog to lick up the blood as it flows from the wound. The
buzzard, as stated elsewhere, is held to have a mysterious power
over disease.
The treatment here prescribed is that usually followed in cases
of bullet wounds, especially where the bullet remains in the wound.
The application has no very pronounced effect, but acts rather as
an emollient and sedative.
The word Ga°ni' originally meant arrow, but by a natural evolution
has now come to signify bullet and lead, just as the original word
for bow, k'alo'Gwe', now means also gun and rifle.
The whole formula is carefuUy written out, as is usually the case
with the Ut. manuscripts.
'tV tsunstf'oa DtDo'tlt^aDf'nonaN^tt'-jd'
this they are little to make them jump down for
them, E
sGe" I *tskuya' ts^Astr'aa *a'-no-'Gwo" Do-'t'a^le'g-qa' kt'lu-
Now thou man thou little ha, now arise, facing us then,
Gw5°' I fyo-'ne a'Gaygk-'nasi' na'ya'.i' | e"ska''N!i*-yu' i;naye''tsti'
L yonder the old one, E (?) she is coming close by, E they fearful
this way (things)
no-Dayi;'Do'8'nti' | sGe" | nmo'lt'oGt' tle-'kf-yu'^^ |
she does as she comes Now let thou and I run rightaway, E
this way then
tsu'Dzesto*'Gi w't'na'Gi' | *ya'
"lee to lie on take
W. D. -ts-; C. D.
for thee to lie on take it over Sharply
SGe" I 'iGa^'ya ts*Astt-'Ga *a'-no-GWo'' DO-'t'a^le'Qrja'
Now thou woman thou little ha, Now arise, facing us
(etc., hut change a^cay^lt-'nasr to tsuDi;*'Di;"nasi').
the old one, E (?) thy (matprnal)
grandfather, E (?)
This is to Make (the) Little Ones Jump Down from Them,
FOR Their (Mothers)
Now then! Thou Uttle man, ha, now! get up right away. Yonder
the old grannie is coming. She is approaching, behaving frightfully
as she comes. Now then! Let us both run off forthudth. Take
thy mattress over yonder. Sharp now!
Now then! Thou Httle woman, ha! now, get up right away.
Yonder thy (old) maternal grandfather is coining (etc.).
This formula for childbirth has been edited and commented by
Mr. Mooney in his SFC, pages 363-364.
The decoction is made of the root of Da'b''ni i;naste*'Dzi (also called
Dalo-'ni a'mayu-'lte'H), Xanthorrhiza apiifolia L'Her., shrub yellow
root. (See p. 123.)
!t"a-N!.y i^-'mskwo-'ldtSG^-' u^'yo'^sktlQ-'oa tyu'sti yi'ki
this, and whenever they (let) down it made to slime like it if it is
from stomach
n9*Vo*t'i' k'a'ndjfstu'oa unf'tli tst'ki ca'tlao^-' eVi
to cure with (Agrimony) tuber it which is hillside, T L it is
Gy'lstano'aGwo"' vndt*'t'asti'
it has been steeped, L they must drink it
And This (is for) When They Discharge Slimy (Matter) from
Their Bowels
The medicine is the agrimony (which) has a tuber (and which is)
growing along the hillside; it should merely be steeped and they
should drink it.
The medicine used is a cold infusion of k'a'ndjrstii'Ga unr'tH
Ga'tlaD9'' e''i, Agrimonia parviflora Ait., agrimon5^
[It is drunk by the patient at regular intervals; there is no cere-
monial administration nor any taboo.]
Gt''G5° u-'ntsk\vo*'ldtSG9-' iiQ-'wo-tT
blood whenever they Get) down to cure with
from stomach
kw*a'n-unstt"'Ga sii'ltN!^ na.'sGwo" gl-'gq i;'ntskwo-'ldisGo[.P^]
peach (es), they little persimmon, also blood whenever they (let) down
and from stomach
n9''wo-tT I a'Gano!i i;-'°lDso''i
to cure with it has been it has passed
(This is) the Medicine When They Discharge Blood from
Their Bowels
Small peaches and persimmons are the medicine when they discharge
blood from their bowels. It should be boiled and boiled down.
This prescription for flux would undoubtedly be efficacious when
drunk by the patient, as it has a pronounced astringent effect.
kw'a^nunsti*'Ga, Prunus pennsylvanica L. f., wild, red, bird, fire, or
pin cherry; siili', Diospyros virginiana L., common persimmon.
gi*'g5° i;-'ntskwo"'ldtsG9'(.i ^^) |
blood whenever they (let) it down
from stomach
yGu'G-usko'J-i Gf'oS" i;-'mskwo''ldtsG9'' na.'sGwo"' ng'Vo't'i' |
hooting owl, its head, L blood 1 whenever they (let) it down also to cure with
from stomach
"wa-'^sa-Gwo"^' Gf'lstano^'t-Gwo'' u-ndt"t*asti'
by itself, L it has been steeped, L they must drink it
Also a Medicine When They Discharge Blood from Their
Goldenrod should merely be steeped by itself. They must drink it.
Another of the Ut. prescriptions on which no additional information
could be obtained. The infusion is made with the root of y'GUGusko',
a species of Solidago L., goldenrod. A specimen collected by another
informant was identified as Pedicularis canadensis L., common louse-
23 Emendation by editor.
[Bull. 99
fern and
the top, Loc, L (-E)
u'sko'lg' Gi*'Ga
pale color blood
GdDv SI € :i no° Gi nv yeOQ- qgl- t>q
mountain it is four as far as it it taken
living grows up
Dt^'xtSUGiDa' aG0-'st8=GW0"' |
they have been cut it raw, L
yi;-'ntskwo-'l8Dt!a' i;'"iyo°"skJQ-'D8
if they (let) down from it made to slime
if it is
this here
they (sol.)
put in
i;' na=
they are
to cure with
it which has
been (Hab)
it has been steeped, L
fire, and
Also a Medicine When They Discharge Pale Blood (and)
Slimy Matter from Their Bowels
Four stalks of the fern growing on the mountain, the very tops
being taken and cut off; (this is) also a medicine, when they discharge
pale blood (and) slimy matter from the bowels. This medicine should
be steeped, and four (coals of) fire should be put into (the infusion).
[This is another one of the Ut. prescriptions on which even Ay.
was not able to give any more inforaiation to Mr. Mooney. iGo°"li
is the generic name for all the varieties of fern, and the classifying
expression "Gany'si e'li" "growing on the mountain," is too
vague a one to allow of the exact identification of the species.]
u*'nawa"sti ng-'wo't'i^
chill to cure with
10 U'lf'Da.sti' ustf'Ga
he-deceives it (is) little
it (is) tail
it small
laurel, T L
all the time
It, L
ttse'^i tsi'ki
green it which is
whenever they are thirsty
the other,
it (is) little
G8Di;- S-e a
mountain, it is
it is
I u'ne''bGi'
by itself
I na.'ski
this here
whisky, and
to be steeped with
to cure with
the other,
it has sinews
they must
25 Emendation by editor.
To Cure the Chill With
White bugbane and another small (variety) also; and another
tall (i. e., black cohosh); and the cherry growing in the mountain;
and the small (plant that) has arteries, growing among the laurels:
and whisky; common speedwell, the one which is all the time green;
is to be steeped by itself, and they must drink this whenever they
are thirsty; this is to cure them with.
An infusion is inade of vlf'ca.sti^ i;sti*'Ga, Adaea alba (L.) MUl.,
white bugbane; u'lr'na.sti' so'i' i;stt*'ga, Adaea alba (L.) Mill., white
bugbane; vlf'oa.sti^ i;*'t*8n5°', Cimicifuga racemosa (L.) Nutt., black
cohosh, black snakeroot, rattleweed; t'aya', Prunus virginiana L.,
chokecherry ; tsy'wany'na ustf'oa du'^su'gq*' e''i, Phlox stolonifera Sims,
and this is blown on the patient with the usual four repetitions.
A separate infusion of Ga^niGwa^k'ski, Veronica officinalis L.,
common speedwell, is drunk by the feverish patient whenever he feels
a a
Df'ntyo''tli DtDo'tlt*aDr'n8Da^N*tt''-yi'
they (are) small to make them jump down, for them, E.
it to be said, E.
!t"a-Gw5" nt\-usti'
sGe" I ^tsy'Dze G€-s9-'-r)wo" | k't'lu-Gwo"
Now, then thou boy it is, L soon, L (=E)
this, L.
t-yg- D9
so far, like
i; SO- .1
he has arisen, facing us
they lie stretched hither
k'mu-'Go-°.i' k't'lu-Gwo°' I
UQ- no-a
trail(s), Loc
come out, thoul
thou and I
will pass to
SGe" I
Now then,
soon, L (=E)
ha. Sharply!
it frightful
he is doing as he comes
Day a* .1 I
he comes hither
let thou and I run
thou boy
Sun, Loc
^'Ge'*yD-'Dzo G€-s9-'-r)wo-"N!5'
thou girl it is, L, and
soon, (L=E)
D'so'u-i Dawt'skula^ i;*'naye"isti^ nQ'^Dayi^-'na'^o^'ti' |
night, Flint he frightens them he is doing as he
Loc comes hither
no"'sti' DfGf'GaGe"' DtGO''k'aWt'D9.e*.i' y^'skaSe^'tfja'
sticks they red he rises them, App he frightful, E
k't'n(;GO''tso-'-i]wo"N'9'' k't'lu-Gwo'' | fyg-'na
come out L (=E), and soon, L yonder
Jv' DZ9
t'oGi' no-'no'-yf'-Dze'
and I Sun, Loc, direction
run I
L (=E), and
thou and
I will pass
to there
L-jQ- Da
they walking
let thou
ha, Sharply
[Bull. 99
sGe" I *a-'nD-Gwo^' 'a't'9i3a-'iu-Ga' ng-'DO'-yi-'-Dza 't'skiiya'
Now, then ha, now thou hast come Sun, Loc, direct thou man
• ^u„.,<
tDa" "wea -Di'no
thou white thou wizard, E
a'a' tsutse*'li-Gwu'-Dfna'
this it is thine, L (=E), E
to listen
+ + Go'lstu'tli
his clan
no* "Gwu-Dfna
now, E
he has failed to do
it himself
n6-'D0--yi-'-DZ8 wo°'t'N!Qsta'
Sun, Loc, direction carry it (Kn.)
I De'^a^le't'so't'anfGa'
thou hast come to put
him on his legs
his soul
y9-\\d' ustf'Ga
human being it little
again, thou hast come
to get it (Kn.)
relinquish thy grasp
it will rise up as
m'se-sti' I a'N*9wa'Gi vne-'od Da'^la-'st't'am'se-sti'
he goes it cloth it white he will put his feet on
as he goes
i-'ya-Galg-'ldr Wt^Da^le't'sa'm-Ga' a^Da-N^to' ' '
in succession, above he has arisen there the soul
This ;is to Make the Small Ones Jump Down from Them for
THEIR (Mothers)
Now, then! Thou art a boy, no doubt.
Yonder in the Night Land, Flint hast arisen this instant.
He is behaving frightfully as he is coming hither; his paths lie
stretched hither; he is coming hither, (behaving) frightfully.
Come out at once, thou boy! Let us run quickly to over yonder
(out of reach of Fhnt). Let us pass (to the direction) of the Sun
Land, sharply!
Now, then! Thou art a girl then, no doubt. (From) yonder in the
Night Land Flint (is coming) this instant. He frightens (everybody)
as he is coming hither. He raises his red walking sticks threateningly.
Come out this instant, thou girl. Let us quickly run to over yonder.
Let us pass (to the direction) of the Sun Land, ha! sharply!
Now, then! Ha, now thou hast come to listen, thou White Man
from the Sun Land, thou powerful wizard. He is of such-and-such
a clan. The little human being is thine, be sure of it. Now thou hast
come to get him; he has failed to (come out) by himself. Carry him
to the Sun Land, and do not withdraw thy hand from lum. Thou
hast come to put him on his feet, his soul will ascend (to happiness
and prosperity) as he walks along the path (of life). He will place
his feet on white cloth as he walks along. His soul has ascended to
the supreme seventh upper world. Sharply!
This formula is, hke No. 70, page 273, for childbirth. The pre-
scription and the ceremony are the same, and but little additional
explanation is required.
Dawt'skiila' or Flint is personified in Cherokee mythology as a
terrible and an aggressive individual, the dreaded enemy of all the
mythic animal world because it was with flint that man pointed his
deadly arrows. [Cf. Mooney, Myths, pp. 234, 274, 451.] He is here
represented as advancing threateningly shaldng his red walldng sticks.
The final paragraph is recited only when the preceding ones fail to
produce any effect. It is sometimes recited at the house immedi-
ately after the others, but usually the medicine man goes down to the
stream for this purpose, using the beads during the recital, in the
manner described elsewhere, in order to learn from their motions
whether the child is alive or dead. The medicine man stated that
it was not always possible to ascertain this by the ordinary means. The
bead ceremony is sometimes repeated seven times, the rest only once.
After having recited this paragraph at the water he returns to the
house and repeats it without the beads, while standing by the side
of the mother-to-be. According to the medicine man's statement,
the residt is always successful.
The final paragraph resembles the formulas used when "going to
water" described in other places. The cloth referred to is perhaps
the cloth upon which the beads are placed during the ceremony [or
may be the cloth which used to be spread out for the child to fall
upon. (See p. 124.)]
u'& u'lsta-y'ti' v'thyu'kt'ano'H a'Da'nQ^'wo't'i'
this it is eaten it has changed itself to cure anyone with
I aGaWe-'la v'''yukt'ano'H G€Se''(.i ^^) a'ctsti' Ge-'t*A=
the Old Woman has changed it it is, App it (Sol) to eat within
it has grown,
(a) SGe"
thou art staying
WO* DtGf
UQ' DO"-yf -DZ9
sun, Loc, direction
it (sol) to
it what thou eatcst, L
o^'t^ant'Ga' I
u'sony'li tsa''"wutsf'l8 2^
quiclily thy saliva
it has grown,
it is, App
thou hast come to let them down
ha, now
thy stomachs
bury themselves
in it
a likeness of it will be left, L
beyond it,
nu'^Dat^an^-'Da no°"t'9"ne"'lt*Ga'
it has been said thou hast come to do it
simultaneously for him
thou hast come and
pulled it out
they have come to
thou passed, T L
28 Emendation by editor.
^ Emendation by J. M.; instead of vv-\vatsi-'la=his saliva.
(6) sGe" I GftH' sa'k'o-ni' v^^q-dzo'-jl-'-dzd Gal9"'ldi (etc.).
now Dog blue cold, Loc, direction above
(c) sGe" I GftH' 5°''naGf' u'so"t-yi-'-Dza Galcrldi (etc.).
now Dog black Night, Loc, direct, above
(d) SGe" I a'GaWe-'la i;''*yukt'ano'!-i Ge-S€-(-'i ^^) a'GtStr
now the Old Woman she has changed it it is, App it (sol) to eat
Ge-'t'AG9-' ut'9''sf.i'
within it has grown,
5 SGe'' I GftH' Dt'st*AStf'Ga' stfGt-'GaGf' Gal^-'ldi nt'Do'=
now Dog(s) you two Little you two red above right
then above
15°' fy9*'D8 sto'tlt'o^'sti u'sDny'li ts'Ast'iwaDZf'la ^^ De'sta=
us yonder you two are staying (luickjy your {-'') saliva you two
DO-"o°'t'anfGa' I a'GtStr Ge-'t'AGg-' i;'t'o°SO-' | 'a'-no-GWO^'
have come to let them it (sol) to within it has grown, ha, now
down eat App
t'tsta"'seS9''fGa' I ay*'xStSu'D9-GW0"' Ge"'stciD9*'N!e'lfGa' I
you two have come and it looljod over repeatedly, H you two have come and done
pulled it out it for him
ntGO'Vay€*'l8.n9'o°'sGe-'sttGwo°' stt^'lo's-Q-.i' | utst'-nawu-Gwo"^'
a likeness of it will remain, L you two passed beyond-it, stretched, L
IQ aDo*'nfGa' I 'ya^
it has been said Sharply
This is the Medicine When Their Food is Changed
Now, then! the old Woman has changed it; the food wdthin has
Now, then! Brown Dog, on high, in the direction of the Sun Land
thou art staying; quickly thou hast come to let thy saliva down.
The food within has grown. Ha, now thou hast come and pulled it
out. It is the very thing thou eatest. It has come to bury itself
into thy stomachs. A mere likeness of it wiU remain, when thou
wilt have passed. Relief has been caused forth^dth, thou hast
come to do it for him. Sharply!
Now, then! Blue Dog, on high, in the direction of the Cold Land
Now, then! Black Dog, on high, in the direction of the Night Land
Now, then! The Old Woman has changed it; the food within has
Now, then! You two Little Red Dogs, yonder on high, right above
you two are staying. Quickly you have come to let your saliva down.
Tlie food within has been changed. Ha, now you have come and
pulled it out. You two have come to look it over carefully. Scarcely
28 Emendation by editor.
2' Emendation by editor; instead of Di;-''watst''l3=/izs saliva.
a likeness of it mil remain when you will have passed,
been caused. Sharply.
Relief has
This formula is used when the medicine man suspects from the
soreness of the abdominal region of the patient that some enemy has
"changed the food" in his stomach, and caused it to sprout or be-
come a living thing inside of the man's body. The sickness is evident-
ly a digestive trouble.
The treatment consists of a simple rubbing of the abdomen with
the hands of the medicine man, previously warmed over the fire.
This is said to ease the pains and induce action of the bowels, thus
dislodging the metamorphosed and unwholesome food.
The medicine man warms his hands at the fire and then recites
the first paragraph while rubbing the patient's abdomen, blowing
upon it at the end of the recital. This is repeated with each of the
four paragraphs, and if necessary the whole ceremony is repeated
four times before noon.
Each paragraph starts out with a statement that the trouble is
due to a metamorphosis or change caused by "the Old Woman"
a'Gawe*'la. This is a formulistic name for the new corn which is the
chief food staple of the Cherokee, and which according to one of
their myths originally sprang from the blood of an old woman
(Mooney, Myths, p. 242).
The common word for corn is se-lu'.
SGe '
now then
to cui'e with
now then
to cure
to cure with
they (let) them down from
they do not recover
thou hast apportioned
thou hast given permission
une" Ga
it which
Gv .nfGa
I have come and
put it into it (liq)
tsane-'tlano^i tsotlsko-'lt'a(no3")'!i | no-"Gwo"'
thou hast apportioned thou hast given permission now
no'Gwo"' ng'Vo't'i' i;ne*'G8 5
une* G9
it which
I have come to talie
it out of the fire
to cure with
it white
'o °"-sktne-'GWO.e"'lt*Ga'
again, thou hast come to increase
it for me
(summer grape)
they have claws, and
ngoo* -yi
sun. Log
sun, Loc
it which, it comes
out (Hab)
it which, oomes
out (Hab.)
it which, it lies
It which, lies
Emendation by W., recorded by editor.
[Bull. 99
(flowering dogwood), and also sun, Loc
it comes out (black gum)
na.'sGwo" ng'Do-'-yi "wi;kto*'.i uDO''lano"'-N*5 | ng-'DOGwe'^ya-N^^
also sun, Loc it comes out, (service berry), and (sourwood) and
Golkwo-'ci i;"naSte''tlo''^^
Df DaGe" .1
they sprout
like each
Dt'Gi" GaGe' .1
they red
ntGa' D8
they roots
5 no°"Gi t-yu'^b'tsti'
of the
water, Loc
it passed, succes-
sive times
this, and
am a* -yi
water, Loc
when it (sol) is put
into it
it to he carried
they to be
GQ -Da=
it taken
it dipped out with it
tyu'stua'"' Ga' tb.sk-Q-'.i
like, every it has boiled down,
VaDZO°"sti I
to go there
fish and
vjo' t-yu
different, L
This is to Cure (Them) With, When They let Them Down From
Their Stomach, (and) They Do Not Recover
Now, then! Thou (who) hast apportioned (all things) thou hast
given (me) pennission; now I have come to put the white medicine
into (the boiling vessel).
Now, then! Thou (who) hast apportioned (all things), thou hast
given (me) permission; now I have come to take the white medicine
out of (the pot on the) fire; now thou hast come to increase (the virtue
of the medicine) for me.
Summer grape trailing low down (on the ground, shooting) out
toward the Sun Land, an ampelopsis (vine) trailing low down (on the
ground, shooting) out toward the Sun Land, flowering dogwood
also (going) away toward the east; and service berry; and seven red
sourwood sprouts. The roots are to be taken in every case and this
(i. e., the first paragraph) is to put it into (the boiling vessel).
It has to be boiled down four times in succession. When it is taken
from the fire it has to be carried down to the stream, (to add more
water to it); and this here (i. e., the second paragraph) is to dip
(the water) out vnth. Every time it has boiled down, one has to go
down to the stream. Chicken and fish are very bad (for the patient).
[This formula to cure an obstinate case of diarrhea is a very
interesting one in that it introduces two of the prayers that are still
often used by the medicine man to invoke the blessing of some
mighty spirit, usually unc'tlano'^i himself, on the medicine and on the
operations of boiling and administering.it.
W. D. form; C. D.=u'nast€'Dzi.
Olbkechts] the swimmer MANUSCRIPT 283
The medicine is a decoction of the following plants:]
t'c--lo*'ldi, Vitis aestivalis Michx., summer grape, pigeon grape.
u'^nasy/ca, Ampelopsis cordata Michx.
k*a'nost'^t*a, Cornus jlorida L., flowering dogwood.
unt^'kwa, Nyssa multiflora Wang., black gum.
i;DO''lano°\ Amelanchier canadensis (L.) Medic, shadbush; service-
n9''D0"Gwe'''ya, Oxydendune arboreum (L.) DC, sorrel-tree, sour-
The roots are taken from the east side in the case of the trees;
from the vines, runners that grow out toward the east are chosen.
The roots are put into a vessel of water [which has been dipped out
of the stream], and the whole is boiled down until the liquid is nearly
evaporated, when the vessel is taken from the fire and taken down
to the stream to be filled again. The roots are then boiled down once
more, and so on for four consecutive tunes, after which the medicine
is administered to the patient. Chicken and fish are rigorously
tabooed in [all diarrhea cases, as these animals, judging from their
loose feces, seem to be chronically suffering from this very ailment].
a'natlo'yt'H u'nAstr'oa i;G9*'wutli' a'a'
they cry, (Hab) they little it for the purpose this
sGe" I Golkwo-'oi iGolsta^'laGi' a'^ne-Dzo-'oi tso'tbst*lo!'i j
Now then seven they clans ball-game it has assembled
tsu'lawttso'H I o''Dali ane'!i Ge^'se'.i' I n9*'Do*-GO'-yi ('i^^)c=
it has met mountain they are it is, App sun, Loc thou
kuya' GL^GaGf' tso'tlt'o't'sti *a't'o'r)a"^nt*Ga | Galg^'ldi
Man red thou art staying thou hast come to listen above
Do*t^lo!i' I 'o'^'a'nesu'nfGa' De''aDaGale*'N!t*ant*Ga' | u'soni;"'- 5
thou comest again, thou hast come thou hast come to separate them quickly,
from down
It'-yu^ fso^'f-yi' n^-no'-Ji wt-Da''Dano'''*9r)a' styay9-'DaGWa
E night Loc trail (s), Loc thither, they have laid a noise as of thun-
°lo"'s]d i;so'*f-yi' "wa'nztt^o't'st'anfGa' n9"'Dayu''kt*a'9-str ntG€*'=
der night Loc he has come to put it to stay it to look back never
S9*na' I utsi^'nawa^ ntG9''DtsGe"sti' |
beyond it, it will be said
stretched continuously
D€*'G0-st'siSG-9-'.i I y9"wi' G9*Vantska*'sta'ne'9-',i a'ndtsko°'.i
they have been assembled human being they are scaring them (Hab) they say (Hab)
repeatedly T L
ts-aMatlo"yt*a' v'nAstf'Ga o^'naH ane^'i y9''wi | tso*'l-aGa= 10
when it is, they are they Uttle mountain they are human tobacco, it
crying living being
yg-'li-Gwo'^" DiDzo't*tsto.^ti' niGa-'na a'ntye-l-9-'.i | a'ntGe-n-9-M
old, L. they to be blown with it all their body, T L their crown of the
head, T L
^ Interpolated by J. M,
tGQ-yi' DtDZO-'t'tsto.'tr I no^'oi' a^skwuDf'sti tj^u'sti^a"'
first they to be blown with it four it ended Mke, each
USD*'! I Da'k'anQ-'wiskg-'.t-N'J^*' no^'ci' tsus5-"tDa ij^-'db
night while they are being cured and four they nights, been yonder
yne'-Da.sti' mGe-'sQ"na' | a^a-N*^'' Go'f'sti tsu'GiDu'tH yt'ki
they to walk never this, and something they feathers if it is
ntGa-'Da 5'^'D0-'yi a*ti' Ge-'s^-.i' GQ-Vanf'Gistg-'.i fDZi;-'b*a-'-
all outside it to be put it was, Hab whenever they are eating both, each
down them
^-Gwo"^ Dtk*an9*'wo*t't*-yi' | a°le" k'a'ne'Ga' Go'f'sti mca-'Da
L to cure them with, E and skin something all
GanyGo'"wtsti' | ng'Vo't'i' tso*'l-aGay9"'k-Gwo'^
it has to come out to cure with tobacco, it old, L
This is for the Purpose op (Curing) Children When They
Constantly Cry
Now, then! The seven clans have assembled for a ball game; they
have met. They are the Mountain Dwellers.
Thou (who) art staying in the Sun Land, O Red Man, thou hast
come to listen; thou comest from above; again thou hast come down,
thou hast come to separate the (ball players). Their paths have laid
themselves in the direction of the Night Land. With a noise as of
thunder, he^^ has taken it ^^ to the Night Land to stay, it never to
look back. ReUef will be caused constantly.
Where the (directions) have been assembled: The people are scar-
ing them, they say, when the children are constantly crying, the
people living in the mountain (that is). Old tobacco should be
blown on them,^^ all over their bodies. Their ^^ crowTi should be
blown first. The (operation) should be repeated (Ht., "ended")
four (times), each time at night. While they ^^ are being cured
(that is) four nights, they should not walk about. And this (you
ought to be careful about) : If there are any feathers (inside the house),
put them all outside (just) like when they are being treated for the
(disease that is called) ''they are eating them." And any skin that
(might be inside the house) all has to come (outside). The medicine
is just old tobacco.
This prescription is for a stomach or bowel complaint common
to very young children, and which causes them to cry constantly.
According to Cherokee views, this ailment is sent by the o''Dali ane!i
or Mountain Dwellers, a class of invisible fairies. (See p. 25.)
?« The Red Man. " xhe disease. 55 -p^e patients.
The medicine man makes the rather starthng assertion that the
crying of the ciiild is due to the fact that seven fairy clans are playing
a ball game in its stomach, and he calls upon the Red Man to swoop
down upon them like a hawk upon its prey and drive them out into
the Night Land .
The Red Man is probably the Thunder, and this would explain the
reference to "the noise as of thunder" with which he takes them out
The medicine consists of an infusion of tso''laGayQ''li, Nicotiana
rustica L., wild tobacco, blown over the body of the child for four
consecutive nights. Any feathers in the house must be put outside
during the course of the treatment, and the child itself should be kept
indoors for the foiu" days during which the treatment lasts. These
precautions are taken, as the medicine man stated, because the
disease closely resembles GQ'Vanf'Gtsto-'.i,^^ another children's com-
plaint, which is believed to be caused by the birds, and which may
be communicated from their feathers or from their shadow faUing
upon the child as they fly overhead.
Ay. could not explain the restriction with regard to the articles of
skin, since this is one of the Ut. formulas.
i;myD"'t*8GtSG9*'[.i ^^] a'Da*n9"'wo'tT aV
Whenever they have an to cure anyone with this
i'^naste*'t-S"ti''Ga i;'ndt"t'asti'-yi' | Go°"t*oti' DtDZO*'t'a.e''tt-
root, little they must drink it, E. to be used with it it must be blown
on them,
o"'ya Dalo*'ntG€-°' (4 times).
(Fire) yellow
o*'ya (4 times).
tct'stu Dalo''niGe-°' (4 times).
Babbit yellow
tct'stu (4 times).
2^ When they (i. e., the birds) eat them (the children).
8^ Emendation by editor.
This is the Medicine When They Have the Itching
They must drink Virginia snakeroot; it is also to be used to blow
them with.
Yellow Fire (4 times). Sharply!
Fire! (4 times).
Yellow Rabbit (4 times). Sharply!
Rabbit! (4 times).
[This song is to treat the same ailment as described in the notes
follo^^dng prescription No, 4, p. 173.
In this case the disease is believed to be caused by the patient
having uiinated on the ashes. This doubtless explains why the fire
is addressed under its formulistic name of o*ya' but it has not been
possible to learn why the Rabbit was called upon. Both to the fire
and to the rabbit a yellow color is ascribed, to correspond with the
color of the urine.]
The medicine used is the root of u'naste"'tstf'Ga, Aristolochia ser-
pentaria L., Virginia snakeroot, which is chewed by the mediciue
man and blown by him into the urethra by means of a grass stalk
or a small tube of cane, according to the sex of the patient. A portion
of the snakeroot is also steeped in water and the infusion drunk by
the patient, who is forbidden to eat potatoes or beans while under
treatment. As this disease has its theoretic origin in the Fire, the
reason for this taboo is probably the same as that given in No. 45.
The bark of tsryu', Liriodendron tulipifera L., tulip tree, poplar,
whitewood, is sometimes used as a substitute for the snakeroot.
In making the ceremonial application, the medicine man sings the
first fine of the song, addressed to the yellow Fii'e, and then blows the
medicine four times into the urethra. He then repeats the line in
the same manner, after which he calls four times upon the Fire iu a
quick, sharp tone of voice, and blows his breath four times into the
urethra as the medicine was blown into it before. The same alternate
blowing of the medicine and of the breath is repeated with the second
part of the song addressed to the Yellow Rabbit. The ceremonj^ thus
consists of four stages, as is usually the case in the medical formulas,
1. Song to the Fire; medicine blown four times.
2. Song to the Fire; breath blown four times.
3. Song to the Rabbit; medicine blown four times.
4. Song to the Rabbit; breath blown four times.
[During my stay with the Cherokee the practice of blomng the
medicine into the urethra of the patient was no longer known.
The medicine was blown from a distance of 3 to 4 feet in the direction
of the patient's bare abdomen by the medicine man, a tnbe of
a'madi'*to.ti' v't'eno"' being used for this purpose.]
*i'a' Dalo-'ni-Ge-'° ts-a-'ndtk'8'9-'[.i ^^] ngwo't'i' m'vT>L-yi'
this yellow-ish that wliich they urinate (Hab.) to cure with to give it them
to drink— E.
*ya" I *a'-no-Gw5°' skwAt'Q-'rja-ne-'h-Ga' Galg-'ldi aye''h--yu'
Sharply! ha, now thou hast come to listen to me above middle, E.
tso'tlt'o'tsti' skwan€-'tlano!-'i | 'a-no-'Gwu-Dfn8' nQVot'i'
thou art staying thou hast apportioned for me ha, now, E. to cure with
i>ne-'G8 'a-'-t'a'°lsko-lt'a' | *a' + + Golstu tH f'ywDo-'tali + +
it white ha, thou hast given ha, so and so his clan heaped up so and so
tSuD0-'tD9 I tsy'lt*0*tSt-o' ulte'-yf'DZO'' t't't'o'^sfaUfGa' I
his names are where he stays T. L. near, Loc, Direction thou hast come to
put it to stay
'a*'-Go*i;s'ti sttnu-'la'o^'ski nt'ce's^-na' | 'a'-no-'Gwu-Dfna'
ha, something you two fail (Hab.) never ha, now, E
9'Dal-o°*na'Ge-sto--yi' 'a-'wtk'y'sfGa' | + + Go'istut'H | + +
lake, black, edge, Loc. ha, it (sol.) has been so and so his clan so and so
thrown in (liq.)
tsuDo-'tna' I 'a-'-aye-lg' Ge'sg.i' €*tsti' i;'Do'nt''^le-''.i' I
his names ha, his body, Loc. it is, T. L. pain it has been said, App.
V-no'Gwo^' y'sonv'h'-yu' DeG^'^le^'istsGe'sti' Nhstgne-'lfGa'
ha, now quickly, E. he shall arise continuously thou hast come to
do it for him
This is the Medicine to Give Them to Drink When They Uri-
nate Yellowish (Urine)
Sharply! Ha, now thou hast come to listen to me, on high in the
center thou art staying, thou (who) bast apportioned (the things) for
m^e. Ha, now indeed thou hast given me permission (to use) the
white medicine. Ha, he is of such and such a clan, he is called so-and-
so. Thou hast come to put it to stay near the place where he is
staying. Ha, you two never fail in anything. Ha, but nov/ it ^^
has been thrown into the black lake, near its shore. He is of such-and-
such a clan, he is called so-and-so. Ha, his body *° has been caused
to become pain(ful). But now he will quickly and constantly arise;
you two have come to do it for him.
This formula, which was noted down by the medicine man at a later
time than most of the others, is carelessly written and evidently
38 Emendation by editor. ^^ The disease. *° The patient.
7548°— 32 20
incomplete. The first part of it is addressed to une'^tlano'ci, the
Sun, one of the greatest divinities of the Cherokee pantheon.
The two spirits called upon in the second paragraph are not named,
evidently through forgetfulness in writing out the formula, but they
are probably the Two Thunder Boys, or Little Men.
The medicine used is a decoction of the roots of vjo''j)a]i^ i^stf'oa
GaDu-'se'H, Iris verna L., dwarf iris; i;"yo''Dali ustf'ca a'mayv'lt'eH,
Acorus calamus L., sweet flag, calamus; u'Da*'.i vstf'ca. Clematis
virginiana L., virgin's bower, together with chips of the stalk of
v'Ba-'.i u*'t'8no'°, Aristolochia macrophylla Lam., pipe vine, Dutch-
man's pipe.
The decoction is drunk by the patient after the formula has been
recited by the medicine man. The ceremonial [administration] takes
place two or four times, but the patient drinks the medicine at intervals
as often as desired, abstaining from other food or drink in the mean-
time. There is no bathing or blowing of the medicine.
!t'a' a'ntsko"'li a'Da^ng-'wo'tT |
this their head to cure anyone with
JtV Dt'k*ano*Gt''Da |
this they have been sung
*a:yi' | a'mskii'ya a'ntDa-'"we ant'loH' |
they men they wizards they have
gone by
vtsi''-nawa' ano'°*nfGa' |
beyond it, stretched they have said it
e'Hl-awf'ni am'^loJi' I
earth, under
they have
gone by
it important
am'sala ndo't'a'nfGa'
they have come and lifted it
up as they went by
ano°''nrGa' |
tSf'naSDfGa' |
they are little
ant'lo!i' e'
'Hlawfni' 1
ano°'*nfGa' | 'ya*'
SGe" 1
a'ntsku'ya ani'GaGe-°':
they are red
i ant'loci' 1 aye-lQ-'
they have his body
gone by
am'k'Atg'-^le'i' | u-'lsGe-'oa *a'nulko''"t't'a'nfGa' | vtsi
they have forced it important they have come and scattered it
through App.
1 'ya''
SGe" 1
no*'Gwo' a'ntsku'ya
antDe"a°lu' *amno!i'
they purple
df'Dza 1
i;-lsGe*'Da a'niilko'H't'
'anfGa' 1 i;tsi"nawa'
nfca' 1 '
oIbeechts] the swimmer MANUSCRIPT 289
This is the Medicine (for) Their Head
This has to be sung:
Ha-yi! The Men, the Wizards have gone by,
They have caused rehef.
Under the earth they have gone by.
As they went they lifted the disease up.
They have caused relief.
The Little Wizards
Have gone by under the earth.
As they went they lifted the disease up.
They have caused relief. Sharply!
Now, then! The Red Men have gone by. They have forced their
way through the center of his body. They have come to scatter the
important thing. They have caused relief . Sharply!
Now, then! Now, the Purple Men have gone by on high. They
have come to scatter the important thing. They have caused relief.
The medicine used with this headache formula is [ordinary chewing]
tobacco, with a little ginseng {Panax trifolium L.) root, [if available].
These are chewed by the medicine man and the juice is blown upon
[the forehead, the temples, the crown of] the head and the back of
the neck of the patient.
The medicine man stands erect while singing the preliminary song.
He then recites the first paragraph of the formula and blows the juice
on the patient four times. This is repeated after the second para-
graph, and the whole ceremony may be repeated. As usual, the
patient sits facing the east. In most headache formulas the ceremony
is about the same.
[The Red Men and the Purple Men mentioned belong probably to
the class of the "Little People." (See p. 25.)]
!t'a' aDe-'\Q Dt'kt'oti'
this bead(s) to look at
them with
sGe" I ^a-'no-Gwo"' *a t^Qqa-'nt-Ga' yp'wi' Gan'o*f'D8
Now, then ha, Now thou hast come to human long
listen being
tsotlto't'sti I Go'u'sti tsanu-'lti nt'Ge-'sg-na' | *tye-'l-ast-Q*'
thou art staying something thou failest never thy body, edge,
nQ*'noH' De*'tsiGaso*"o°'t'a'nt"Ga' | DtGa'skJo''Gi tsune*'G8 aNlq-
trail(s), Loc I have come to bring them down they chairs they white it cloth
wa'ci i;n€-'G8 a'ltlg-'t'anfGa' ^^ | sQ-mk't'a tsune-'oa
it white it (kn.) has come to lie beads they white
on it
*i W. Dial, form; C. Dial. a'lsQ-H'ont-Ga'.
it (sol) has come to lie first
on it
Gal9*lo''° aDa'N'to' tsu^'le^'tsotf-jd'
it above it soul it has arisen, Loc
it is, T L
it has risen
t'a^ ''li-nf ' Ga'lQ-ldi' DtGa'sktl5°' tsiine-'GO Da-kso"o°'t*an9-'
it cloth
it white
5 a'itio'H'ant-Ga'^
it (sol) has come to lie
on it
they chairs they white
a'ltlo't'anfGa' ^
it (kn) has come to lie
ou it
t*a ''Itnf' GalQ'ldi'
second above
it has been let down, T L
une* GO
it whiti;
aDa'N^to' tsi;le'\sotf-yf
it soul it has arisen, Loc
Ge'SQ*' Da'^le'tSa'nt'Ga
it is, T. L it has risen
tso.\nf' Galo'ldi' (etc.).
third above
Ga'l9"ldi' (etc.).
Gal9-ldi' (etc.).
sf'Daltne"'' Ga'l9'ldi (etc.).
sixth above
Golkwo"'Gtne*' Dt'Galo-'ldt-y-9*'.i DtGa'sk Jo* '^'
seventh they above, Loc, T L they chairs
they white
been let down,
a'N'9wa'Gi une'^Ga a'itl9"'t'anfGa' ^^
it cloth it white it (kn.) has come to
lie on it
vne' G9
it white
a4tb-'t'aiifGa' ^^ I
if (sol) has come to lie
on it
i;wo ISO no: i
it has been made
if looked into
aDO nfGa
it has been said
+ + tSUDO*'-tDa I
so and his names are
ISWt'GananuGO" tStSa nfGa
it has appeared up there
it soul
he will arise continuously
it has
his soul I
This is to Examine with the Beads
Now, then! Ha, now thou has come to Hsten, Long Human
Being, thou art staying (right here) ; thou never failest in anything.
I have come to bring my paths down to the edge of thy bo(3y. The
white cloth has come to rest on the white chairs; the white beads
have come to rest on (the white cloth). The soul has risen to the
first upper world, the place of its ascension.
In the second upper world the white chairs have been let down;
the white cloth has come to rest on them; the white beads have
come to rest on (the white cloth). The soul has risen to the second
upper world, the place of its ascension.
"3 W. Dial, form; C. Dial. a'lso-H'ant-Ga'.
oIbrechts] the swimmer MANUSCRIPT 291
lu the third upper world {etc.).
In the fourth upper world {etc.).
In the fifth upper world {etc.).
In the sixth upper world {etc.).
In the seventh upper world the wliite chairs have been let down;
the white cloth has come to rest on them; the white beads have
come to rest on (the white cloth). He is called so-and-so. His
soul, made pleasing, has become examined. In the seventh upper
world it has appeared, the soul will ascend constantly. Sharply!
[This is one of the three formulas published by Mr. Mooney
in his interesting account of the Cherokee River Cult (p. 8).] It
is recited when "going to water," for obtaining long life, before
eating the new corn, etc. The general ceremony is the same as
the one described in Nos. 43 and 93, but in this case the medicine
man also uses the beads.
When the medicine man takes a whole family to the water he
performs the whole ceremony for each member in turn. Should
the movements of the beads foreshadow sickness for any member
of the party he afterwards perfonns another ceremony to learn
whether that person will recover or die, and also, if possible, to
avert the threatened evil.
[According to the oral directions given by Ay.] the beads must
be laid down upon a yard of cloth; [both] cloth [and beads] after-
wards become the fee of the medicine man.
*t'a' Dt'D^ie'sai aTfanqfwo't^^
this it breaks them, to cure anyone with
sGe" I *a-'no"GWo"' Ga'nftH *^ Ga'nttlo'wa ^^ Ge'SQ-'
Now, then! ha, now bedstead under the floor it is, T L
nQ*VaDi;"'y9n5'!i | ulsGe-'na Dunv'y'^t'amle'^.i' wa'J'tGwo'''
it has formed itself it important he has put it under, App Measure-worm
{a) vsouv'Yl GaN!sta' tsune*'G8 Ge*'s€*°.i' DaDo-'4tsfGa' |
quickly switch(es) they are it is, App they have come and
white recognized each other
a'ntDa*'"we tsu'nstf'Ga D€"'Ge'tsu'tlto't^anfGa' | GaN!sta'
they wizards they little they have come to make thee get up switch(es)
tsune-'G8 D€-Ge-'GaS9*'Goldtst'anfGa' | a**ye*'lsti une-'G8 Ge'ts*^
they are white they have come to take them knife white they
into their (hands) have
ska'se'-'taDfGa' | ntDflt'anQ'Da nQr)e-'tsQn€''li'Ga' | n9'D0*=
come to frighten thee arisen at the same time they have come and made sun,
it so for thee
« W, Dial, form; W. Dial. -tI->C. Dial. -s-.
yt-'Dza wi'DO-Ge-'tsotlto-'t'am-Ga' | wo'^Dal-q-' tsi;'cko*-i' Gal9'ldf=
Loc, they have come to make thcc the mountain, post oak, Loc above,
Direction stand there Loc, yonder
Dze W9r)e"'tst'o'\st'a'ni*Ga'
direction they have come to make thee
stay there
(6, c, and d exactly the same, witJi each a final *ya*'.)
De''G0"St'stSG-9/i I aV Dt'D^'le'sGi Dt'Da'n^'Vo't'i
they have been gathered this he breaks them, to cure people with
Su'li G0°"t'0tr DiGQ'N!stant'Da.Str | yDD''taGWUD9' Dik!a-
(per- to use with it they must be struck all day to cure
Sn^-'wo'tT G€S?-'.i I u'Gisto.ti' a^'ye-'lsti a'Dt.sti'
them with it it has been, for him to take knife to be put
Hab it (sol) away down
This is the Medicine (When) it Breaks Them
Now, then! Ha, now, it is under the floor, under the bedstead
that it has formed itself. It is only a measure worm that has put
the important thing under him, it seems.
Quickly the white switches have come to act in unison (lit., they
have come and recognized each other). The little wizards have come
and have forced thee ^^ to get up with them. They have come to
take the (switches) into their hands. They have come to frighten
thee** Avith the white knife. They have come and forced thee to
arise forthwith; they have come to make thee stand up in the Sun
Land; in the post oak, on the mountain above, they have come to
put thee staying.
Where the (instructions) are gathered: This is the medicine when
it breaks them; a persimmon (stamper) must be used to massage
them with; they should be treated all day with it; as fee, a knife
should be paid.
This formula for rheumatism consists of four paragraphs, differing
only in minor points and CAadently intended to be the same. [For
the measure worm as cause of rheumatism, see p. 293.]
[Medicine men are now unable to explain the expression, according
to which the disease "has formed itself under the floor, under the
bedstead." Cherokee cabins are usuaUy built on some stout comer
stones, a foot or more high, as a support. This caused the floor to
be somewhat elevated as a platform, and under it all sort of refuse and
rubbish is generally thrown. It is not impossible that the expression
under discussion is a vague hint at this hearth of infection as the abode
** Addressing the disease.
of disease. To the rubbish of the yard is also often imputed such a
The measure worm is driven out with white switches by the little
wizards, who finally dispose of hmi by putting him in the branches of
a post oak {Quercus stellata Wang.) upon the mountain. Throughout
most of the formula the medicine man speaks directly to the disease
The meaning of the sentence with regard to the white knife is
obscure and could not be satisfactorily explained by either of the two
medicine men who were familiar with the formula.
The ceremony was described jointly by two medicine men. The
medicine man first prepares a sort of pestle or stamper of the wood of
suli', Diospyros virginiana L., common persunmon, about 3 or 4 inches
long and an inch in diameter at the large end. The stamper must be
newly made in every case, but why this should be so, or why the
wood selected should be persimmon, the medicine man could not
explain. One of these instruments [collected by Mr. Mooney] forms
part of the Cherokee collection in the United States National Museum,
Washington, D. C.
The medicine man recites the first paragraph while warming the
stamper over the fire. He then presses the broad end upon the several
aching places a nmnber of times. The same operation is repeated
[during the recitation of] every one of the three [next] paragraphs, after
which he blows four tunes upon each of the sore spots. The whole
ceremony is repeated four times before noon, the expression
i;D0''t8GwuD8' ("all day") in the prescriptions [often] being understood
to mean until the completion of the fourth and final ceremony about
noon. After this final application the medicine man scratches the
patient about the joints with a brier (see p. 70) and rubs into the cyts
a warm infusion of four varieties of fern (tGo°"li) (see p. 71).
The taboo list for a rhemnatic patient as given by the two medicine
men includes the aGo*'48 or sun perch; the oa^'suDa' or drumfish,
also called buffalo fish; the tsi;'niGt*'tsty5°'sti or hornyhead; the
a'ndiitsa' or speckled trout; the squirrel, siilo*'"b; and the buffalo,
yaN^sa'. The taboo extends through life, and with the exception of
the tsi;'mGf'tstyo°'sti which is prohibited in a number of diseases on
account of its tendency to rapid decay (see p. 182), is owing to a
mytliic connection between the disease and the tabooed animal.
Tliis formula in fact furnishes a perfect illustration of the ideas under-
lying the whole theory and practice of medicine among the Cherokees.
The disease, rheumatism, is caused by the measure worm, because the
cramped movements of the patient resemble those of the worm. The
remedial herbs used are ferns, because, as these plants grow, their
fronds unroll and straighten out, just as the medicine man wishes the
contracted muscles and limbs of the patient to do.
The patient is forbidden to taste of the sun perch or the bufialo
fish, because both of these have rounded backs wliich convey the
impression as if they were drawn up or cramped, as though [afflicted
with] rheumatism. The squirrel is tabooed on account of its habit of
"humping" itself at times, and in another rheumatism formula from
a different medicine man the patient is forbidden to stroke or to
touch a dog or a cat for the same reason.
The buffalo is tabooed because of its hump, and the rhemnatic must
not even touch a buffalo hide or a comb made of buffalo horn.
Neither medicine man could say why the trout is forbidden, as it
is also in the other formula just referred to, but the reason doubt-
lessly lies in some similar peculiarity of shape or movement.
The mention of the buffalo in this connection possesses a special
interest for the light it throws upon the age and traditional character
of the formulas. The buffalo was probably never very numerous
in the southern Alleghanies, the old country of the Cherokee, and
according to a tradition still current on the reservation, was last seen
on Buffalo Creek, in western North Carolina, about the beginning
of the Revolution. Neither of the medicine men who commended
this formula had ever seen a buffalo, or even a picture of one, and had
no idea at all of its shape. They were consequently unable to state
why the animal was so strictly tabooed, even to its hide and horns,
but simply said that thus the rule had been handed down to them
along with the rest of the formula. When shown a picture of a
buffalo they saw at once the reason for the prohibition. It is safe to
assert, therefore, that this formula at least dates back to a time long
prior to the Revolution when the buffalo was comparatively common
in the mountain valleys and in the lower regions occasionally visited
hy the Cherokees. In a collection of over 100 Cherokee myths
obtained [by Mr. Mooney] the buffalo is introduced but once [Mooney,
Myths, p. 293].
i;''ndty9"'Dali' i;G9''wutli' *i'a'
their navel it for the purpose this
Ga''ta-Gf'.i aDo'^nfoa' | Dalo"'ni Ge*'sf.i'
clay-ish it has been said it yellow it is, App
o°''naG6-°' u'sonv'li Vt'Qr)a"'nfGa' j
black quickly thou hast come to listen
'iDa''"Wea'-Dt"n8' | Dalo"'ni Ga'ta-Ge''.i
thou wizard, E it yellow clay-ish
y'Do'nii'a-GWO^' Ge-'sf.i'. | u's3ni;''li 'o°'t''a-S£SO^Ga' I
it has been said, L it is, App quickly again, thou hast come to
pull it out
tsotlsta-'y'ti-GWo"^' Ge-'s^-.i' | ntG9-VaDQ-'ni.Gwa'''lo.6-'stt-Gwo"'
it what thou eatest, L it is, App it will be trampled down continually, L
Dalo-'ni i;
it yellow
1 Dalo-'ni G
now, theni
it yellow
1 k'o-'lano'^^
now, then!
uso'J-i D
night, Loc
thou art staying
it important, L
gone to put it to
nfGa' I
been said
Dy- DtGe -9' .1
he was moving
about, T L
night, Loc
i-yp- DO
thither, thou hast
night, been
nu' Da iiQ' na
it has not been said
beyond it, stretched, L
aDO -
it has
now, then!
now, then!
Now, then!
DaJo' m
it yellow
clay- ish
aD'3''nt*Ga' I Dalo''m Ge'^se'.i'
it has been said it yellow it is, App
u^sonv'li *a^t'Qi]a*'nt'Ga' i;so^!-i 5
quickly thou hast come to night, Loc
Dt'ts3'tlt'o"tsti I Go'if'sti tsctnu-'lti ntce-'s^-na' |
thou art staying something thou failest never
Dalo-'nt-GWO"' Ge'Se-' i;lsGe-'D8 Duny'y'tVnt'lf.i' I tsDtlsta-'=
it yellow L it is, App it important he has put it under, App it what
y'ttGwo'^' Ge-'sf.i' I iitG9"'waD9-'~ntG\va'°lo.e''stt-Gwo"' tsa'^los-o'H
thou eatest, L it is, App it will be trampled down continually, L thou passed, T L
uso-"t3H-'DZ8 wtNct^-'N^AtV vsoY f ijq'ji9 wo''"-t*aDt'Gale-\=
night, Loc, direction thou hast driven him night,Loc yonder thither, thou hast
iitG9-Vaye-'la.no'o°'sGe*'sti-GWo''' tSa'^los-Q'' i;So"-tD9 10
a likeness of it will remain, L thou passed, night, been
nu*'Da'no''na | i;tst"-na\vu-Gw5^' aDo'^nfca' | 'yS,'
it has not been said beyond it, stretched, L it has been said Sharply
Dalo"'ni WO*'DtGf^ Ge'Sf'.i i;lsG€"'Da
it yellow brown it is, App it important
I awo'Mi^^ "wo-'DfGe- Galo-'ldi Dt'tso'tlt'o't'sti I
Eagle brown above thou art staying
tsaDe'^lftc'e^'ti ntGe'^s^'na' | Dalo"'ni Ge'Sf' u1sG€''d9
it escapes thy (sight) never it yellow it is, App it important
Now, then!
he. has put it under,
thou hast come to bury it in them
it will be trampled down continually L
VSO- tD9
night, been
nv DO ng- na
it has not been said
Dttc'skwo"'li 15
thy stomachs
beyond it, stretched
aDO nfGa
it has been said
This is for ti-ie Purpose of (Curing) the "Yellow" of Their
Now, then! It has become clayey Yellow. It is Yellow, it